Stranger Things 3

Post your predictions here

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I predict I won't watch it

I honestly don't even remember much about S2. Isn't Giga-Nyarlathotep still in Will?
Also they'll probably go the way of that Chris Evans movie, Push, and have Eleven team up with other super kids; effectively ditching the somewhat eerie vibes of the show and turning it into boring capeshit

fuck this faggot ass nigger shit

Less upside down, more posession, even less coherent story.

Now that they can just use posession for all the antagonist stuff, they'll rely on it all the time, because it's cheap. Also waaaaaaayyyyy more love story shit. Because romance is cheaper and easier to write than horror or sci-fi, and tumblr will do all your marketing.

based. fuck r*dditor things

Say another swear and you'll be the coolest guy at the lunch table, Johnny



Doubt they bring the x-men back. Everyone hates them and they served their purpose anyway.

gas the kikes and the niggers

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How about you suck another nigger dick so you'll be the gayest fag on the board?


Finn Wolfhard in short shorts

I wish they'd gas you

Kill yourself reddit nigger


when you typed this message did you sincerely think it would upset an anonymous stranger on an imageboard? Honestly give me the play-by-play of your thought process.

>Doubt they bring the x-men back
They were only introduced so Netspics can introduce a new spin-off show when ST goes the way of the dodo because of shit writing.

oh yeah? you really think that? and then what?

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>worshipping the media of another culture
It's a yikes from me

Then you'd be dead obviously

Why is it taking so long to come out?

Does anyone even care at this point?

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I predict I will watch and be disappointed.

I feel like the 80's fatigue will start with this. even normies where kind of woke at how shit S2 was, with the infamous episode and how there was not a comeback of the Barb debacle from s1

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Epic and basedpilled.

Did he take the bogpill?

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Kill yourself.



Problem is, none of these "retro" shows actually recreate '80s kino. They only kind of pay a shitty homage to it, creating a dude '80s lmao caricature of it for small parts of each episode, and then the rest is typical contemporary style. If you made a show or movie truly in the style of the '70s or '80s, a vast majority of people wouldn't even watch it.

Stop making such shitty posts and maybe you won’t get such replies.

>I predict I won't watch it

I predict you and I won't be the only ones not watching it

Damn kid has great jaw genetics

>even froggo got BLACKED
No no no no NOOOO

Except I'm not the original guy you replied to, was just saying it was rude

at some point things can’t get stranger. i would not have greenlit this series

>another big mystery with a "breakthrough" of wills mom and hopper interpreting seemingly unrelated visions/evidence
>more shitty big picture episodes about 11's backstory and the psychic kids
>another shapeless entity type deal big bad that never actually gets defeated

It became abundantly clear after season 2 that they had one good season in them ripping off a bunch of stuff and now they're just ripping off themselves

zoomer nigger

Just hope the series last long enough for the kids to be old enough to do semi nude scenes

Guess the same 80s tribute got old fast


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lets hope nancy shows some hole

Millie gets raped

This isn't a bad guess. It'll probably end up more like Riverdale than sci-fi.

I don't know who is worse, the person that posts this shit in the first place or the person that feels the need to play morality police on an anonymous image board.


by every arm of that demon creature
i wish

what happens in S2? I skipped it caused it looked like shit

lol he just got a stalker delivering a cake to his front door during a live stream

ok, no pedo or anything, but why does Eleven look so unfashionable? Her character arc was so clear. She wants to feel normal and pretty. You'd think she'd make an effort to doll herself up. But no, we have this. She just looks beyond ugly.

>they will heavily feature that brown girl that everyone hated and spend at least 3 episodes on the world outside of the town the story takes place in
>it will be the worst season by a very wide margin
>it will rip off some anime for its basic plot line

Eleven will cry

its plausible they are underdressing her on purpose to avoid sexing her up.

She can look pretty without sexualizing her. Or at least give her a look that says "I tried, but I'm socially inept, so I look ridiculous." But she looks like a bigger dork than the fat friend. What was her name? The one that died at the pool party.

I'm just realizing I forgot almost everything about this show.

The shill

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Would look pretty weird to dress her like a girl with her long man face

A stable time loop will be involved.

Must be cool that being a celebrity and have free cakes everyday

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Based, Netcux BTFO

What’s the infamous episode

he's a chinlet though, his overbite is painful to look at

Do normies even care about this anymore?

I can barely remember season 2

The older brother will be gay and get redemption and Steve will lose a fight again or win if its the final series.

I hope one of the kids will die and that more towns people will get involved from the crazy shit happening.

What I think will happen, Poo in the loo Xavier and her Multi racial X-men will save the day.

The one with the punks led by the pajeetess

God i want that sooooo bad

tentacle porn?

Winona and hatty mchathat are going to fuck and suck

>Jake Busey plays the journalist who becomes possessed by the mindflayer's cloud-ghost that was once possessing Will. It also possesses Billy. It uses those two to hunt down Eleven, because she's the only one who can shut a portal that the mindflayer opens. The mindflayer also has an army* of man-sized creatures that look like actual mindflayers which can hypnotize people for a limited amount of time. They manipulate people to find the location of Eleven, but they can only do a 1v1 mind control. Jake Busey and Billy are their eyes and ears in heavily populated areas where they can't mind control everyone.

>There's also an illness that the main characters (except will and eleven) get. It's caused by inhaling the upside down's atmosphere without a respirator (remember that the scientist who entered the upside down was in a full hazmat suit and mentioned the weather was "beautiful with a chance of radiation" or something like that). Hopper gets sick first because he inhaled the most radiation. He pretends to be ok until the kids fall ill. They try to find Paul Reiser's character to figure out a cure but his company is nowhere to be found. It dissolved and reformed under a new name, and that company owns the mall which was featured in the s3 teaser. Their new lab is underneath the mall and is connected underground to another building on the edge of the mall's parking lot. The mini-mindflayers (human sized) slowly escape the upside down after the scientists go home for the day, as to not arouse suspicion. A janitor sees one and runs away. Steve and his coworker share a moment on top of the mall after hours and see the janitor's van peeling out from the side-building.

*the majority of the mindflayers stay in the upside down. they cross through the portal 1-2 at a time, at night, as to not be detected. the scientists monitor the portal and see small signs of activity at night but they chalk it up to the portal "burping". the first few mindflayer appearances are brief, only showing a single mindflayer. then there are more sightings, far apart from each other. it's designed that way to make the viewer believe the mindflayer can teleport or warp space, but later it's revealed that there are multiple mindflayers which have crossed through

episode titles:
1. “Suzie, Do You Copy?”
2. “The Mallrats”
3. “The Case of the Missing Lifeguard”
4. “The Sauna Test”
5. “The Source”
6. “The Birthday”
7. “The Bite”
8. “The Battle of Starcourt”

Steven Speilberg

i dontcare, but whos that new cute?

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Anti-white propaganda elements.

She has been detached from society from most of her life and they're in a small rural town, not in a heavy shallow image centric city like Los Angeles. 11 doesn't what pretty is what girls are even supposed to look like. This was a major plot element in s1.

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I predict that this user has become extremely based and redpilled

aka more blacked

Twelve year old girls getting blacked.

>duffers will continue the nosedive in writing quality from the last act of S2
>Steve will get permabutchered
>all the focus will be on bullshit forced romance that's worse than S2 and nothing will feel natural like it did back in S1
>monster will be a rehash of past bullshit
>more new diversishit nonsense, probably a tranny character
>more of that disgusting abo-Indian hybrid bitch with powers
It's unironically going to be horrid.


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slit your wrists, faggot

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If they don't actually unleash hell this time I'm dropping the show

Oh fuck this, this is worse than even I imagined


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>watching films, a french invention
Dumb user


You just answered your own question

I predict the following
>Millie will get pregnant by Drake and lose all relevancy
>Flip, whatever his name is will quit acting and his band will succeed because it looks like he hates acting
>black kid will have no career you know why
>Amerimutt will always be a side character and he'll try not to but that is is fate
>Skinny white kid will move into theater acting and win Tonys
>Winnona will still be Jewish
>Hellboy guy will be Hellboy and act in movies while Yaass Slaying Conservertards

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Eleven explores her sexuality and her body. She becomes addicted to anal sex and in a weird meta crossover episode she comes to my house and becomes my gf

He already stripped down to his underpants in IT

Somehow the ugliest kid with the lisp is the least grotesque looking teen now


He's fucking ugly lmao ugly mutt lover

They're continuing with the androgynous look for some reason. Probably because they believe it's more ((progressive)), when in reality it only puts more emphasis on her masculine features. she looks better in feminine clothing, other than the overalls in S2 and the pink dress in S1 most of her outfits have been pretty awful.

Winona will shoplift in the shoppong mall

Season 1 was kino. 2 was shit, 3 will be even worse.

>season 1 was kino
Kill yourself, redd*tor

Watched the first season

Didn’t watch the second season because I heard they forced the child actress to kiss the nigger even though it wasn’t in the script. Only watched the scenes with based billy on YouTube

Won’t be watching any of the third season unless they have billy scenes, in which case I’ll watch the scenes on YouTube

There wasn’t a question in that post

They are kinda getting too old to play 12 year olds. Will looks pretty comical in the pic


And Eleven looks like a 40 year old

More sjw crap

Dude summer of love