

Attached: D0RihBJWsAEmKMg.jpg (327x560, 45K)

Men are just better for speaking roles because we all know the only reason a woman is onscreen is because she looks good, not because she speaks well.

Diversity hires notwithstanding.

>one of the two movies with ZERO women speaking is directed by a woman
hmmm, quite interesting....
I don't think Moonlight had any women in it either

The Silence of the lambs one is the only one I find shocking.

isn't Clarice the main character?

women are dumb, dangerous animals that seek to purchase either instant gratification or the most socioeconomically advantageous position for themselves using their cunts

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hannibal and buffalo bill are quite wordy guys

>guys, now not to be a debbie downer or anything, but uh there's like this invisible thing that has been really problematic for us now if it's not too much trouble could we like maybe make a run for the chopper. I don't want to be pushy or anything I'll leave it up to you guys.

shit I forgot the image

Attached: choppa.jpg (220x229, 9K)

>Schindlers List

Hahah, based Spielberg

>makes a move where the mc is a child-raping man who mumbles to himself all the time
>team of detectives who catch him are all women, who speak little
>mc speaks more so the movie is anti-women


Here's the real explanation:

Hollywood is a bunch of megaboomers obsessed with historical films in pre-feminist time periods, which makes it hard to have a leading woman character given their oppressed position in society

I assume they a got YEETED by the favourite tho?

>ZERO women speaking
The "move the goal post" criteria for the study is "more than 100 words." There are a lot more lines from women in these movies, but they use this criteria to skew the results to better paint their narrative.

Incel: The Thread
more like the board amirite

Haha imagine Alien had a lead woman as well, it would be so cringe

Really makes you think.

Sounds like you've undeveloped your detective characters. And I don't know why you'd want to use an example of a movie with a male protagonist to address the issue of female roles.

Women just don't want to admit they're not an important part of society. They make babies and spend men's money. That's it for the most part.

Women have never been oppressed.

As of the year 2019, only films that have passed the bechdel test will be considered for nomination. Thank you.
-The Academy of Motion Picture and Sciences

PS. Films with male characters having anymore than 3 lines of dialogue will be rejected, even if the film passes the bechdel test.

Attached: Official Announcement.jpg (1200x630, 17K)

but all the marines in aliens were men

>They make babies and spend men's money.
White women don't even do the former, unless it's with Jamal.

>White women don't even do the former, unless it's with Jamal.
I agree. And this is why the human race is doomed.

Fuck women, guys, absolutely fuck em. They should be sucking my dick instead of going to work haha.
I hate women, they're useless and they pee all the time. Retarded women fuck em.

Why is this bad?

it's problematic