Just watched an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine on TV because I wanted to see what this super popular show everyone's...

Just watched an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine on TV because I wanted to see what this super popular show everyone's always talking about it all back.

What's up with this style of sitcom where everyone speaks really fucking fast? It must be like a specific thing they do because there are definitely ones that aren't like this but I remember The Middle was the exact same way. And that show is from like ten years ago so I can't even say it's a modern thing.

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It's the Mel Brooks approach. Fling enough jokes at the audience that even if they don't land, you're already on to the next one before anybody stops to think about it.

First couple seasons are really comfy

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Fat face

Its meme tier, Ive seen it on TV a few times, its manchild type of childish humor. Much like big bang theory, it isnt even funny.

i hadn't watched in a while, but i caught the episode that aired tonight.
the part where jake's gf started talking about women harassed or raped or whatever felt really weird. is that something they started doing in the new season? they took the funny out and tried to make it too woke.


it's weird to me that it's been cancelled by like 4 networks now and keeps getting picked up by a new one

They've been doing those sorts of episodes for a while now. There was one about racial profiling, and another about one of the detectives coming out as bisexual.

Big Bang Theory feels much more like a standard sitcom. It has lots of pauses for laughter whereas Nine-Nine is just breakneck talking.

I don't like laugh tracks or even studio audiences very much (an exception being All in the Family which has some truly great closeups when they stop for laughter) but this seems like too much of an extreme.

Are you high? It was only ever on Fox before. Fox cancelled it (presumably to pick up more propaganda like Last Man Standing) and NBC picked it up.

It's from the same guys who made The Office and Parks and Rec, so you have to know what you're getting into. I used to enjoy those shows when I was in high school, but after trying to re-watch them now, they feel so one-dimensional and kind of lame. Most of the jokes aren't really jokes, they're just people being cutesy and mugging to the camera.

It doesn't feel like either of those shows at all. Are you sure it's by the same people?

I’ve never seen this faggy ass show but I know the style of comedy you’re talking about. Community is similar, although I feel like that’s more due to the editing

Michael Schur works on all three, as well as The Good Place. He uses a bunch of the same actors on them too

Absolutely. Like said, Mike Schur has worked on all three shows--The Office as a writer, Co-Creator of Parks and Rec, and Co-Creator of B-99 alongside other former members of his staff. The shows are basically the same save for the excision of talking heads from B-99's formula.

Anyone who watched this past episode: I'm sorry. There have only been 2-3 other episodes with ridiculous shoehorned in social justice crap that ruined the episode and unfortunately this was one. It's really a solid show and not many episodes are like this.

even though the show is pretty safe its way better than most of the other trash like big bang theory

They only have a 22 min time slot.

>social justice bad

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This episode was the opposite of playing it safe, I'm disappointed to hear this isn't very common.

That's exactly when I dropped the show.

not really, just the way they wrote this last episode was bland and unfunny.
the previous episode was bad too, holt/kevin is a nice relationship and they tried to toy with it, i won't stand for that. this season feels a bit forced in general. i wonder if it's because of the network change

It's reddit

It went downhill so fast. First few seasons were okay.

>Its meme tier
Title of your sex tape

When it's shoehorned in by privileged people who have never experienced real sexism, yes. They claimed in this episode that all (yes ALL) female members of the NYPD are offered career advancement for sex and punish them, covertly or overtly, if they refuse. That is ludicrous.

Chubby Amy is so perfect


And they went way too heavy handed with this shit
>Every single woman I know has had some sexual assault before!
Yeah? Every single fucking woman huh?

Not to mention the woman in the episode who was assaulted was given a golden ticket
>Man tries forcing himself on you
>Doesn't even get further than a grope before you grab a golf club and break his penis (really subtle message btw)
>Gets offered OVER TWO MILLION DOLLARS for having someone grab her
>They actually talk her out of taking the deal, and she still loses her career
Do you know how fucking thrilled I'd be if my boss grabbed my ass, I beat the shit out of him, and the company offered me millions to keep quiet?

god she is so gorgeous lads

First episode was alright then it turned into sentimental trash where everyone talks about their feelings.
I can only assume women and onions-boys watch it.

Did you really expect NBC to not shove their wokeness down the show's throat bud?