Literally zero roles since Logan

>Literally zero roles since Logan

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Isn’t he in The Front Runner. A motion picture. All rights reserved.

he did 2 movies after logan and has another in post production and a few more in preproduction. what is the point of this thread?

He is too busy dying from skin cancer

The guy's already loaded and just spent years working out and crash dieting. He probably just wants to chill out, get off the roid cycles and have some gay sex for a while.

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Does he need more work?

he's basically in the ultimate position to give no fucks, besides not being able to go places without being recognized.

He's in a local indigenous film called 'Huff'

That PT Barnum movie?

His only role, has been on a pole.

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He's got more money than Davy Crockett what else does he want?

He wants to keep being a faggot

Whyis he called Huge Act Man?

>Greatest Showman
>Front Runner

i love him bros...

Logan was his magnum opus

Oh, Mel!

>The Prestige was his magnum opus

>The Prisoners was his magnum opus

This. Doing all those cycles and getting down to very low bf percentages must take it's toll.

he was in NZ singing with a bunch of fat polynesians a few days ago

He was too tall to be Wolverine, why did they cast him in X1?

It was all a Huge Act, Man.

well obviously he fucking died at the end

Currently touring Australia doing Live show of The Greatest Showman, before filming THS2

Not doing anything. Fuck off cunt

you mean after Pan?

He should be Arthur

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No he has soulless shit coloured eyes

I wonder who is posting this.

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He's done several films and is currently on tour.

Literally what?

>The Prisoners
Oh dear

M O V I E 4 3

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he was a last minute choice actually. i cant remember who they hired initially but he quit about a week before shooting began iirc

Didnt his cancer come back?

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