What exactly is wrong with Red Letter Media's Star Wars prequel reviews?
What exactly is wrong with Red Letter Media's Star Wars prequel reviews?
They literally raised the bar for film criticism.
Nothing by itself.
What went terribly wrong is that it spawned a whole genre of pretentious asswipes narrating their stupid opinions and "insights" over clips of movies and trite lo-fi garbage.
They made them before seeing nu-wars. I'm sure if they could have compared the prequels to that steaming wreckage they'd have a much more favorable opinion.
literally nothing, they actually enhance viewing the prequels. they elevate the original subject matter, which is what poet, critic, and satirist Amrose Bierce said all good criticism should be
He says it's weird that Anakin made C3PO to be just like other droids in watto's shop, why not make something unique, when he's a fucking slave with no money so obviously when he "made" 3PO he meant "put together with scrap parts from watto's yard"
he didn't understand Lucasian dialogue, which to be fair many didn't at the time
They're fine. The nu-Wars reviews are shit, though.
they are great but the Plinkett storylines go on too long in an already long review.
theyre fine but they get stupid five mins into the first part when they pretend they cant think of any words to describe the personalities of ep 1s characters when quigon and young obiwan and anakin are very very easy to characterize within their first one or two scenes.
go ahead, characterize them then.
Phantom menace was fine by they stretched the joke too thin
qui-gon: slightly rogue-ish, chaotic good, patient, doesn't make his move until it's the perfect time to, intelligent (but perhaps not as much as he thinks he is), free spirit
obi-wan: duty, youth, perhaps a hint of self-righteousness, on the cusp of maturity but still one of two life lesson away from being a true master
anakin: smart, ambitious, naive, emotional, awkward
They're less reviews and more nitpicking. It boiled down to "Its not the original movies, therefore its not good". I mean he tries to compare Anakin to Luke when they're meant to be polar opposites of each other. It's not the same story. Also with Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan is built as a by-the-book Jedi but learns a lesson of humility and respect by EP3. But Plinkett misses this.
They changed the narrative. Before the reviews, everyone adored these films.
nothing, thats why literally every film video essay copies them and why series that arent related to star wars get compared to star wars, because people plagiarize rlm.
>Qui-Gon: Does not follow the rules of the Jedi and is more fluid and open. He goes with what the Force tells him versus the Code. In contrast, Obi-Wan is a dogmatic follower of the Jedi cold and is strict and arrogant. He calls Anakin and Jar Jar pathetic lifeforms.
Padme is young, naive and headstrong. Most of the problems in the film are because she refuses to bend.
Anakin is a slave kid angry at his current situation desperately trying to escape it.
no we fucking didn't
wow guys, a neckbeard with enough time on his hands to reach extremely hard for character traits for these cardboard characters knows how to respond to this question. but most people wouldn't be able to respond.
You need to be over 18 to post here. I saw all 3 opening weekend, everyone loved them.
Nothing, Mike did a fine job, it was entertaining and hilarious. It also has a great legacy because it's now absolutely assblasting kids younger than the video itself, technically making Mike Stoklasa a pedophile.
Is Jay asleep right now?
>What exactly is wrong with Red Letter Media's Star Wars prequel reviews?
We all feel regret. Lucas was a hack who stole 90% of his ideas from French communist comic books.
He didn't even want to invent the force.
He didn't even want to try when he made 3 more.
He was still 10000% better than deminist disney
they won't touch the SJW bugaboo with a 10 foot poll. It's smart to not make themselves a target of progressives, but ultimately any real criticism of NuWars needs to talk about it
but he literally asked only his friends who where all nerds and watched it they just didn't like the kid like everyone does for most movies
They did a Sensitive Joss Whedon (SJW) pun a fair while back, but it was so awkwardly done it's a bit cringe (I am aware that's part of the joke)
They are unfunny reddit hack frauds and disney shills
>they won't touch the SJW bugaboo with a 10 foot poll. It's smart to not make themselves a target of progressives
It's not smart. It's weak and pathetic
>implying rlm aren't on the disney payroll
I sat in line for half a day with my friends for the opening of Phantom Menace, I remember seeing the line wrapped around the building twice. It was madness, every news channel had vans parked outside reporting about the event. Hard to remember my exact feelings but I know I was pretty much blown away by the idea of new star wars and I think that and the hype pretty much made most people very forgiving. I know I hated Jarjar and thought the whole movie was rather childish. Not in the way Luke is naive in a new hope but just pandering to the lowest common denominator in every scene. But I loved the pod race and darth maul of course. I enjoyed quigon and obiwans relationship. But I also remember the lines for each progressive moving being less and less impressive and me showing up less early for each one. The shine had definitely worn off by the 3rd and I don't remember anything about it except for the "I have the high ground" scene.
Then why are most of the posts in this thread arguing that RLM did nothing wrong?
>Lucasian dialogue
>I don't like the sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating--not like you. You're soft and smooth.
Fuck off
Bruh the same can be said about OT characters, especially Leia.
The ability to talk doesn't make you intelligent
That was also my progression. I was pretty unimpressed with where everything was headed but me and a friend got sucked into seeing AotC because we heard about Yoda flipping around during his fight at the end which was crazy at the time. It sounds like an interesting concept when you're 13 but then you see it and don't care. I don't even remember seeing RotS. A lot of stuff that sounded cool in the 90's ended up not being that great.
The ability to write good Dialogue does tho
It's Just a bunch of prequel apologists who grew up on bad video game storytelling have Stockholm syndrome for man who ran out of ideas in 87, and won't shut the fuck up. Memes becoming autism.
They are shit films and always will be.
I remember only watch aotc in the cinema and I liked it back then
I think people became more bitter and homogeneous since then, some of the greatest films would be labelled as silly or problematic lacking in social commentary by the tryhards of today that listen to faggots like rlm
thats bc both trilogies suck
>what exactly is wrong with Red Letter Media's Star Wars prequel reviews?
Aside from the fact that prequels are kino?
nothing arguably nitpicky at points but their stance on the prequels isnt the problem its their stance on the new movies
Also, the fact that the neimoidians are dumb is not a plot hole; it is a character trait.
lazy writing, I can give you that. But it's not a plot hole when they're clearly meant to be dumb, and he makes a point of showing when they're dumb like four or five times
Its creators have limited knowledge about cinema to do a proper analisys of the movies. There is no reason to take it any more seriously as critism than some random person's user review
They are critics and I spit on them like critics
They are corporate bootlicker
They only do a surface level exemination of the movie. And also they try to come off as objective, but they really aren't
>chaotic good
Opinion discarded, you deserve to be shot.
He ran out of ideas in 1977.
This is in the movie you meme spamming retard
They are critics?
Ye this