Was Homer choking Bart ever funny?

Was Homer choking Bart ever funny?

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it was formerly unfunny

Was Homer fucking and sucking Bart ever not Chucky?

I’m sure oldfags these days would fail to justify it as “satirical”.

It was a bad influence on stupid kids. I almost killed some people thanks to influence from Homer.

It was Homer Chucking and Fucks formely sneed?

Homer is such a bad example of a human being. I remember when I started to glove-slap people because of him and somehow I became a farmer.

>making fun of child abuse
wow, the 90s were awful, they actually kinda sucked

I did pinch gummy bears off people's asses whenever I'd see em' and somehow I'm the sexual harasser

It's still funny.

and fucked

The first couple of times when first released it was funny : shock humor like 1st season of south park
But got old fast

Unlike sneed. Never gets old. Hahaha

This but unironically.

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Does this still happen? I haven't watched Simpson in at least 15 years.

Of course NOT! Violence against a child? EBIL! Oh but you can still have a little girl kick Bart in the nuts a dozen times literally holding him and torturing him but oh no that's funny and ok because fuck men even if they're 8 apparently.

That wasn’t ironic either.

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because fuck and suck men even if they're 7 to 8 max apparently.

Formerly child abuse.

>choking a child is funny
this is your brain on leftism


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Yeah, chucking a child is funnier.

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I prefer Sneed dancing

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Sneed feed and seed

fatboy sneed is fucking (and sucking) in heaven


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>Oh but you can still have a little girl kick Bart in the nuts a dozen times literally holding him and torturing him
What episode?


What an eventful episode

The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed Season 21 episode 16

>when that sneed hits

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Also Bart hasn't hit Lisa back when she hits him since season 16

The joke used to be that the family was dysfunctional. This was in contrast to how TV families were typically portrayed before the Simpsons. Remember, the Simpsons came out in 1989 (not counting The Tracey Ullman Show shorts starting in 1987), with Roseanne coming out in 1988 and coming out in 1987, so the concept was still new to people. Additionally, you had the fact that these were cartoons, and you really didn't have cartoons acting like this before (particularly cursing or almost cursing: he does say "why you little" before choking Bart). Hell, cartoons cursing was still novel when South Park came out years later. Essentially, the whole joke was that these were cartoon characters on TV not acting like cartoon characters or TV characters normally do, so yeah, it was exciting and new and funny.
As an aside, the whole thing was so controversial that then president Bush commented on it: youtube.com/watch?v=h_4zWt02DGo I remember getting in trouble at school for having a Simpsons lunch box. They were a "bad influence." Different time but back then, conservatives were basically social justice warriors.

Fathers have always been portrayed as abusers, deadbeats, idiots, and betas

This is probably the most braindead meme Yea Forums has ever had, I don't think even reddit could outcringe this garbage

why you little

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>just now remembering the episode where Homer tickled Bart until he pissed himself on tv
what the fuck

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hmm yeah but what about sneed

*why are you little

Homer choking Bart isn't a meme

Would they have been able to get away with it if Homer regularly choked Lisa or Marge?

Would they have been able to get away with it if Homer regularly choked Lisa or even Marge?

i rewatched "golden age" simpsons and it wasnt funny

formerly not cringe

Formerly brainalive

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Sneeze's Squeeze and Swallow