>white males 18 - 60 make up the largest demographic in pornographic viewership
>most popular interracial pairing is black men/white women
really makes you think?
>white males 18 - 60 make up the largest demographic in pornographic viewership
>most popular interracial pairing is black men/white women
really makes you think?
Kind of a wide demographic range there, don't you think?
>white males 18 - 60
thats a pretty big range. they couldnt narrow that a bit more?
also your two points of datd are misleading, they arent mutually exclusive.
>Millennials (ages 25-34) accounted for 32 percent of Pornhub’s traffic, the most of any age group.
>Republican males between 18 and 30 account for 29% of Pornhub's traffic
>men from the largest racial demographic make up the largest porn viewing demographic
Whites are a global minority, (((user)))
>OP said it so it must be true
oh boy another off-topic bait thread! let's get those (you)s!
Why would that make me think? Youre plainly the one whos obsessed with it, insecure white boooiiii
what other interracial pairings are there that would make as much sense?
Reminder OP looks like this and gets his rocks off on debasing himself.
>the largest demographic is the most populous race and age group
No shit
>the interracial pairing is the group with the largest number of actresses and the second largest number of actors
No shit
/pol/ are degenerates
If white american males are so racist then why do they jerk off to african males in porno so much and watch them play sportsball?
>implying chinks are even allowed to view porn
>implying pajeets and africans can afford computers
>rent free: the post
i hope nobody posts that thing that shows how many indians are connected to the internet, they LOVE computers, and the only thing they love more is PORN with western girls. they soak up blacked for some reason
First point isn't even true but I've always wondered about the second point you made too. They are all old too who watch crap like football and basketball.
me on the far right
lol source plz
basically i jerk off to interracial porn and beastality, only the most perverse shit i can imagine
WMBF would be best if they had more than 4 attractive girls
if there is a civil war ii in america all the race traitors are done for. if no civil war then america turns into a mix of brazil and south africa.....lel
whats the most popular pairing?
The enjoyment is interracial the e enjoyment of watching a woman be destroyed. You are watching her st her lowest, throwing her life away, never to be the same or respected again. You ste watching a consensual rape.
>implying most viewers on pornhub have accounts
>implying those who use their real info
I'm /pol/ af irl and I love watching the contrast of a black cock destroy a white pale pussy. BLACKED™ is seriously good as i grew up in 80s grainy porn and the HD stuff is really great.
I'd beat the living shit out of my daughter if she ever brings home a nigger though
I can't dispute this. I'm a 30yo white male who is vaguely racist and I've been an off-and-on fan of interracial pornography for years. BMWF is the best, but I suspect that that's largely because white women are generally much better looking than women of other races and because white-majority countries are far more progressive than non-white countries. I wish I could get a lot more top quality WMBF, WMAF and WMI(indian)F and WMLF pornography.
imagine being white in 2019
It's a weird feeling. We're still the best, but there's this whole Damocles Sword situation going on.
>40 minutes
>no complaints from liberals about how it isn't Yea Forums related
really makes you think?
I’m thinking about dying myself black desu
...I'm putting together a team.
It's pretty based desu. Our smile alone has the power to send millions of minorities into hysterics.
If only more asian girls did porn
It is p pathetic. Being some awkward, overweight, soi-ridden incel that everyone just uses as a butt of the joke. The only thing anyone expects of you is to be a school shooter.
>white males 18 - 60 make up the largest demographic in pornographic viewership
Worldwide? I seriously doubt that.
>most popular interracial pairing is black men/white women
how popular is it overall?
I know before I jerk off to cuck porn, I make sure log into my account that I, for some reason, have displayed my political affiliation on.
Lol you know it's true.
White girls don't have it so bad as long as they're dykes or hook up with a black guy (most do either of course).
But white guys are the absolute lowest scum in a modern school setting. They're all really socially awkward too and do this thing where they rock back and forth. Everyone just jokes they're future school shooters
t. middle school teacher.
you have to be 18 to post here
>[citation needed]
all boards need flags
There are plenty of good looking non-white girls out there
They just don't do porn
I don't get what this thing is, where pretty wealthy white girls from nice homes are begging to get fucked on camera
Unironic National Socialist here
I jerk it to BLACKED.com daily. I download all of their videos via torrenting as well.
I know (((they))) run it, which is why I don't give them a cent.
Why do white guys make you so mad?
feels fucking amazing
>too scared to say "u mad" so he says the new, accepted trendy meme
You're already trying to be a faggot, what are you afraid of?
so this is the power of discord tranny trolling
Whites are the most coveted ethnicity by women out of just about every race.
Based >jerked to BLACKED.com
>torrent their videos
Why pay for the site and torrent the videos?
>good looking non-white girls
Honestly I'm non-white myself and most "ethnic" women are ugly as fuck compared to white women
White guys span the spectrum more than anyone. You get them as nerds, junkies, thugs, gays, popular kids, all that shit.
Haha say it again! Say it again!
top kek
What's the context?
Fuck off I'm not a stinking millennial
Voyeurism. They hate it when the blacks are on the other team, but they like it when they play and win for THEIR team. It's similar to slavery, you feel as though you own the negro and his labor and greater physical capabilities are a product of your intelligence and wealth. Notice while the players are usually black, the coaches and team owners are almost entirely white, another parallel to slavery.
The porn argument is a bit more complex. While a minority of those who watch it are secretly gay, most are not. The reality is they simply desire the women MORE when they are less obtainable. When a woman is really into you, and obviously hitting on you, she becomes less desirable. There's no thrill of the chase or hunt. But a woman who does not care about it is ironically much more desirable. A woman sleeping with another man makes her more valuable, more sexually powerful. The black man becomes an extension of her power, able to sexually tame the physically powerful negro with her desirability and charm. Her body language is also very different, though she is a whore she is thrilled by the novelty of a black and muscular partner. The size of his penis reminds her of the pain of losing her virginity and makes her act ironically much more childlike, innocent, and open.
Daily reminder that Yea Forums would still have a dedicated moderator team that'd clean up this garbage were it not for Yea Forums crossposters lowering the bar because they were upset that their own janitors kept deleting their off-topic normie shit.
do you also pirate that internet you are using? how about the chair you're sitting in? the food you eat, do you grow it all yourself? did you make all of your clothes?
I'm white and I think it's the opposite. Ethnic girls always catch my eye, while I'm put off by how many fat white chicks there are, or blonde haired blue eyed clones that all have the same style.
That’s me on the left
Why don't you just mimic him? You're all coping on here. It's not like you're replying to some 6' 7" tall, brown-skinned god with a huge dick, a pretty face and a perfect body.
fuck off discord tranny
You had your dick in your hand when you wrote this didn't you
Do tell what I have to cope about? I'll try not to smile as I read because I know it would offend you.
>based decaprio in middle
>that english poofter milo to his left
>Louder with Crowder right
>stxy on far right
>sargon of acod far left
god youre all so boring
That's what I thought. Now say it again, dance for me monkey.
you both are.
Nope, don't even jack off anymore. I just do foreskin stretches to increase my girth.
Just fuck already
Di you know that this blah something there is no blehhh whatever? The more bloooo derp of the blacks do hurrr is statisticuoooslslsls and stuff on drurhfhvn something.
DRUMPF... derp and they pairing WHITE racial shshsudjdhf women WOMEN and
did you know?! THEY. did it and its.
jew dididjgjnbmbn them and IQ
sta,v,fdfvmknl sc SCIENCE.
that's perfectly fine. reality and fantasy are 2 different things anyway. hell i have incest fetish but i would never ever touch my mom or my daughter
the main viewers of interracial arent straight though so who cares
>too scared to say "u mad"
lol fuck off back to /r/Yea Forums geriatric boomer. Zoomers owned 4channel is the future