Why does every woman in film crit absolutely despise Zack Snyder?
Why don't they like an unbothered man who makes openly masculine films with great set-pieces and doesn't give a fuck about what critics think?
Zack Snyder/Lindsay Ellis
Why is this screencap hilarious
lmao what a fuckin idiot
She'd have an easier time trying to pass the comment off as a joke if she wasn't known for being part of the "you should lose your living for offending people" crowd.
Lindsay needs a good raping.
that was supposed to be a joke?
women can't meme
Why has Ellis gotten so popular in socialist circles?
Do they not know she used to work on ChannelAwesome?
I would never willingly associate myself with ANYONE from that cesspit
Because of his politics
You know who has a bad relationship with their mother ? Lindsay's aborted fetus
Remember when she got BTFO by someone for tweeting about Rolfe?
>INB4 "empty hero" posts his own screen cap again for the millionth ti-
goddamn it.
Get a load of this dood, Lindsay.
based and redpilled
I didn't know Snyder was political
>inb4 Lindsay or some other roastie tries to defend her with twitter tier snark and-
goddamn it.
Y'all repeat after me
::clap:: roasties ::clap:: can't ::clap:: meme ::clap::
>samefagging this hard because you got called out for posting the same 2 caps in every fucking thread remotely related to tgwtg or nostalgia chick
every fucking time.
Weird cope, but ok
Women are fumny, get over it
lol what a dumb drunken whore
Back to talking about cartoons you go
It's really hard to understand just how empty-headed and brainwashed this parrot is until you start listening to other critical theory acolytes. She sucks.
>you got "called out"
This isn't twitter, roastie. Nobody gives a shit.
Haha jesus christ what a terrible response. Just go and make yourself sound even more spiteful/cunt-y, why not
>*sigh* well--
Being a condescending cunt even when she's clearly in the wrong. Fuck this bitch.
he's not, which means he's obviously a Republican
>her most recent video was opperating under the theory of "sometimes movies that come out 10 years apart can have different tones"
Is she a brainlet or just playing one?
Entry level cinephiles think her video essays are great. Reading her comment section makes me vomit.