Will the Knights of Ren be in Episode 9?

Will the Knights of Ren be in Episode 9?

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_insertcoin_files_2018_01_knights-of-ren1.jpg (1280x868, 138K)

not canon

Why the fuck do you even care?

Does that one guy have a giant anime sword?

Will anyone give a shit? It's Star Wars, so that's a big no.

Eh. Who cares.

Star Wars fans definitely care. The knights of ren are fan favourites.

Who is Ren?

If one is to understand Star Wars, one must study all its aspects, not just the dogmatic narrow view of Disney canon. If you wish to become a complete and wise fan, you must embrace a larger view of the Canon.

>characters we've literally never seen more than silhouettes of
>fan favourites
But you spelt 'favourite' correctly, so you're okay.

these fucking edgelords

they will be subverted by the knights of Stimpy

>tar Wars fans definitely care
youre no star wars fan mouse cock sucker

Yes so we can finally have the Rogue One tie in with the nu-canon maybe will even see Felicity most likely Donnie Yen though

fuck off, kike.

anyone who still calls themselves a star wars fan is definitely mentally handicapped

Disney is desperate to sell toys and merch, so yeah they will be there.
It's for that very reason Luke is back and Kilo Ren wears his mask sgain
Hell I even expect them to bring back that chromium plated stormtrooper chick.

These fucking NAruto characters have been added last minute to put some exciting stuff in the trailer. Jew jew is a happy merchant, all that counts for him is getting you to watch his movie. Once you already paid for a ticket, he doesn't care if you hate the movie. Of course this trick can only work once, unless you're a cuck

Weren't they all student's at Luke's Jedi academy that left with Kylo? So shouldn't they all be wielding lightsaber?

I don't care.

There are no more Star Wars fans left.

>le edgy ‘I hate star wars because it’s popular’ redditor

>Weren't they all student's at Luke's Jedi academy that left with Kylo? So shouldn't they all be wielding lightsaber?
Yeah why are they holding regular weapons? Why did the guy try to kill little Rey and why did Kylo stop him. Where was Luke? At what time did this happen?
All these questions have no answer because JJ ddn't even think about it. It's just about inserting cool imagery and capture your interest. He's the worst filmmaker around. I can't recall anybody else doing big budget movies using this strategy to get bums on seats.

Their leader jobbed to everyone in the galaxy already, all sense of dread and tension is ruined beyond recovery

Who are these fans who actually care about any of this?

This guy gets it.

I used to be a fan and don't give a shit about them.

Curbstomped by Mandalorians offscreen

I hope so

>I can't recall anybody else doing big budget movies using this strategy to get bums on seats.

Attached: Anno Hideaki.webm (854x480, 2.84M)

i despise jj apologists. someone screencap this and put it in every star wars thread.