Male """""""""""humor"""""""""""

>male """""""""""humor"""""""""""

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>>male """""""""""humor"""""""""""
More like
> """""""""""male""""""""""" """""""""""humor"""""""""""

*numale humor

These Kaufman wannabes should be guillotined

So what was the deal with dl hart? Also, the inernette is one of the best things to exist. Youtube... everything, keeps getting worse, just cause you're buying

the only thing from their shit that I liked

Only thing that makes me laugh these days is Cumtown

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Yea Forums used to love Tim & Eric, some of the memes you guys picked up come from them and you don't even know

most of Yea Forums still likes T&E it's just a vocal minority who talks shit

I think they're funny

is this worth watching?

I remember an old youtube video where Tim was verbally abusing David on set


I used to like Tim and Eric but most of their stuff together since the movie has been mediocre

Awesome Show is overrated.

>linked to chapo trap house shit
No thanks LMAO

>Tim and Eric


imagine liking something with a title like this

how is it linked to chapo?

>implying this isn't kino

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>a dumb comedy podcast has a dumb name
Imagine that. You should give it a try you might like it

nick was roomates with big titty amber/they're all friends/they've all been on chapo

Those are numales aka boys of the basedtype

>they've all been on chapo
as far as I'm aware only Adam and Stav have. Cumtown is pretty apolitical though I don't know why people keep pointing out the Chapo connection as if they are one in the same

it's linked to MDE as well though


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Chapo soibois and their listeners should just kill themselves

more like kike humour

Chapo is unironically the gayest shit

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podcasts are for no-friends faggots

No worse than browsing Yea Forums

great oscar special this year tho

Yea i even i cringed. Sorry, i just got high after a tolerance break and it was-is- overwhelming. I was looking at some bullshit on jewtub. They really are "mass conditioning"...

what you smoking? blunts? jays?

>the only good Tim and Eric skits are the ones without Tim and Eric
Makes you think. Celery Man will always be GOAT.

>not Forting with Will

cumtown is definitely not apolitical lmfao they’re all leftists

Really? Well i always hated tim. I haven't seen much of them really, some tom goes to mayor, and the inernette and universe clips, and salame. There were a bunch of clips and then jewtub just deleted them.... yeah, jewtub actively brainwashes you.
Mass conditioning
Not much, just some... i don't know the lingo on english, but im smoking on a pipe. It's good shit. Just una inhalada, and im... 11/10 high. That and the tolerance loss.
Eric wareheim was fun, it'd be sad to find if he was a cunt, i hope not; but wait i asked about dl hart, because... was he in character? How is he in real life? He looked very serious the few times i saw him. Like, i felt he wasn't acting. But if he was, damn

Tim and Eric are the most important and influential comedians of the past 15 years and it's not even close.

>cumtown is definitely not apolitical
They were much are. Very rarely do they talk about politics and when they do they shit on libs pretty hard. It's silly to allow their politics (which is not an emphasis of the show) to taint a comedy podcast

More like fag humor.

kaufman was never funny, they are

>Cumtown is pretty apolitical though
Mocking Jordan Peterson over SJWs is uber political my man, get out of your woke brooklyn faggot bubble

who cares if it's funny though

>Mocking Jordan Peterson over SJWs is uber political my man
And they also make fun of Hilary Clinton and call Jews parasitic. It's a comedy podcast dude, the point is to be funny. I don't get why zoomers are so obsessed with politics.


>Married News!

>Celery Man will always be GOAT.
It's perfect

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Tom Goes to Mayor is still their best

ugh this entire thread is full of toxic masculinity, do better

was it KINO?

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too bad it isn't funny, the impressions are fucking awful
this is a good trump impression

This shit is so awful and obnoxious. Hahaha being random and weird is the same thing as being funny and clever.

Tim Heidecker - I Am A Cuck

What gave you the idea that anyone thinks its clever?

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objective truth right there

>videogame youtubers
Yeah I'm sure we're all gonna listen to your opinion on comedy