And if not, why not?
Are there any accurate film/tv depicitions of SJWs?
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coulda got a chick who could pronounce the jargon
in the 70's there where the bible thumping church ladies, maybe you could get something similar in a film depicting that very scenario, its too soon to get a redpilled sjw film
Because what you call "SJWs" are mostly decent people who you've been brainwashed to hate, based on an ideology that perceives altruism, solidarity and justice as weaknesses.
I Shot Andy Warhol. About a turbo feminist who founded S.C.U.M. the Society for Cutting Up Men in the 70s and later did what the title describes.
Not really. Anytime I've hung out with angry feminists it becomes "bla bla bla white men" and when I point out I'm a white men, it's like "ohhh no I don't mean you." It's the same level of prejudice as a white guy ranting about black people to a black person. Of course the black person is going to think you are a racist just like I'm going to think a feminist is really a misandrist.
I don’t hate them whole cloth. I’m just wondering why I’ve never seen one on the TV.
How is constantly demonizing everybody not them, and being enabling ideological cover for queer theory pedophile tolerance any of that?:
>everyone who disagrees with my views does not want objectively good things such as justice
Imagine being this far up your own ass
I'd say "good bait", but with constant Discord tranny shit nowadays it's hard to tell.
My sister has this sign in her front yard, I saw many of them while visiting in Austin.
Decent people cannot be brainwashed to hate. SJWs are people who looking for an excuse.
They codependent narcissists addicted to outrage and sanctimony.
This little kino is comfy.
Science Is Real*
*except transgenderism, oh and ignore human evolution over the past 200,000 years, oh and crime statistics
Science is real? Well that's a relief that I can go back to believing in two genders that are based on XX and XY genomes.
haha exactly... toss that verified data from The Bell Curve right into the trash!
i left around 2013
glad i never saw anything like that
There are LOTS of accurate depictions of SJW
>Broad City
>High Maintenance
Because liberals understand self deprecating humor and that rational people can laugh at themselves.
Are there any accurate depictions of seething alt right incels? Have you cowards ever had the creative talent or good nature to satirize yourselves?
Everyone is free game. Niggers, Jews, cocksucking Republicans, commie trannies, me, you, the dog you fuck in her mouth. EVERYONE.
yes, and?
>calling anyone else seething after making this post