Yeah I've been vaping, but it's safer than smok-
Yeah I've been vaping, but it's safer than smok-
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Since someone always asks why these are so stupid
>government makes big tobacco fund these commercials
>since they're paying they make it as obnoxious as possible and quote meaningless statistics out of context
WHOA man, but you still get
The root of all Evils!
I mean cigarettes are complete trash but nicotine itself is also a shit-tier drug regardless
makes sense they're going after vaping, and trying to attach the same stigma to it that smoking has.
cool i didn't know that.
>Big tobacco cannot air commercials or ads in certain magazines.
>Forced to fund an NPO that produces content in video and print to sell the public on the dangers of smoking
>For years make smoking seem deadly and something the government and your parents don’t want you to do.
>Vaping comes along
>Saying vaping is dangerous counts towards your requirements.
>Get to shill against your biggest competitor on national television.
The government, everybody.
yeah, but pretending that Nicotine is anything even approaching a risk factor compared to the other shit that's in burnt tobacco is retarded.
Wow it’s almost like these are funded and made by big tobacco under duress.
That makes so much sense.
id fuck the big tiddy goth puppet
>tfw friend started smoking after using nicotine e-cigs
I guess there's some truth to this.
Cigarettes don’t make my lungs feel weird like ecigs do.
Some people consider nicotine a nootropic and wear patches/chew gum just for its "benefits"
Is that Roger Ebert's brother?
If you know someone who vaped and then smoked, they would have just started smoking anyway. It's not like smoking is some niche habit.
But vaping is just straight up safer than smoking is.
>he doesn't know about the juul pods filled with only THC in them
baka desu senpai mean weed oil vapes?
wow no shit user, except they air commercials constantly about juul pods
scary ad vs health service
Public Health England's 2015 independent evidence review found that, based on the available evidence, vaping is around 95% less harmful than smoking. The Royal College of Physicians came to a similar conclusion in its 2016 report 'Nicotine without smoke: tobacco harm reduction'.
Post true tobacco use kino
Vaping makes you a faggot.
age of these posters: 14
its just really hard to make to make nicotine itself sound dangerous.
worst part by far is the addiction
i use them for appetite control
t. 15 pounds down
I enjoy cigarettes very occasionally. I still get nicotine rushes from a single cigarette, and they're a very pleasant way to compliment some straight spirit or a coffee, especially in warm weather. Sitting in the sun on the sea front in a Greek port city is incredibly relaxing.
I once had to be taken to A&E via ambulance because I was having difficulty breathing. They obviously asked me if I smoke, and I said yes. They asked me how often/how many. I replied honestly; one or two packs every other month. Considering I had been rushed to hospital as a 27 year old man who couldn't breathe, they put down on my admission form that I was a non-smoker. Because it just didn't present a risk at the frequency I smoked.
Vaping led to a direct increase in smokers and big tobacco should embrace it
snuff's fuckin vile, my nan used to do it and she'd always had snot trails running down to her lips, made me gag