Itt: post the greatest choreography in all of cinema, ever

itt: post the greatest choreography in all of cinema, ever

Attached: hyper realistic space saber combat.webm (640x536, 2.71M)

Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck

Attached: look were action stars.webm (1280x720, 2.24M)

Did this nigga just throw his weapon away? LMAO

>My god...

what is recoil?

Oh no no you see ray used the force to push away the dagger that was going to stab her.

clearly a z list movie, if the budget for this movie is more than 1 million I will suck my own dick on camera

>$317 million dollar budget
>152 minute runtime
>these 8 seconds costed $35,000

Attached: 1548668214185.jpg (428x424, 16K)

the weirdest combination of decent cinematography and both decent and awful choreography.

Attached: kill thurman.webm (854x480, 2.86M)

Wait what the fuck is this? Is it a deleted scene?


IS that a dilator?

no it's a car crash.

>women drivers

Attached: WomenTennis.webm (994x981, 1.63M)


Attached: 1401598548716.webm (1280x720, 2.45M)

>Elite Warrior of the First Order, assigned to Snoke's personal guard detail
>beat out countless other soldiers in to serve in this important, prestigious position
>Must have fought in multiple combat operations, with distinction
>Train religiously in hand to hand and melee weapon combat with weapons especially designed to resist lightsabers
>Get beaten by a girl who grew up malnourished in the desert her whole life, picked up a lightsaber for the first time last week and cut some rocks for "training"

Attached: 1334599208763.jpg (449x644, 463K)

still the most embarassing and uncomfortable thing i've ever seen and this is coming from someone who watches liveleak daily

This is from a comedy, right?

Attached: 1458400680864.png (480x480, 202K)

Attached: 1049.gif (331x197, 1.87M)

>Best of the best of the best of First Order
>Run into someone so in tune with the force that they can easily paralyze you with contact, erase your weapons from existence if you land a blow, and shift the timeline so that omae wa mo shinderu before she strikes

Still cant believe no one pointed out not even one of the over 9000 error of that fighting scene while reviewing this garbage. Movie critics should be executed in a public square.

Attached: 1551110937320m.jpg (1024x593, 31K)

is this a real accident that happened on set? If so, did she... ya know...?

Attached: 1529941216085.png (500x375, 205K)

Attached: fight.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

It's from Person of Interest. It's supposed to be bad (yes, actually supposed to be bad). It's during an episode where a supercomputer is simulating all different scenarios while the supercomputer is slowly dying. The episode starts becoming more and more 'shit' as it goes on including replacing lines of dialogue with lines like "condescending quip" and "unamused retort". They show more accurate use of guns during other times, though not that much more accurately tbqh.

How did she suddenly become the most powerful fighter in westeros?
Because she got stabbed, went for a swim in the sewers and drank some soup?

shes making that really focused, grimacing face that chris chan also does when he dances, its weird

t. zoomer who didn't watch the movie
It's supposed to look awkward.

Attached: 1551424899139.gif (500x211, 2.84M)

Attached: 1511358314422.gif (600x293, 2.14M)

Attached: kinolan.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)

Because the writers are retards who think Arya becoming a dangerous assassin means her literally being a good fighter. Faceless Men are so feared because it doesn't matter if they're good fighters or not.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at 1.29.30 AM.png (276x111, 14K)



"Thurman told The New York Times that Quentin Tarantino coerced her into driving the car, even though she was worried it might be unsafe"


Attached: 1524206784639.webm (960x540, 2.22M)

Go Os!

Wait, that's not even a stunt driver? Fucking why?

Ah, good ol’ ESL, read one line in a dictionary and think they know how to use words in English.

how many people do you think got a heart attack right there

Not m

why don't they just keep shooting?
it's not bows and arrows

Attached: Shin Mei Kingu Artheru.webm (700x292, 2.86M)

Someone get the HOTHEAD outta here.

DCfags will defend this


I just had a rage flash about seasons 6 and 7. Does the anger ever go away, user?

Jesus is this from that dubstep King Arthur with Jude Law?

>did she... ya know...?
get Weinsteined while unconscious ? yes

>he doesn't even know how to blankpost

Attached: 1532056525491.webm (640x480, 2.88M)

for assuming she knew how to drive

Attached: 1411059719196.webm (480x360, 2.74M)

What videogame is this?

Ho. ly. fuck.

Attached: 1533217223041.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Nolan was just having fun here

Thanos doesn't stand a chance now that CM is on the case.

Attached: 1540099634273.webm (860x804, 2.99M)

Yep. And the two niggers in 5th century England. Down in flames.

Attached: king-arthur-legend-of-the-sword-5.jpg (1000x563, 536K)

Take that, ya incels.

Attached: 1540099698558.webm (460x804, 927K)

Did they ever release that retarded robin hood movie, where little jon was a black man and the whole movie was basically an antifa promotional piece?

Attached: 1540099772394.webm (500x800, 1.57M)

>*spins out of your path*

Fucking kek

Did they just film the scene once and then say "Alright, we're done" or what the fuck happened?

Think about it. They probably filmed it a dozen times and this was the best take.
>J-j-just let them fix it in post. I'm sure no one will notice.

>I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!
I love how the one guy dances out of frame before coming back a second time.

from my martial arts experience fight choreography takes a huge amount of time to get right and look convincing. they clearly didnt want to bother with it.


musta gone by, like a turd in the wind

Attached: 1540099526451.webm (1920x804, 2.98M)

>dozens of takes
>this was the best
That's downright disconcerting.

whats going on here

To think people made fun of prequels for having a few retarded moments during their fights

Attached: 1534896444143.webm (1280x720, 880K)

I honestly can't fucking wrap my head around the action in The Last Jedi

What am I supposed to focus on? Why can't I focus on anything? Why are they so wobbly and stiff? What is the trajectory of the action? Why make this huge fisticuff with sparks and lightsabers, and then film it on a moving camera, and then put this distracting Burning red thing background that has ANOTHER background which is a huge ship that breaks the composition?

Will there ever be a time where people won't look at the Last Jedi with utter disgust?

Attached: 1542186883967.webm (768x432, 2.65M)

Holy shit I'm in tears.

i don't know what you guys are talking about, despite her CWC-tier grimace she has a nice tum

>motherfucking British Crimean War tactics on a city shootout where no one is taking cover and hoping they don't Charge of the Light Brigade each other
when this scene came up on the movie I was quite shocked

Uma Thurman got fucked up doing a stunt for one of the Kill Bill movies.

Agree with this guy

videos I wished were in 3d

wait wtf is happening? Are they throwing the ball trough their own hoop?

I mean... you CAN. Like when someone is trying to goalkeep but knocks it into their own basket or whatever.
What gets me is that everyone on the court just went with the switch and both teams were attempting to score on themselves.

When IX comes out is even bigger shit

>they all hug and comfort her before she goes to the bench
this is why women will never be anything

>King Arthur with a fucking zoomer haircut
>meanwhile the guy that played him in Excalibur literally secluded himself after the role

You ain't seen nothing yet

>guy's fisher price sword literally goes through the lightsaber
Did they alter the timing of the shot by CGIing the guard to attack Kylo differently than in the raw footage? It doesn't look natural, they both have different reactions to each other

Wait... he cuts her with his left hand blade, and she even reacts to it, but his blade is gone immediately before it makes contact..

Attached: 1506044282977.png (246x286, 87K)

at least there's a fluid motion to it and you can tell what the fuck's happening

The Phantom Menace is actually a really good looking fucking film in retrospect.

wait... what did i just watch?

Daisy actually sells that cut pretty well.
I wonder why they gave her invincible abs in post.

This show is just a yass girl power fantasy

Attached: 1530219470695.gif (672x504, 2.51M)

it would be pretty gruesome to have Rey fight with her intestines dragging all over the place, she could handle it just fine IMO.

all the incels dont realize this genius level female intellect. She purposefully tricked everyone by sacrificng a paultry 2 points to make the enemy team start scoring on themselves while her team would "ease off" and not score anything.
at the end of the game, her team is declared the victor at the hands of her opponents so sure they were ahead the whole time. this is something oafish primates we call "men" would never come up with in their games
how truly machiavellian

>That laugh at the end

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Attached: 1516942231846.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

I love everything about this

god leo fucking ruined that movie

this is how liberals think gun work

Women will never understand

After God knows how long living a simple life, Rey sure seems content to kill lots of people in the span of like 3 days.

>tfw this is what modern day Hollywood could be if not for all those pretentious oscar bait fags and ''muh if a black kid sees a black person their lives will be better'' people

This is goofy, but at least it looks like it is trying to be ridiculous and light hearted

>all these replies implying the webm is serious
proof that autism runs like a torrent through here

Come on Luigi, you'll be talking to the mildow in the shower next.

no. enjoy the trainwreck that is the final season of got and we can finally laugh at it together like good times

uno accidento @ 00:19

what ps2 game is this?


>kino costumes
>kino adaption

costed isn't a word

I'm not sure that fits Romeo and Juliet.

It's actually kinda impressive at how during the span of a single day she went from 20 years of being a lonely nobody to getting into nearly getting herself killed every 3 seconds and still keep going, finding new planets (that she isn't in anyway dumbstruck at how different it is from not-tatooine) meeting new people (that she in no way connects with unless it's some deep attachement for no fucking reason) and murdering people. She doesn't even get the shakes.

A normal person would end it and not push their luck if they saw a fight on the street and walked the other way away from trouble

To be fair to the woman driver, she had to turn the wheel

holy kek of keks

Attached: 1547339744026.jpg (491x488, 19K)

>gold medal

why did they even let this shit continue?

>Saber vs Hundred Faced Hassan

Check these out

Yes it is.
Just because you don't know how to use it properly doesn't mean it isn't a word.
I bet you think the perm 'pussy' (in the context of calling a person a pussy) refers to female genitalia too, don't you? This is an example of you not understanding something and thinking you do. You are wrong.
It's shorthand for pusillanimous

Attached: how can he do that.webm (500x500, 873K)

What movie is this? Looks like kino.

Romeo and Juliet.
It is kino.

Looking back, I think the worst thing about this scene is that the movie pretends having guns in a city like not-Chicago/New York would be a rare thing.

costed isn't a word

>western sound designers and composers on suicide watch

I now appreciate this film more. Imagine if they had quality drones and CGI.

with how NY is doing right now I think the only people that have guns is thugs and who the fuck knows how they fit into the equation of bane's doming the city

Romeo + Juliet. Great movie, the only sad part is that Mercutio (great character) is a nigger for whatever reason.

this is Official Kinoâ„¢ tho

the amount of anons on Yea Forums who apparently haven't watched Person of Interest, possibly one of the most kino tv shows made in recent times, is shocking and fills me with sadness

Yes it is.

Fucking kino

The thing I'm still in shock about is that these cops were locked up in the sewers for months, yet none of them have facial hair. I fucking hated tdkr when it came out and I fucking hate it now.

All that budget for this dogshit. Good Lord.

costed isn't a word

F u, its great

I unironically liked this movie. The final fight scene was also good.

So just how like Luke went from farmer boy to saving the galaxy?

Do you bite your thumb at me, sir!?

Why did he loose the grip?

Yes it is.

except the original trilogy takes place over the course of years whereas nuwars takes place over the course of days

New Hope takes place over the course of a few months, TFA and TLJ take place over the course of 3 days, TLJ is only 16 fucking hours.

He already had plenty of negative experience with Empire Storm troopers and they burned down his home and killed his aunt and uncle. All the motivation for joining the rebellion is there.

costed isn't a word

the time span of the original Star Wars movie is like a whole month if counting how long they spend travelling off-screen in that movie, and even then Luke is pretty fucking traumatized and edgy after he deals with a problem and each tragedy scars him.

Singham fights are great.
I don't even know what they're saying, but that music pumps me right the fuck up.

Costed is NOT a word, ESL. Fuck OFF

Has anybody sent these in .gif format to Rian ir anybody at LucasArts or their shills and gotten reactions?

Yes it is.

>that moment where it looks like they were just flung to their deaths

Attached: The Other Guys - Aim for the bushes.webm (900x374, 2.92M)

I like the vivid camera movements, they give the whole thing a little more kick. Everything else looks pretty bad tho

unironically great

Attached: ipmanvs10.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

It's the past tense of applying a cost to something.
You're a retard. Go get a job that involves job contracts and/or quotes and you'll see that it's frequently used.

kung fu is a fucking meme

Attached: 1541726083063.webm (1256x698, 2.88M)

>it's an american thinks their butchered dialect is really english episode

Crait was obviously supposed to be the beginning of the movie, and Rey on Snoke's ship was supposed to be the end. Cliffhanger going into ep9 was Rey being stuck injured on Snoke's ship with kylo. For whatever reason, Rian's incompetence or studio meddling, they had to rewrite everything so crait was at the end instead.

>vowel shift thinks his mutation matters

Attached: 1362894547857.gif (260x289, 1.57M)

I just legit don't understand how they can make literally a billion dollars off a franchise and shit like this still manages to slip through.

Honest question here, not even trying to be a shitter-
Do they hire outside help for thier animation stuff? Like India or Pakistan?

Attached: excuse.jpg (800x450, 181K)

>haha im not an idiot im just trolling ha

This is kind of sexy

costed isn't a word

Attached: Recoil Swivel Maneuver.webm (708x392, 231K)

Yes it is.

costed isn't a word

>only letters i dun need are a 'u' a 's' andun 'a'

He's fucking fat. Damn.

Attached: 1505528084666.webm (960x404, 2.99M)

¿por que?

I'd say he could be a Ninja Turtle in a live-action adaptation, but the guys in the old movies were faster than him.

Yes it is.

tfw you will never be an old man fighting to your death attacking a castle

holy kek

Jesus christ, the years have not been kind to Steven Segal...


costed isn't a word

so much for being able to hear

He's fucking LOST IT boys!
This is so pure.

No it isn't.

oh good, another thread where buttblasted incels slow down a half second of a fight sequence from a children's film and autistically analyze and nitpick it apart looking for things to be mad about

wtf i thought he dodged that first kick

>defends a children's film

Attached: 1527490357006.webm (294x125, 2.87M)

these guys aren't even trying to fight back why is he annihilating them?

so did he

Attached: 1517540578090.gif (320x240, 954K)

>making fun of you = / = defending the movie that rustled your jimmies into orbit

Attached: USqbVwE_d.jpg (636x466, 12K)

........there is no god

This is fucking unbelievable, how can he SLAP

Attached: FUUUCK.gif (360x359, 566K)

>Later that day, fight choreographer Liang Yang grits his teeth, and lies to the reporter about how skilled Daisy is. Every word is measured, as he feels the Disney reps eyes on him, like a laser.

Holy shit that entire fight scene is a trainwreck. And someone actually got PAID to choreograph it. Any 10 year old boy would've done better job.

ywn rip a lampost and use it to defend ur gf and be a chad

Attached: 32467987653.png (354x340, 188K)

Based Hound

As if she could block that adults sword swings with that flimsy shit.

I unironically actually like this better as it knows it's unrealistic and goes with it.
Meanwhile we have jerknigger directors trying to make realistic scenes but have batgirl and blackwidow lightly tapping heavily armored dudes who go down in one hit.

I actually liked this. The CGI vs CGI thing meant we could have a fight without close-up, blurry and shaky cam. You got to actually see each hit.

Attached: 1549824479795.webm (800x450, 2.76M)

Imagine coming in here to yammer about something no one knows what you're talking about so you can get your daily, if negligible fill of human attention

>women driving

Attached: sjw kek.jpg (640x585, 73K)

It's got plenty of close-ups for a fight that lasts a few seconds, and the entire thing is shaky cam.

I'm not gonna shoot you between the eyes, I'm gonna shoot you between the balls!

Now this is a spectator sport.


Attached: 1450333777814.jpg (456x748, 49K)

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.jpg (400x386, 34K)

There wasn't even an awning in their direction

Attached: 1550571018873.jpg (1068x1056, 116K)

>a man with half of his limbs severed is still more powerful than a full grown woman

Really activate my almonds

Attached: The ONE.webm (1280x720, 1.91M)

Old man thanos can manhandle hulk, thor, strange, bitchslap Tony and Steve, blink vision (and scarlet witch) out of their misery, but he Is fucking getting squashed against the first full blown female superhero, the real first "first" avenger, true cap, original kree super woman, war veteran fighter pilot, the one who made nick fury what he Is, THE CAPTAIN MARVEL

Believe it

Was the cinematography this flat??


Attached: ONE.webm (1184x522, 2.84M)

This would be good if the sound mixing wasn't so incredibly bad. Every single sound effect is past saturation and not a single one is synchronised with the hits

I still can't believe that people on here were actually saying that this the scene was good.

Anyone notice how the front guard is apparently on the girl's side, blocking the other guard?


Attached: img_6087.jpg (540x568, 85K)

>Lost his uncle and aunt to stormtroopers
>constantly got his ass kicked/captured
>almost gave up after the revelation/losing a hand
>nearly commited full on incest

DCfags will defend this

All she'd need to do is a wide, horizontal low swing and she wouldn't be able to dodge it

The next scene is even worse with the fights going on and no one is moving from their designated place. It was laughable really.


haha look at the cop with the green jacket on wtf is he doing when it pans to overhead shot

Its not that they can't make good fight scenes, west simply does not even bother too

Damn i hate good hong kong action movies

Jesus fuck, I forgot how bad this was.

As funny as this comic is it doesn't do justice to just how terrible that scene is.

Attached: 68nlajnw9rfz.jpg (1200x1781, 298K)

if his sword disappeared why doesnt he just punch her?
it would cause internal damage and most likely knock her down so he can go for the kill.

>get beaten with a stick by some cultist for a couple of month
>I'm a fucking ninja now

Now THAT is one in a million hit. Fucking nice.

she was using mind tricks while also fighting and yes she learned it off screen deal with it

wow, she looks like a boy

>no one knows about TLJ
yeah that's why there are a hundred threads about it a day

neck yourself

Theres absolutely nothing wrong with this scene.

Is this a deleted scene from The Pest?

Uma doesn't know she has agency

Hulk is a fucking garbage superhero

Don't you dare insult The One

I remember this, now if only he'd be wearing a flashy armor instead of just looking like a peasant in that scene.

Attached: WE WUZ BRITONS AND SHEEIT.jpg (1906x798, 393K)

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Attached: BAH_GAWD.webm (522x470, 536K)

The Actual Best fight scene ever made

They couldn't get a stunt driver for that? I get that you can see her eyes in the rearview, but come one, she's even wearing sunglasses.

She just scored for the opposing team.

>Police Story 1 and 2 getting Criterion release

How can other action films compete?

>why doesnt he just punch her?

Why you advocating violence against women, mysoginist


Attached: zeckenfotzeaufsmaul.gif (446x251, 1.33M)

>everyone respectfully waits for their own turn to go 1v1 against him

Yeah. Nope.

wtf is this?

So fucking hot but her face completely ruins it.

>I'll try spinning that's a good trick

At least she does dodge most of Brienne's swings instead of deflecting them with her knife. It could've been way worse, wayyyy worse.

This is for movies, not cartoons sweetie

The only thing I don't like here is Thanos' fighting style. It's way too technical and sharp for someone that size, they should save something like that for someone with a higher DEX stat.

Kino scene

I actually pissed myself at this scene. The whole opening of this film with these two is among the funniest shit I've ever watched, too bad the rest of the film is complete shit.

If they were strong enough to shatter stone pillars, shouldn't they be knocking each other (and themselves) flying with each hit?

Attached: did not.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

>shots coming front straight ahead
>ricochet sparks going left

She's doing her bit about a second late. They all stopped before she blocked them, and the spinning dude in the foreground had to raise his swing because she hadn't ducked yet. This shouldn't have been the final take.

you're a blithering idiot

According to IMDb: same choreographer.

>mic drop


Why did they fight the germans there anyway? They just needed reason for Wonder Woman to enter the story, and couldn't be bothered to write one, so they just had germans show up and fire randomly for no reason. I don't get why people praised this movies, its generally so half-assed and lazy


Daily reminder that Ridley learned her choreography in 90 minutes.

Slay. Queen.

Attached: slay queen.webm (478x200, 925K)

it lets them show that he isn't related to the montagues or capulets but that he is related to the prince

>turn off the saber
>move hand towards his face
>turn it back on

Someone post the hallway scene from oldboy.

reminder that this is why we won't get vol 3

It shows.

Attached: 1548249003772.jpg (413x395, 67K)




This movie was actually supposed to be just a shitty romantic comedy but when Jackie Chan got involved he decided to add some fight scenes. That's why the movie is so good: it's pure unadulterated fight choreography. The plot doesn't matter, the characters don't matter. It's just an excuse to show amazing fights

why didn't they just shoot poo?


Attached: it's all shit when you slow it down.webm (500x212, 2.28M)

>Women's Final
Imagine the qualifiers

Attached: 1551309034128.png (500x500, 290K)

Blazing Saddles. One of the great comedies of all time and very politically incorrect.

I love how every Bollywood action star just looks like any Indian kid's dad on a junior soccer team

haha what no it isn't

No it isn't what? Not even the guy you replied to but this is such a useless post.

Got some real Kino for you here boys

Attached: Xena - 101 - Sins of the Past.webm (576x432, 2.76M)

>Not realizing the Christinith scene is pure kino

>Has anybody sent these in .gif format to Rian ir anybody at LucasArts or their shills and gotten reactions?
Why would they need to be gifs

well user, the post I replied to described the film as "One of the great comedies of all time and very politically incorrect", so when I said, "no it isn't", I meant: "no it isn't one of the great comedies of all time and very politically incorrect"
hard to follow I know

>that head hit at 4:57
Can't imagine carbon fiber rods feeling good.

>Luke straight up hits Vader under the helmet straight into the neck
>sparks fly from shoulder

>lightsaber too short to actually cut those poles

Rotoscoping guys should've handled that.

Attached: Star Wars Episode I Fights Featurette.webm (500x280, 2.8M)

>a man missing limbs weighs less than a man with all his limbs

wtf so she swung into the path of a bullet that would have otherwise hit nobody

With Talladega Nights and Blades of Gory, it's Will Ferrell holy trinity.
Honorable mention to Zoolander.

Pullups with 1 arm are twice as hard as pullups with 2 arms. He'd have to weigh 50% of what a grown man does just to break even.

If I remember the story, Quentin was the one insisting she drive it

>if I cut off my arm it will be easier to do push-ups

Imagine being Arnold in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Jamie Curtis, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Arnold and not only sit in that chair while Jamie Lee Curtis flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

Is the rule of this literally that the floor is lava?

That's what dictionaries are for, right?

Basically yeah, first one to touch the ground gets shot by arrows

Fucking brilliant. Good movie as well. But to really appreciate this, you have to know that right before the movies release, in cinemas most promotion were focused on those two. It was setup that Sam L and The Rock were the two protags with Ferrell and Wahlberg playing second fiddle. Posters, trailers etc. all focused on Jackson and The Rock.

It made this scene all the more brilliant.

Welp, time to get my morning fap in ty

Thanks user, you're doing God's work.

Yes it is and always was

Kino movie. Tybalt was a dick anyway. Had he not been annoyed by the warm weather Romeo wouldn't have had to put up with his shit temper.

Agreed I watched it for the first in 15 years yesterday and it was great. It helps that movies have gotten so bad recently.

Attached: mpc-hc64_2019-02-28_15-58-19.jpg (1839x783, 124K)

And people keep forgetting that they are trying to avoid hitting eachother with the props. Of course it will look stupid in slow motion, the same goes for every action movie ever made.

This. The Phantom Menace is the most enjoyable for me. Of course Binks is still annoying but the movie works. It had the most practical effects of those three movies, and the plot works compared to the new star wars movies.

For all the faults the prequels have, the overall plot-line works compared to the "we make shit up as we go" of the new ones.

>Fucking brilliant. Good movie as well. But to really appreciate this, you have to know that right before the movies release, in cinemas most promotion were focused on those two. It was setup that Sam L and The Rock were the two protags with Ferrell and Wahlberg playing second fiddle. Posters, trailers etc. all focused on Jackson and The Rock.
>It made this scene all the more brilliant.
Yeah, I went in expecting they'd be the main characters

>Trips of 3
I stopped watching when black mom cop died and they introduced female CIA

What's REALLY stupid about this isn't that the other knife disappears; it's that even if he was still holding the knife he didn't do ANYTHING with that hand. Knife or no knife; he's just holding his left hand out there like he forgot it exists. So even if the knife didn't disappear it still would be beyond terrible choreography. The knife disappearing just makes it hilarious.

Well it does look like he is supposed to cut her with the knife that magically vanished but they changed their mind in post production. You can see she evens reacts to it "cutting" her stomach.

same Whoops, I meant to reply to

Prime Olivia Wilde was so hot.

Good catch, but why would he suddenly stop using his left hand? lol This shit is so stupid. Nolan must have directed these scenes.

t. open mouth zoomer

>but why would he suddenly stop using his left hand?
Yeah thats the point where I really am at a loss. I am positive about he was supposed to cut her, but why he didn't stab her in the back afterwards, well my guess is as good as any.

You know what the weird as fuck part is.

The editors, the CGI guys everyone had to go through this frame by frame I bet they were like... laughing their asses off saying "I can't believe we've been ordered to edit this shit."

Absolute retard

I think shes supposed to move so fast he coudn't keep up?

I mean it's OBVIOUSLY just bad choreography.

>Weird chinese wankfest

winter soldier had the best hits in the god damn whole universe.

Shadow did this to one of Jessy's small dogs. It shook the entire house and that poor fucking dog never went near him ever again.

the whole point of slicing a sword is commitment, so when they do the whole "Slice until it hits, then pull away" it looks fucking stupid as fuck.

Ya don't cut the object, you cut behind it. Follow through my man.

This is a good one too.

I like when magical beings meet bullets for the first time and gets fucked, any recomendations?

I can't fathom how they fail so hard. Didn't they even have ONE fucking hour of practice? Just one? They should be able to AT LEAST just go in a sorta straight line.
I'm not saying I'm not any good at it, because I have never tried it before in my life, but I would at least practice going straight if I could.

>tfw this fight was the best part of the whole movie.
And thats saying something. Rey going dark side and teaming up with Kylo could have redeemed this shit pile and subverted my expectations.