Friday night

>friday night
why are you here?

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It's Thursday


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No gf

Also one reservation for three at Tripsia.

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I'm currently trying to find my first job on seek. Every single job requires previous work experience, it's depressing.

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Do you not have a calendar on your home computer?

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Its friday morning
A bloo bloo

no friends, no money, it's hot. fuck everything.

Fucking based. Sick of waking up to see this thread on a saturday morning

Are you from the future?

go out on your own m8, it's fukken sweet

Join an agency

In what shithole do you live that it is currently Friday night

It's Wednesday afternoon wtf

kys northern cunt

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Its only friday morning user, in the EST which is the Earth cannon timezone. World revolves around this time zone.

My birthday is coming up and I'm sadder than usual, been sleeping on the couch, not showering and browsing this shit hole for the past 2 weeks straight.

Working a late shift, then drinking at a friends till early morning while playing Cards Against Humanity and watching movies.

Find a job vacancy doing something basic in retail. Use the company site to apply to the manager of the store via an email with your CV attached. The method of submitting CV's via job sites often does not work - which is why you'll rarely get a response.

You mean GMT. But it's Friday morning here too.

It's friday morning fucker

Just lie about your experience, if they call you on it tell them to suck a dick and leave and look for something else, eventually you'll find a job where the people in charge will be too stupid to notice you're incompetent, or they wont follow up on your references, you have to fake it till you make it, most people in this world cheat and lie to become successful and that's what you need to do, take whatever morals you have about lying and throw them out the fucking window because they aren't going to do you any good, become the jew.


Frens cancelled plans. I'm doing stuff tomorrow though. Just did some study, going to edit for half an hour, then dose off to Evangeillion.


>tfw work weekends

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its not even 0200 friday morning

I'm a 25 year old neet and I'm on the internet all day everyday and haven't spoken to anyone other than my mother in over a year

Start a vlog series. I'd watch it.

I can barely string a sentence together in speech

are you me
at least know that you are not alone

Do people there not fear bugs, insects, murderers, rapists, human traffickers, ect.?

I wish I didn't agree with this

Same, except 35.