I feel bad for him. He's a good guy. He's right about 99 % of it but he exposes too much truth for comfort...

I feel bad for him. He's a good guy. He's right about 99 % of it but he exposes too much truth for comfort, so they try to find something to ban him off everywhere and settled on 'sandy hook'. The whole war against him was in bad faith.

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Checked, the madman named the elves

no you're right. it's definitely the humanoid Chinese clones made by the interdimensional aliens, not the jews

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>watched the first 5 minutes
>they don't show videos of him saying sandy hook was a hoax
>instead he babbles about invented people who think he's the killer
Terrible podcast

Imagine knowing as much as he knows and continues to learn and not give up on life. He has so much faith in humanity. Normie niggers find out that some celeb they follow fucked someone or said something and they can't deal with life let alone your humanity. Meanwhile Alex reups and just fucking keeps coming back to give you the truth. If you don't believe in yourself believe in Alex believing in you knowing the truth and defeating the globalists and being an all around good cunt.

Cry more retard. He admitted he used to think sandy hook was a hoax and said it on air

You last point doesnt even make sense.

He's literally the O.G internet zionist shill. All that sandy hook kangaroo court bullshit was contrived so that people would completely dismiss the possibility of it being a hoax, it's pretty textbook shit.

I am angry!

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>O.G internet zionist shill
No proof of this.

What the fuck were the given reasons for deplatforming him? Sandy Hook was years ago and just a warning seems sufficient for covering their ass

Why haven't they killed him? I mean he's obviously right about so much, why not give him "enlarged heart" like Andrew Brietbart or Corey Haim? Are they out of doctors they can blackmail? Is it more beneficial to keep him around because he makes conspiracy theorists seem insane?

I'm sorry I ever made fun of you, based Alex

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kind of like the confederate flag thing and Dylan Roof, it's more about convenient excuses to curb undesirable behavior than causation

But he says that a private bostonian credit rating agency designated him as a terrorist, so almost every platform booted him

Well he was around for years before they kneecapped him now all he has is his website.

So I hope he made enough money to retire on he should have millions right?

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I'm so happy that I'm not an Alex Jones believing retard

He would turn into a martyr. The internet would break and conspiracies would be everywhere if he suddenly dropped at 45

lots of the stuff he said was true

Go back

>think people are being ironic when they say they believe Alex Jones
>delve deeper
>realize they're always at least half serious

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zionist shill

Are you fucking 14? Seriously?

You don’t have to post here.

We salute the rank not the man


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He mentions a fact then warps beyond all recognition with his crazy storytelling and exaggeration. Like the Soros thing. You need only the most basic information about Soros to know that he was a currency speculator and that he fucked with the UK (that the others didn't know what he was talking about shows they're dumb -- not that Jones has some special knowledge), yet he presents this information and then turns it into some huge thing like Soros destroyed the UK which is obviously false.

>doesn't make sense
No surprise, Retard MC-this-gravel-voice-is-totally-real-guys
Aka I'm a cuck who got divorced alias alex, faggot, jones said it