Why aren’t female comedians funny?
Why aren’t female comedians funny?
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Women historically have only had two uses: to suck and fuck
Christopher Hitchens explains it. You can find it on youtube.
And it holds water women truly aren't funny, not even incelling. They lack the capacity. They can be charming and clever but true funny is beyond their grasp.
They don't have to go through true hardship in life.
(Formerly to seed and feed)
Hot take: women are funny, but only to other women.
They are born with a baby making factory. Its inherit value. Men have to hone value so they try to be funny and fail(a lot) before succeeding.
Another problem for them is most male comedy centers on logic gaps and women would prefer to think about social relations(who is dating whom, what that bitch said, marriage, wonder what he thinks about me and on and on) which isn't funny.
It's not so much that women can't be funny, as it is, the ones that are only considered "funny" are the ones women are told to like. E.g. Melissa McArthy, Rebel Wilson
Women pretty much only like then because they are non-threatening fat fucks and which is why they run in droves to see their shitty droves.
I've seen some genuinely funny, good looking females who don't rely on "LOL, I'm so fat" and "LOL, sex".
I think Women can be funny but there are currently no funny female comedians.
Men seed and feed
Women suck and fuck
Or hell, it would be both, men Seed and Fuck, women Suck and feed, a true Yin Yang, the perfect balance.
It's not women themselves but what they decide to talk about, which is either using progressivism to create comedic scenarios that shatter preconceived ''sexist'' realities that the only people that want to keep them are old men that need to give way for WOMEN and brown people to ''Rule the World'', and that's what they expect the main bulk of the comedy to come from.
Wanda Sykes, Amy Poehler, Sarah Silverman
women aren't as witty as men
I think it's mainly because traditional modes of discourse were constructed and have always been inhabited by men. This isn't a "smash the patriarchy grrrrlll" fact--it's the same way for most, if not all, of our modern institutions, whether they're government, art, philosophy, the sciences. Men can interact as standard units in these fields because we're the ones who've always been there--they were built by our gender for discourse that, while it serves the human race as a whole, hopefully, also no doubt is geared towards male ideas and tendencies.
That's why whenever women enter into politics, science, philosophy, comedy, whatever, they have to pull the woman card--they always do, and they will always have to, because they are non-standard units in these fields. They do not belong, and they know it. There's no way a woman could interact fully with any text in any of these fields because, at least in today's day and age, modern belief sets would interfere with her ability to accept or decline these ideas based on tendencies beyond the meager realms of gender or even ethnicity.
Women were doomed the minute they were born. They have a life of relative ease, but at the cost of having all the greatest texts, minds, and beauty of the world kept forever out of their grasp.
Nice blog post faggot not reading that shit.
Lots of good comedy is about transgression of boundaries in an unexpected way. Unfortunately female comedians allow themselves to be defined by their gender, and as such focus on their femaleness as the site of transgression.
She literally looks like a pig. No, not because she's fat, her face literally looks pig-like.
Do not respond to trolls
Reminder that Amy Schumer isn't even a joke thief for fame, she just does it for the thrill
>steals and tells Ellen's joke right to her face on her own show
Thanks man, good contribution to the discussion.
Because women aren't supposed to be funny. Humour is the province of men, being funny is evolutionarily advantageous for men because it helps them to score poon.
>Ellen subtly going 'That's my bit and you know it'
>you now remember Marc Maron defending her for it, when he's one of the comedians she stole from
Comedy business is all about nepotism so not surprised Maron and Rogan being hypocrites and defending her for being a blatant thief.
They can be funny
Women can be funny, but it often requires some form of self deprecation which most women hate.
Women typically want to empathize with the female lead in stories, even if it is standup, so having the woman basically talking shit about herself would sound repellent to them.
But like Amy Schumer did well for a while because she was stealing decent jokes from people. She's mediocre as a comedic actress so every movie she's done has been terrible as far as her contributions to them, but she had a lot of good work being done around her.
No critical thinking skills
I don't know. I thought Melissa McCarthy was pretty funny in This Is 40.
I don't mind melissa mccarthy as much as I think she's disgusting and her being able to score isn't exactly a funny joke because it's true as it is disgusting, but I find her preferences very quetionable since there's a movie where she turns a scout girl group into Stalin worshippers and all the mother has to say is ''stalin comrades? reeeeallllyyyy?''
But how do we stop this sinister force?
>I'm posting on this board with this faggot
We don't. It will stop itself one way or another. Either women and men come to terms with the inadequacies of each gender and move on from there, or normies keep pushing an imbalance in the name of progress until everything they know and love decays and crumbles under the weight of their myopic delusion.
You might actually be onto something
they dont want to look like the fool.
elaine from seinfeld was funny
True comedy requires brutal honesty, something women aren't very good at.
>man tells bad joke
>nobody laughs
>he learns and improves
>woman tells bad joke
>1000 thirsty males all laugh
>woman thinks she’s funny
They can be. You're just sexist
men are prepared to be self deprecating, women self defecate when giving birth instead
I like Maria Bamford, actually
>They can be
based fun-having user
>They can be.
but are they?
Only good female comedian. Probably not a coincidence that she's also bipolar.
Women only need one trait in life to be successful: being sexy. All they ever do is learn how to be sexy. Men, however, need to develop actually worthwhile traits to be successful in life, like being smart or being strong or being funny. This is why women are always inferior to men in any field they enter. If you have a woman scientist, even if she's good at science, there's ten times as many men who are better than her at it because she was able to coast by in life on sex while the men had to work hard and be good at their endeavors. This is even more true thanks to "diversity quotas" just handing out jobs to people because they happen to have vaginas over more qualified applicants.
Simply put, if you're a woman, you're worth less than a man.
>This is what sneedposters sound like when they laugh at their own posts after posting the same shit for the billionth time
This is the right answer.
my god
That's actually kinda funny.
No it isn’t, slaves were bought, not stolen.
Women are valued for two things only: Their looks and their ability to bear children. They are worthless otherwise.
Women are not only unfunny, but useless at every task in comparison to men.
They bought black people from other black people
This is wrong. I've met many genuinely hilarious women in the real world, but it's true that once they become "comedians", they stop being funny altogether.
>Hahahaha, you're so funny haha, so when are you gonna let me stick my dick in?
Some are, op
Because you are an incel, and women trigger you.
When you are triggered you're not in the mood to laugh so your tiny brain can't tell what's funny and what's not.
Women never learn to be funny. Even those who try come across as Cringe and try hards
comedy requires empathy, it requires you to be able to understand other people and their emotions
that's why women and conservatives are never funny
>white people bought black people from other black people
>"we stole black people"
Also, Amy Schumer isn't white. She's a Jew.
There is no value for a woman to be funny (or smart)
It's to do with social roles. From a young age, women are taught to not be funny. Not to draw attention to yourself; not to bare your soul for others to laugh at. It somehow violates the social contract.
Think about the funniest kid you knew at high school, the class clown who could always get a laugh out of you whatever mood you were in. I'm betting this person was male. Given that at that age, male and female experiences are not so very different and paths have not diverged too much yet, it strongly suggests that funny is something that is inbuilt to gender.
It may be that humor is a form of sexual attraction, like the peacock's tail. Medical research shows that laughing lights up a woman's pleasure centres. Being able to make a woman laugh shows you have a large brain and are are able to understand social and logical conventions, while folding a little imagination and abstract thinking on top. For about the past hundred thousand years of human evolution, raw physical power has not been the deciding factor on who gets to live and mate. Large brains can devise better weapons, tactics, traps, co-operative hunting etc. They can plan for the future and outwit others. For the first time, clever Claude was more likely to survive and mate than knuckle-dragging beefcake Chad, who unfortunately wasn't stronger than a well aimed arrow shot from cover.
TL;DR: Males use humor to mate.
You must be a devil with the ladies.
Roastie detected.
Women can be funny but only in private never in public. They often confuse having humor with being immature.
I know that, it's still a funny joke tho.
why aren't you funny op ?
But if funny is evolutionarily advantageous, wouldn't that mean that both women and men become funnier? Funny men also have female offspring.
Not all of them
Is Tom Seguras wife any good? I like her on the podcast
>female comedian gets on stage
because men are getting tired of the same self deprecating jokes that are tailored to make them laugh
Women are uncharismatic, which is also why they make terrible leaders. Whenever women talk to others, or others talk to them, there is a subtle but permanent air of 'fight or flight'. Unlike men, they have no evolutionary advantage in being someone that makes other people feel good to be around. They do not protect, they do not care for you unless you're their children, in fact any social interaction at all often gives others the wrong impression.
In fact, a woman's presence is thoroughly negative and off-putting unless you're receiving favors from her. Evolution has designed them such that they are only sources of competitional validation (genes & status), never that of inspiration or fraternization.
no, he's right, you unironically haven't met enough women and they sure as hell wouldn't show you that side
she's great, but it's the same problem, women can be extremely funny, but are poorly suited to actually being comedians
That's a negative
because for comedy to be funny, there must be some truth behind it, and they're superficial beings lacking any genuineness, who'll go through three cocks in a year while playing hard to get with you, yes i'm talking about you, hana
Not true. They're just less funny overall
they're rare
*Blocks your path*
Michael Kors has let himself go
What I find interesting is that women can in theory appreciate actual funny jokes. What's funny to men is mostly also funny to women. It's not like they have a different sense of humour altogether (men developed their sense of humour at least in part to woe women after all), but they utterly fail to produce funny jokes themselves.
Good post fren.
*why aren't american comedians funny
They are m.youtube.com
fucking YIKES
get the fuck outta here, roastie
Officer Trudy is funny, also kristen schaal.
It's very obvious that you have never watched a funny movie with a woman, or went to a comedy club with a woman.
Who the fuck watches movies with women?
All a female comedian needs to do to be funny is walk on stage and get rped
based and redpilled
>It's very obvious that you have never watched a funny movie with a woman
Yeah that sounds about right
>watch movie with woman
*browses cellphone*
*snuggles with you*
*doesn't pay attention*
*does everything BUT watch the film*
"user I don't get what's happening this movie sucks :^3"
Watvhing films with women is a great pretext to fucking them, and it's like all they expect from it since they're clearly not fucking paying attention to the movie
T. clueless incel
"Hot take" ?
here's the thing, there are absolutely funny women, but most women who are genuinely really funny have absolutely no interest in making any kind of career/show out of it or only show that side of themselves in private at all
Because they think different things are funny, and so they tell jokes that aren't funny to us.
Men tell jokes that are funny to women though, but women can't tell jokes that are funny to men?
T. panjeet
Women are shit
Because that's our culture. Men try to make women laugh and talk to them. Women don't have to do shit.
>Why aren’t female comedians funny?
Because women don't have to have a personality, charm, or wit to get by in life, they open their legs and that's it.
Men have to develop a ability to talk and charm others just to survive or mate.
the true funny comedy comes from life experience, men have life experiences of all kinds because we actually have to struggle and fight for what we want. we set goals for ourselves and do things because we desire them not because some fucking post on tubmlr or pinterenst told us that we should visit cambodia or some fucking place. women do what theyre told and this will never change, this leads to them only having life experiences of the vain and shallow kind instead of truly lifechanging life experiences. fuck women and fuck niggers
Tig Notaro is funny.
Most male comedians aren't funny either. Only 5 or 4 can consistently get laughs.
I guess there just isn't enough opportunity for them.
moms mabely was pretty funny, but she was a lesbian
the professor blastoff episode when she wasnt there and they joked about fistula huts was much more funny than the preceding ones in which tig tries to redirect attention to herself
some actually are funny. Even shurmer was funny until she became a fat feminist. So like ten years ago? They just aren’t as funny as men. But that goes for anything really
that's a good bit to be honest
Really you haven't found a female comedian you find funny. I doubt you looked very hard because there are plenty of good ones, like Joan Rivers and Margaret Cho.
And being elitist about not laughing sounds so weird. I don't see comedy as a one-way street. Some of the obligation relies on the listener. If you keep preconceived notions that certain people aren't funny, you aren't opening yourself up like a proper listener would do.
If you look a little farther and open yourself up a little more, I'm sure you will find some female comedians that are funny.
pic looks widened but god damn, this is one of the ugliest things i've seen scrolling the threads on this board
Has Sneed posting finally gone to far?
This is stupid and unfunny. You're not laughing at this, you're agreeing with this.
Three words.
Because through thousands of years of evolution women never had to use their brains until the last few decades
I see Amy Schumer as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who, in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - her exterior AND her personality - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her repeatedly.
That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection.
I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... thing... and that's what Amy Schumer is, let's not delude ourselves, a "thing"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, malformed cunt with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her bodily reactions even if she wanted to.
I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess. I'd fuck that fatty so hard and for so long, she'd go back to just being ugly.
Yeah. I reckon Amy Schumer does it for me.
the same reason they statistically have almost no variance in voting and go left: they are NPCs who react to stimuli. women are rarely proactive in relationships or the workplace because their commodity vaginas ensure they dont have to be, but this kills most of their personalties and therefore sense of humor. but who cares, go outside faggot
what the fuck?
>not even incelling
stealing this, thanks user
women hate other women though
Guess again
fuck off cunt
Not really, usually they're ugly
was it white people or jews?
Schumer was only funny when she had Jeselnik writing for her
>being able to judge someone like that based on one post
woman brains
it's a good punchline at least.
it would probably be funnier delivered by a man though.
holy FUCK
these are both correct actually
eh, the exception that proves the rule
>White people
Wait a minute. Isn’t she Jewish?
lmao, I haven't seen this image since the old Yea Forums days
name them
*walks around him*
not to mention the fact that maron and rogen are both painfully unfunny and suck at their craft
Yeah so it's accurate
this is painfully unfunny
do i have to be an Aussie to appreciate it?
>there are plenty of good ones, like Joan Rivers and Margaret Cho.
This is funnier than any joke I've ever heard a woman make
This is amazing. It would be better if she wasn't trying too hard. I've never heard of her. Is this her best bit?
Did she get even fatter?
Demi Lardner is her name. One of her full sets is on youtube. Dad's google history part of it. Be sure to look for the one where she crawls around the audience and gets uncomfortably close to some hot chick. If a guy did that, total red flag. She gets a vagina pass though.
There are funny female comedians. The gross and unfunny ones get media attention because they produce controversy, which generates clickbait, that priduces feminist "women can be gross too".
Some are just stuck in a childlike mentality.
solid bait
sneed feed and seed
>Like white people.. We stole black people
Most white people bought them. As far as i know many were sold by black tribes, brown slavers. Sure some white colonialist stole black people.
Plenty of them are funny, just not that one.
This shoped or real? If real, sneaky bitch who made this!
I dislike feminist stuff, but agree with you.
I don't have the hard statistics, but I'm sure there are a lot of male comedians who have tried and failed miserably. Can see how one could say that females aren't funny when there's so few female comics throughout time; but would be interesting if, when looking at big numbers, the % chance of big success for either gender are like 0.01% female and 0.001% male.
Both odds suck horribly
I only can agree, based user.
In my opinion, Amy Schumer and Sarah Silverman used to be funny, a long time ago. It was shock comedy but still funny. Sarah Silverman's routine was basically racist humor. She got away with it by saying she was playing a character (naive J.A.P ditz). The thing is it takes a certain kind of woman to even want to go into the world of smoky comedy clubs filled with drunks late at night. They're loose women, women who get drunk and party, etc. I mean Sarah actually told Louis CK it was cool if he jerked off in front of her. So they live like this in their youth, probably fucking lots of male standup comics. I've heard many female comics get their routines from the male comics they're fucking helping them with it. Or in Amy Schumer's case they knowingly steal bits from male comics. But anyway, these girls don't want to settle down and they've screwed so many guys that their ability to pair bond is severely damaged. They are pursuing superstardom, they take movie roles and get their own TV show. They put their career ahead of their love life. Before they know it they hit the wall. They get less roles since they are unattractive. Their eggs are drying up. They become bitter. They lash out at men and society. So, Sarah Silverman goes hardcore into the political stuff. She condemns her earlier, actually funny work for racism. Sarah went on one Comedy Central roast where she went as hard as anyone at the other comics, making fun of Jonah Hills weight and so forth, but then later she complained that he told a joke about her being old. Amy Schumer uses her show to push her political view, which is mostly motivated by her bitterness over her age and loss of beauty. She somehow got the idea that just talking about her vagina is inherently funny. Maybe she thought it was a bold political feminist thing. So she did nothing but that in a gross Netflix special. People hated it and downvoted it. She called her critics alt-right and got Netflix to ban voting on content.
I'd impregnate her
Rebel Wilson is pretty okay. I don't find her hilarious, but she's kinda cute and her humor is far less obnoxious than most "lol le funny fat woman" comediennes.
Most comedians nowadays are not funny. Listen to shit like Aziz Ansari and any other basedmedian?
That's like saying retards are geniuses, but only to other retards. There is zero value in that statement.
To expand on your thought: once a comedian reaches a certain tier of success/income, new opportunities arise. Jobs like writing, voice overs, sitcom roles, movie roles, activism/philanthropy, sponsorship promotion / marketing, and so on. Sarah Silverman likely has enough Disney bucks from her role in Wreck-it Ralph that she doesn't need to do stand up and live comfortably. No idea about Schumer, but she was Comedy Central's favorite child for what 4 years? I recall her doing some been commercial.
So when does being a comedian transition from being a comedian and doing comedy events to a weird mix of any of the above? Its extremely subjective. They don't have to be comedians anymore. They're personalities.
>Christopher Hitchens
i've now seen 3 stand up shows and the woman who was an opener was objectively the worst
pussy jokes and blowjob jokes and being too old to ride the cock carousel jokes
it was painful and confirmed all of the stereotypes
I can die happy now that I have lived to see this post.
I can't tell who's a bigger fag, you for posting this, or me for listening to it.
lol good joke user
>margaret cho
oh no no no no
In all seriousness? It starts with school interactions.
> Girl asks out boy, boy says no. Girls friends console her, blame him, probably start a rumour he is gay, get nasty, shes aprincess etc etc.
> Boy said no - friends mock him, call him a faggot, hes forced to take abuse and learnt o deal with it with humour.
> Boy asks out girl, she says no, she and her friends giggle, he has to take it and smile. Walking back to his friends they know she said no, hes gonna get ripped apart verbally, no consoling from the, so he has to learn to deal with it with humour
> Boy is a 4-5, cant get laid on looks, needs to develop social skills and humour to stand a chance
> Ugly girl just has to offer it out enough and even half decent guys will plow it because well, why not?
Women don't need to develop humour to deal with anything at all, which is why all their jokes are sex, periods and feminism. It's all they can do.
all men are funny
Go back to bed, Tosh.
Funny women are too smart to do stand up comedy. What a shit tier form of entertaiment.
why did this get so many replies I don't even like sneedposting
fucking savage
Lecturing always ruins humor. Only appeals to NPR limp-wrist cunts. You can make that concept funny ("White people stole black people") you just have to make it amusing and not lecturing or moral posturing. I can see any number of male comedians black-white or otherwise coming up with a good "White people stole black people" joke. People love the classic "Why don't black people go on cruises? They aint' fallin for that one again". Present it in a lecturing tone and it becomes a groaner.
>making fun of Jonah Hills weight and so forth, but then later she complained that he told a joke about her being old
And that's the other death knell of a comedian. Minute you can't take it but you can dish it out you're a hack.
Don't forget you also become an employee. You can no longer do the edgy avant-garde shit.
He's right. Humor is often a coping mechanism. Some people turn to bitterness and entitled rage instead of humor to cope. These are called women and /r9k/.
She looks like a sith lord
Women don't have to develop comedic skill to be attractive or gain respect or acceptance. Those who do are generally very fat and/or ugly.
>Schumer's father was born to a Jewish family from Ukraine. He is a second cousin of U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer. Her mother, who is from a Protestant background and deep New England roots, converted to Judaism before her marriage.
why even convert?
Victoria Wood was funny.
based as fuck
Yeah, those nasty evil men building comedy based on having to be funny. Face it, everything you just described rely on results. Identity politics are completely secondary. If you're a good painter, your bagina doesn't suddenly invalidate your skill and likewise, if you are funny, people will laugh. It's just that women think that
>lmao VAGINA SMELLS am I right, ladies?
>I fuck literally everything that moves
are the pinnacle of comedy.
uurgblah guurblah ruurglah
>she just does it for the thrill
Also we didn't steal black people. We purchased them from the other black people who already owned them.
such broad shoulders desu
dress also doesn't work because it creates an emphasis on the flab-seam of the shoulders with the breasts
and good God what is she doing to her face?
This is some next level shitposting right here
That's the oldest joke imaginable that gets made about literally every comedian who sucks.
if only all sneedposters are this fucking based.
This post has retroactively justified sneedposting
It's not that women are "taught" not to be funny, it's being genuinely funny requires the ability to laugh at yourself and women fucking hate making themselves look even slightly bad. The class clown archetype always makes himself look like a total fucking idiot and then ends it all with a laugh, a woman would never do that, because women can't stand looking bad.
Big dicked men also have female offspring yet I still don't see any massive futas running around.
Which is, quite frankly, bullshit.
Some women like Tina Fey can pull ot off, but they're always considered weird or quirky so you're overall correct.
i agree on the logic gaps part, most 'good jokes' focus on logical gaps while women's thoughts generally revolve more around social relations
>which isn't funny
But an immense amount of humor is based on defying social norms. Curb your Enthusiasm is pretty much purely that.
theres not a lot of great female stand up but theres plenty of legitimately funny actresses
* natasha lyonne in russian doll
* kristen wiig
* tina fey
* julia louis dryfus
* jillian bell (specifically thinking in 22 jump street)
Kek. Written by a man I bet
Tinay Fey is a legitimately funny writer too.
thanks I hate it
This comment: >Go back to bed, Tosh.
was meant for and not And its already fucked up im sorries
Joan Rivers was legit funny
This. But she was a NY Jewish broad. Their personalities are kinda masculine.
with proper delivery, sure. Have you ever actually listened to her perform? It's fucking irritating to listen to, like a nagging wife you're not even married to
Based. Great man
that's literally most comedy
then that isn't real comedy, thats the whole point of us complaining about that stuff.
>it's intended to be humorous or amusing and makes people laugh
are you fucking retarded?
Not that user, but you don't seem to get it. If the point is to just preach it fails as comedy, no matter whether you personally agree with the message or not. Now if you claim that's how most comedy is, then it just says something about the state of "comedy" we have.
Women only relate to the world as how it directly affects them. They aren't able to objectively view things. As a result, very few women write timeless stories, or make relatable comedy, or invent anything.
Women hate women more attractive than they are. Which is why attractive comediennes change their target audience once they hit the wall. When they're young and pretty, they appeal to men. When they are fat, old, and haggard, they try to appeal to women (who no longer have to feel threatened)
>(((Christopher Hitchens)))
Good goy
If you really think the point of that joke in question is to preach then idk what the fuck to tell you. It's a fucking terrible argument. The comedian knows it, the audience knows it. We both know it. But it's funny
>female comedian
>all her jokes are about sex and muh vagina
>male comedian
>all his jokes are whining about politics
I'm not talking about the joke in question itself, I'm explaining you what these posts meant.
user says it's not funny/comedy because you're just agreeing with it. You can disagree with the claim that it's not funny, but that's a whole different topic and not what I was talking about.
>this is a science and real life is controversial episode
So if you say
>black people always stealing shit am I right
that's not real comedy if you agree with it and laugh, but if you disagree with it and laugh it is real comedy?
its a morph, dont know the original pic tho
No, are you purposefully missing the point for the sake of being a thick cunt? If the ONLY point is to make people agree with you, then it's not really comedy but preaching to the choir. user was claiming that was the case with the quote posted. You can disagree with that claim if you want, I'm not talking about whether user was right.
Anna Russell was hilarious
>If the ONLY point is to make people agree with you
yeah no shit if you're not trying to be funny or amusing it's not comedy. How fucking retarded are you?
You absolutely can do preachy comedy. You preach, but you do it in a funny way. That's comedy
That isn't Comedy. That's just preaching with a comical veil.
>refers to any discourse or work generally intended to be humorous or amusing by inducing laughter
looks like you should look up the definition of words before arguing what they mean
That's just in America.
Check Absolutely Fabulous .
Whole USA female humor copied these 2 glorious twats.
My personal taste in comedy comes from people who make a situation as awkward as possible, like old kassemg, Eric andre, even Conan O'Brien to a certain extent. Female comedians tend to shy away from this style, and many comedy styles out there in favour of safer options. And then of course safe means bland and uninteresting
t. pleb taste in comedy
First good sneed post I've ever seen.
You done good kid
this is it
But that's not intending to be humorous or amusing by inducing laughter, it intends to preach. The "comedy" elements are used as disguise, and that isn't comedy.
We didn't fucking steal black people we purchased them
Only niggers steal
no u
>Juan, you put the lights on wrong
>Fuck you, you killed our Lord
...that thing is female?
>there has never been a single woman who was funn-