>Daisy is ugl.....
Daisy is ugl
...ier than a trannie's inside out dick shoved up inside of their asshole to create a gaping wound that's almost fuckable by other mentally deranged psychopaths
sorry had to take a break before saying it
I have a problem with the male gaze in this picture.
I'd lick her teeth
Does it hurt to be in love with someone who will never know you exist?
a paper bag over the alien head, and I'm good to go
those thighs jesus
Was it God's cruel joke to place these juicy muffs around a completely infertile womb?
lmao I have sexier legs than that and im a dude
prove it
She looks pretty. Is she an actress? She seems like the kind of woman I wouldn't mind settling down with and having childr-...... wait.
>ywn make sweet love to her
>ywn jump for joy when she tells you she got the part she was acting her heart out for
>ywn make a nice candle lit dinner for her after a long day of shoots for her
>ywn proudly take her to your family's house to show what a catch you got
>ywn get a gift box from her that has a positive prnancy test
>ywn take care of the child you and her both bore
>ywn hold her hand at your child's recital and then when your child falls alseep cuddle in bed and talk about your day
t. Daisy
>>ywn get a gift box from her that has a positive prnancy test
Well, that one you don't have to feel jealous about
Weird way to spell perfect OP
I've never thought she was ugly, I just don't like Disney wars. I'd slide my benis inside while she put those sweaty feet in my face in a heartbeat.
she was somewhat pretty before she started working out for disney.
>tfw you can go bareback because she can't have kids