Erm why is YouTube still allowing this looney tune to have a platform?

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we mahke the baybey courmfortable

>Erm why is YouTube still allowing this looney tune to have a platform?
Because he distracts with shit he read in Capt America comics (not even joking)

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southern gentleman jones is peak podcast kino

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of all the shit he said this is actually true

Did you actually do you research or just assume he was wrong?

He is right about this though.

Same with atrazine in the water affecting frogs.
Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction at least needs to be believable

>why are people allowed to have free speech
die commie scum

things he said about late term abortion was the most factual thing he said on that podcast btw.

Imagine the galaxy brain not realizing Alex is used to make be NOT believe in anything out of the ordinary.

Not very good at pattern-observation, are you? Learn your history, silly boy, then get back to us.

This. Uneducated and uninformed retards just know the "ALEX JONES IS LE CRAZY"-meme and assume anything he mentions is patently false.

Isn't this the problem with AJ? He says a bunch of things that are actually true, then he goes in these completely maniac rants and damages the credibility of things that are actually happening.

they literally sell fetuses though, for (((medical))) purposes which means as a company all you need to do is pay a doctor to say its medicine and you can pay planned parenthood for fetus stem cells

there was a undercover journalist who got them on camera, but it was quickly memory holed by the media of course

Don't forget that foreskins from circumcision are used in skincare products.

Why would you get a triple bypass when you could just get a babys heart grown for you?

people think that's absurd but they take foreskins that they lop off at birth and put them in skin care products

Ah, media articles immediately get published telling NPC's how to think. I mean, why watch it straight from the source when you read a headline and some opiniated bs that presents itself as "official factual interpretation of daily happenings that is so official, you have to be against freedom of the press to even disagree with the headlines"

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the water turning frogs gay (and suicidal) is actually true too

>tfw you realize Jones is right about nearly everything

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Was Eddie Bravo dropped on his head 100 times as a kid? Goddamn, he is dumb.

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Is everyone forgetting the plot of this movie? Its totally logical that sooner or later we'd have "immoral" organ farms for ourselves.

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Yea. But strangely he avoided the jewish question. Strange isnt it?

Because nobody deserves to be deplatformed no matter how retarded.

ask dick cheney about the person he killed to get his heart transplant


he's down to 1 bank account dude. they completely stripped his store and multimedia platforms

>Alex Jones loses it on podcast
>Alex Jones spotted buying Subway - even after Jared Fogle was jailed
>Alex Jones takes a shit - a thing Hitler did
>Alex Jones breathes - but so did Satan

>the jewish question
is it possible for you to be anti-semitic? serious question

or has the >muh joooooz
bullshit from /pol/ literally taken full control of your mind? are you on schizo meds? pls respond

google "falun gong harvest" for a good laugh

you okay alex?

Literally think jews run the world but I don't want them all to die and apparently neither did Hitler.
Screaming about them like a retard doesn't help anyone


Not strange at all. Alex Jones has always been against Nazis and realizes blaming the Jews doesn't make sense.

Satan probably doesn't have to breathe.

We maaaykin the babby ccoomftabul...

Yea but when he hits the DMT pipe and machine elves tells him to suck his own dick thats completly normal right?

Why does Jews being mentioned make you angry?

Im not laughin.

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I was literally laughing like a maniac watching that on the bus. The man needs to be a comedian.

Sexy Satan lures Alex Jones into homoerotic acts of sexuality

you realize anti-semitism is an old and tired boogeyman right? we're still doing this?

if you're honestly and unironically still blaming the jews for just about anything, it's time to see a psychiatrist

no, but Satan loves trannies... AND SO DOES ALEX!!! IT ALL MAKES FUCKING SENSE NOW!

oh no
this is fake right

That's kind of the cosmic joke on all people like him. Spend enough time finding out how fucked up things really are in the world and you go crazy.

Strange how your rethoric resonates so close with commies. You realize they locked dissidents to asylums and claimed they were crazy just because they disagreed with their ideology? Or pehraps you know about this and this is why you are telling this.

It sounds like the problem isn't with Alex Jones, it's with the smug morons who decide things are false because they find Alex Jones unaesthetic.

>Erm why is YouTube still allowing this looney tune to have a platform?

They aren't you leftshit cocksucker. Go abort some post-delivery babies.

Why doesn't Alex just get a job as the new R Lee Ermey? His voice is fucking perfect

I mean that's his fault. It's basically kid who cried wolf. When you spew so much nonsense non stop, who's going to believe you when you actually tell the truth? Especially when it's also insane af.

The thing about Alex is that he tries to get into so many theories that he's bound to stumble into ones that are straight up stupid, so all of his other stuff sounds like bullshit too.
If he would only focus in one or two at a time and do actual research with facts and what not, people would take him more seriously. But nooo he has to speak about everything he reads and hears, making himself look like a lunatic.

Wait what. Are the chimeras and hybrids real?

Because he is crazy.

He's acting, he is fake as fuck.

They are responsible for a huge amount of what is wrong with the west

Go back to bed Moishe

Sounds like Danny DeVito

To an extent it is his problem though. He takes real things and exaggerates them and sometimes invents connections between them while rambling. This hyperbole makes him entertaining though.

Once in a time a madman has lots of sex with animals. The genes get confused and it gives to birth to such abominations. Happens once in a while. The "chimeras" wont survive for week.

You bet your ass they are.

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Chimera here.


Alex Jones is not responsible for the crazies who listen to his bullshit web of insanity and act upon it.

what the fuck are you even trying to say?

Agitators face crucifixion.

He already was, didn't like touring so often. See bill hicks

What elements are you week to?

I agree he's not responsible for them. I'm just saying the way he acts is why people don't take him or his ideas seriously, even when they're based on the truth. I've got no problem with him personally. Best thing to do is enjoy his rants, then research the stuff on your own afterwards.

>alex jones is completely right

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>When you spew so much nonsense non stop
name ONE thing he said that was nonsense. Protip: you can't

Yeah it's so crazy

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Are inter dimensional elves real?

Not him but Alex is used to discredit actual "conspiracy theories" by associating his brand with them

This has been know for years. Are you really preplexed this can happen? Holy shit alex might opened pandoras box and the normies will now kill themselves because they are such brainlets to not understand how genes mutate.

That's not how it works, different species can't fertilize each other, with the exception of a few very close relatives like horses/donkeys.
What they do is basically use animals as live incubators for human stem cells (which actually do come from purchased baby corpses) so that the animals can be slaughtered when appropriate and a human heart (or whatever) can be retrieved.
You can bet your bottom dollar they're working on doing it with nervous tissue and brains.

95% of the things that are "wrong with the west" are also wrong with Japan, where there are no jews. which pretty much assfucks your entire shill campaign in the easiest way. it's like if you were claiming tigers were the only animal with 4 legs and then a dog walked in. there would be no need to even investigate any of the scientific reasons you were wrong, because you were just proven wrong in by fucking sight. idiot.

Why did the alt-right adopt Alex Jones? He is like their greatest weak point. All you have to do is point to the guy and any normal person is like "oh right, that's why no one gives a shit about these people"

No matter how well you argue your points or how reasonable they might be, y'all have fucking Alex Jones on your side.

They might not be "inter-dimensional," but it's a real phenomenon that people taking DMT describe.

stopped reading there

not an argument

I'm scared now, I thought it was all fun and games with Jones, but the pig people are real, the gay frogs are real, the fetus harvesting is real. What else is out there...

Its called muddying the waters. A popular CIA tactic

>make human
>is part pig
>allows justified organ harvesting from it
this wont end well lads

The alt-right doesn't exist.

Okay commie have a nice life in your shitland. Now fuck off.

That's why people say he's a disinfo agent meant to discredit ideas. I don't think hardcore "alt-right" people like him much though, because he's not an anti-Semite.

"alt right" pretty much means the neonazis pretending to be reasonable conservatives. you're on a site full of them.

Are you a woman

alt-right are conservatives who DONT support israel

nobody adopted alex jones, we were simply ushered together when the collective common sense of the world stooped to ridiculous levels

Ok retard

Or maybe your shit left leaning ideology is such trash that rest of world acts normal but you take it as if they were nazis. Delusional fucktard.

>95% of the things that are "wrong with the west" are also wrong with Japan
Such as?

nice quads but what makes me a "commie"? genuinely curious

Having never paid any attention to Alex Jones before this and after hearing him explain and backwalk his involvement with the Sandy Hook stuff, how accurate is his account vs his actions that got him de-platformed and kicked out of banks? Was he being witchhunted by lefty tech companies due to media spin or did he do calls to action?

Not allowing people to speak just makes others more curious about what they're saying.

Wow, how stupid of everyone not to believe this man screaming and raving man spewing chains of logic only he sees expecting to be taken dead serious

Basically. The hardcore leftists lump together anybody who disagrees too much with their worldview.

low birth rates, feminism, "degeneracy," pretty much everything you fucking incels cry about. are you dumb?

Told you to fuck off. You commies never listen.

>left leaning ideology
i'm a republican

thanks i got it after reading it a couple times, i just wanted to make fun of how ridiculous it was worded

>for about six months I had a dream of a guy in a purple and green striped shirt, and it's not like a normal dream it's like you've been taken over and there's vomit afterwards, lucid dream, and I'm walking around and I'm like "why am I behind a building?", and all of the sudden there's a dude in a purple and green striped shirt and he attacks me, and six months later... It happens.
This is the most kino thing I've watched in ages

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so you can't answer the question? of course not. sorry i expected better of you

Sure you are. Fuck off

are you implying this site isn't plagued with nazi incels and all of the psychopaths here advocating for various atrocities and blaming things on duh jooz are "normal people"? i also don't see where i implied that i was left leaning. sounds like you have some brain problems.

Look into Sandy Hook and 9/11.
100% he only backpedaled on the former because people were absolutely at his throat about it and he had to cut his losses.
The CIA organizes false flags CONSTANTLY yet if you suggest they're doing it currently you'll be fucking crucified. A big eyebrow-raiser should be the thoroughness with which conspiracy discussion is scrubbed from Google, social media, and similar platforms. The truth doesn't fear investigation, etc.

I used to have crazy dejavu dreams real often as a kid too. He mind fucked me on this one.

First of all you delusional retard i have never told you you are commie i told you that your rethoric is close to what commies did. When you will grow single brain cell to reach at least -120 iq then you will comprenhend my sentences.

No it isn't. You're letting his twisted words ring true. They do NOT WANT to KILL the babies. They are not sitting there trying to murder them. They are in no way encouraging murder or kidnapping or doing anything of that sort. These live birth abortions are done to save lives. People totally and completely misunderstand the law.

>the patient is within twenty-four weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or there is an absence of fetal viability, or the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or health

You can't just walk into an abortion clinic while 30 weeks pregnant and sell your babies organs. Yes, they do use babies organs when aborted, but suggesting anyone WANTS to kill them is misreading this. They do it to save the moms life.

Yeah I am

I'm not actively supportive of an anti-American fascist regime like you lot are

>low birth rates
Why are you putting this in quotes?

So much of Jones' stuff is rooted in a kernel of truth, but then he starts going off on tangents that make him lose all credibility with inter-dimensional aliens. He has broken real news stories before and has some credibility.


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There are a hundred different strains of non-neocon rightists. A white nationalist pagan larper, a trad-Catholic monarchist, and a blackpilled ecofascist have zero in common but they're all lumped under a boogeyman label that Agent Richard Spencer invented to sell t-shirts

The kike you are arguing with is lying, lay it no mind.

I've been on Yea Forums for many years and this has to be one of the most disturbing images I have ever seen.

>When you children are dead.
Don't mock this clearly sad father

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Thanks Doc

lmao so you call me a commie then you back down when i ask you to actually qualify your claim

fuck man you need help lmao schizo nigger

Everyone except Democrat shills and corporate journalists (same thing) likes Alex Jones or can at least be open minded to him.

He never called anyone to action, he just did his job as a radio talk show host that cover conspiracy stuff to cover it all. They just nailed it on him blaming him for it when all he did was talk about a popular theory back in the day.

He was deplatformed simply because infowars was gaining too many viewers and threatening other MSM outlets, people were using his site for news.

Same. It's not exactly the same maybe, but it reminds me of the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon.

You're thinking about shrimp and then somebody will walk by talking about "shrimp" or "plate of shrimp." An explanation is that you're mind is picking up on it more because you were thinking about it.

you should already know why there are low birth rates, feminism in the east is more akin to 2nd wave feminism than the 4th wave feminism in the west
>degeneracy in quotation marks


Alex Jones and David Lynch need to do something together

Not really.
You bring that up and you have insta leprosy.


>lmao so you call me a commie
I told you i didnt. Re read my sentence again. I know im wasting my time to explain this to you but im trying to give a little logic to your life okay? Just dont swallow bleach because it's not good for you.

it's 90% satire and shitposting you retard.

t. anti-semitic white power black jew

Can someone who isnt trying to convey a sense of superiority explain to me what Alex Jones is right about? I literally dont understand him, but ive met some conspiracy theorists who say a lot of relatively similar things. Like seriously break this down for me, the elites are trying to make some kind of alternate reality to live in, which will detroy ours or drain the resources? The "elites" are jews, who hitler was trying to exterminate because of something related to this? I know I sound fucking stupid but im drunk and just trying to make sense of everything ive been hearing for years. Im only just now learning Alex Jones is "right"

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>it's 90% satire
Holocaust was satire.

>Everyone except Democrat shills and corporate journalists (same thing) likes Alex Jones
you seriously don't believe this right?

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This. Jones' been kicked off from every outlet as is, if he were to bring up the JQ, these people would bury him with no way of return.

>They do it to save the moms life.
The Supreme Court has defined "health" in the abortion context to mean "all factors - physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman's age - relevant to the well-being of the patient." The people who write these laws use the language they use for a reason.

But its true OP. Planned Parenthood in partnership with some biotech firms sells organs and tissue harvested from fetuses to researchers. To maximize the usefulness of the organs and tissues and thus profits they stopped administering feticide (poison) and kept the fetuses alive, hearts still beating, for optimal harvesting. This is documented from multiple sources.

And yes, they proposed a law to kill/harvest full-term newborns, as the Virginia governor discusses. Is it connected? Well they arent going to throw away good money.

>Told you to fuck off. You commies never listen.
oh shit i totally misinterpreted that. i actually thought you were calling me a commie!

side note: it's absolutely incredible that this place has become a literal schizo anti-semite hub for deranged racist losers. i miss 2000's Yea Forums, but i don't mind toying with these retards a bit lol

Yea Forums has LONG past the point where the culture is ironic shitposting

>why is degeneracy in quotation marks
because you're not allowed to call anything degenerate when you're a neonazi. you are the lowest form of human.

You need to do heavy drugs and see that reality isnt real. DMT/Near death experience or anything that will trigger "machine elves".

I doubt it.

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He's a paranoid delusional who takes some real nefarious truths but twists them so much they come out ridiculous and hilarious.

Shit like rich people using stem cells to lengthen their lifespan and be healthier is a real thing, but he describes it as doctors going around hitting fetuses with hammers to buy corvettes.

sieg heil my niggas

>anonymous posters on a nip cartoon website are *actually* advocating for genocide!
Imagine being this sheltered and autistic

Ive done lots of Acid, DMT is coming soon. But even then, Alex Jones is just raving about his cosmic trip??

>murder is ok because .000000003% of abortions have an actual medical purpose


they can literally keep preemie babies that are the size of a fist alive using medicine, they can detect birth defects in the first few months of pregnancy and correct them and plan for them in advance

What they are really doing is using edge cases to justify murder, and the ONLY reason roe vs wade even stands today with the insane advances in medical technology and science is because nobody has challenged it

there is a good reason why they have purposely intertwined "womens health" with murdering children, and its not because they want to stop abortions

But when Berkeley scientists and environmentalists calmly talk about chemicals affecting gender development they get attacked and shut down by the TRAs. You have to scream.

>but i don't mind toying with these retards a bit lol
Absolutely red*** worthy. Here have my upvote.

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>anime poster
imagine the smell

yeah, they are actually doing it. or are you saying the incels on /pol/ save terabytes of liegraphs, shill from discords, and organize raids as a joke?

I’m a Nazi for asking questions?

Machine elves are spooky, I've never heard of this phenomenon until this Jones appearance. Makes me want to try DMT.

Just because your mother was white and father was black doesn't make you a chimera.

lex jones is controlled opposition


Yea Forums isnt about shitposting and satire, its about counterculture

this entire site used to be hardcore communists, but now that "THE LEFT" is considered mainstream, its switched to "ALT RIGHT"

this is a site for angry outcasts and always will be

>but then he starts going off on tangents that make him lose all credibility with inter-dimensional aliens

Your brain can't accept the possibility that that is also true.
You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

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>i post my own genuine dumbshit opinions so everyone must
do you know how often i argue FOR the genocide of my own race?

Shut the fuck up, liar.
>protect the patient’s life or health
This includes undefined reasons like "psychological well-being". When there's hours of undercover footage of PP doctors going out of their way to convince reluctant actors to go through with their abortions, I'm not going to give them the benefit of the doubt.
There is no normal pregnancy complication that justifies evac/dilation or chemical injections, both of which carry additional physical risks as the pregnancy progresses.
As of 2014 only 30% of abortions were done for medical reasons (and again, this includes bullshit like the above, so the actual number is much lower). The rape that people love to cite is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent.

I have a paper due tomorrow and just want to listen to this man go on

likewise. i can only imagine what you look like. imagine "saving" anime images on your pc. lol

Yes for 4 hours while joe tries to calm him down the whole time.


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There is no way that the current version of /pol/ is just ironic.

>Yea Forums is only what i say it is reeee im in charge here reeeee!!!!

He's not entirely right. The connections he makes aren't always there and he exaggerates to a huge degree. But a lot of what he said is based on kernels of truth. So just read about the stuff he talked about on your own.

The part you wrote about Hitler and the Jews isn't what he believes. It's more that the elites think humanity isn't good enough and want to use technology (AI, automation, genetic engineering) to transcend their own humanity and shape the world how they want.

Please never post again. I can't take this much cringe. Just stay in red**t. They will give you loads of upvotes okay? I promise.