I miss Sam Hyde.
I miss Sam Hyde
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey Sam
>please just suck me a little user, please, I swear I'll make my content free soon, just please a little suck
I don't miss him. I miss Charls and Nick. They should hire those two back to make a second season, but with Nick Mullen as the lead and the writer.
>I miss this Tim and Eric ripoff
Pleb opinion
I'm glad he's dead
Sam Hyde is better than Tim and Eric
>Sam's show gets cancelled and he gets deplatformed off of youtube
>He cries about being blacklisted and begs his fans for support
>A fan kindly puts up some his content/World Peace stuff, without monetization, to promote him
>He says some shit in an open conversation that doesn't paint Sam in saintly light
>Sam immedietly tries to get said fan deplatformed
Why does Sam shit on his fans and act in such a hypocritical manner? What's wrong with him?
Are you really surprised? You couldn’t tell the guy just might be a narcissist?
>2019, I am forgotten
fuck they were right lmao
You'd be surprised at the daddy worship Sam's underage dick suckers throw at him.
He uploaded a new crush500 (now called HWD) video yesterday/today, is absolute shit tier. HydeWars used to be good but the production quality and effort put in dropped exponentially
Is anyone willing to edit for Sam? He said 400 rubles per kstv piece but my computer literally cant handle the gigabytes worth of raging autism
Now that Channing hates him, I'm thinking of picking her up. I always found her cute.
Why does Sam Hyde look sick in most of his pictures ?
satan trips of truth
roids and stds
Very nice, very nice
Quality dropped bc there are apparently near zero editors thats why im shilling, I actually care for his content it makes me puke myself
>Tim and Eric
Zach edits a lot of the content, Sam's implied in other HydeWars episodes that he's too lazy to really do any editing and that it gets pawned off to one of his goons
Part of the problem is Sam has no one sifting through his ego, now. All the people that once might've challenged him have fucked off, and now he surrounds himself with these inbred looking sycophants who he puts on camera like we're supposed to know/care who they are.
No Andy Ruse, no Nick, no Charls and it seems like Joel fucked off, as well. Even Channing, who follows him around like a puppy seems to dislike him, now.
a fucking unedited coherent funny piece of spontaneous improv would be worth more for restoring his appeal than all this shit where you can tell 99% of the year he spent on it went into the graphics. because
>duhhh people want to laugh but i spent all that time getting my graphics degree and i don't want to feel so much remorse so i better put world class graphics around my skit so i can tell myself that's why people like it
one video like the old mirror videos and you could have everyone saying oh yeah i remember why i like him instead of fuck sam, but it's looking like from this latest that he couldn't actually do it because his mind's changed too much
even his sycophants get sick of him, Zack is gone and supposedly hates him now
Nick still hangs out with him I guess for the money and needs to be paid up front.
Sam Hyde is King shit. Makes trannies SEETH
Was Zack that dude who looked like Shaggy on meth? How is he making all these people hate him so quickly.
>immedietly tries to get said fan deplatformed
every alt-right/online conservative does this. Bloodsports people always doxxing and reporting each other's content. One of the neo-nazi podcasters from I think TDS got caught mass-reporting his competitor's content. It goes on all the time.
the fable of the prequels
>latest Hydewars with Sam projecting his repressed homosexuality in a sauna with Zach and Don Jolly
>what does it take for someone to be a satanic pedophile?
>Don: turns out it it's jarod fogle level
>Zack: or a bit below jarod fogle *zack looks slyly over at Sam*
Yeah, Sam is totally not into kids.
Lots of "super fans" who know wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much about Sam and friends but hate every little theing, and love Tim-pedo-Eric
Something is wrong here. He's just some guy on the internet who exposed pedos...
holy s**t is this real??
go to be sam
Well that's a sha-
Almost had me Satan.
Based Zack
I love him
>holy s**t is this real??
i'll give hwd another watch later because i remember i used to take a while to warm up to even good mde content but i suspect it's not possible for him to be funny now because he's too depressed. when you get depressed enough you start to get like, symptoms of other things like confusion, delusion and memory loss. So you try to follow through on some inspiration you got but half way through loading up the program or whatever you're like oh fuck. i forgot that i had the same idea yesterday and did exactly this and then realised why it won't work. And you say stuff to people that's just regurgitating a caricature of some argument or humor you know you used to be able to make- and people are like huh?
so i imagine it's as hard to be *funny* as it is to be timely with work
>i suspect it's not possible for him to be funny now because he's too depressed
dont do it man it's not worth it
Sam needs to be bled dry of money before he'll do stuff to please the fans
Seething tranny
i dont pay because i could tell from the hydewars just before the paywall that he was depressed and not going to be making good stuff for a long time
>nothing in 2 months
I love Sam and mde, his best kinon is yet to come
Sure thing Sam, like 6 months down the line I bet.
Yeah and he refunded everyone two months of subscription
well thank goodness swaglord made a deal to protect all hyde threads
No but screen cap my words he will make something that puts his Ted x talk and mde to shame. I just get this feeling that he's just getting started
>sam says he's spending over 5k per month on new productions (said this like halfway through last year)
>still no new significant content besides hydewars videos that take an hour or two to film and edit
if you really think it takes an hour or two to film and edit that stuff you're retarded
>he didn't watch crush5000
>hydewars(roid rambles) with a filter over it takes lots of time an effort guys
Somebody upload the new shit to youtube or something. I'm not giving this fag any money.
The problem is that Sam is literally polishing turds. All those after effects filters and graphical transitions won't change the fact that the content itself is shit and not that funny.
But I guess pretty graphics and forced adult edgyness is all it takes to rake in dem zoomer bucks.
>Nick Mullen
cum town is gay
imagine how pathetic people Sam's age must think he is. Most people his age (mid 30's) are starting a family or at least getting somewhere substantial in their careers. Sam will never have that and instead will have to be some edgelord cult leader until his fan base dries up.
make it happen boys
Nice ShitPop™, Shmuel
I dunno why you're jumping to conclusions, I know a bunch about Sam because I used to watch the guy a lot, much like I used to watch Spoony a ton before he too became a fan-neglecting shithead. If a fan-creator relationship is damaged, it's difficult to repair. Even his most ardent fans are getting pissed off at his paypigging.
The bottom middle guy just looks like Sam.
>exposes pedo
>is a pedo
>posting the fag version
Speak for yourself dipshit
i didnt mind him at first but like most ppl, they go over board with ideologies.
I'm Asian, would Sam give me shit for saying hi to him? He seems like an interesting dude and while his brand of comedy isn't really my thing, I kind of want to shoot the breeze with him for a while and get his perspective on things but I dunno how white nationalist/supremacist he is and I don't want to get cleansed just because I offered to buy him some vodka or whatever.
Sam is woke to the abilities of the insectoid races. You'll be fine talking to him
>the recent episode of CTH where Sam agreed to talk to Larry Charles, but on the day of the interview he pussied out
>steal content
>get copyright striked
>wooooow dont deplatform me bro
what a fucking retard
You're being psyop'd by discord trannies.
Sam got approached by people of all types at HWNDU and was friendly with all of them. I was there.
The vids weren't monetized and it was a fan doing it, all Sam had to do was ask him to take it down and he would have. But he went the vindictive butthurt route because of a single conversation VMUdream got in (pic related). Sam is a thin skinned, hypocritical faggot.
sam was invited to go on cumtown too but backed out because he can't do improv (his own admission). The second time, he demanded a fee and got turned down.
its obvious he is depressed. I'm predicting he will suicide in the coming years.
it doesnt matter if its not monetized. He was redirecting potential views from Sams channel, which is monetized.
reupload guy was a complete dipshit, whether he realized it or not.
Im not defending Sam as a person but he was in the right here
Sam's channel wasn't around when this happened.
this was after 'sam's channel' (all possible meansings of this) were already gone - deleted by youtube. but fuck, if someone who was my 'fan' was going around to talk to my snake ex (from my point of view) and saying to them "yeah he's a psyhcopath and he sucks now total faggot" i'd strike the cunt too
Sam didn't have a youtube channel for almost a year now and it was never monitized. That was the whole point of people like vmu reuploading dumb faggot.
MDE is Sams channel
Sam wasn't dating Channing, he apparently ripped her off for a bunch of money which he also (according to her) did to zach waltman
probably. Its hard to feel sympathy for someone who torpedoed their own career with so much arrogance though
VMU was reuploading MDE stuff, which is Sams channel. I wasnt talking about his hydewars shit
Sam had his own youtube channel taken down right before his paywall went up. Pretty kikey move if you ask me but it's also just part of his schtick as being le baste redpilled blacklisted desperado
Is Zach Waltman the same Zach that's in the HydeWars "Eating in bed" episode? The fat bearded guy who runs some online news/comic thing?
yes he was uploading it because Sam's channels were taken down
>tfw used to think when people said "discord tranny" they specifically meant Gamon
I feel like this whole tactic of obsessed and subservice trannies (who congregate on discord) all started here on Yea Forums feels like a part of history as gross and pathetic as it is.
MDE channel is still up. He was specifically copyright striked for reuploading a video thats still up on MDEs channel.
what the fuck are you talking about
>No he's the skinny kid Sam has on the gumroad homepage who edited a lot of his videos and did music and drawings for wp
link to supposed channel that is still up
he posted the strikes which was about 6 of them which happened after the youtube comment on channings videos
There was a large time when MDE and more specifically Sam Hyde was Yea Forums related. This time has passed. Why do you all love e-celeb drama so much?
that's a fan channel that Sam lets operate, and there are others that mirror his content and he's fine with it.
Sam doesn't make money off youtube.
He went after VMUdream because Sam is a vindictive prick.
>MDE channel is still up
you absolute idiot. go and check, yourself and then rek yourself
major damage control
none of your story checks out according to this shit and the fact that there is no mde channel on youtube
speaking of discord, where did everyone go after r/mde got banned? Im not a huge fan of sam's newer stuff but some of the shitposting there was funny. Did they all just move to irc or something
What's sad is that the whole gammon thing was some autists conspiracy theory with no connection to reality.
yeah go to irc if you wanna orbit James Price all day
>the whole gammon thing was some autists conspiracy theory
Yeah dude that's why he makes threads here to post the same infographs more than daily.
this channel is run by Sam.
you kids are revealing how new you are.
just read the video description
now I cba arguing with you retards anymore, cya
he's too busy raping democrats
last update was 5 years ago
i guess that means the channel is deleted or isnt monetized, youre right
these are all old videos and this channel isn't monetized
he issued take down requests on some videos that aren't even on the mde2 channel out of a personal grudge because he's a thin skinned faggot
le moving goalposts man
there is no evidence that this gammon guy is/has been posting anything
>and this channel isn't monetized
how the fuck would you know? I get ads on it
go consult your discord tranny chatroom for a new epic reply
guess you're right then
he was just protecting his monetized material from some guy(a fan) who wasn't monetizing his videos. It wasn't because he freaks out when people talk shit about his shitty behavior online.
the mods dont care about tranny discord shitposting
can't be that much worse than the "andrew ruse was the real mastermind of mde" meme that gets posted in every one of these threads lol
>old videos
>2 months ago
>he's a thin skinned faggot
sounds to me like you're the thin skinned on if him copyright striking his copyrighted material made you so butthurt that you need to complain to Yea Forums about it.
Dude, Sam does Comedy full time. If he wanted he could pump out a simple sketch every week. His fans just want one vid a month, he's getting better now but if you compare his output to that of Aunty Donna's you'll realise Sam is either lazy or a perfectionist.
>sounds to me like you're the thin skinned on if him copyright striking his copyrighted material made you so butthurt that you need to complain to Yea Forums about it.
It shows what kind of hypocrite Sam is because he plays the victim to his fans over deplatforming shit.
yes getting "deplatformed" because you're blatantly reuploading videos that are alreaady accessable on the official channel, is exactly the same as getting deplatformed because your politicial views arent radicial left
its hard to work and make content when you have no more friends to edit your videos/youre depressed/a full time sex addict grooming teenagers online and eating fast food and candy all day in between picking up south american prostitutes who probably have herpes
If you wanna be successful in this world you have to update at least monthly, but Sam has pretty much vanished or went off the grid so I don't see him coming back anytime soon. Hope he's doing ok and not snorting crack under the bridge. I'll tell you this, though: If he does come back in a dedicated way, it could be epic.
don't hold your breath. hes destroyed his mind with roids and his ego has gotten out of control now that he has no one around him but cult like followers
him removing things because it's his =/= google (or others) removing things others created because they find it distasteful. It's still within their power sure, but the motivation is completely different.
Always funny to see a tranny who can't even decide who they are have to resort to making up lies about others so they feel better about themselves.
back to other subreddits like cringe etc.
funny you can say its made up all you want but I know Sam reads this shit and sweats because he knows its truth. Also Sam your dad knows your a faggot which is why he doesn't like you.
Someone post a mirror of the new vid im not paying for any of his shit
>him removing things because it's his =/= google (or others) removing things others created because they find it distasteful. It's still within their power sure, but the motivation is completely different.
again he could have just asked for the fan to take the videos down without literally contributing to said fans deplatforming. Sam should be the first to know how much is sucks for that to happen but he went that route anyway because he's an asshole.
Depends on how you look at it cause what you just said has a lot of potential for a tv show.
>I don't miss him. I miss Charls and Nick. They should hire those two back to make a second season
This, and with Andrew and Erick Hayden
just seeingthat recent video where sam and his new fat friends go knocking on strangers doors to harrass them is proof he is no better than all those "ITS JUST A PRANK BRO" losers
Thanks user.
how do you know they're random people and not like jews from the fentanyl empire or something. i don't know anything but neither do you
I love that he expects people to feel sorry that dsa called him fat
i only half watched a bit of this but i am very skeptical that you interpreted what you're watching correctly
even if they were targets of something as stupid as your post it doesnt make what they did funny or dramatic. they just rang a doorbell and screamed like idiots. the people close the door and thats it. oh and oops i spat a cigarette in your home, can i have it back thanks. so funny and creative right?
holy hell.. look at all those cumtown fans
was worse than that
he stole the content and monetized it.
sam asked him to stop doing this.
he demonetized it and then began to put links to his fag ass fake mde merch store in every video
>wow sam why you report me
stop pestering nerdy socialists half your size sam
Ok 5G tranny
wow the people he surrounds himself with are troglodytes
damage control
none of what your saying is even remotely true
are you just trying to cover up the fact that sam sperged about people believing the "rumors" about him especially when he freaks out and acts like a stupid kike to his fans?
Whenever I'm feeling depressed I just remember that Sam Hyde exists and I feel much better. His nanosecond-long "career" will forever be the all time record for quickest "rise to fame and fall from grace" in all of history. Sam and his "fans" (13-15 year olds) refusing to let go of the past makes this even more hilarious.
dude Sam is ALPHA and such a cool guy that jealous trannys post mean stuff about him online
he's absolutely not a fat washed up loser with no friends or family and a toxic personality
tfw your grift isn't working any more and you're too internet-famous to get a real job so you have to move back in with mom
>130 posts
>43 posters
sure is shill in here
lies. it was this specific convo that caused it: Sam's dick suckers are seriously even worse that those faggots in denial about MJ diddling kids.
whatever you say chapo tranny
Sammy has done more with his life and touched more people than your HRT riddled brain will ever be able to do?
I'm sure the more you post this the less likely it is that Sam will have to move back in with his mom.
why are so many Sam-fags gay for him? It's pretty weird.
but it's based when tranny lesbians think hillary is their queen right?
their dads don't love them enough so they look elsewhere to fill that void (with Sam's semen)
imagine being from chapotrannyhouse
? you faggits are mentally ill. I'm sorry you don't have a dad and have to look up to some degenerate like Sam but maybe you should talk to someone or just kys.
meanwhile tranny leftism literally says "disown your family if they make problematic jokes"
>imagine seeing imaginary chapo trannies everywhere
rent free. meanwhile your hero has actually sucked face with a tranny
>that user says he dislikes oranges
>that must mean he loves apples!!
that's how fucking retarded you sound
he's done a lot more than that
>"I am a chapo tranny."
>"You are a chapo tranny."
why do all chapo trannies do this?
>everyone who doesn't like Sam Hyde and sees through his fake traditionalist/rightwing persona is a leftist tranny!
sorry tranny nobody cares about your trannyegan diet
>, now.
did Sam pay you in money or semen to defend him obsessively in this thread?
Sam is kino. Never mind the shit Reddit says users shitting up the place with their hrt fueled ramblings
I'm not gay for sam but I do consider him a father figure in some way, he's given me life advice that I never would have received otherwise, that has benefited me greatly.
Everything else aside, why the fuck didn’t they just straight up do a kickstarter or whatever to fund a new show as soon as WP got cancelled? Sam was doing interviews all over the place, even a pretty decent interview with The Atlantic. They had all the momentum in the world and just let it die. It’s been what, two years? Going on three? It just doesn’t make any sense. All that work over the years and as soon as the show gets pulled, which everyone could see coming from a mile away, they just throw their hands in the air. Nothing they’ve done since the day they got shit canned has made any sense.
why are you so obsessed with semen, 5g tranny? why do you support 5g when it will turn black people white?
Didn't Nick say he didn't understand the appeal of MDE?
Have the two ever spoken of each other or met?
Because Sam's ego got out of control and he fucked everyone over. There's a reason no one has worked with him for over a year now.
whatever happened with mustache matt, does he make videos still or something
I Miss Tim Hideniggers
Sam is a greedy sociopath that alienated everyone around him.
>make 90k a month in patreon donations doing a rip-off of The Daily Shoah that's better than the original
yeah what losers haha I'll stick with the radical post-ironic anti comedy that puts out 2 episodes a year and somehow manages to have the same political views as Mike Huccabee
he's subverting you in the shadows
>interview with the atlantic
this was an article written by don jolly no? ie his one soldier
Happy world daddy was an incomprehensible 30 minute long mess of half-baked ideas and old footage he had lying around.
He's totally lost it.
remember when chapo trannies used to call themselves the gray wolves or whatever the fuck? why are all trannies furfaggots too?
I heard him say sam was funny, he liked world peace and he wanted to have sam on cumtown but he was worried about getting shit about it so he cancelled.
Nice fanfic bro.
paypigs are seething at this post
is Sam pitting himself against cth in an attempt to make himself relevant? I've seen him do this before with tim and eric even up to that video he posted last year about as being pedo's despite any evidence. I've never even listened to or seen a chapo video. I honestly don't know shit about them besides this one guy sperging in every thread that whoever says something bad about Sam must be a chapo tranny. What even is a chapo tranny?
Charls was really the best part of MDE and now he's balding and streams on Twitch to like 200 people.
Based my dude. Friday Night Hyde looking good.
>but he was worried about getting shit about it so he cancelled.
cumtown is fucking shit anyways
I recognize pewdiepie and Joe Rogan and sam Hyde can any of you alt right cucks tell me who the rest are
people keep recommending his streams, but to me it's just too depressing to watch
what part of it is false? The fast food and candy part seems true. What the hell is Sam's excuse for being a fat ugly slob. I thought he said he worked out or was that just a funny joke. Anyway he looks like shit and a shit looking yid at that.
>is Sam pitting himself against cth
no, at least not seriously, because they'd probably lean into the joke and invite him onto the show, and he's afraid of interviews now.
>he's afraid of interviews now.
he doesn't want to get asked about Marky, what happened between him and Charls, and what his real politics are (hint: he doesn't actually hate Jews)
Same, I try to watch them occasionally but it's depressing. His instagram is also interesting, he likes a lot of young e-girls, like Mackenzie Beckett. He said something recently about working with Nick and Sam again but idk.
w-whos marky?
>likes young e-girls like mackenzie beckett
no she's 29
its Sam that likes young e-girls on social media (16 and younger)
hholy fuck there are so many insane shills in here
The new videos are trash, wtf happened? That completely devoid of content bullshit really took all that time to edit?
He said that he wouldn't have made it on kickstarter. He would have made 40 grand on the low end and 70 on the high end which is barely scratching the surface of what he needs.
yes because all of sams crew has left him and hes completely lost himself in his depression/sex addiction
If Sam cut the artsy bullshit and produced just content he could easily put out a shitty vid a week, which the fans would be a lot happier than a polished turd every few months.
>she's 29
wow I thought she was younger, being a minor Vine star at one point in the past.
I don't mean that he has pedo tendencies, just that I see him like a lot of attractive e-girls posts on instagram, juxtaposed to him posting an unappealing close up of his face with receeding hairline and all in focus. Makes me wonder about what he's doing is all.
money won't make Sam funny again and if he was he has plenty of crypto to produce his own shit. He's lost it and he knows it but he has nothing else. He can never have a normal life unless he changes his name and gets a real job but after being supported by his parents and underage teenage fans his entire adulthood he has the work ethic of a nigger.
>Mackenzie Beckett
I used to watch her vines back in the day. How the fuck did she get linked up with Sam?
Check out her Youtube, she's kinda redpilled. Not Sam, Charls.
Sam is literally /ourguy/, trancels BTFO
Sam's working class white larp is a cover to get money out of low iq poltards. Reminder that Sam thinks of himself as an artist, is a contemporary of people like lena dunham and went to art school. He has no work ethic to speak of. He thinks he's above work and instead spends his time trying to fuck his fans with his broken dick.
>cheCk OuT her youTube shE's redPilLed
fuck off faggot
wtf is this real?! I miss Matt so much
he'll be around don't worry
Not sure anyone has made me laugh as hard as Sam had
She didn’t seem redpilled when I was watching her vids around 2014-2015 but I will check them out because she is hot
Nah fuck you. The guy asked me a question. I answered essentially saying they have similar views. Kill yourself brainlet.
idk who this is but it looks extremely queer
jfl @you and your reddit capitalization.
Mustache Matt I believe. Infamous alt right troll that told Shia Lebeouf that hitler did nothing wrong right to his face
Sounds like a cooler dude than Sam, who is too much of a pussy to do something like that to anyone that isn't some meek faggot (i.e. you'd never see Sam call a black dude a nog to his face)
quit being a fag
sounds like a fag, even though he looks like a socialist fag
>reddit capitalization
it's from like ghetto facebook and i knew some nerd would start crying lmao
Why does Sam always try to antagonize women and "bluepilled libtard dudes? Could it be that even though he is godly tall he's just a huge pussy faggot?
damn whatever happened to the nigga who made ideas man and boston ross and tactical talk? he used to be so full of life and laughing at his own shit all the time. doesn’t even seem like the same person anymore.
injecting substances for years daily will do that to a guy
Last I heard of him was when he got doxxed after the Charlottesville thing happened and he was throwing up Roman salutes and being an all around /pol/tard
OMG How does Matt keep doing it?
he is a perfectionist
channing sexy popsicle video
>that time he showed up in the shia lebouf protest surronding by mutts that idolized him
shit really made me think back then in what kind of losers likes his content
there was nothing but losers at the shia protest. Not 1 redeemable person there
No redeemable person would go there in the first place. You get doxxed and lose your job over that shit
I don't honestly. He had a few good bits, but mostly his stuff is lame.
yeah you're right its totally that not the fact that no one finds your degenerate daddy figure funny anymore after he became a fat unfunny roided out loser
Happy World Daddy needed to be cut down. The homo nigga stuff was funny but too long. The last 10 minutes were kino tho. Also fuck that editing was right.
>Its funny how that one tranny that produced music for MDE years ago now stalks every single related thread with obsessed mudslinging. Its almost as if that faggot makes these threads just so he can post dirt in them..what a fucking freak.
What you said is not proof though.
It would be just as valid if I said the tooth fairy was doing it.
proof? Seems like most people don't like Sam anymore. He's a dead meme.
>dude these people are all out to get me... I mean Sam
>all these trannies like the dozens I have saved on my PC and phone and post in response in every thread about Sam
This I think most of the shill theories on Yea Forums are BS but there's no doubt in my mind that there are anti-Sam shills on here. Every single time without fail they show up in MDE/Sam threads. Who even is it? A mad ex? A discord tranny? A disaffected former employee? is it more than one person
All within a minute of each other. You aren't fooling anyone tranny
there was a whole sub on reddit of Sam haters before the show even got canceled. It's retarded to think that its just one tranny posting all the Sam hate shit.
cumtown/chapo traphouse fans
that's still not proof of anything.
why cumtown? isn't that just a comedy podcast?
Nah it's just a coincidence right?
you people keep saying it's some tranny doing this but when asked for proof or direct evidence all you do is sperg out.
cumtown got popular because they got the chapo rub from one of the cumtown guys being roomates with one of the socialist fellas. the fans are one in the same. Pretty sure the bald fat one from cumtown claims to be a socialist as well.
I'm not sperging out and I never claimed to have definitive evidence. I just find it very strange that every single Sam thread contains the same images and talking points against him. Like I said here it happens every single time without fail. There's also real vitroul in these posts that make it seem like it's pretty personal
nice Photoshop
fuck you're mentally ill
Wow, that new shit was hot garbage. This dude is dead inside.
A lot of strange stuff happens on this board and site. Where do you think you are? Reddit?
>cumtown got popular because they got the chapo rub from one of the cumtown guys being roomates with one of the socialist fellas
cumtown shares almost nothing in common with chapo though. Cumtown is for the most part an apolitical comedy podcast while chapo is a leftist political podcast.
>the fans are one in the same
Dude Chapo fans hate cumtown becauce they think it's problematic. They don't like how much Nick uses slurs and calls Jews parasitic. I don't know if you've ever listened to cumtown but I don't think it is what you believe it to be
>Pretty sure the bald fat one from cumtown claims to be a socialist as well.
But Stavs politics have no bearing on the podcast. He regularly makes fun of Adam for being a Jew they're comedians first not political pundits.
Like I said I've never seen such a concentrated effort over this length of time against one single person. You can claim it to be coincidence if you want but I've been seeing this shit too long to think it just happens to be different anons with nearly identical posts
The new HWD is fucking awful yet the Hydewars manages to be even worse. It’s getting to the point now that old MDE is being retroactively ruined by how bad this shit is. Feels like just yesterday World Peace was about to air for the first time. What a fucking shame.
I don't care about Sam's personal life. He is a comedian and purity spiraling does more harm than good
Who is this chubby neckbeard guy Sam always hangs out with currently?
What unironically went wrong?
no, larry charles canceled on him because they got wind that Sam was gonna do a character for the interview. they wanted something genuine
Cam Williams? I think. He's the guy on Sam's payroll that makes shill posts like this one and is probably the guy throwing all the discord tranny accusations around as damage control.
When it comes to scumbags like Sam you have to draw the line somewhere.
I'm talking about this guy youtube.com
I find it funny how he's present in so many videos but no one gives a fuck about him or knows who he is, even in the youtube comments there are barely people acknowledging that he's there at all
>people on Yea Forums listen to chapo trap house
it's just not a funny show dude lol
Just watched the HydeWars that Sam uploaded a couple hours ago, it's literal trash, just 2 obese dudes and a skinny twink sitting in a sauna rambling about heat and pedophiles
He said, she said money drama happens all the fucking time. I take stuff like that with a grain of salt
And I 100% do not care about him not respecting wahmen enough, or OMG you're attracted to a 17 year old you are totally a PEDO now yucky double YIKES!
His job is not to be some sort of alt-right philosopher or messiah. His job is to make comedy that's an alternative to Trevor Noah Stephen Colbert shit and shows that you can be creative and still be conservative and he does that well
From the outside looking in, he just seems like he got old and doesn’t know how to be funny anymore. Or doesn’t want to be. He reminds me of Tom Green who started out as this goofy guy always laughing and doing stupid shit. But then he ended up just coasting, seeming totally detached and rocking a thousand yard stare until he became completely irrelevant. This seems to be a common trend in comedy, after a while it just beats people down into humorless bastards. Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers and Dane Cook also come to mind.
I’ve said this before and I stick by this claim: despite hating Jews, the alt-right’s behavior ironically mirrors that of all the worst Jewish stereotypes. Between them constantly scamming their fans/viewers, their paranoid delusions and neurotic behavior, the fact that they’re constantly at each other’s throats over the most petty shit, their willingness to screw each other over for a quick buck, and the extremely weird creeper vibes given off by their higher-ups, I genuinely can’t tell if they’re trying to fight the Jews or become them.
>facebook memes
That's even worse you literal actual normalfaggot
>it seems like Joel fucked off
you mean trappped? Why does he hate Sam now as well?
To bad Noah and Stephen put there "comedy" out on YouTube while sam is doing?
Don Jolly. He's the "editor and CEO" of Dagger Magazine, an aspiring outlet for edgy misanthropic cultural criticism. Sam obviously sees something of himself in the guy, but it's clear he's just a disaffected kid who looks to Sam as a surrogate father figure and basically sucks his dick by imitating his style all the time. If Sam's life wasn't in shambles and if Don wasn't such a sycophant they wouldn't be the odd couple of pariahs they are now.
Nick/Charls/Erick/Andrew are clearly the only other people who were really in Sam's weight class when he was at his creative peak. I think Don and the twig stoner looking guy who hangs out with them are just carrying on from the momentum of their sunk cost fallacy attachment to Sam.
>People payed money for this
Definition of all style no substance
Actually they just had scheduling issues. Nick had said repeatedly he doesn’t care about any backlash especially any he would get from having sam on.
Tim and Eric was a PFFR and Mr Show rip off
well that might have something to do with youtube kicking him off the site. I agree that he peaked with World Peace and quality has gone downhill. I hope his video game comes out and is good. I actually think Hydewars is actually comfy sometimes, in it's own way...kind of as a retired comedian golden years type show.
Except if he’s going to get his dick sucked like in the Porsalin interview but even then you could tell he was getting uncomfortable from how hard Porsalin was riding his dick and talking about red pills.
But sam had plenty of poeple reposting his stuff on YouTube but then he copyright striked his own content so not sure why your using that as a excuse for why he can't post on one of his 3 accounts? maybe sam can try and do some freelancing until he can afford his hobby?
see also Eminem.
Eminem actually said at like 26 "till the fire inside dies and expires at 30"
which absolutely happened. It seems like being "irreverent" just always turns into being aggrieved and bitter at around 30
low energy, holy shit.
just pestering some meeting full of cucks with not a single joke in there
Tom green didn't get famous until he was 30 though
>Tom green didn't get famous until he was 30 though
he was moderately famous in canada before then
wen you're depressed you give up on your life (i.e. at 30) and stop giving a fuck completely which lets you do outrageous things then when people like it and you get famous you start giving a fuck again and then you're just depressed but can't act out because of it
Trannies should change their pony avatars if they want to be believed.
Spicy curry was funny the fact that payouts actually give him money for this is depressing. He literally plays clips of a better bit from 5 years ago during it.
This board is a fucking cancer chamber and I hope it gets taken down.
All you guys do is steal Sams content and fucking shit on him, what the fuck have you ever done? Why do have such an elevated sense of entitlement?
Were you all deeply personally wronged by Sam?
How many of you are Joe Bernstein or a girl he fucked?
The funny thing is, I know for a fact that the reason you have no take-away from his content is because you are all completely uncreative, for a creative person HydeWars is a fucking goldmine of solid advice you really will not find anywhere else from a dude who is EXTREMELY prolific despite what you fucking retards claim.
I'm in a very different field to him but the advice has been totally transferable and increased my productivity ten fold.
Don't even fucking reply to this because I'm not coming back, you can all rot in your echo chamber of malicious, vindictive criticisms whilst simultaneously spending HOURS of your pathetic lives consuming his content and gossiping about him.
I might email him to see if he can get this place nuked.
Get fucked.
> he doesnt know
There's about 4 times the numbers of posts to unique ids yet most act like first time posts. It's just a shill thread matey.
I honestly don’t care about the guy. I live 30 minutes away from him and nobody knows who he is around here. Nobody knows who he is outside of Yea Forums. It’s just funny to shit on him
i think thats pasta from the 8 c h
Who do you think you are? Who do think you are? You're no artist. I worked at Adult Swim for 41 months, and who are you?
MDE? Haha I loved those vids back in high school, he's still making vids? He was pretty funny, thought he would've had his own show by now... How does that guy make money anyway?
that was just boring wtf the only good thing was the old clip from the yale vid at the end
You just get more and more undesirable, Sam. Youre never coming back, not that you were ever here to begin with.
Jesus you're insufferable. What are you so afraid of?
the whole thing with the down snydrome guy just seemed too malicious
>moralfagging this hard
i project onto sam a lot but here's another one. i was really fired up about right wing stuff 2016-early2018 and i still agree with it all but i just never think about it it's not filling my headspace any more, so sometimes i think to troll or antagonise someone with right wing stuff because i know i think they're pathetic for believing.. and then i can't remember what it is I think they think, or what i think that's better. so i kind of say heh... you suck. and have to awkwardly slink away.
A fat, greasy monkey throwing its shit to see where it lands is not improv, son
that's cool, i don't respect your cringey dorks' artform anyway so, let's agree not to call sams old mirror vids improv.
Comedy isn't a race to the bottom.
3 minutes into HWD and I'm crying laughing
great subliminal "RAPED MARKYYY" pic edited i0,n too, no wonder the jilted bitter stalkers are on overdrive
How do you think Sam found his audience. He literally went after the lowest hanging fruit possible which no other comedians would touch because it's poison.
If Sam was a more talented comedian he could have handled his edginess with enough finesse to not get his show cancelled.
But no after failing at being a Tim and Eric ripoff and trying everything to see what would stick all that was left for him was larping as a nazi to zoomer poltards.
Sam should have stuck to selling cars.
Ascension to enlightenment
What makes you think im boosting imporov, asshole? Im not a fan of making shit up on the fly. Im just saying what that waste of pus Sam Hyde does isnt improv.
>Fuck (You)
do you have happy world daddy 1 and 2?
The bloat king will re-emerge for 2020 with new levels of bloat never thought possible
Someone please upload happy world daddy 1 and 2
Im a cheap man
He's a narcissist who thinks trying is above him.
Did you pay for it? It's weird how his cult has closed its ranks. He could be so much more far-reaching without the paywall.
Tim Eric is an absolute full blown centrist faggot
Pool whatever
Is anyone else getting a randy Prozac mkultra vibe from the new crush500/hwd?
They're on YouTube: youtu.be
There is nothing wrong with hypocrisy.
what the fuck does that mean
Sam is depressed because he was in heterosexual love with Charls.
>this thread is still up
Have you ever been to sentimentalcorp.org and seen some of the videos on there? Sam's is aping his style a lot.
no I haven’t been to a random site... thanks
>How's this for a green new deal, stupid bitch.
Leave AOC alone!
I wish I was big like Sam so I could mog people. I can cultivate mass all I want but I'll never be 64. Maybe I can break legs like the Chinese.
Gays are naturally subversive (like the Jew) so they are inherently attacked to this sort of thing. Same reason that there are so many neo-folk bands fronted by fags like Douglas P. and Boyd Rice.
>sam is kino af
Imagine how hot it would be to watch AOC gag and choke on a cock until she pukes, and then make her eat her own shit afterwards like the useless latina slut she is
>sam hyde constantly shills for money
>gets a brand new F150 raptor and always abuses the fuck out of it as a joke
Yeah guys, he really needs your donations
I posted that pic on /pol/ and got banned
jew here
does Sam really hate us or is he doing for comedic effect or a bit of both