I Want My Sex Back: Transgender people who regretted changing sex (RT Documentary)
Documentary K I N O
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>changing sex
Why would I waste my time watching mentally ill people realize theyre retarded
couldve told them this without the whole ordeal
They're trannies, so that goes without saying.
I enjoy seeing the misery of others to put my own horrible life into perspective.
wtf i regret chopping my weiner off now
great movie
This is actually a normal phenomenon but is generally worded a bit nicer
Same reason you watch a doco on a serial killer. Why?
who could have seen this coming!?
great GREAT doc
>RT Documentary
>I only watch docs approved by the Pentagon
I feel the utmost sadness for any child that does surgery and/or hrt. Their parents and doctors all deserve to die.
Any adult that makes the decision deserves to feel the most complete sorrow possible until the day they decide to end it all.
despite any agenda, it still was a good doc
It's good. Should be on the TV.
These doctors are scam artists, promising people with mental issues that they can transform their penises into vaginas (and vice versa) when all they do is mutilate them and ruin them. And it really sucks that you have liberals defending this and praising this, and preventing these people from getting the mental health they need.
If you have a penis and think you're a woman, if you have a vagina and think you're a man, you're wrong. Chopping your dick off will never make you a woman, and deforming your cunt won't make you a man. It just makes you a dickless man and a cuntless woman. End of discussion.
It's gonna get even harder for trannies(the few that don't kill themselves) to express this kind regret as the years go on and it gets more normalized, they'll get silenced and stigmatized as self-hating trans because society will be so dominated by the trans agenda.
This is actually a good point
dont the doctors get over ten thousand dollars to preform the surgery?
of course
why don't any western media show ANYTHING like this? ANY counter-sound
I'm israeli and found the doc kino
trannys are scum
fox news aired a special about regretting sex changes like 2 years ago
because its transphobic.
good goy, dont watch the ebil russian propaganda
Why does jewtube keep recommending this
reminds me of the time I slipped in the locker room shower in high school. Thought it would be funny but only got a dick in my ass.
Why do they do it? Does such a surgery cost a lot of money? Or just to experiment with human guinea pigs?
>Any adult that makes the decision deserves to feel the most complete sorrow possible until the day they decide to end it all.
Why? Because they made a poor decision? Although they don't all have gender dysphoria and this can be proven mathematically, you don't need to be a doctor to say that all trannies are mentally ill - usually depressed, lonely, often autistic... So they're generally vulnerable and easily manipulable because they look for someplace to fit in.
That's how they get groomed by the real monsters who get off on "hatching eggs". These are trannies too, but turned vicious. Like homosexuals who get off on seducing straight insecure men, these trannies find pleasure in turning manipulable men into crossdressers.
It's easy, I think.
>'You'd look cute in pink.'
>'It might be fun to wear lace.'
>'Have you considered the fact that you have gender dysphoria? That's why you like wearing girl clothes, not the fact that I give you positive reinforcement when you report back to me with pics of you in panties. Talk to your doctor about it.'
>'Your doctor is bigoted. Go see another one. Do it until one puts you on HRT.'
And then finally they put sex changes on a pedestal.
I don't know. I do feel bad for people who get roped into it, the same way I would feel bad for people who get catfished online. Yes, it's their own fault, but at the same time they're being used by other people for kicks. The only difference is that whereas others get tricked into giving away their paycheck, trannies get tricked into irreparably fucking up their bodies - ironically giving them gender dysphoria, when they realise "oh fuck, I just chopped off my own dick for a fetish, now I'll never be a man again and I'll always have this disgusting meat trench that oozes pus and I'll need to shove a rod in that unfeeling wound daily to keep it from closing back up. Oh fuck, what have I done????"
money and fame
>The Famous Sausage Slicer
because russia and the jews are in league
Any good documentaries about life in Russia?
where is this locker room shower and should I expect similar treatment if I happen to "slip" in it?
asking for a friend
tfw ywn get rich and famous creating franken-vaginas
Truly a winter wonderland
thank god they got rid of the soviet union
Jannies will ban you and delete this theres a russian janitor who goes spastic
Boring, give me some documentary kino where ryssäs get slaughtered.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness that needs to be treated, that's the reason transgenders have such a disproportionally high rate of suicide. The problem is people are too scared to call mentally ill people, mentally ill so they don't get the help they need.
>doctor puts drain cleaner in a woman's eye and mutilates her because she feels like she was a blind person trapped in a seeing person's body
>doctor chops off a man's dick and mutilates him because he feels like he's a woman trapped in a man's body
fuck yes my bias has been confirmed haha fuck you
jk and before you call me a discord tranny, why do you guys take so much pleasure in people's mental illness?
kinda cruel dont you think?
russia is a complete fucking shithole. disgusting bizarre people who drink too much, stumble into cars, and kick each other and jump off of grey buildings
fuck em
two wrongs don't make a right you tranny
>why do you guys take so much pleasure in people's mental illness?
Imagine for a moment this is you.
(Not the woman.)
oh no. the hand.
>why do you guys take so much pleasure in people's mental illness?
No one is really taking pleasure in tranny's and their mental illness. They're pissed that it's being encouraged instead of helped and treated, and that medical professionals are destroying their bodies when they're supposed to be helping people.
Based Russians
I think I’ve seen him on /k/ I got banned for 4 months once for mocking Russians
You mean Trannies Watching?
You get banned for mocking blacks and jews, why shouldn't you get banned for mocking russians? Double standards.
How do we fix this?
>that appearance
Yep, this checks out.
God, that bitch's smug face is so off-putting. I'd sooner punch her than try to have sex with her.
not saying discord trannies shouldn't kill themselves but this is LITERAL russian propaganda and you're falling for it you fags
so these are the guys complaining about roasties and blacks? Why don't they just take care of themselves instead?
Good thing american documentaries are unbiased.
There's a difference between bias and propaganda
same government that stages fake anti feminism viral videos
unless its a string of suicides im not interested
>t. Totally not the NSA
Am I the only person who thinks traps are great but trannies are disgusting?
Always makes me sick
based and redpilled
one is a fetish, the other is a mental disorder
Broken clock etc.
>There's a difference between bias and propaganda
Not really. You're right there's a difference between representing things to push your agenda and outright making shit up, but both those things can be propaganda.
They are a state-sponsored TV and everybody in Russia, unless they love Putin, considers them a joke, but their live reports and documentaries are pretty good.
t. Russian
>tfw never had sex to begin with
I just want sex
t. Soviet Black Market trader
Is everyone in America gone completely mad?
Everyone just became so aggressive and psycho, this age + politics completely fucked their minds. I was responding to a comment the other day and this guy completely out of nowhere starts ranting about trans people, islam, women, immigrants and "cucks". On Yea Forums its been years of being a shithole where threads like this can be spammed with "trannies on suicide watch xd!! i care more about other people life because mine is so empty and sad please help me lol" etc.. while Twitter became some weird ass leftist dystopia, where if you fuck up in the slightlest you get ass blasted.
Incels, feminism, SJWs, white nationalism, America is completely fucked. Politcs is cancer
Americans are really weak to propaganda and their mutilated penises keep them frustrated 24/7, a terrible combination.
Better question, I'm a Bong and I'm curious whats going on with our HIV rate compared to countries of comparable population like France and Germany.
You have autism.
You know you can buy sex, right?
It's not helping these people. In the quest for ever evolving 'tolerance' they ignore very clear psychological issues. If someone says they're not human and instead they're a t-Rex, they need psychological help as they're clearly being delusional. The same is true about sex. No amount of plastic surgery changes your chromosomes.
The fact that these people have such obscene levels of suicide attempts and successes should be proof enough to even the most bleeding heart that these people need serious help adjusting to reality and not more people telling them a lie.
I for life of me will never understand any Westerner unironically listening to Russians. Okay, hate jews, gays, migrants, whatever, but do that as a proud independent Westerner, not as a fucking pawn of a literal subhuman third world nation. Is this such an impossible task? You really can't figure things out on your own, without foreign "help"?
Rt is literal state propaganda though
So what's the propaganda here? That transgenderism is bad? Sounds alright to me.
this is due to needle drug use right? Or are there tons of gays in russia and the uk?
Both. Plus basically no modern healthcare, so it stays untreated for the majority,
Sometimes wish I was a girl, because life would be so much easier, especially these days, but I ain't mutilating my dick over the thought.
i assure you, the abomination you'd turn yourself into won't have it easy
>a proud independent Westerner,
no such person exists anymore
That fag reading the Bible is really, REALLY fucking annoying. That haircut and that lisp are driving me insane, he's like an adult version of the how-to-make Krabby Patties kid. I would also really like a source for the "40% of all ppl who commit suicide are ppl that regret cutting their dick off" stat.
lmao you'd be an ugly girl and then where would you be?
>whaa women have life easier cause they can get laid easier
I want my SEX back.
Why do people use these terms interchangeably?
do you realize just how unconvincing screenshots like these are? they can easily be fake and most people assume they are.
if you want to prove your point start a txt file where you save links. and also make sure they are links from actual news sites not worldnewsdaily.com or whatever the fuck
also source me up on that article you posted
The problem is that it seriously affects the credibility the documentary might've otherwise had. They're going to treat the subject from a predetermined, biased view, rather than treating it with an objective attitude.
>yuro tranny is offended
Mustafa, please....
seething tranny how about google the article
so you can learn about people who leave their basements and do something interesting with their lives
don't be mad, i'm trying to teach you how not to sound like a retarded schizo, it's for your own good.
now save that link and post that in the next thread, instead of the screenshot
Reminder that studies have found that anywhere from 50-80% of """trans""" kids grew up and no longer identified as being """trans""" when they got older
Science has also shown that kids who are taught about being """trans""" and around """trans people"""" are significantly more likely themselves to identify as """trans""" but will no longer identify when that ideology isn't continuously pushed on them and they don't hang around with """trans people"""
Trump "secretly" (transparently) supports RT sources. He's never once NOT defended and supported Russia
Based John poster
>president attempts to deescalate international conflict with a paranoid nuclear power with a long history of extreme aggression
>shit all over him for it
based, we need a third world war, and with nukes this time
This honestly. I genuinely feel really bad for trans people because it's a likely sign that there really fucked up mentally. We're all to some degree fucked, but it seems like trans people get it in there head that there fucked solely because they're trans. Guess what? I've fantasized about being a lesbian before and I play as a girl vidya, but that doesn't mean I'm literally a woman.
Not only that but I feel some trans are in it purely because you can instantly jump the minority/privilege ladder. You can go from being a "WHITE MALE" to being the most "protected" group at a whim, and in a society that values victimization so much, it's bound to happen a lot.
Hard to be a God
>third world war
Can we stop this shit already? No world power would step in to help out Russians. They have zero relevant allies. It would be a regional conflict that will last a month or two,
Haha whoa let's not bring that part up
They are deviants, son. They never learned.
>deescalate international conflict
That's a funny way of spelling "gargling foreign semen".
>nukes pointed at who knows how many major cities
>regional conflict
Regional in the sense that it's the entire region of the world, maybe. But I'm sure you're right it would be very short.
You realize this shit is literally an existential threat? They have impossible to detect nuclear subs that can operate in complete silence submerged for months at a time. You could disintegrate all of Russia and half a year down the line washington DC disappears from the map without warning. Even contemplating this war is insane beyond articulation.
literal Russian propaganda
based russian trolls.
Shoo shoo tranny
you mental cases cant even decide wtf you are down there.
what's wrong with foreigners?
is this pusy?
Drugs and people hating condoms.
Who said there's anything wrong with them? It's just really unbecoming of a president to gargle that much semen from a foreign power.
no. its colon. result of a botched SRS. This is not unusual with the trannies too.
This. People who defend RT are mentally retarded.
Their logic literally goes like this
>American media owned by teh JOOZ!
>therefore, state owned and ran propaganda outlets from third world countries with a corruption index rivaling that of the worst African countries is trustworthy news i tell you h'what.
Mentally retarded. And it's europoors who are the ones who actually falm for this shit. It's why I laugh when they pretend to be smarter by virtue of being European. When it is quite clear those peasants haven't quite stepped out from under the heal of their ancestral tyrants yet. Once a serf always a serf I guess.
>russian tech is sooo mighty and scary!
There's a thread on Yea Forums right beside this about Kursk, where ruskies blew up their own submarine because they're such incompetent third world morons, with all their tech being: 1) from 1960s: 2) utter shit even by standards of that time; 3) operated by said incompetent alcoholics.
Do you seriously think they are able to deliver a nuke to Washington? Either a bait or putinbot.
discord tranny yuo are the true america first patriot
>And it's europoors who are the ones who actually falm for this shit.
no one likes trannies senpai.
>that's why you hate trannies!
Yes I agree, I'm just commenting on RT in general.
This post makes no sense. Who are you trying to make fun of? Are you new?
that documentary is still 100% true OP could've posted fox news doc and the trannies would still SEETHE
Didn't say I wanted to be a tranny, I want to be a real girl. There's a difference.
by your reaction i'm guessing it's making fun of you
The fact that 90% of them are fat loser incels in wigs that couldn't pass in a room full of blind people probably disgusts most people, the 10% that actually pass are ok.
Without the memearrow it looks like he is making fun of trump supporters, so yeah, maybe a resetera newfag
Based RT dabbing on the US of Gay.
does anyone have a webm of just the dad's face?
You still don't fit in you really ought to read through more threads to pick up the lingo of the site a bit more.
it's a cult. it's a bunch of brainwashed adults pressuring confused kids who have hormone imbalances into taking drugs and mutilating themselves, with nothing but empty promises in return
based, are you a veteran of the MEME WAR of 2016 bro?
tell me how to fit in mr. oldfag
Here you go friend.
kek, thanks
What's the point of transitioning discord trannies? You're not really a male/female and you fuck up your body so much you can't even go back so now you're just some monster stuck in the middle
The fuck am I looking at exactly.
colon. literally colon.
Colon then, educate me.
so why is the colon exposed, don't they operate on the groin area?
Neutrality is bogus. Everyone has an agenda whether they're aware of it or not.
Jesus Christ... LOL
kek. I don't watch tranny propaganda why would I watch russian propaganda?
objectively, if you believe that cutting your dick off will make you a female, you're insane
>M-M-M-M-Muh propaganda
The absolute state of discord trannies.
>You're a tranny if you don't watch Russian propaganda
I'll keep this in mind! Thanks user!
>corruption index
>measures perception of corruption
>measures perception
oh shit, we're free of corruption because my feelings tell me so.
Can somebody link me to some article debunking RT and proving that they're a propaganda machine or is it just some seething trannie trying to derail the thread. Btw please no American left "credible" news sources as a proof. I don't have to be American to know that they're all corrupted. That Covington kid story pretty much told me everything about your media.
all this subhuman trannies seething because of a russian video
Fox is American tho, and USA doesn't have literal fucking laws against whatever they perceive to be pro-gay/tranny "propaganda".
All media is propaganda, RT is media, therefore RT is propaganda.
Even crazy alt-righters and russians admit RT is a propaganda outlet.
Doesn't mean a documentary they make wouldn't be true or accurate though, at least by the criteria established by the western media. Certainly, anything that shows trannies for the self-destructive lunatics they are is going to be correct.
>it's propaganda because it's Russian
the absolute state of leftists
When will the west stop pandering to people with mental illnesses that obviously need therapy?
When will the LGB community detach itself from transgenderism because they are obviously not the same issues?
Yeah and if they fuck it up they need a colostomy bag.
>The problem is that it seriously affects the credibility the documentary might've otherwise had.
If you look at the comments it seems like they're already attacking the people who were interviewed, saying thing like "they're just confused because they were sexually abused as kids" and using that as an argument to say that they're "not real trans".
>it's not propaganda because it aligns with my views
the absolute state of /pol/
>writes like a retard
>misspells every other word (assuming he's not just parroting misheard metaphors)
>"I'm so smart and I like looking down upon others!"
>get the fuck off of her
they detached from pedos only because of PR convenience, what makes you think they care about trannies being self mutilated borderline schizo
>dont the doctors get over ten thousand dollars to preform the surgery?
That's absolutely beside the point.
those are all mentally ill too though
and not only will they not distance themselves from trannies, they'll add a P in their acronym for pedos soon enough
>mental illness is prefering one sex over the another
sounds about right, who'd want to get poop in his peenus weenus
yes it is
Everybody knows that there's nothing manlier than fucking another man
ironically russians actually believe this
Oy vey, thanks for reminding me to never watch foreign news
whatever you say, sodomite
There are other foreign news besides RT, dumbass
I recommend Al Jazeera and CCTV
Let's take middle ground here. There are people who really regret transitioning and have de-transitioned. RT is just the only one with the freedom to do a documentary about it.
>"they're just confused because they were sexually abused as kids" and using that as an argument to say that they're "not real trans".
lmao what the fuck is real trans then
No them being on suicide watch
Just finished Ted Bundy tapes and abducted in plain sight
Need more crime/killer kino
>this is wrong because it's propaganda
>lemme recommend you some approved-propaganda instead
You can't change sex, just how you appear to others
Sorry not sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
my bad bro
And how does this set them apart from other news sources? You shouldn't be afraid to see what the opposing side is saying. How is going to one source that tells you what you already agree with different from falling for propaganda?
But you don't know which side is opposite to me.
RT's documentary IS on my side. Only problem is, I don't trust THEIR take on the truth.
>50-80% of """trans""" kids grew up and no longer identified as being """trans""" when they got older
that is a ticking timebomb of tragedy, thanks to the glorification and mainstreaming of surgery
in some tranny surgeries they take a piece of colon to make a fake vagina
also I guess just having an open wound that close to the abdomen and butthole can lead to digestive tract infections? just a guess
What I want to know is how many of those people committed suicide because of bullying, as the pro-trans side claims, and how many of them committed suicide because it turned out transitioning DIDN'T magically fix all their fucking problems?
>prevents massive war
>"lol fucking faggot"
Daily Reminder that the modern Left needs to be fucking euthanized.
I know a cool transwoman and she first started to use her old name again (the nickname is androgynous/female, but socially she was using a female name before; never changed her docs); then stopped taking hormones; a mutual friend told me she adopted a more masculine stance at work but I was dubious, perhaps she just wanted to not be bothered; but now she wants to take her silicone boobs, claiming they hurt her (they're old, so it's not uncommon). I don't think she wants de-transform, but now that she's older (she almost 60), she's adopting a more androgynous lifestyle, it seems.
DUUUUDE!!! Confirms my bias!!!! LMAO!!!
Mark my words: In 10 to 20 years (less if current social trends remain at the same place or accelerate) there will unironically be a "Trans-Disabled" movement.
Cunt parents in California will be chopping fingers off of their children, injecting drain-cleaner into their eyes, etc., all to raucous applause by the Left.
How long before this get pulled for hate speech?
Because Liberals do.
U realize trannies are incels without a dick right
>Chopping your fucking cock & balls off is a questionable decision
Wow what fucking blatant bias
Because when I end up arguing with someone over this shit, the last thing I want to do is pull up a fucking RT coverage as reference. I want to improve my standing, not make it worse.
I think maybe it shows that there is a legit reason and concern to question transitioning rather than shutting down the conversation completely because "ma bigotry".
In a "Transition but never feel like you belong" vs "working towards accepting what you are even if it hurts but it might hurt less than the other option" or "Transition and be happy." like there are options.
>actually needing a source to demonstrate how mutilating your own body is a terrible decision
you would think something like this wouldn't even need arguing
>posts some shitty euro-cartoon trying to mock conservatives
>post made-up opinion trying to mock liberals
Why are Euroshits so fucking retarded?
The real problem is that this documentary could not be made in America due to political pressure. This is the best we can get on the subject.
then use fox news footage. oh wait its not credible too. yeah CNN or the guardian would totally make a non flattering documentary about trannies.
ok then.
why in the FUCK don't they get it from a dead person like when you need a heart transplant. Taking a piece out of your digestive system and hoping it'll be mostly ok after is, simply, madness
OK, so you actually mean "a man in drag"?
I'm legitimately worried that by the time we come up with a neurochemical treatment (which would drastically reduce the incidence of suicide and completely bypass the need to transition), using it would be considered something like abuse or a hatecrime.
Rejection issues perhaps. Could be that approach is still experimental or nobody is lining up to donate their junk.
High chance of rejection, and lifetime on immunosuppressant drugs. Rejection is a certainty given enough time, if I recall correctly, all transplanted organs eventually fail after 20 years max. Suffice it to say, better your own colon than someone else's.
>Two thirds of New AIDS cases
>New AIDS cases
So AIDS has finally caught up to Russia then eh? Kind of funny how many people fall for /pol/ tier memes
>all these seething trannies itt
If a tranny gets butthurt does its pelvis hurt haha get it?
Now you understand my problem.
Fortunately I managed to eliminate quite a sizable chunk of that cancer out of my life when the one message board infested with those idiots moved to a new server, requiring everybody to register new accounts, and I wasn't going to make a new account just so I could go on arguing with stupid liberals.
I know your next question is why the hell I even stayed there if it was that bad, well the answer is simply that it wasn't the forum's primary purpose, and it was actually useful sometimes. But when you begin to associate usernames with certain attitudes or behavior, it affects the way you relate to them outside of those conversations as well and they made me feel pretty fucking unwelcome in the end, probably because I hate circlejerks so I felt obligated to play the devil's advocate, but all I ever got in return was intense hostility.
I don't want to say which forum it was, but it wasn't neogaf or resetera or any of those other places known to be full of seething trannies.
No, they do it for free you fucking retard
so this... is the power... of neovaginas...
>Let's take middle ground here.
On a subject for the lowest of the low? Have fun there, user.
>High chance of rejection,
>lifetime on drugs
>all transplanted organs eventually fail after 20 years max
it's like poetry, it rhymes
Funny how Kaliningrad isn't on this map despite it being: a) part of Russia, and b) has the highest rate of HIV, AIDS, and herion usage per capita in Europe.
41% is better than 100%.
Alright, changing isn't sex isn't the smartest idea but to keep living in a conservative and religious afterward is even dumber.
lyme disease is no joke
>numbers arent averages relative to population size
lots of deaf people are against their babies who are also deaf receiving cochlear implants, because they feel deafness is not a disability but rather a difference, or at least that's my understanding
So how do trannies deny testimony like this? Just scream [Gender Nondescript Parental Sibling] Tom? Or claim it doesn't count because interviewing a bunch of Americans is somehow Russian propaganda?
corporate globalist propaganda is far superior
>Russia Today
>from getting the mental health they need.
There is no "cure" for gender dysphoria, which they realize after chopping their dick off
Stop googling trannie porn
There are no gays in russia
t. Putin
>doctor puts drain cleaner in a woman's eye and mutilates her because she feels like she was a blind person trapped in a seeing person's body
Does he still have his license?
Poor goldberg
>self mutilating and the regretting their decision
You're worse than those repulsive degenerates you fucking kike
Why would you live in a place where you know you won't be accepted? I'm not shitting on the town, I'm shitting on the poor location choice these people made.
>Russians make something
The Russianphobia is prevalent and stupid as always.
Also, the Russians are 100% right in how to deal with gay shit. Just look at how every openly homo dude and tranny shit lives. Look at what they drag out into our lives every day. It's hell.
>Just look at how every openly homo dude and tranny shit lives. Look at what they drag out into our lives every day. It's hell.
>watching RT
>pretending there is any media that doesn’t have an agenda
Are you a fucking moron or what is your actual mental health problem? Because you seem to be unable to read and rely on making straw man arguments as well.
here's why that's a good thing
What strawman? Your original post was the epitome of smug brainlet retardedness. Dismissing a channel by using unrelated metrics was only one particular issue. Your whole way of thinking is messy, incoherent and only to spite.
No one gives a damn about the distinction.