So is it good

so is it good

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Bump. Also want to know.

Not as good as pic related

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i never read the comics but thought this was fine. seemed like an interesting dynamic with the characters and their upbringing. i understand its a big departure from the comics though, so... take that with a grain of salt.
there's a definite weak point throughout the series and it always belongs to first billing for some reason.

black girl is cute

I liked it but I usually don't like capeshit, so take that as you will.
That show has nothing going for it other than Fraser.

This, thousand times better

how's /ourguy/

Doom Patrol is fantastic and it's only 2 episodes into it.

Haven’t watched it yet, does it do my boy Negative Man proud or nah?

Unironically the best part of the show, he was born to play Robotman

based, new ep today

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Absolutely. All the actors are really bringing their A-game, except for Jane

Pretty fun. Wish the ending would've been better and thought that it could've been condensed to 8 or 9 eps but other than that v enjoyable. A solid 7 series

it's not too bad

It's now a Doom patrol thread. 3rd episode when?

Ellen Paige is shit

~10 hours



Doom Patrol is far better

>that one phonetard who keeps resetting his IP and posting in the thread as if he's not the same person
Real subtle.

Deadly Class is better than this

I liked it, it's not great but I'll definitely watch season 2.

I feel bad that almost a decade later that edgy brit from the Misfits is still literally playing the exact same character.

I thought Hiro prevented that

The comics were complete trash. not even entertainingly bad. I would not recommend them to anyone. Reading them made me understand why Alan Moore is a big deal: apparently most comics just suck.

I cannot stand the constant music montages in this series.

Not at all. People were worried that the mobile rebuild would require registering or something but that wasn't the case unfortunately.

Didn't see it, but NO it's not.

You don't have to see it to know it's shit

it amazes me how well ellen page was able to portray an hideous troll

>an hideous
Another reason why America is the steward of the language instead of UK.

why do these both have a faggot character? is literally every show in the 21st century going to have these now?

every Netflix original has a faggot character and/or an interracial couple. They can't be doing that accidentally.

it always breaks my immersion a bit, but that's just how the world is now so you just have to live with it.

what's kinda sad is the kid is the best actor in the entire show. The dude steals every scene

welp, rip watching new """tv""" shows

5 is best character


Agreed. Also, he and Tom Hopper are the only ones who don't go off on cringy overacting stints in the show.

>can't handle a single gay character
fuckin wiener

Every golden era HBO show has that as well.

what can I say, it's repulsive

It was good. A little slow, but it did captivate me enough to watch the whole thing in two days. I was wondering what about all the kids he didn't adopt. Didn't they also develop powers? And what the fuck is up with the mexican dude's powers? All he can do is curve things he throws while his brothers and sisters can time travel, have super strength, talk to the dead, and control people. He'd be better off just using a gun

What went SO wrong, Yea Forums?

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Is Cyborg looking good in this? I want to see a good non-cgi Cyborg

this gives me a Kingsmen vibe

>fat piece of shit in high school
>witnesses 9/11 while on the verge of suicide
>suddenly God makes him 100% pussy magnet
>all while being a massive alcoholic and drug abuser in the background
>gets clean and retires from music
>becomes a fat fuck again

Reminder that Vanya is best girl and only did wrong because of her asshole, hypocritical family.

5 > 7 > 2 > 4 > 5 >>> 1 = 3

>tfw no more MCR

What's your favorite album by them, user?

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Danger Days

A classic album. Did you ever listen to the album they were meant to release before Danger Days (that they cancelled)?

Imagine a millenial with daddy issues directed xmen

>people calling garbage decent
What is happening? I've stuck with Yea Forums despite being 99% shit posts the few opinions that are voiced are usually pretty good. But who are the people ITT calling this fucking shit show worthwhile? Is it actually Netflix PR? I thought that was a meme. Or did everyone finally get sick of sneed and trump and Twitter screenshots and fuck off? Either way this is a wake up call

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I loved it. Honestly better than the comic. Hazel and Cha-Cha were actually interesting and given some fun shit to do. Ellen Page was probably the worst part honestly.

I’m curious to see how season 2 will deal with them going back in time and fucking with the timestream more. Also Ben being more of a character now that his ghost can actually interact with the real world through Klaus. I’m feeling like they may use time travel to try and save him since that’s on the table now

How can you have such shit taste?

Would you prefer Rebis to the mixed hermaphrodite he was in Morrison’s run?
You babies will cry over anything holy shit

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Are you retarded? Which run did you start on? I would recommend Morrison’s but you might be too much of a brainlet for it (which is saying a lot)

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>Ellen Page was probably the worst part honestly.
Am I the only one who feels physically uncomfortable when she's on screen?

>why do these both have a faggot character? is literally every show in the 21st century going to have these now?
Because the original comic from 2007 had one. It wasn't added in for SJWs, it was always that way.

It starts out really good then falls apart in the last two(ish) episodes.

I honestly thought she was one of the best parts of the show.

It's watchable but it still feels like Netflix is trying to make it appeal to as many demographics as possible.

Having 3 pop songs every episode was annoying as fuck as well.

she had one expression the entire time and it was the constipated look

>the original comic from 2007
More like the second run from the 70s

She looked like she didn’t want to be there 99% of the time and was going through the motions because she needed a paycheck. Also they could have done something with her hair to distract from her gigantic forehead. The only time she actually seemed to be acting was at the very end when she finally has a mental breakdown and goes full bad guy

That's just how her face looks.

The comic was pretty shit though so that's not that great of an accomplishment. I thought it was mediocre by normal tv standards but pretty good for a comic tv show. Best parts were hazel and cha-cha segments and Klaus' and #5's actors. The rest of the cast I couldn't be bothered to care about.

I was honestly super impressed by #5. Might be one of the best performances by a child actor I've ever seen.


Why was Luther such an absolute fucking retard?
>hey here she comes being all apologetic and not wanting to hurt anyone any more
fuck you luther you absolute sped

Klaus's American accent was terrible, same with Luther.

In the comic books his power was to hold his breath indefinitely which also gave him affinity with using knives. So they just turned it into making him curve knives well.

I liked it

>that moment where klaus gets startled and says "CHRIST ON A CRACKER" in the broadest Irish accent possible
All is forgiven just for how hilariously bad that was.

It's always been shit here's your reddit gold and like and subscribe

7/10 pretty comfy weak ending tho

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the black parade
fuck off if this didnt make you cry

Page's face was so repulsive I find it hard to watch her scene.