/Jazz/ General - Feets Edition

>Jazz Takes Amir To The Next Level

>Amir Discusses The Bonus Situation

>Jazz is a Mermaid Warrior Princess

>Quick Guide To Transitioning

>No Eulogies For Jazz

>Offensive Billboard Removed

>Jazz is Sauronpilled

>A New Way To Be Mad

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Other urls found in this thread:




Try what?

David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blase quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

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Why did it have to be feet

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excuse me sweaties but this is very transphobic of you


Can I get a QRD lad I've missed the last few episodes, last one I watched was right when Amir showed up at episode end.

BASED, and dare I say? Redpilled?

Will Jazz's boyfriend be a flesh sacrifice to the Dark Gods


Was the circumcision episode in Seinfeld Lynchian?


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>He was ashamed of his deceptions, his promotions, his pretensions of self-certainty and pride; he was sorry about his passivity, his delusions, his inability to express what he now believed was the case- that he truly regretted killing Jarron, that he missed his dick as much as anybody and wished its removal hadn't been necessary. Even as he circulated his school he knew that the smiles disappeared when he passed by. He received so many mindless encouraging tweets that he could read them without any reaction except curiosity. He kept to his Florida home all day, dilating his wound and browsing a chinese egg-timer forum, looking at his destiny in every meme and "Lynchian" pasta.

>There would be no eulogies for Jazz, no photographs of his body would be sold in tabloid rags, no people would crowd the streets in the heat to see his funeral cortege, no biographies would be written about him, no children named after him, no one would ever pay two hundred fifty dollars for an all access TLC-sponsored Premium Postmortum Pass™ to stand in the rooms he grew up in. The noose would tighten, and Jeanette would scream, but Jazz Jennings would only hang from the ceiling and look at the floor, the light going out of his eyes before he could find the right words.

>Ex-teacher who 'sexually abused a seven-year-old boy at school' is now also accused of conspiring with his boyfriend to kill the child and his mother so they couldn't testify against him


Homosexuals are just the bee's knees!
Trannies and groids are even better!


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>amir is a neet but he will be president one day (das rite)
>ari is breaking the conditioning and will murder-suicide the entire family soon
>jazz got dialated by BIG BLACK COCK
>he also did a size comparison between amir's dick and his wound-dildos
>jazz wants to live in an apartment with his neetbux and his sister as caretaker, ari tells him to fuck off
>he also wants an apartment so he can live with his boyfriend
>greg's balls are dropping 50 years too late, gives jazz the boomer treatment
>moar surgery inc
>noelle gets 'nam flashbacks at prom
>amir's mom called him a faggot
>he's starting to realize no paycheck is worth those ogre feet
>wound status: separating

Is >she interested in going to college on a scholarship? I know several coaches who are looking for some solid linebackers.

i want to browse these threads while im comfy eating but theres always some nasty shit being posted

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Like this?

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She sucked dick yet or is that season finale?

Who are Ari and Greg?

Lurk moar

>₪ 6M=

What did she mean by this?

how big is her dilator, bros?

I'm around 7" long

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Imagine impregnating Ari and claiming her womb for your offspring, denying Jazz of ever being a parent and foiling his evil plan to turn his sister into his breeding cow.

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One of the hidden gems is that he took jazz on their first "romantic dinner date" to an outdoor mall's food court

What a top lad

Never let this die

lmao yeah.




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Casual reader here. What is the current status of POP?

Imagine watching your sperm dripping out of her puss puss slowly and inseminating her..... hnggggg

Maybe we can ask for help from the hacker known as Yea Forums

checked and jazzed

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All right, bub. Let’s get one thing straight. Gender dysmirphia, or whatever you call it, is perfectly treatable. We provide the very best custom designed cocks and cunts here at Dr. Benway’s. We believe gender is a social construct, and we’ll help you construct the gender you need and deserve.

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Never seen a chest vein like that.

hes got a hungry heart

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That's what drug binges with Bowie will get ya

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I'm going to save Ari by keeping her pregnant for the next fifteen years!



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what movie is this?

the thing 2011

You can't stop puppy power you dirty tranny janny

lol, saw that one, but couldn't even remember, must have been very forgettable


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dog's getting older


>Trannies believe they are as good as pic related

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Haha gross

Based Doggo

Ummm guys,


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ok ur in

If that webm didn't cure you of your degeneracy, only a bullet can.

>that article about amputees
>John Money cited
Funny how even his Wikipedia page downplays the suicide of his experiment victims and his paedophilia as "controversies"

Greg is his defeated father
Ari is his sister who seems to be fed up with his bullshit

That dude is pretty based tbqh

Ari is Jazz's soon-to-be personal breeding sow, and there's nothing any of us can do about it.

>amir's mom called him a faggo
what episode?
just began watching this shit, jazz and amir are really hard to watch
Amir is too beta

post a clearer picture of the dog next time bro

This is true, it’s almost the same feeling when watching gore webms, disgusting and wrong to the core but thres the peek between the fingers

six million shekels



This show is making me attracted to Jazz. Does that mean the joos win

not even memeing
seek help, there must be phychologists that treat people for a afordable price in you area.

You can tell me that if a girl did that (ops pic) to do you, that you wouldn't be turned on?

lynchian isnt about meer gross out
its about the contrast between something horrific and something familiar and normal
shes unironically pretty unlike her friends and you know her on a deeper level.
yes they win
this, the only thing ruining most of that scene was amirs neet ass being awkward

a girl yes, a mentally ill castrated jewish boy with a necrosing open wound and a receding hair line no.

I don't know how can anyone go into these threads reading about dilatation and teratomas all day and get aroused by the thought of fucking a rotten wound connected to his anal cavity, that's borderline necrophilia.

>thinking about her rotten gash
>thinking about fucking her
the scene in op was cute if you ignore the sex shit

Is Amir homosexual?

>Looks like a girl
>sounds like a girl
>acts like a girl
>does not even have a penis anymore (gross surgical gash but still)

what male characteristics does jazz posses that would lead you to this question?

Shoulders, hairline, gait, hips, neck, feet...

that he doesn't have a vagina but a reversed penis maybe

>Uh hello yes mr psychologist can you cure my gayness?

females dont have strict sizes for these even still she looks feminine

im not gonna go out of my way to search and link a gross tranny vagine
but im pretty sure a reversed male penis still does not look like a male penis
and thus is not attractive to homosexuals

Better to be Amir homosexual than a tranny

>all these faggots ITT that wouldn't do Jazz if she propositioned them



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if i make a chocolate cake and mix 20% shit in the chocolate i use it may look like a normal cake but its not

I wouldn’t with jazz but I definitely would with skyler. Only her boipussy though, not the crusty gaping wound

Go and fuck a fat mexican girl. That should cure you.

Look at those fucking monkey feet, not to mention he looks like a man.
>if you ignore the sex shit
Hate to be the one telling you, but if get aroused by him that means you want to fuck him even if subconsciously.

>looks like a mix between a venezuelan refugee and that le 56% meme
>is a man
>rotting open wound
>what male characteristics does jazz posses that would lead you to this question?
Male facial structure, shoulders, feet, hips, it's gay as fuck.

>she looks femine
he looks like a effeminate boy with long hair and deformed tits.

Fags disgust me less than tranny shaggers desu.

Closeted homo testing the waters with a tranny or chaser bi.
>acts like a girl
Jazz acts like the caricature of a girl, not a real girl

more like "help me doctor i have a fetish for castration and flesh wounds".

I'm a faggot that likes feminine boys and Jazz doesn't look like one.
No matter how girly boys don't have tits.

My country is all white so guess that hinders things. Sorry about your problems. though.

I would pre-op. Not now.

>those feet
Foot fags report in, I need an update on whether or not you would slide your dick between them. They look like an offensive lineman's meat platforms, but I am no foot connoisseur.

>hmm...what did I come in here for...
>ah, yes, the "other" eight ball of coke

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>jazz doesnt look like one
he does, more especifically a latino one, i've been to bolivia and venezuela in my life and he looks just like the twinks and effeminate boys there.
>No matter how girly boys don't have tits
>what is surgery
>what is hormone terapy
>what is gynecomastia

Reminder it costs 0 (zero) dollars to respect trans people and here you all are

>sticking your pepe in a literal fleshwound

It costs your dignity.

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the fact that that quote is a perfect response AND it's the joker is just too good
9/10 post

someone should make a joker edit of that pic of jazz holding the dildo up


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are they showing the daily removal of puss and hairballs?

Pixar, give this man a job

>qt mexican grills
I would be more worried about the julz, the nogs and the pedo trannies if i was american


of course it wouldnt be a normal cake since you mixed in 20% shit
but its still a cake

jazz is not a normal girl either

the argument however is whether or not amir is gay
>Jazz acts like the caricature of a girl, not a real girl
>not hyper feminine at all
women do not all have the same sizes
and with 100% certainty if she she was not as famous as she is no one would clock that she is infact a tranny

gay men are not attracted to
dickless, boob having males, who wear makeup, have girly voices, dress in traditionally feminine clothing

amir is not gay
hes a tranny fucker

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Is that captain phasma

no, it’s captain orgasma

Foot connoisseur here. I've spent some time looking at Jazz's feet, taking notice of the height of the arch, the tendons on the top of the feet, the shape of the toes, and the quality of the skin.

Jazz's feet overall appear to be clean, have nice nails and smooth skin (feet get wrinkly easy, or show signs of rough activity pretty quick).

The downside is that they are quite large. Personally a size 5 or 6 is perfect to me. Although, they are not overty fat or bulbous, or bony.

Overall, if it was a woman's foot, I'd give it a 4.5/10. But since it's a trap foot, that calls for extra points as I am attracted to the femininity of a foot and few men can pull off a somewhat attractive foot. I'd say it's a 6.5/10 trap foot.

I would fuck it, but it isn't a foot I'd want to fuck the rest of my life.


You belong on wikifeet, creepy footfag

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>women do not all have the same sizes
Woman have a size ratio and don't deviate much from that also its not just one size off, it's consistent male bone structure, you will never find a woman who has all the characteristics of a man.
>with 100% certainty if she she was not as famous as she is no one would clock that she is infact a tranny
I and most people in my country can tell that's a man just by looking at him.
>amir is not gay
hes a tranny fucker
Well he is engaging in homosexual acts (with a tranny that looks like a venezuelan boy on the top of that), that qualifies as gay in my book no matter what he's attracted to.

have you taken into account her sports activities?


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>Woman have a size ratio and don't deviate much from that also its not just one size off, it's consistent male bone structure

knowyourmeme.com/photos/1171952-Yea Forums
please post a picture of her that proves your point
from what i have seen she just looks like a typical 6/10 la creatura from america

>homosexual acts
>kissing a female


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>A long story short:
>When I woke up from the operation
>I was bleeding down there
>Bleeding from the gash between my legs
>My first day as a woman
>And already it's that time of the month
>But two days later
>The hole closed up and the wound healed
>And I was left with a one inch mound of flesh
>Where my penis used to be
>Where my vagina never was
>A one inch mound of flesh
>With a scar running down it
>Like a sideways grimace
>On an eyeless face
>It was just a little bulge
>It was an angry inch

They want White people to fall for the meme.

Looks East Asian

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>missinterpreting hyperbole and posting statistically insignificant exceptions
>from what i have seen she just looks like a typical 6/10 la creatura from america
Where the fuck do you live user? he's a 4/10 as a "man" and a "woman".
>kissing a female
What female?

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you might have a point user

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Jazz and Jess took the pill
To fetch a pair of totters;
Jazz fell down and broke his vag,
and Jess came tumbling after.

Up Jazz got, and home did trot,
As fast as he could caper,
To old Dame Ting, who patched his nob
With gauze and bandage paper.

Trying a new strategy there, tranny?

They are assblasted beyond human comprehention, they started these generals to shill transexualism, little did they know that i would redpill so many people and turn into tranny bashing generals, one the worst back fires i've seen in my life.

discord trannies are NOT welcome

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How about shitposters you literal faggots, thanks for the (you)s though dumb cunts.

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go join the 40%

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Literal faggots who no doubt have either made the thread or post in a literally tranny thread often keep (you)ing me out of denial lads.

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>he's still trying to derail the thrad

I should have known Walkie was behind this.

U mad bro, relax ;)

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Based and redpilled.

I see u


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There is absolutely nothing masculine about that actress other than her height.

>mfw Jazz is legal

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I hate that I know what this person does

What does he do

Tranny porn. He loves it.

Sucks tranny dick

Can't wait for the show to end so Ari can drop a book exposing all the details on how shit living with this family was.

Based and redpilled.

What do you think she'll title it?

I know discord tranny doesn't have much time left and will off herself out soon, but I think we should just speed it up.

Is jazz an ass virgiin?

hey as long as we're talking TLC here, I missed this week's My 600lbs Life, was it kino?

I Am Ari

>is jazz an ass virgin
Not a chance

A Boy Called "She"
Nice trips.

I will always defend transgender people . I think its disgusting the way they are treated based on the opinions of a very small minority of Yea Forums.
I may not be trans , so I can't know the pain myself, but my fiance is trans and i see what they go through everyday. I have friends who are trans and i see what they go through.
Trans people are NOT A burden , they are NOT disgusting , and they DO deserve the same rights
They are human beings that want to live a happy life , just the same as you
Youre allowed an opinion , but opinion is NOT fact
What IS fact is trans people have some of the highest suicide rates and highest rates of being killed or victims of hate crimes.simply because of being different.

The same goes for every group of people regardless of race , gender identity , sexual orientation, or religion (,they deserve the same rights and respect straight white cis gendered people do)

His face nigger.


FTFY, faggot

I can’t believe how much chad has changed since he recorded the Spider-Man single

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Memes aside, I don't have any issue with trannies themselves. What I take issue with is the idea that the horror show that's referred to transitioning is an appropriate response to their problems. What I take an even bigger issue with, is when transitioning is preformed on children.

his Y chromosome

"Stranger at Home"
Because home life is pure clownworld and the fact that she alone seems disgusted by it all

>when transitioning is preformed on children
But transitioning earlier has the best prognosis of a normal life. It's not a choice, so why not do it earlier?


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shitty bait

dogposter best poster

0/8 b8 m8 no h8 check my 8 m8

>Showing your boyfriend your dialator as if this was a normal thing

This fucking show man.


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i cant believe elon musk is a tranny

What sort of monster would do that to pepe?

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>can go through a series of painful, invasive, life altering surgeries
>commits to consuming a cocktail of powerful, body altering medicine, for the rest of their life
>is cool with stuffing his open wound with a dildo every other days for the rest of their life in order to prevent the natural healing process from occurring
>can't be bothered to shave their fucking chest though

The state of those people... one photo is literally The Crimson Chin in a wig and there's still a comment telling >her that >she looks feminine


There you go.

>shitty bait

Yep. face ook.com/broken.ningyou/posts/863985620418207


give me a quick rundown of the last 2 weeks, couldn't follow the generals

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This is how i imagine discord trannies are

Because they are men.

Because they are men with too much estrogen

Wasn't it excess of testosterone that caused balding?

Hairlet here, can confirm that's just a myth to make us feel better.

seriously? i mean i don't know about empiric evidence but all men in my family balding are ultra masculine.

It's Dihydrotestosterone.


Most men go bald after middle age, when their testosterone levels go down.

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This should be mandatory posting in jazz threads

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THis is correct. Isn't shit like Rogaine basically a DHT "blocker" or antagonist or whatever?


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He could probably bite his dilater in half with that jaw

If he lost a few pounds and still had his wang, sure. Just to say I did it. I've pumped a load into worse.

Looks like Perry Pharel

my hairline started receding this year, does it mean i'm sòyed now?

Everyone's hairline recedes after a certain age. Doesn't mean you'll get bald.

This doesn't seem to have anything to do with the thread.

But i'm 19, isn't it a bit early?

You might have to start worrying yeah. But still it isn't a guarantee yet.

don't take finastride or proprecia google post finistryde syndrome.
Basically people get permanent brainfog,tiredness and lose all libido/erections.It's not the end of the world no one cares.I shave my hair and noone says a thing.

>I don't like labels
>Jazz is a girl


>been caught stealing tampons

it only costs a few dollars for some rope tranny.

Thanks but thankfully i spent half of my life with a shaved hair, i only realized the receding hairline because i let it grow recently.

And both my father and grandfather got bald around their 30s so i was already mentally prepared for this.

>*shaved head

which is just testosterone converted to a more potent form.

Blocking dht can be bad your hemotosis works like dominos one goes down they might all
>please excuse me if i have mixed things up


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perfectly normal

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OMG top tier qt. You totally pass. How do you get your makeup to look so good? Tips plz. :)

what the fuck am i looking at?

it’s a girl now

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This is bait, but I'll bite. Let me tell you that no love in the world can prepare you for the distress and unhappiness one of those people can cause. I've been there. I've been an sjw, I had arguments over the internet. Life has taught me that determinism wins. It's not about bigotry or oppression, people bring themselves a world of pain, to themselves and to everyone involved. For narcissism, feeding on other people's empathy and good will, and abusing everyone they can. Narcissistic people and love for other people are things that almost never go together . Run while you still can, in the vague possibility this is not bait.

Attached: 5ca.jpg (570x558, 260K)

It's just some pasta from


and Shoulders
'Vag' and toes
'Vag' and toes

I've been on finasteride for about six years now and have suffered no adverse effects.

jesus fucking christ those fucking dolphin flipper feet
I think /jazz/ coupled with Brie Larson is slowly but surely curing my foot fetish

>shaving your head

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>the tranny had to use a picture of actual women because no one would feel mocked by an image of three trannies laughing.

Please complete the phrase

C _ P E

>simply because of being different.

We're all "different" faggot

>very small minority
Everyone hates them, it's just a spectrum of how much. They even hate themselves.

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i refuse to belive that is a real person



>Mommy, I want a bedtime story!
>Alright my dear, I have just the book....

>it's a tranny suggests that trannies only have a 40% suicide rate because they're discriminated against in modern society
This is THE most common argument that trannies are not mentally ill. Quick, how do you respond?

Built like a fucking barrel.

>Jazz Only Gives me the Blues

>Kurt Russel Unveils her New Look and it’s Everything

don't quote me but isn't the suicide rate for them always around 40% in every country? incluiding places with high acceptance for trannies, like sweden etc...

Also didn't the suicide rate get higher for the ones who get the gender reassignment surgery?

Jesus fucking Christ

>Amir Discusses The Bonus Situation
>using a "sexy" voice to let someone know you have no idea how your exploded "vag" will function

This can't be the real world.

The real world ended in 2012 just as predicted. We’ve been living in Clownworld ever since.

>wh*tes and native americans have the highest suicide rates
>suicide is a result of various factors including addiction and mental illness
>when trannies and tranny supporters use the "trannies kill themselves due to oppression" argument they are unintentionally saying that white oppression is real
pure pottery.

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>muh discrimination
I bet the tranny suicide rate is much higher than it was for slaves or the Japanese-Americans we locked in camps during WWII.

The end is upon us bros

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You’re literally gay. Like, I usually call annons faggots as a joke but you are the definition of a fucking fanook.

I just quoted you. Now what're you gonna do about it?


I don't care if it's bait really, I can't stress enough to be careful around such people. They play the victim and they thrive on empathy all the while manipulating everyone they can.

Testosterone level has nothing to do with it. It's a combination of enzymes + time + hereditary sensitivity.

no matter how much (((science))) advances they will never make male feet look cute
I would suck a cute tranny dick but if he puts his nasty male feet anywhere near me, its clobbering time

>no jazzm thread yesterday
what a shit day that was

During slavery, blacks didn't have anywhere near a 40% suicide rate. So do you think trannies in 2019 are more oppressed than literal slaves?

You could always make one.

was thinking about it but I didnt have all the links and shit saved
also part of my was worried we got banned

>go to 4plebs
>search jazz in subject field

>also part of my was worried we got banned
Who's "we", you got a teratoma in your pocket?


>you got a teratoma in your pocket?

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>my fiance is trans

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>This is THE most common argument that trannies are not mentally ill. Quick, how do you respond?
The 40% suicide rate only happens after they get their dicks chopped off, innit?


>Russia Today

You've set me straight. I'm pro turning penis inside out now.

It costs literally the future of western civilization


No. Thanks regardless. The surgery seems to have little to no effect.

What happened to his tits? It looks like a botched boob job, but he grew those with his hormones

>In 2007, Greg & Jeanette started the TKPRF along with another family.
>another family

Why don't they give credit to this other family?

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How can we increase 40% suicide rate to 100%?

The other family has the good sense to be ashamed of their Adam

They look good to me

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tubular, dude

he grew deformed ones with hormones but had them substituted for silicone ones since.

Any pair of tits can look good in a bra, even flabby, tuberous, misshapen mantits.

>t. watches too much porn and doesn't know what real titties look like

jazz has some cute feet

This is never not funny to me. Everytime I see it I laugh.

I’m not sure he’s done that yet. They looked like utter dogshit when he was leaving the hospital, unwrangled beneath his rainbow mumu and retreating toward his armpits.

I'm thinking the 'other family's' little tranny experiment might have been a disaster.

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That pic where he's being wheeled back to the hospital (I think) is the perfect example of this. It's like ones pointed far to the left the other far to the right. Nowhere near symmetrical. Absolutely disgusting

Ask if they are either 1. Autistic 2. Depressed/Anxious 3. Have a mother who has MSBP. Those are the 3 top reasons why most MTF's are trans.

my god
is that thing sitll breathing i wonder

I'm married to a real woman with a vagina, bro

These are not good-looking tits. Not for a tranny and certainly not for a woman.

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Dunno. Found it in an old /jg/ thread.

It was forgettable. They actually made the whole movie with amazing practical effects and then the studio saw it and they replaced everything with cgi. One of the travesties of modern movies IMO.


>shes unironically pretty
She looks like a jew mixed with an indian, she's disgusting. What the fuck is her heritage?

The entire Amir thing feels fake as fuck. That scene wasn't cute, it was fake but still mildly disgusting.

Never seen trannies BTFO this hard.

>mildly disgusting
i dare you to find something more revolting from daytime tv

literally the reason I didn't go see it

Or they have an autogynophelia fetish

this, unironically

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>TKPRF is committed to supporting the lives of TransKids and their families through the education and enlightenment of society, by funding research, scholarships...

Does this mean my white son can go to college for free if he has confirmation surgery?

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>when you convince your shekel cow that he can't move out of your house

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>jews really do the rubbing hands shit

to be fair if jazzm was allowed to live alone the immediate area would become a toxological hazardzone in less than 24 hours

Doing God's work user

it's like a character out of a Mel Brooks film.

So there aren't straight predators?


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is that what you're getting from that argument?

So will he stab her 70 times when he sees whats in her pants?

Keep doing this. It's both true and a great copypasta.

>I am the passenger


Fucking Christ.

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Amir is literal white bread
I dont look at the "cute" moments for him
negro has no personality and is a neet
I have a strong feeling hes /OneOfUs/

>what the fuck is her heritage
>needing to know someones heritage in order to appreciate them aesthetically

High IQ post
Low IQ post

Ahmir might be smarter than he seems, or at least more devious. I legit think he believes he’s found a way to live the NEET life as a tranny’s “beard.”

I made a new fred

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Seems like an awfully high price to pay

>I ride through the city’s backside
>I see the stars come out of the sky
>Yeah, they're bright in a hollow sky
>You know it looks so good tonight

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