I wish Yea Forums had never come to me
I wish Yea Forums had never come to me
Other urls found in this thread:
all you have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to you
It's such a burden, this board
look at how qt he is
fuck this i'm out, no more.
even /trv/, never again.
thanks frodo
fuck niggers and fuck jannies and fuck Yea Forums
If I never found Yea Forums 10 years ago I'd either be in a 100x better life position than I'm in now or I'd have killed myself. I think I'd prefer either to this sad state of limbo. I wish I could escape.
I wish I never had a daughter
Share the load.
well since I missed my yearly rewatch in 2018 I think the answer is clear
The thought of having never found this site is almost incomprehensible to me. I have no idea what I'd be like nowadays.
Yea Forums debates/shitflinging have taught me a lot of geography, politics, history, language and steered me in ways i'd never have done alone, except i'm ultimately more miserable
What Yea Forums gives with one hand it takes with the other
We're all here because we're running from something.
So do all who live to see such sites, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the bandwidth that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, OP, besides the will of shitposters.
I'm here because I'm a retard that still laughs at Baneposting.
>We're all here because we're running from something.
The person who broke rules 1 and 2 and told you about this place was meant to find this site. In which case, you also were meant to find it. And that is an encouraging thought.
I’d be such a better person without this site
But the humor is my favorite and I love the feels threads. I hate this place but it’s a part of me now. 11 years boys. 11 years.
I'd probably be worse off if I didn't have anons holding up a mirror and giving me pointers on what to do
Based Retard
Kek'd and Checked
>tfw been here since pic related
only death can spare me now
I always looked down on this site and the people who used it with both contempt and fear. All of my friends from school were le edgy Yea Forumstard oldfags, and I always kind of pittied them for coming here. I was born and raised Christian, never watched Porn, and heard a lot of horror stories about this place doxxing people IRL. In 2016 started listening to JBP talk about KEK and read about the Kekistani myth on some other sites, and slowly started humanizing you guys in my mind. Then when Q started posting on /pol/ I jumped on and spent some time in those threads had a few laughs all the while experiencing a bizarre psych warfare event. I eventually moved over to /sg/ after I got sick of the gay boomerisms of Q and now I'm here. Lots of deeply misguided and lost people on the Chans, but this website is truly the cyborg hive-mind mystery school of the internet and humanity. This is the best place to go to find real answers, because people aren't trying to take anything from anyone else, and there is no need to hide simple truths behind veils of cumbersome social manners. After years of running from this place, I finally feel like I am home.
Thanks Yea Forums.
-Sincerely, /Reddit/
(Just kidding fuck Reddit)
Still a newfag.
Forever young in the eternal Summer.
You are a big guy
Same man.
oh Sam
Me too
This fucking website and its culture fucked me up as a teenager
Fuck all of you
Shut the fuck up you retarded newfag holy fuck you literally type like a redditor because you're from the boomer migration from reddit during the 2016 elections (which were the final blow to this website)
Fuck out of here
go back to fucking reddit goddamn
>then when Q started posting on /pol/
What are you talking about? Q posting was only on /pol/ for like a week. It moved to cripplechan /pol/ and twitter/normiebook almost immediately because everyone kept calling it a LARP.
there is no vague advice anyone can give you now. this is hell and you're never getting out
dumb frogposter
peak cringe
My buddies and I say that when someone is hogging a bowl or joint.
My personal bowl is biggass Gandalf pipe too.
Good Lord.
Yeah I'm a fucking boomer(millenial) and proud of it. Life is more fun when you stop giving a shit.
i wish the Yea Forums memes had never come to me
why? tell us in detail.
its cucked, that's why
I'm just glad I found this as an adult at 20 and I've been an old friend of Youtube since 2005
and YT was and is more kid friendly than Yea Forums
>and why would I want you?
>He hates and loves Yea Forums, just as he hates and loves himself.
>tuxedo frog
>wall of text
suck my dick I'm not reading your fanfic
>life is more fun when you stop giving a shit
This is only the case when you're a parasite on those around you. Please either kill yourself or start learning about niggers.
How could it all have gone so wrong?
Kek, so true
Yeah you guys share each others loads alright you bunch of fucking queers
Marvelous bait. Such high craftsmanship.
I feel the same way, bro. So many wasted years. *sighs*
why not?
Old meme that never took off. Yea Forums used to tell people not to install it because it's too addictive.
THeres a parallel universe where I’m not angry all the time
one day you’re raiding ebaumsworld for ytmnd and Yea Forums then you wake up 15 years later and still posting on Yea Forums
I am glad I found Yea Forums because it introduced me to so much and changed my life for the better, but now I'd like it to start offering me more or let me leave it.
Lettuce boys da fuck outta here!
See you tomorrow...
Do you all realize that Yea Forums is just megaconsiciusness and you are all already dead? Why dont you walk outside? Have you seen something new past those years? How can you explain if you are alive if you cant leave this site for more than day? Just swallow the biggest redpill. This is hell and you will never escape.
I’ve been here for 12 years and I’m glad I found it. My life has only gotten better
as long as i have my fix, i don't care
>you are all already dead
if only
Yea Forums actually save me I learned new things that I would never knew existed and my Awoken fetish
So thank you y’all
I would have gone with you to the end, user.
I don't get these comments about Yea Forums ruining your life. I have so much fun here. It's the only place that makes me laugh.
That was a good year.
That's the problem
When the seas and mountains fall
And we come to end of days
In the dark I hear a call
Calling me there
I will go there
And back again
Jesus christ, she used to be such a mega qt.
This hit harder than it should have.
I just see it as one place where freedom of speech sorta exists. Men can speak to each other like they used to and be politically incorrect. It's the freedom to say what you want. The things I hold back at work. The things I don't say to my stupid girlfriends. My family. My idiot friends.
The problem isn't Yea Forums..society has just conquered masculinity and boyish antics. Men used to be lewd and angry at work and home and we ran shit.
Now all we have is autism.
And I think some if you are mislead if you think life has a lot to offer. Most people h
Just get married and work a shit job until they are too old to care about life.
You're all faggots with no perspective.
>work in the airlines as an aircraft dispatcher
>work with a pilot called Paul Bayne (no really, I'm not kidding)
>shitposting and lurking on Yea Forums gets me through the 10 hour days of wagieing but it's an interesting job when it's busy but not too busy
>always shitpost in between watching my planes (to make sure they don't crash with no survivors)
>file flightplans with the agency (FAA) all day
>after 2 years have a possible offer to make double what I make now
>still will have time to Banepost
I just want you to know that I love you all.
We're all Big Guys....
Since we are all anonymous, it doesn't matter if you're talking to a nigger, spic, wop, kike, gook, lesbian, faggot, whatever....
All that matters is the free flow of thoughts and memes, laughs and feels and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
It kills me to think that Boxxy probably never thinks about this place and has moved on to a more or less normal life while the rest of us, including myself who shares a birth year with her, are trapped in this limbo, pining if not for her herself but the time and phenomena she represented.
Yea Forums is the collective id, ego and superego all rolled into one, vying for control and simultaneously sharing it and never having it at all.
Yes but I still hate niggers and I love redpilling people on them
>starts ranting
user, you could be talking to nigger right now.
I probably still would be a loser even if I never came to Yea Forums, at least this way I have other losers I can relate with.
Post user's, show us the meaning of autism
*Queues music
>Maybe...maybe it's time to let go of my hate...look at what's inside and judge men on their charchter and not their skin. That black people are humans worthy of respe.....
*Record scratch
Or most likely dead.
if you can't say shit to your idiot friends then they don't seem like you are particularly close. We say all kinds of shit, same with my family, and no one cares.
Living in a hick town doesn't count
is that dewey in the background and is that the actor that molested him?
And you love it...bitch. Like such a large proportion of the other people using it all you want's to be reassured you're not the only one...slut.
this site has ruined me. i haven't had a friend irl in years. i don't want to be around people who I can't call a nigger or a faggot or people who don't share a similiar sense of humor that's found on this site. if I'd never found Yea Forums I'd probably be better off, but I'm happy with the way I am right now. I've learned so much shit here throughout the years that it's worth the tradeoff of hating everyone around me.
Most people are never really your friend. We all die alone.
Have a cheese doodle
Why would you fire a man before throwing him out of a moving vehicle?
How will I explain baneposting to my children? I say this because despite spending my formative years on Yea Forums, I somehow came out a normie and now, 11 years after my first shitpost in 2008, my fiance is pregnant.
Baneposting has given me so much joy over the years that it would seem insane not to share it. But how could I possibly share it? I think I've lost all sight of how opaque Yea Forums(nel) is. I've never shown it to anyone, never tried to teach anyone maymays or shared my epic screengrabs. But this place must be impossible to pull any semblance of meaning out of to the neophytes and I have forgotten that. I've never thought of this before, but now that I will be a father I think it is insane not to have shared with anyone in real life the immense influence of this place has had on me.
>explaining baneposting
user ...
you will die a slow and lonely death.
Context over time will be important in explaining things, you'll talk about this place differently now than you will when they're old enough to ask about the good old days, so it's a bit of a moving target. There's a lot of ways it could move, and I'd argue it's the most interesting place on the internet, which is an important position during the birth of an instant global communications network. I don't think the story is over by a long shot. As far as Baneposting is concerned I think it strikes a chord because it perfectly hits almost every note for what makes movies retarded, which might actually make it interesting to future generations looking back at it once other formats really sink their claws in and pull away the cultural relevance. I can see it being a nerd injoke for decades and being in the material cycle that NASA people use when they carve symbols in the furthest reaches of their machines along with dicks and monty python references.
Alternatively I've also considered never breathing a word about this place to anyone and likely having to end half my sentences with "I don't know I just heard it somewhere." The older I get the more I see the wisdom in it.
It would be extremely painful...
13yrs for me fml
Damn you're right.
What the fuck else would I have done with my life?
All of these feels, holy fuck are you people me?
>go outside
I do, almost regularly. It sucks. Nothing good ever comes out of it.
its imposible
just think how shitty is the web 2.0 right now and realize your kid will grow in a x100 version of it
you could literally never explain what this place really is to normal people today
imagine trying to explain to the 2nd generation of smartphone babies
Awoken fetish?
What do you mean?
>Alternatively I've also considered never breathing a word about this place to anyone and likely having to end half my sentences with "I don't know I just heard it somewhere." The older I get the more I see the wisdom in it.
34yo boomer here
Ive doing this for the past 10 years
I still visit Yea Forums, because I havent quite yet found its equivalent in normal social life.
when did you start browsing boys?
for me, its '07
>11 years after my first shitpost in 2008, my fiance is pregnant
Is it a boy or a girl?
Suck it up pussy. You're here forever.
Om nom nom.
Gotta save some (you)s for my friends in my sub-reddit ;)
thank you friend :)
this but mostly due to socialisation/lack thereof. I've hardly spoken to anyone outside of this website for ~13 years and it has genuinely crippled me in any semblance of normal interaction
you guys are all wrong.....
everyone is addicted to a website.
normies are addicted to facebook
women are addicted to instagram,
sjw are addicted to twitter
gamers are addicted to twitch
we arent the only ones trapped in an online prison. everyoneis
i know women that browse and post on instagram or twitter every day for8 hours
if you ask me, Yea Forums is more fun than those
>lurking Yea Forums while video calling my gf, answering yeah and mmhhh-mmmh to everything she yapping about
Cringe or based?
Yea Forums is an occult mystery school. You have to willfully initiate yourself into it by spending endless amounts of time shitposting and digesting memes. If your child wants to learn about this place it will happen naturally and at their own time, probably in adolescence as an initiation into adult. I honestly believe that Yea Forums is going to replace Christendom as the dominant religious organization in the West over the next 10 years. We literally have developed our own language and value system that outsiders can't understand. As the priests of this religion it's our job to give people nudges in the right direction, but to maintain the mystery of this place that gives it the absolute power over consensus on the internet that it has.
Even if this site is ever deleted, the culture will live on forever in literally every digital space.
you come back yet senpai?
They might be more related than we like to think. I read the book of Job recently, the exchange between him and his friends is essentially a summary of every argument here about the injustice in the world. We've been here before.
imaginary and cringe, and even if it was real it would still be cringe
you must be new here
I unironically saw a media report about Yea Forums in 2012 and have been here ever since.
A-are, are we Gollum?
>weed addicted millenial
How very unorigional
Show him the film. Recite the lines. Make a joke of it. If it makes your son laugh show him the memes and explain the context
Same here. Idk why all these sad losers think Yea Forums made their life's worse
Nothing new under the sun as they say.
A good description. But the esoteric knowledge of Yea Forums is only practiced virtually. As I said I am a normie and even for non-normies there is as yet no way to incorporate memetics into real corporeal life. How do we move forward?
The sequel is never as good as the original.
you could argue the Yea Forums mindset has made people workout, get into all mediums of art, reach for higher spiritual desires etc which are all "real life" things
have an upvote friend
ahh the quintessential neo-Yea Forums poster
To keep this brief, memes are more than images on a screen. They are ideas, ideas that we inevitably carry with us into our lives, and that influence our local surroundings in space time. The effect that memes have on culture is a gradual, and more or less unspeakable. It's a mystery and in order to remain effective I think it has to stay that way.
The real redpill is that stormfront is allowed by ((people)) to infest this board like an uncontrollable cockroach swarm to help win sympathy in the greater public eye because stormfront beliefs are just batshit.
>11 years
What a fucking loser
>looks at calendar
>suddenly remembers noko isn't necessary anymore
Oh no.
>cue music
I'll have been here for ten years this year
But to be a religion you need a practice and Yea Forums is too chaotic to organize anything around. What is this Yea Forums-thought which has caused people to do these things? Is it being a fag and hating niggers? Is it the symbolic cosmology of EFG/Pepe/Wojack etc. comics? Is it unironically hating niggers and Jews? Where is the preacher explaining the memetic apotheosis in a sermon? Show me and I will follow.
I think the point is total distribution and simultaneous leaderless collective thought and action. It is more mysticism than Religion and defies being confined by Dogmas. It is a religion of the human spirit, no top down hierarchical structures. The sum of individual impulses make up the totality of the collective mind. There is no need for an authority in this system, and that is why it is most in alignment with human nature. With time, we are already seeing the rise of anti authoritarian leaders with Elon Musk, Rogan and AJ, and other people who put truth before power. Eventually we will establish a semi-automated digital government that functions on the basis of consensus similar to the way memes function now. The only leaders we will have are the ones that we let into the positions, it will be impossible to con the population like it has been done for so long because higher truth will be so obvious to everyone. Liberalism is the major obstacle to achieving this system right now, we have to be patient, they will run out of steam eventually because this process is inevitable if we are to survive.
I believe
Fuck me too
Been here since 2004/5 cant really remember exactly.
Remember you are here forever
As far as action, people here engage with symbols through video games, comics, memes, film, books, and online communication tools. The practice is an artistic one, but it is for the time being, mostly invisible to the larger structures in our society. That being said, the popularity of obscenities becoming popular amongst the youth is proof of an anti-authoritarian trend. Most of these kids don't say this out of racial hatred, but more or less as a means socialization, and demonstrating a willingness to fight against the established order that is ruining everything. There is a rising anti-authoritarian collectivism happening in the alt-right and the SJW class. As both of theses parties begin weeding out the shit ideas in their philosophies, they will merge closer together and create a majority voting block that will use distributed social networking technology to completely overhaul the system virtually over night.
Donald Trump was only the beginning, in 20 years Congress will be filled with Progressive Youtube personalities and celebrities from all sides of the political spectrum except for the previous status quo, This, or we all die from a civilization ending cataclysm brought about by mismanagement of government and economy. We have reached a breaking point IMO, and that is what is going to fuel this change. Lets see what happens in 2020.
Do the common folk in middle earth know about the valar, maia, eru and so forth and also the history of middle earth? Do they even worship Eru?
this place is awful but its one of the only places i feel like i can be home with my shitness. There is no pretense here. You can be the biggest piece of shit there is and you can still come here and feel like you don't have to pretend. Yea Forums is the perfect counterweight and voice to the over jammed, crowded egocentric media that inundates our lives. It's completely egoless, and that feeling is fucking great.
you have to go back
Fucking seconded so hard. Despite it's shittyness, Yea Forums is the least shit of almost the entire internet.
Shit just thinking about this makes me laugh and sad at the same time, to think the toilet of the internet has become of the last bastions it has in the sea of ever flowing of even more shit.
>tfw you were there at that first habbo raid
thats where it all went downhill to be honest
No it was the whole scientology demonstrations in 2008 that was the beginning of the end. Thats where we went from "muh secret club" to mainstream attention "hackers on steroids!". The eternal newfag summer began, we became more mainstream, when it trickled out to competitor sites (reddit etc.) and that was it. No turning back.
hackers on steroids was way before chanology
that was back when Yea Forums was a "far-left website (t. Bill O'Reilly)"
Ah, well, it's been so long I can really remember the details anymore.
Pay attention to these meme, kiddos. You'll be seeing him a lot in 10 years when the first generation of channers are over 50.
....dark have been my dreams of late
>10 years ago you were a newfag
How, how the fuck did this happened, a fucking decade and I'm still in the same place, nothing changed
the world just became ten times shittier than it was ten years ago
is this growing up or is the world just going to shit?
Newfag here
Discovered Yea Forums in early 2017 (not because of the election actually)
I have been hooked in since
I feel like shit knowing i've previously wasted my time elsewhere than here tbqh
I'm retarded too
I've been here since 2010 and I still feel like a newfag.
>originally came to Yea Forums because /pol/ had fat-shaming fridays sometime around 2012-2014
>at some point the threads disappeared
>now Yea Forums has regular fatkino threads
Yea Forums truly is the successor of /pol/
I remember only going to /pol/ when /k/ had the odd happening thread since they had the best running commentary and all those police radio sites which were both terrifying and maximum comfy at times.
Then I stuck around for the massive shitstorm when m00t disabled post times and the entire board was flodding with gay/tranny/furry porn from Yea Forums for about a week to help /britpol/ weather the storm.
>I feel like shit knowing i've previously wasted my time elsewhere than here tbqh
Don't. You'll end up wasting time here. That time you "wasted" elsewhere I wasted here.
Leave while you can.
/fit/ always has a fph thread up
I assumed they had, but from what I've seen it's not really my type of board.
How is everything here so relateable? Are we all connected as one being?
>t. self hating fat fuck
We are all humans, nothing else to it. When you strip away everyone's name, nationality, age, race, gender and class you get a non-stop stream of shared consciousness that is Yea Forums.
the gut punch was the fappening and the ko was the trump election
I fucked up my life with an eating disorder a few times so I try to stay away from fitness and diet shit
this is now a get thread
>tfw trying to explain the kino that was Meme Lover
My life has improved because of Yea Forums. Been here about 9 years, mostly on /cgl/ until a couple years ago. Met several friends and even a few qts through it. I still come here ever day but it isn't an important part of my life.
I came to Yea Forums for the traps. My neighbor showed me some pictures and I asked where found them and all he said was Yea Forums. This was circa 2009. I was in eighth grade.
I know Yea Forums is supposed to make you gay but for me it happened in reverse. Haven't fapped to traps in years though.
I'm here to kill some time that's literally it. I think you're all fuckwits who blow it out of proportion. Without this place I'd have found somewhere else that was near-identical. As it is I don't post here much anymore because I just cop bans and I don't elsewhere.
The normals wouldn't understand or even care. Everything that goes on here will be lost to history except in the minds and hard drives of our fellow anons.
Same with the good stuff except I'm not more miserable.
I want to think that someday, anthropologists of the future will get their hands on the thread archives and study our shitposts vehemently.
It isn't time wasted if its time you enjoyed wasting
Good op but the rest of the thread is cringe
You know how Lovecraft always wrote about this arcane knowledge that would cause people to go insane? I feel like Yea Forums has a similar effect on people over time except on the reverse. Its the realization of the insane world we live in that causes depression and suicide in young men today.
cities skylines is better new version right? that game is ancient though.
so is Yea Forums anything other than 100% porn all the time these days?
even the cancerous roll call threads and ylyl threads would be an improvement over current year Yea Forums
So? Odds are you're a faggot so your son will grow up a cuck or incel or tranny. At least a daughter will bring around some young puss for you to stare at
yeah pretty much Yea Forums is just a porn board now after it got invaded by normies in the fappening
tried so hard to not be a newfa, tat you became an oldfag and realized your mistake too late
Where the fuck am I going to go if this place ever shuts down? I’ve spent most of my life on this site. It’s the only place that really feels like home.
>Discover in 2011
>Yea Forumsfag, Boxxy, Giganigga, and YLYL threads, and porn
>still sexually nascent
>arrive off the Yea Forumsoat to Yea Forums
>main board from 2012-2014
>felt myself becoming obsessed with traps there, and my vidya time somehow decreasing, so I began steering clear
>wandered to Yea Forums because Breaking Bad was ending and the "minerals" memes were at their peak
>Yea Forums been main board since
>/gif/ is exclusively my source for porn
Everyone wonders what they'd be like without Yea Forums. I do, especially, because I'm a nigger and without it I'd probably be totally oblivious to how disliked I am by some.
for me the path was: Yea Forums until turbidity, then Yea Forums until gamergate, then /int/ until flags were put in, then /pol/ until the 7 steps of cuckolding, then Yea Forums (with a tour of duty on election /pol/)
also there was an /mlp/ phase somewhere in there but luckily I managed to snap myself out of that particular brand of autism before it overtook me
I went to Yea Forums briefly but I read mostly Gothic Horror, Weird Fiction, and early 1900s sci-fi and I've never had much success starting threads about those
>Discover in 2011
>Yea Forumsfag, Boxxy, Giganigga, and YLYL threads, and porn
newfags know nothing of puddi puddi. roody poos and candy ass word filter
those were the things moot would do
>>/gif/ is exclusively my source for porn
dude yespleaseporn, or yourporntv, or ixxx
get away from /gif/ its gross
Also what happened to MLP on the internet in general? It was everywhere then seemingly vanished without reason. I'm thankful, but curious
Exceptional post.
should have used moot pic
SCP-4794 contained successfully
i'm afraid i will be on my deathbed and still visit this website...
In regards to porn I have weird pseudo-ADHD so I have to constantly play some nut-roulette with different topics.
Just filter out the tranny and cuck threads and you're left with about 12 good ones
his wound will never fully heal
I've been using Facebook since 08, back when it was initially meant just for college students, and these days you anons wouldn't believe how many Yea Forums-themed pages and groups there are. Imagine the general discourse here, but without any of the vulgarity due to being post-blocked after getting reported.
It's just so awful.
I dread dying in my chair with a brap thread open
>It's the only place that makes me laugh.
That's the problem, I can't function anywhere else now. Every time I try to use another site I get banned almost immediately because no one outside of this can handle being called a nigger faggot.
I fell in love and had two children with my girlfriend back in 2012. I was here during the start of baneposting and would spend most of my days shitposting on herr. Eventually my gf said it's either yet or the kids or your internet Yea Forums addiction. I couldn't and didn't want to get my act in order so she left me and in 2015 she married a guy who was her boyfriend before we met. I gave up custody of the kids and they call her husband dad now. I miss them sometimes, but I am who I am and this will forever be my home.
Literal children back in 2007-2010 on Xbox Live could hangout being called both, yet grown adults recoil at the suggestion of them.
It's fucked
>when you sacrifice everything, even your family life and your children, for the sake of furthering the gospel of Bane
Don't worry dear friend. Valhalla awaits upon your demise.
I'm here because I tried being cool once and going to Yea Forums because I read it was where all the cool internet kids hung out.
>adults suppress their dark urges in public and vent online
>as a result, racism and sexism in public drops
>neomarxists think this is the march of history and try to police the internet as well to "destroy" racism
>now adults can't vent online
>so they go back to venting IRL
>and then Donald Trump became president of the US
>not addictinggames or miniclip
I'm sorry you were misled
I've spent a decade on Yea Forums but I've yet to feel compelled to LARP like this.
People like this must redditors, I can't think of any other kind of person who could venture to an anonymous website and start doing attention-whoring shit like this
>2013 - Gamergate
>2014 - the fappening
>2015 - Force Awakens release
>2016 - the_donald and election
>2017 - imdb shutdown you know those people who keep crying about /pol/? A lot of them ARE imdb boards members who migrated here and STILL attempt to astroturf. It's not even a conspiracy, there are photos in Yea Forums archives circa shutdown where they had lengthy plans to change the cultural direction of this board to their liking.
Point is, this place has been getting worse with every yearly happening.
I don’t regret growing up with you niggers.
every year on we say its the worst its ever been. since 2009
This place especially
>loved Man of Fire as a teen
>rewatched last week, found myself actually thinking, "is this cuck propaganda?"
IMDB is where I'd go after watching a movie if I knew a thread on Yea Forums wouldn't get discussion
Got to this place after Chanology during "cancer". Im glad there was a brief time when there weren't any retarded fucking socially adjusted people
>this makes you retarded
I laugh at most things posted here in the spirit of humor
If laughing at this makes you retarded then I'm stupid as fuck
holy shit, you really should kill yourself you complete fucking loser
>I wish the digits had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
So do all who live to see such gets, but that is not for them to decide. All you have to decide is what to do with the (you)s that are given to you.
>The thread goes ever on and on
>Down from the post where it began.
>Now far ahead the thread has gone,
>And I must follow, if I can,
>Pursuing it with eager posts,
>Until it joins some larger way
>Where many gets and shitposts meet.
>And sage then? I cannot say.
They have taken the site and the boards. We have saged the threads but cannot hold them for long. The board shakes, generals... generals in the catalog. We cannot get out. A normie lurks in the dark. We can not get out... they are coming.
this post makes me want to watch the lord of the rings again
I wish ugly freakish looks that doomed me to this site had never come to me
>off by one
>My dear user. Baneposters really are amazing creatures. You can learn all there is to know about their ways in a month, and yet after a hundred years they can still surprise you.
>tfw four day weekend thanks to public holiday
>could just get a bottle of scotch and roll through the whole extended trilogy again
well, Yea Forums, should I do it?
It's a dangerous business, creating your own thread. You step onto the board, and if you don't keep on topic, there's no telling where you might be swept off to.
I've been here since 2007. All my friends and I used to post on here but they moved on in 2011 and I'm still here.
>What did you post? Speak.
>N-nothing important. That is, I posted a good deal about a flight plan, and a masked man, and something about the fire rising , but... Please, Mr. Janny, sir, don't ban me. Don't turn me into anything... normie.
xkcd in 2008, I think. Might even have been 2007.
>No, thank you. We don't want any more _____, __________, or ____________.
>And what about _________?
I think that might have been the beginning of "meme magic" becoming a widespread topic on Yea Forums
They are. There was some crossover between /pol/ and /r/the_donald at the height of the 2016 election. They stole memes from here and in return they brought their cringe. A pretty bad trade deal if I'm being honest.
>projecting this hard
End your life already
absolute cancer
I am happy that I've found Yea Forums. I've been coming here every day for probably a decade now and don't regret a thing. It's my main source for a lot of things and I enjoy all kinds of shitposters.
Don't forget you're here forever. And I want to.
Quick survey - who here has even an academic degree at this point and/or is actually able to program in at least one language?
Jesus Christ fuck off, you absolute newfag tourist. End your life
Major in philosophy with a minor in classical studies reporting in
Sometimes I wish I never found this place, that I could just be a normie and go on thinking everything is okay and we as a whole are better than we ever have been.
I'm also good at playing a normie. I'm great at parties, I have friends, I'm relatively good looking and /fit/, I can talk to women, etc. However when I am in these roles I feel like I'm wearing a mask, like I have to hide this identity that loves to shitpost, be politically incorrect, and brash from them.
I don't know if the person I am on here is the fake identity and the person I am IRL is the real me, or if it's the opposite.
It's all so tiresome, but at the same time I'm glad I found this place and I'm glad I found you guys. We are the last bastion of free speech on the internet. Once we are gone, that's it. The internet as we know it will be forever changed.
Enjoy this place while you can, because its days are numbered. I can't tell you when it'll happen, but this place will get shut down. It's too dangerous to the power structures that are in place, they saw what were were capable of in 2016.
I love all of you guys, you're all like my family even though half of you are retarded incels and the other half are autistic landwhales.
Enjoy this while you can.