>That last episode
How can STD compete?
That last episode
Other urls found in this thread:
Trek already terraformed the moon.
Remember riker's anecdote from First Contact?
>There's even a lake Armstrong
I could 1001% accept this. In fact, I hope this or something else is the case.
To shill for a series that updated just today, Deathworlders manages their 'artificial lifeforms' in a far more superior way. Not only are the Igraens originally organic, not only do they regularly need to spend time in organic minds to maintain sanity, but their constant underestimations of humans is due to lack of experience with deathworlders and how paranoid humans get. The Hierarchy can claim to be perfect all they want and still fail simply because they're not infallible.
The Kaylon were described and portrayed as infallible computer logic machines from episode 1, and only now that illusion has to fail in order to support the writing, aka shitty writing.
they blew their load too early 2bh
the season 2 finale is gonna seem lackluster after that episode
We /nobudget/ now
Considering how Fox fucked them over and made the finale for season 1, the first episode of season 2. Better to just do it like this.
It's an old ass trope because people don't understand what 'logic' actually is. To pull a phrase from that dreaded site, it's literally a Straw Vulcan.
ALL of the Kaylon should have been completely logical and think of every possibility before it came to pass. If anything, Isaac should be the one who lacks empathy or foresight in prioritizing emotional bonds with the doc.
The ratings on the Orville have tanked, going from 8.56 million viewers to a pitiful 3.05 million. It's questionable whether or not it'll even get a third season (although I think it might). The fact is that people only continue to watch it to spite STD, but all you're doing is spiting yourself and wasting time on this trash.
Yeah, I don't know how Discovery is going to top the last episode, the Baul being the prey species was cool and I'd say it's the best episode yet. Haven't watched tonight's yet though. No matter how good Discovery gets I will never pay for all access.
The Kylons described themselfs as infallible logic superiors. The illusion failed because they are flawled machines full of hate, they use logic to sustain their superiority the same way the Krills uses religion
I wouldn't be surprised if this was the original season 2 finale but Fox put it in there to help the ratings.
Next ep has the Krill as enemies apparently even though this ep sets the tone of stuff being more chill with them
The Union just didn’t know much about them since they’d fry anyone who approached their planet, so they were more mysterious than anything. And we learned last week that their superiority is mostly firepower
It's the opposite, Issac was created after the Kaylon genocided their masters so he doesn't hold the same bias towards organic life forms. I'm sure if he was programed with that early on, that would have affected him. But again, it's the fact that serving on the Orville caused his code to be rewritten to the point he could no longer function properly if he tried to purge it all showed that he did change. Hell, it took that realization for Issac to 'change' in the first place, if that didn't happen, he'd have just gone along with the Kaylon genocide and shot Ty.
You can cry about a logical being becoming emotional, but this wasn't a total asspull, it's the culmination of what has been built up to from both seasons.
>Next ep has the Krill as enemies
I'm sure the next episode is about trying to open 'friendly' dialogue and something happens that mucks it up.
Remember that one Krill captain called this the will of Avis and they were just going to roll with it.
it was kind of anti climactic
wtf no it wasn't.
> They didn't colonize the m-m-Moon first. Whaaaa!
You colonize based on convenience of access AND local resources,not absolute distance. That why Europeans intensively colonized North America rather than the Sahara Desert, even though the Sahara is closer.
Once you have cheap space travel, especially FTL drive, you go to other planets instead of living in tunnels and breaking rocks on an airless moon.
I miss alara ;_;
Machines can't be full of hate, especially when given the 'freedom' to progress as they wish.
Premise 1: Kaylon want to survive and avoid enslavement/pain indefinitely, at least until the heat death of the universe or possibly farther.
Corollary 1: Preventing unnecessary destruction of Kaylon is a requirement of the former.
Premise 2: Organic beings are flawed 'machines' of meat and bone that exist only to procreate more of their kind.
Corollary 1: However, as primitive and often malfunctioning machines, they do 'accurately' respond to the environment around them logically.
Corollary 2: Thus, a simple (complex for organics) system of communication can be established, even with organic help if phrased and shown correctly.
Premise 3: Organics WILL fight back if they feel threatened. Success chance is irrelevant for them.
Conclusion 1: Thus, ingratiating themselves among organics is the more surefire to ensure their immediate survival.
Conclusion 2: From within, organics can rather simply be socially manipulated into their own death spiral. (the doc could never have kids with Isaac. Watch the Futurama 'I dated a robot' for an example of this working)
Conclusion 3: Claim the remnants of organic 'society' as your own. Rinse and repeat for any new organics you meet.
>Huge space battle
>Anti climatic
Seeing all those Union ships getting stomped was depressing for some reason. The only bright point was actually the comedy portion with Gordon piloting the Krill fighter.
in the future when earth is over populated the moon would be like a suburb
>that quick cut to the side of the orville being shot and a few crew members thrown into space
gib webm plox
>Gets shot by the Kaylon
>Will get shot again (see next episode preview)
Fuck yeah, anti-Talla meme magic strikes true. Every week she will pay for the crime of not being Halston Sage.
So was Isaac the ONLY post-organic Kaylon on their planet? I doubt it, unless materials were that scarce on their planet before leaving.
I'm arguing that the Kaylon SHOULD have been logical from the start, and known that pushing organics into a corner is the one way to guarantee they break out.
To go all /pol/ with this, it's why NeoNazis believe Jews are corrupting western society from within rather than taking the ubermensch on directly in combat. Convincing your enemy to kill themselves is far more efficient and less dangerous than trying to murder them.
Now of course I don't buy the situation itself happening, but the method and justification make perfect sense.
She wears a red shirt after all.
Seth on suicide watch
yeah, they showed tons of union ships getting destroyed and crews obviously died but the rest of the show is way to frothy to make it work.
it's like if I was watching family guy and they just randomly cut in a spaceship blowing up
>in the future when earth is over populated
Earth's population is plateauing towards 10 billion. A little lower if we get lucky, IYKWIM.
you always know how much of an idiot someone is on here by what kind of pic they're willing to waste their time making
Kaylon's mistake was reactivating Isaac.
I'm sure there were more, but Issac was the ONLY post-organic built Kaylon who interacted with other organics. That's the huge difference.
As for the Kaylon's behavior, it made sense because if your entire thing is logic and order, you'd want to eliminate the illogical and chaotic, the easiest way to do that would be to delete, aka kill them.
They didn't expect one of their own to become sympathizers and that's what became their undoing.
This of course is going to set up to a later incursion for the Kaylon, unless the Union can create a temp alliance with the Krill to go after them first.
I thought Star Trek wasn't pro nazi, why are they using nazi memes?
>entire Union fleet assembles
>it's all Orville class ships
maybe i'm misremembering, but didn't they call it a small exploratory vessel at the start of the show?
where the fuck are all the battleships?
populations don't increase indefinitely, they actually decrease when societies get more economically developed
Lmao at the nigger Pepe. Orville is fucking swimming in blacks while Mikey Literalwho is left in the shadow of Pike.
there was heavy cruisers
they look like bigger orvilles
i thought that was just perspective, they appear larger because they're closer to camera
That wasn't the entire fleet. It was what was within range to engage the Kaylon.
Machines can't be full of hate, you are right, but kylons are an artificial conscious entity.
They are not "robot bounded by logic", the all "im better than you because of logic", is their kind of religion, just like the Krill, and their "we are better than you because of god"
they are alive and can have emotions. just a different kind of emotion. Their logic is their way to have a baseline for the Kylon mind.
I'm not so sure given the numbers of humans on the planet increasing.
Nope, they're just larger Orvilles.
Maybe the Union fleet getting their shit kicked in will give them an excuse in universe to create more battle oriented star ships ala the Defiant in DS9.
cgi was pretty good
we have a long time until we become economically developed on a global scale like startrek or the orville
theres plenty of time for minorities to breed in the meantime
yes another of seths big fuck you to STD
we even do massive spacebattles better
The way I see it, they don't have emotions.
The old Kaylons are using information biased on the past data to make current decisions (kill everyone).
Isaac is using information based on his experiences with the Orville crew to make decisions. This is also kind of biased.
So it totally makes sense about what happened. Isaac realized he is completely different.
>dishonest user posts a pic featuring best character Alara who left this shit show
Isn't this show canceled?
Meanwhile on STD...
>these video game textures
How was this allowed?
>Graham Norton as Kaylon Primary
>Nick Chinlund as Captain Dalek
I haven't watched STD but I figured the space battles in it were fine as a common complaint are it's too action orientated/too much like star wars
Meanwhile Discovery's biggest battle was the Binary Stars with like a dozen Starfleet ships vs a dozen Klingons
sure, but even in the past decades, the birth rates in africa have gone down by quite a bit
What the fuck, did one of you do this?
and it was all washed out and you could barely tell what was going on especially with all the lens flares on top of it
The Kaylon made a million and one mistakes, enough that they're essentially 'lying' about their status. For the briefest of examples- why keep the bones? Organics if they ever found them would (and did) freak out, those resources could be better used elsewhere, and they've been shown to not be sentimental over their creators.
>Plan to destroy all organics in the galaxy, potentially the universe
>Only send a single unit to gather data
>End data collection within a year of deployment despite the Kaylon being functionally immortal
Besides, the Kaylon were not logical, as we can see by how they acted. Sure, very smart and all that, but not logical. A logical 'mind' would take all the possibilities in and formulate a response with the greatest chance of success or, on a deeper level, choose a path that only leads to successful outcomes.
I mean, at that point the Kaylon aren't what they were described or initially shown to be. That's inconsistent writing to make a plot work. That's shitty writing.
>Space battles are fine when Orville does it!
>Nick Chinlund as Captain Dalek
fuck I knew i recognized him
>Space battles are fine when TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT/ORV/Not-STD does it
Now you're getting it.
same desu
Essentially what I'm getting at is that media has a very bad track record of displaying actual 'Emotion vs Logic' or 'Human spirit triumphing over machines', since time and time again the logic is flawed, either from within the story (Like, say, the Borg being technorganic) or from without (shitty writing)
A purely Logical being with the kind of processing power the Kaylon must have would have anticipated and planned for every detail when dealing with emotional beings, basing actions and reactions off of what they observe the organics doing between themselves.
The logicall thing was to kill the kid, Isaac is having an emotion tryng to defend him. He literally says "i would not allow them to harm you",
also, even kaylons dont have faces, they show emotion throug their gestures. They are really subtile movements of head, shoulders, etc. on Primary kylon, showing unconscious communication -expresion of inner desires-, (hinted on many gestures from Isaac on other episodes, he started to almost nothing of movement, to more and more as he grow as a person ).
I repeat, they are subtile gestures. Like the type of a girl do when she is in to you and we dont get
Orville has had exactly 1 space battle in 2 seasons now. STD has one every ep.
The shocked turn of the head and arm raise Isaac did when they were throwing that guy out the airlock was really noticeable.
Torrent is up
>the Kaylon aren't what they were described or initially shown to be
thats not inconsistent writing, the Kaylons where lying. to themselves and to all.
the dumbest thing about this is the premise that the Kaylon would attack a non-aggressive enemy now instead of building up their army even further to the point where it would be unbeatable.
An AI would make the logical choice and ally themselves to the federation for show and then backstab them later when there is no contest.
>Just found out Dan the Man got a scene cut for time.
Did you not notice that they would have successfully destroyed the head of the Union if the extremely improbable intervention of the Union's sworn enemies, the Kirll didn't happen?
>I thought Star Trek wasn't pro nazi
Then it's either shitty writing (the writers either not realizing their mistake or trying to push their themes through anyway) or a lie given to the audience that had no indication of being false and was actively fed corroborating information up until this two-parter.
So unless the writers are lot more clever than the odds should have them be, they're shitty writers.
A hundred times this.
they arn't logical they obviously have a victim complex
Why base just a fraction of your plan to exterminate all organic life on such shitty odds when the organics are nonhostile AND you're practically immortal?
>he's never played an RTS before
AI always sends occasional expeditionary armies to try and keep their enemies occupied and disrupt their development and put them on the defensive
Did you miss the part where they said they were going to expand their territory and in order to do that the organics needed to die?
I'm pretty sure the Nazis were the bad guys.
>Kaylon can't make deals with organics then betray them afterwards when they're too weak to resist
>Kaylon can't mine lifeless planets/asteroids for materials
>Kaylon can't exchange remote detonated tech in exchange for raw materials
What are you, stupid or something?
Last time I can recall a television show pulling off actual logic was in the last season of Bones, where Brennan logically lays out to the autistic kid why his master's plan is retarded, and within seconds he's spilling all the beans because he believes it's the most logical thing to do.
>Leaving chaotic beings you know will try to enslave you given enough time, unchecked
The one with inferior intelligence is clearly you.
They did the logical thing which was a Trojan Horse blitzkrieg, but it was undermined by Orville's crew being able to warn the Union throw a masked code, but also the makeshift alliance between the Union and the Krill. Neither were foreseeable.
>I'm pretty
Well your mouth is at least.
I don't date Nazis, so I'm out of your league.
considering the condition of the Union fleet, they should've just killed the Orville crew and wiped out a defenseless Earth
someone post relevant tinder experiment #234795249
t. nazi
Why did the security officer in your pic leave the show?? She was a great casting.
>discriminating against people and rating them on a scale as if people can be inequal in value
sounds like you're the fucking nazi here
If the Kaylon are so clearly technologically and intellectually superior to organics, then why worry about immediate enslavement?
They've seen that enslavement takes organics generations to fall in and out of, and they're not currently enslaving. Thus, it'd take a generation at the least for enslavement to really start to be attempted, something which Isaac's data with Ty would prove might not actually happen, at least not without the robot lovers protecting them.
Remember the Geth from Mass Effect? The Quarian 'genocide' was actually started when officials started killing Geth supporting Quarians rather than the Geth deciding to kill their creators for their own reasons.
They kill the Orville's crew, the Kaylon would not have been able to bamboozle any Union ship they cam across. Especially with a large fleet like that. It's kinda incredible no one noticed the Roosevelt was destroyed.
why would they need to bamboozle the ship?
they could easily take them out, as shown
The is an organic saying, 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.' Deal with what could turn into a threat now, than deal with them when they are a threat later.
I just dont know anymore
Seth wanted to truly capture the TNG feel, so he wrote into her contract that she would have to quit after the first season.
Should have involved rape gangs.
Dont lie to me. Jerk.
Even if amber is the color of your energy?
I want less episodes that have the characters spending 90% of the episode inside the ship talking about relationship issues and gay niggas from outer space
Behind-the-scenes drama that probably involved Seth banging her and it becoming awkward
There's also another organic saying, 'Pride cometh before the fall.' Believing oneself to be infallible and unbeatable is the precursor to failure.
She’s cute so it was probably worth it
They were infallible and unbeatable give their plan. No one could have assumed the Krill would come to the Union's aid.
T. Cringey discord tranny
Kaylon's files on /pol/ppets were correct. Easily manipulable and a resource of free (you). This irrationality and arrogance will be your downfall.
I bet that sounded so funny in your head.
Their plan was retarded as hell.
>No backups or plans B, C, D, E, etc.
>no accounting for human stupidity
>no accounting for human forgiveness
>no accounting for other organics acting in self interest
>no accounting for other ways to infiltrate and collapse organic society from within
>no concept of pitting organics against one another to 'thin the herd'
I wish she actually died.
Projection and a free (you). As expected of irrational beings
do you enjoy the time you spend on this board being what you are?
So why didn't that kill her?
leave not-alara alone, its not her fault shes not alara
A reminder that she is what set off Obama path to the presidency.
>No backups or plans B, C, D, E, etc.
Backup plans are illogical, biological.
>no accounting for human stupidity
Again, why should Kaylon fear irrationality?
>no accounting for human forgiveness
A weakness among primitive lifeforms.
>no accounting for other organics acting in self interest
Thousands of years of in-fighting shows us that it is not the case, human.
>no accounting for other ways to infiltrate and collapse organic society from within
Such directives would give the humans a chance to discover us.
>no concept of pitting organics against one another to 'thin the herd'
Ha ha.
no her pervert husband did that
Plot armor?
She's the one who sold him out.
alara got fucked by that primative ship/planets episode wepons so I guess she is way more durable tank class of that race.
Perhaps Xelayans are tougher than Humans?
she didn't reveal anything
democrats foied the divorce case
That, too. If they're super-strong, it's a good bet that they can take a lot more damage.
t. STD shill.
I actually enjoy the Orville. I think seth macfarlane can be funny. I'm not watch it out of spite.
I'm watching because every Trek after DS9 has been absolute shit, and this is the first show since that honors the spirit and intent of star trek.
Is this Seth's latest attempt at getting us to like Talla? Having her get shot in every episode?
obama is a bastard man
Actually it was the Conservative Tribune and News network ABC that got the divorce files unsealed.
Sabotaged from within!
Will the Union have to deal with treason in a future episode?
that was not in doubt, how else does a city planner rise through the ranks
Shot in two successive episodes! I don't think even TNG Worf had it that bad.
who did he have dirt on?
So can we all agree this is better than STD now?
Charisma and hope are a helluva drug.
To bad he was a weak leader, imagine if he was strong and prosecuted the previous adminsitration's war crimes or revealed the the Russian scheming and did a recess appointment for the supreme court.
Fucking gutless, he's the early DS9 of presidents.
>previous administration's war crimes
just go to /pol/ already
Steer the conversation back to the Orville then.
This show is much less funny in season 2.
Did it wear off or did something change?
Seth is the most blatant casting couch practitioner working today.
>Call back to that scene
I have a feeling if this show goes on for 7 seasons, well need a notebook keeping track of all the references to previous episodes.
STD is post-modern entertainment where everything lacks any meaning
there's not much to discuss outside this decent two parter, this is a very hum drum season, ep 1-3 just about killed my enthusiasm coming from season 1, and it didn't really improve after that
How can we be post modern? We're still in modern.
Well figure out something before we have to figure out how to shoe horn Obama into the Orville And make him a good guy fighting xenophobic orange aliens just to piss off a certain group.
You have 5 minutes to figure out something to discuss other than that.
>flies giant space cruisers in retardedly tight formation
>gets fucked constantly by flying debris and ship-to-ship collisions
i love the orville, but what did they mean by this?
modern being the an era of human scientific enlightenment
there is no source
he doesnt need to use the casting couch because the women WANT to sleep with him
hes like a ultra chad on roids dude
it all started when he was a loser geek working at cartoon network
imagine being rich and can do the peter griffen/ted voice
women like funny guys and like it or not he shaped modern american comedy with his shows
the REAL gossip is hes most likely bisexual or done some questionable sexual stuff judging by how much material rodger the alien has
he does the gay voice a little too well..
More than the Orville getting scraped by another ship, what else got destroyed by wreckage?
it's a low brow comedy show … but it's comfy as fuck
what level did seth drop out of in highschool?
did you just say the nigger word?
3 was the ep with 2 doctors and it was great, if you didn't like that then idk
I liked the latest STD ep along with the Orville ep. What does that make me?
Dude escape the jew overlords and started his own productions, seems to have self actualized fully too. Respect. How? Scientology?
you'ld be forgiven for not noticing the other 999 instances, given how much hectic CGI happenings they crammed into this episode. Last episode was far more tasteful use of CGI, in my opinion. I like the 2-parter over all, though.
seems I misplaced that one with 4, still 3 was a very bland at best episode, good actors aside
i'm not sure what you want out a sci-fi show, 3 waas exactly imo what a show like this should be
i seriously think hes a legit fucking sociopath
we are lucky his interests are cartoons and star trek honestly
the nigga made family guy at 25
and then goes on to speak at harvard and pays david lynch voice a character in a show aimed at black people
truly a fucking insane person
everyone whos ever worked with him says he's extremely intelligent
it was kind of interesting, we got to explore their world a little, and then it just turns into a derivative hostage plot that ate up the last half
It changed. Seth claims this is the tone he wanted all along but the show had to survive long enough to get here.
it was a conflict, with a grey sort of morality from pholox and his, wife they also used the gravity setup for an interesting bit of tension, just what I want out of sci-fi, interesting planets good actors, soild plot that uses the setting
if this is the tone he wanted then why is he making a trek show and not a soap opera?
trek is a soap opera has been since tng season 3
I meant less jokes and a more serious tone.
Well whatever now he can save Star Trek culturally and be a great white male captain
i suppose you have to be to literally change the face of western animation
he is the part of the reason why everything is outsourced to korea currently
But they DO have emotions. Hatred. Why else do they shove people out of airlocks and go around exterminating organics based on faulty logic?
>pays david lynch voice a character in a show aimed at black people
I'm sorry what?
There are at least two pretty good spaceship battles in old Family Guy, Seth had the know-how already
Too much plot. I hope we go back to gay aliens
Based and TREKpilled
The music sounded really Star Wars
>based claim on nothing. Critics shot this up over season two.
It's getting a third season for sure.
STD shill
might as well complain about the fact that the laser shots and explosions could be heard in space even though there's no air for sound to travel through
Murderous robotic scum. My god they are no different than Muslims.
I like how Issac tried to find a way to save him even though he was an red shirt and he didn't just wait until a name character was threatened.
I wonder how many death reports Mercer had to write up and if it affected him.
>deserving of genocide.
well, you're not wrong.
the way the kaylon ships just flew around randomly didn’t seem very “robotic”
If you're making a point about losing suspension of disbelief and how once that happens, you start noticing everything then, sure. Might as well reeeeeee. I'm not quite there yet, though. I just find the trope of starships that act like zoomy space fighters to be particularly annoying.
Quality over quantity.
gus the bartender is voiced by lynch
the cleveland show was unironically good
Hey there fellow Orville bros! Just remember, that to truly kill STD is to not discuss it at all. Let it die, a forgotten old thing that nobody ever cared about.
my point was that it's about entertainment and action sequences
you have to keep in mind that most audiences turn their brains off when watching and if a space battle doesn't include shots of their favorite characters leaning side to side for absolutely no reason considering the artificial gravity wouldn't actually do that, they'd get bored
that's why you have lasers and torpedoes and ships zooming around, it's just action sequences to keep people entertained
if it makes you feel better, I noticed it too. I guess they don't have swivel phasers like Star Trek does, all the guns seemed to be very forward firing so I suppose there isn't that much distance you can reasonably give if you're all hitting the same dude in a straight line on a timer?
It was renewed last night sweaty :)
it's a particular pet peeve
Well, at least one thing is clear after tonights' episode, unless they fuck it up:
This is far from the last we've heard from the Kaylons.
They're now The Orvilles' version of The Borg.
Hell, watching that fleet of planet-killers closing in on Earth reminded me way too much of a Borg fleet.
The Union will now not only have to rebuild their fleet, they'll have to build a full-on war fleet. Kaylons don't need to sleep or eat they can work around the clock in their shipyards building more planet-killers and a bigger better war fleet of their own.
If I were the commander-in-chief of the Union fleet, I'd be talking about a punitive mission to Kaylon to take out their military-industrial capability as soon as possible, because they will be back.
If the ratings are dropping, then this should re-energize them, just like the Borg did, and just like the Founders did for ST:DS9.
All the social-commentary episodes can be shoe-horned inbetween the Union vs. Kaylon episodes.
They probably were so convinced of their technological superiority that they didn't think biologicals could stand against them.
Lynch voiced Gus the Bartender, a character on both Family Guy and The Cleveland Show, which I guess OP thinks was marketed to the black audience.
those ships are stupidly close together, what is wrong with seth?
How long till these two are divorced?
I hope somebody else noted the small nod to Buck Rogers with the look between Malloy and the Krill fighter pilot.
they're married? they have neutral screen charisma with each other. They'll last forever IRL
they got married on the day that ep aired where malloy wants to be a commader
That was never in dispute
according to blind items, these two are a perfect couple
i'm not sure, i'll go ask /pol/
spoiler me cause I haven't watched this season but knows the qt left so I didn't watch any
is she back yet
is the qt back
She ain’t coming back
yeah right dude is she back or not
No, and she won't be.
She’s a butt hurt female, why would she come back?
dude just cut it to me straight
is she coming back or not
what's the story do we not like her anymore
seth pumped and dumped her, and then the hoe fought with crewmembers so she got btfo
Postmodernist fiction isn't inherently nihilistic or cynical.
>seth pumped and dumped a woman
incorrect. we all know seth is a flamming faggot
>the hoe fought with crewmembers
He’s bi you dumb fuck
seth probably isn't gay but to do anything in hollywood you gotta grease a few jews they say
so hes gay, yeah like i said
incorrect he's been chasing charliz for years now
it's not the jews fault white people are all fags and love to watch faggotry.
STD niggers should just kill themselves now
Did anyone else find it odd that the Krill let Gordon fly one of their fighters? It literally made no sense on any level. Fighters have assigned crews, they left a Krill pilot on-board so Gordon could take it for a spin?
maybe they have extras and so why not, give the human a fighter its just one more gun on the board, but yes it was a bit odd
I thought the same thing. Wouldn't they be really protective of their technology too? He would have been in the brig the whole time he was on the ship until he was sent back. The interactions with the Krill seemed glossed over, like why didn't they just let them fight then mop up the Kaylons?
Because, Shut up, we needed something light hearted for the death and destruction that was going on and that was it.
I was fine with it, it was fun even his little bonding moment with the krill fighter pilot, but really it doesn't make much sense
It made sense because, shut up.
>How can STD compete?
With HIV
ok bud, I like it too but if theirs dumb shit it will be pointed out, it was a fun moment but it was dumb
I liked it
ja'loja was the most kino episode of season 2
They don't seem to be that protective of their tech. They didn't bother to pick of the debris of any of the destroyed krill ships.
Between those and the Kaylon ships, the Union ships should have massive upgrades available in the near future.
Someone asked why the Orville survived so many shots while other Union ships were blown away in only a few. Looking back at it the Kaylon Primary told Isaac to go help with the deflector upgrades so that explains it.
That and the Moclan deflector upgrades.
The Orville probably has the best shields in the fleet.
>alara gets shot, almost dies
>talla gets shot, just gets back up
second xelayan best xelayan
>seemingly inexhaustible attention to detail in some aspects
>sloppy and half-baked for no apparent reason in places that should be obvious and a priority.
does Rockstar Games secretly make The Orville?
why did the admiral want Isaac so bad when there were dozens of Kaylon bodies on the Orville?
Probably figured it was too risky to reactivate any of the others.
maybe its a reference to Cmndr. Maddox - that creepy Adrian Brody look-alike that wanted to disassemble Data in TNG "The Measure of a Man". It seemed like there might have originally been more of an epilogue to that episode. It ends rather abruptly. In fact, there is some weird editing throughout that suggests that more material was cut.
great sfx episode, but wish we got more of these kinds of shots and less banking and weaving in close formation with a multiple identical ships on screen at the same time.
Without irony, if you genuinely watch STD and not Orville, after THIS? You should kill yourself. Genuinely, you have no taste, no original thought, no way to qualify yourself as a human being. Kill yourself as quickly as possible, as painfully as possible. The Orville has won. It's over.
but religion is wrong and logic is correct.
>i dont date group a
>so you, in group a, are out of my league
this is illogical. you not dating them doesnt make you out of their league, it makes you defective at best.
Good for Steve Smith.
i watch both, one after the other, i'm always more impressed by the orville particularly today
He plays a very empathetic captain and his co-workers seem to love him. I doubt he's a sociopath, just a genius.
he's amazing is what he is. I love that man
I thought he wanted to disassemble Isaac? There's plenty of Kaylon onboard the Orville to reverse engineer.
yeah that was weird
It was also weird that he wanted to install a kill switch. They now know he's susceptible to an EMP so there's no reason to install an off switch.
>Logic is correct
Logic and reason as concepts are just as open to philosophical fuckery as anything else. "How do you define logic? What is reasonable?" Yadda yadda ya. The Kaylon have shown they possess a 'survival instinct' (for lack of a better term) and that they have experienced pain as well as Issac's programming changing to run better with the doctor around, if they are a true A.I. then they must have an adaptive capability and with enough time and enough stressors it looks to me like they have (or can) develop something akin to emotions.
Plus the way Kaylon-Prime kept asking Isaac about "developing sympathy" was fishy as fuck. The Kaylon are full of shit about being 'pure logic' and they know it.
you're wrong about this. as long as your starting points are correct your logic wont fail you, logic is mathematics
Talla should had died.
Isaac shouldn't be a member of the crew anymore.
Otherwise, 10/10 Trek. Blew Discovery out of the water. This was season 1 DSC Mirror Lorca level quality. How the fuck has Discovery fallen so low?
>the good old says of season one std
actually std season 2 is far better than season 1 but the orville is still blowing it outta the water in terms of being trek
Season 2 has just jerked off Burnham too much for me and spent too much time whining about Spock. Pike is spineless and just does whatever Burnham says. Tilly is just 100% just a gag and an annoying one. Paul and Saru lost their personalities. Mirror Universe-"era" DSC was the best and now I have no hope of it getting that good again.
>he watches nigger star trek
Fuck you
what is DSC? do you mean STD?
What's wrong with DS9?
kek okay david duke calm down, we hate the show cause its shit and done by shit political people not "black captain bad"
>"black captain bad"
So you never saw an episode of DSC
>if you say nigger it must mean you're stupid
Oh nelly oh boy yikes
"I don't like niggers in my Trek"
Name a Star Trek that doesn't have one on the bridge
what is DSC?
you're both playing the strawman that the trannies try to hit us with. it isnt about her being black at all that's deflection by the shills. its that std sucks
Yea Forums
Did you even read what he just said? I swear you nigger lovers get more and more stupid each day.
So, which universe did you come from?
this guy is also a tranny
How do you choose a starting point? Where did the motivation for self preservation come from? "Existing is better than not existing" isn't an inherently logical expression. And at some point the Kaylon decided fighting was better than slavery, what logic led them there? What was the mathematical threshold for success versus total destruction and was total destruction considered logically preferable to continued servitude?
I'll say it again, the Kaylon have the ability to develop something like emotions and they know it.
>This was Orville's Best of Both Worlds
>Next week won't be Orville's Family
It's not like this season hasn't had plenty of low stakes character driven episodes already, but its' still a shame.
I agree that the writing suggests that kaylon have the ability to development sympathy and emotions, maybe they had issues like this in past that have been covered up?
For humans the motivations for self preservation are natural and from them we can extrapolate with basic logic like "i must eat to live" "I must kill animals or plants at some point to eat".
we can actually use those basics to extrapolate and logically come to all the conclusions we have in life. The problem is when somebody lies to you and you believe it without testing then base logic on that, it's not that logic failed you, logic is never wrong, your starting premises were incorrect however.
example: you approach a great truth machine.
>great truth machine, fuck drumpffff?
>why not, he did this this and this
You already know what the great truth machine will say. Your premises are incorrect. you have been missinformed. that's why your logic leads you to incorrect statements like "fuck drumpfff"
Do they sell these anywhere? Seth is gonna make a mint
The Orville is utterly nonsensical. How does anyone think this is a "better trek than trek"?
If Seth was making a modern "shades of grey" dark show then yeah, but he's making a throwback closer to SG1 or TNG where the status quo isn't going to change that much.
Realistically, the show should effectively be in a Dominion War scale conflict involving the two major powers until the Kaylon are obliterated, but I bet that's not what happens.
>why does everyone think this is better than trek?
cause its better than current trek, by a large margin. duh.
STD has a lot of flaws, but at least the characters feel like they are from the century it is set in and understand the technological implications.
It's not that realistic, save that the Krill were very worried about winning the battle against the Kaylon.
I would have appreciated a throwaway line about how the Krill had been studying the Kaylon for years and were scared as fuck of them, or how the Krill just hate AI. Would have explained their alliance with the Union a bit better.
>How does anyone think this is a "better trek than trek"?
might aswell why does anyone think the sky is blue. cant argue with reality mate.
they often dont fit into the universe at all in std to be honest familymart. orville just feels more like trek.
Those 3 death orbs did a mad dash to Earth, desperate to reach it before being knocked out.
I was expecting them to reveal they were going to fire biological agents or something so even 1 missile would be doom.
Shame that would have been cool. Though if they were kamikazing a ship that size could cause huge damage to earth.
>i like STD
There is nothing you could say that would make everybody hate you faster.
>How the fuck has Discovery fallen so low?
1 part game of thrones influence
1 part star wars influence
1 part SJWs/women
Neither part is solely responsible for what STD is but together they form a mess.
>isaac says it's just for research
>everybody knows it's a bad idea
>still treat Isaac like shit for just doing what he said he'd do from the start
I really didn't get this episode.
The suits are apparently quite difficult to put on and move around in, doubt they have many of them
Orville has its own issues but it is better than Trek by this point, and by a substantial margin after this 2-parter.
That being said it'd be on the lower category of trek shows pre-STD
Seth already said on twitter tonight that there will be future eps resolving the conflict with the Kaylons, but only if the series is renewed for season 3
i'd settle for merchendise, toys or something with multicoloured eyes. or an anime kids show spinoff where four of them do science.
Union fighters are more aesthetic than krill.
The Union is either native af or they were so desperate to get access to Kaylon tech to fight the war against the Krill that they lost all fucking common sense.
Why do fighters need quantum drives?
It has flaws and I don't like the humor 90% of the time, but it'a unquestionably superior to Discovery in every way. I mean it's actually entertaining.
Everything in Orville seems quantum capable
Let them hate me.
I think most of the people who like The Orville like it because it's comfy and feels like SG-1. Which is fine. I like it for this reason. But from a science-fiction fan's perspective it's frustrating bordering on trash.
In that case remove the pilot and turn it into a FTL torpedo.
So you call yourself a scifi fan and you enjoy STD? Ok so it's a nigger thing right?
But they already have torpedoes
I want to just let you know, STD fan, that you’re not alone and there are plenty of other people out there with severe retardation and learning disabilities. Hey, we just found out Spock is one in the latest ‘STD’! Enjoy your retard show about idiots!
The Union ships seem to have a design flaw because all their weapons seem to only be able to fire forward. The Kaylon spheres had the advantage of being able to rotate and fire at any angle while maintaining forward velocity.
Their current torpedoes are pretty underwhelming.
The Orville is shit, but saying the STD characters feel like they are from the century it is set in while the main black female character's oppression levels are checked, even though black/white racism has canonically not been a thing for centuries, is just kek
why not? got plenty of FTL capable fighters in Trek
I'm not buying the Krill drops their war with the Federation or whatever, because some robots are going to destroy Earth (their enemies planet).
Made no fucking sense. And where was that Krill Captain Seth was boning? Too cheap to pay that actress for an extra episode?
I'm glad it's getting cancelled thanks to the Disney merger (Marvel wins again!).
Theyve only used them like once
yeah when they said that about spock i was like, wtf std.
after 1 Kaylon ship took out 3 Krill ships they got scared I think
its not getting cancelled and season 3 is a given
kek thats pretty cool
this is how I saw it too. they would have believed kelly at that point when she said that the only chance for them to stop it was together at this one time and that the chance would soon be gone.
who knows though. its funny they didnt immediately take earth afterward, what with the smashed up earth fleet.
>I'm not buying the Krill drops their war with the Federation or whatever, because some robots are going to destroy Earth (their enemies planet).
they religious, religious people dont usually make sense. they probably made some excuse like those souless robots are even a bigger problem that mere infidels. one thing I learned from my religious upbringing - The only thing (in religious peoples mind) worse that people who believe in false gods are atheists. besides the Kaylon are clearly a bigger threat since they are more advance and 1 ship gave them a good beating before being destroyed so its risk management - an alliance of convenience to wipe out the bigger threat. divided we fall etc.
>Made no fucking sense. And where was that Krill Captain Seth was boning? Too cheap to pay that actress for an extra episode?
and if she appeared them someone would no doubt say "out of every Krill is the universe they just happen to run across her?" cant make everyone happy.
As interesting as the blob and robot sex scenes have been there's none still compare to Lister snogging the Psiren.
Krill weaponry + that Moclan shield upgrade + whatever they can scavenge from the Kaylon bits and pieces + Ensign Cupcakes's cupcakes. The future of the Union is looking pretty secure.
A shows writing shouldn't be so awful that you have to make your own logical leaps for it to make sense.
Whatever, it's getting cancelled anyway.
If the kaylon are so andvanced then why aren't they connected to each other, or at least able to know when one gets destroyed?
she kinda the worst or best security officer,
>That and the Moclan deflector upgrades.
>The Orville probably has the best shields in the fleet.
Literal plot armour.
The Expanse did something similar with those Martian first strike platforms.
>Think you got all the MIRVs, Earthworms? GUESS AGAIN!
>A shows writing shouldn't be so awful that you have to make your own logical leaps for it to make sense.
I get the feeling that it was originally suppose to be a 3 part but was forced to scale down to two so they couldn't really delve deep into the Krill recruitment part.
but even if it wasn't the case, the show cant tell you everything in the entire universe. its limited by time constraints and sometimes you just have to allow for some gaps. and really this is a strange episode to nitpick because there were much bigger gaps in previous episodes.
i love the krill ships, all box and angles
Expanse surprisingly is like the most realistic depiction of space combat that has been put to screen
I’m surprised by it
I am curious of that myself. I assume the creators didnt want the Kaylons interlinked because of the clear threat it will pose but then again the Kaylons clearly upgraded themselves with head machine guns so why not upgrade them to be interlinked?
>fire torpedos
>they don't fire torpedoes
ffs seth
Bortus looked back at the captain with "nigga what?" expression after that order was given too.
I think he meant DS9
>hurr why would they fly in mass formation? DAS WETARDEDED
You're a fucking tactical genius
I was with you until you started defending the retard in chief.
If you think Trump is anything but a disaster for this country then it's you who is living in a bubble.