Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?

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bruh, look at this dude

Looks like a normal English woman to me

beware cartoon avatars

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That's taking it a bit too far.

yo don't post pictures of warricks son like that he'll report you to the police

What the hell man

Carolyn had some pretty decent taste in videogames when he/she/it reviewed them at Gamespot.
Its a shame they fell for the whole feminist meme.

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Why would he want to get even more attention?

Some much for "realistic representation of women"

He was so close to the perfect triumvirate of oppression if only he had been black.

I just feel sympathy for him.

>These same women with these hot avatars are the ones demanding more realistic representations of women in video games and media

This is powerful, she is a very brave and beautiful woman.

People love to try and "outdo" each other in the comments section by posting the cheesiest "omg hun you look so great!" message they can. There isn't one out there that isn't being a facetious prick.

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well. Obviously, dude.

I don't feel hate for people trying to cope with a bad situation. I do feel hate for people who manipulate them for their own political ends.

Don't listen to what feminists say, all girls want to feel pretty in the end.

Brie Larson

This is what happens when there isn't a dad around.

oh wow, good for it

right one is a guy, right?

Yes, that is Charles Huge.

>35,2 Tsd
More like 35.2 STD

The blonde one's caricature at the bottom is flattering compared to what xir actually looks.

That's someone's fucking reality man

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God what a mess.