Erectile dysfunction by 30

>erectile dysfunction by 30

Harry’s life sure is shitty

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Why doesn't he just cast Pectus Erectus?

is that tweet real? good fucking god

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You sure he’s not gay, JK?

Wingardium leviosa my dick!

Is she worse than George Lucas yet?
I can't decide which one has shit on thier franchise more

all the tweets are edited and people eat them up


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>white man has sex problems
colour me surprised

Ginny doesn't care. She got her cherry popped by Dean Thomas and has fucked anyone who winked at her since. Harry is a cuck. I doubt the kids are even his.


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how are hard nipples going to help with his ED?

>ED at 30

Must be a brit thing. Is this why britskags primarily fuck brownbois now?

Not only is he gay, but he might be trans. And black.

the age is actually getting lower

currently, the average age for ED in the UK is 17

And that’s a good thing

>Sorry Ron, I can’t visit Hermione any more at Magical Creatures, the bogarts keep turning into limp penises.

>The problem wasn't Harry though. He could easily get hard at the memory of a teenage Hermione masturbating in her bed. Ginny had hit the wall. So soon enough he grabbed a transformation spell and went to the nearest whorehouse and loudly demanded "Give me a girl who's 4'10" and as soon as she entered he pointed his wand shouting "Cunny Tightelious"

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no wonder, they have to fuck those british slags

obviously not you utter cretin

god Prime Hermione was so good
I just want to forget everything about Emma Watson as a person and go back in time

Ginny goes back to fucking black guys behind Harry's back, right?

>points wand at dick
>petrificus totalus
>wingardium leviosa
Problem fixed

I used to love HP but shit like this pisses me off. Fuck Rowling to hell