Why do you hate this movie?
Why do you hate this movie?
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maybe because tarantino humanized a bunch of fucking NAZIS
is that not reason enough, you stupid fucking /pol/tard
because I hate niggers and kikes
This bait is so shitty but I know zoomers will fall for it. And Inglorious Bastards is a fine film, nothing insanely good but an entertaining enough film nonetheless
I like it. Bar scene is kino
gnatzis are a tired old trope.
I dunno but I couldn't stand pitt's accent, I'm sure it's supposed to mean something but it's just so fucking bad I quit after two scenes with him
It doesn't acknowledge that Hitler is the real hero.
dont even remember anything except the scenes with Hans Landa.
>Hitler is the real hero
How do you figure?
It's fine
I liked it quite a bit. Fun fact did you know Sam Jackson was in it?
It seems so based and so redpilled, yet Tarantino is so aggressively neither, that it leaves me feeling worried I've become lost and am projecting redpilledness, and will misinterpret an innocent comment in public and reveal my power level
It's Tarantino's most polished work.
why does everything have to a buzzword with zoomers? Based and redpilled are so meaningless try explaining why you feel the way you do about the film
>Why do you hate this movie?
The only people who hate it are from Reddit, they're the ones who can't admit to liking everything on this Yea Forums recommendation list.
I cant enjoy tarantino flicks anymore, it's too obvious that he's trying so hard.
And Django Humanized niggers, that's the thing though. Everyone's Human, everyone but the Chinese.
And Abos
and the freaky deaky Dutch.
The G*rmans too while we're at it
The Dutch language is a fucking joke. It looks an anglo trying to fake a German accent.
The point of the movie was for you to realize your complicity in making Nazis human. You obviously failed which makes you a monster.
The Holy Roman Empire should be resurrected.
stop falling for shitty bait friend
Shit script
Should have been about the Jew bitch and her revenge or the American commandos. Not both. The 2 stories have NOTHING to fucking do with each other.
Cuckatino sucks cock basically
What was the point of this monstrosity?
tfw no Jew chick to get revenge on smug aryan douchebags with
feels bad man
Remnant from the Western Roman Empire
It's literally just contrarians. It doesn't inherently need defending so it must be attacked instead.
It had a few cool moments and Christoph Waltz. Otherwise it was meh, and I don't like stuff that rewrites history. It always feels so petty.
Most of that territory wasn't part of Rome though. Filthy Krauts butcher the corpse of Rome and get subjugated by frogs almost immediately after, then think they can be Rome.