What's the next trend in Hollywood gonna be when people get tired of capeshit?

What's the next trend in Hollywood gonna be when people get tired of capeshit?

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white guilt

Sci fi, specifically space exploration/colonization and other kiddo level adventure bullshit. Easy to create tons of shitty cgi movies for chinks and retards to oooo and awww at, easy to insert tons of liberal values, and like capeshit most of the ideas are already written out so all modern filmmakers need to do is dredge up old scripts or book series and plagiarize the shit out of them or adapt them while changing everything they want. Theres already a bunch of tentative forays into it but once capeshit implodes that's the fall back genre.

weeb shit

>people that are so fragile they get hurt by a single word
Imagine being weak.

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I fucking WISH I could do that by saying nigger.

I write nigger on all my bullets, works just the same.


You just did.


Wouldn't that be a combination of the 1960s + the 90s with Space: Above and Beyond and that kind of stuff?

>saying the word can kill nigger
if only it was that easy

Wait, you can kill with that word? Have I been saying it wrong this whole time?

Romantic comedies will make a comeback, but with new age SJW shit, a whole lot of white female/black male pairings, gay couples, cuckdom etc...

After that, likely sci-fi, since it's easier to agenda push.

Speaking of this, when will the greatest comic book kino get adapted? pic related

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Heist movies probably.

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Someone shop this to say Incel so I can save it


Incels are domestic terrorists

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Capeshit will be the end of Hollywood... hopefully.

Where's the one for Incel?

90s weird comedies like The Mask

is that jake gyllenhall?

I unironically believe this comic should be in the Library of Congress

the first storytime of that fuckin thing was a cultural moment of significance

Goblin face and weird proportions more like. Being fat is is the least of his problems

Where's the incel one?

shouldn't he be blowing himself up in this one?

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...wasn't that in an MGSV song?

Says the war mongering agenda pushing race.

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it's the plot to the game

jews aren't allowed to post here