A fucking anti-male Female is going to destroy the final Marvel boss

A fucking anti-male Female is going to destroy the final Marvel boss.

Not Iron Man
Not Captain America
Not Thor
Not any of the Guardians
But a fucking female who literally pops up at the last second and does what 10+ years of films with men, fucking useless never done anything in history, couldn’t do.

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Other urls found in this thread:


We dont know that yet, but yes she will play an important role

good, capeshitters deserve TLJ moment. fuck these manbabies and fuck their comic books

being this mad

As a normie who enjoys MCU, this also annoys me. I really expected it to be Iron Man, Thor, or Captain American to deliver the final blow. After 10 years of pretty improve world building and weaving it all together with a large number of mostly good movies they cuck us at the very end with some shoehorned feminist garbage. Was that part of some plan? Did they want all this build up just to have the largest possible audience to brainwash at the end?

And here's why that's a good thing.

>Did they want all this build up just to have the largest possible audience to brainwash at the end?
sounds reasonable

what the fuck is wrong with her face

she's phenotypically average

What’s so great about males? Seems like the sensible position

They built the world.

they brought down the patriarchy

Based. Capeshit has gone on long enough.

>B-b-but muh capekino

Just take a moment and really think about this shit; Disney invested billions of dollars over the course of 10+ years on a series of movies that would lead up to one huge final showdown. All of that entirely for the sake of spreading SJW propaganda. One of the best written comic movie villains is going to be defeated by a rabid Feminist. Now, imagine what the movie industry will look like in a world where Trump loses in 2020 and SJWs are further emboldened? God help us if a Leftist woman becomes the POTUS.

SJWs are a fucking scourge that need to be purged. Thanos deserves fucking better than this.

they let you fags vote but it was a loss for males

>One of the best written comic movie villains
Are we talking about the purple space incel who wants to bone Death?

>One of the best written comic movie villains
All capeshit is trash

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based. She is like not going to fight Thanos she is like so totally going to end him

Doesn't matter who wins in 2020, it's going to get wild

it's being affected by the fungus in her toenails

She will join Thanos and they will use the gauntlet to make white males disappear.


Marvel has fucked the story. It makes no sense.

>Scarlet Johanson in a skin tight leather outfit
>No one panics
>A slimmed down woman without a sex suit on

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They're strong.

>only summons the strongest Marvel hero AFTER they all get deleted

The stakes almost literally couldn't have been higher.

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It's probably going to be more like when Daimon Hellstrom met Spyros or when Thor and Loki attacked the Dark Elf guy. There will possibly be more than one person involved

She will be as important as black panthet in IW

Truly /ourguy/

Thanos = biggot Drumpf
C. Marvel = AOC

She gonna crush him so hard

>One of the best written comic movie villains
He is literally just a darkseid ripoff that can't even tell when a woman isn't into him


We warned you not to waste your time on Capeshit.

Take the /pol/ pill, user.

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Men are much more likely to be incels than women. Why is that you ask? Well it's simple.
Women are much more likely to share partners with each other than men are, much like within any primate animal tribe. That explains all the cat fights you see in college. This wasn't so bad in the past, but you combine it with the creation of birth control, the subsequent era of sexual liberation, social media, and welfare programs that economically incentivize women to marry the government instead of being risk adverse and finding a life-long mate who isn't an out-of-her-league pump and dumper - and you gotta recipe for a disaster.
Especially when you consider the fact that single parenthood households have a very high causal relationship with crime, poverty, and lower levels of education. Women are effectively ruining society by fucking whoever they deem "worthy", having the occasional woopsie baby, and making the rest of their country take on the economic/social burden without any real consequences of their own.

You deserve it for watching and perpetuating capeshit. You deserve to be an angry, little manchild.

i expected that to be one of those pics that changes when you scale it

WOW, who would have thought the producers of a capeshit franchise would make a dumb, artless decision to appeal to brainlets. Gee wiz, it's almost like that's the target fanbase for this garbage and you shouldn't be wasting your time with it in the first place.

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I'm looking at this picture of her thinking "what the fuck, she actually looks cute here, how is that possible?"
Then I remember I haven't jerked off in 4 days, and the world makes sense again.

No, she gets fucking destroyed when she tries to solo Thanos and is basically irrelevant for the rest of the movie. Oh yeah, Cap dies when he tries on the new gauntlet, Tony retires.

>The stakes almost literally couldn't have been higher.
They could have been higher if more than half of the universe was at stake, you diptard

>Captain fucking America
>unofficial leader of the Avengers
>literally the ideal human specimen in every way
>dies trying on a glove
No fucking way.

Seething incels actually care about this

Yes. He sacrifices himself. He's only human, not even Thor could handle the gauntlet, and Steve's an ant next to him.

Best post of the day.

They cannot possibly kill off a character as iconic and huge and loved as Captain American in a non-battle scenario. Fans would riot.

I've seen the film you fucking idiot
>Fans would riot
LOL no. And if they did, nobody gives a shit


They've been brainwashing the entire time. Every big budget CGI movie is conditioning and brainwashing. CGI is a way of slowly indoctrinating the public so they will be willing to enter permanent VR and upload their minds to a globalist, AI supercomputer and enter the next stage of the globist agenda. It's like 30 percent Alex Jones, 40 percent Neon Genesis Evangelion, 20 percent 2001 A Space Odyssey, and 10 percent Metalocalypse.

>I've seen the film you fucking idiot
>LOL no

>it's 10% Alex Jones and 90% The Matrix

>I've seen the film
Your dad works for Marvel?


that's why I said almost you faggot

Nah, 40 percent Jones, 30 percent Matrix, 20 percent Kubrick, 10 percent Neon Genesis. And some I Have No Mouth too.

Don't call me a faggot you fucking faggot

based and extraordinarily redpilled

I'll call you a faggot whenever I want you double faggot

As someone who's only seen a few Marvel Universe movies It seems like Captain America is the one who will most likely sacrifice himself and defeat Thanos. Marvel movies tend to have themes of how heroes serve purpose to society. In Captain America's case, he is a hero of the past and is more "lost" than the other super heroes because of his circumstance. He serves no purpose in progressing the future of the world in contrast to someone like Tony Stark who is about innovation and progressivism through technology (biggest Disney theme).

Why are you so mad over something that hasn't even happened yet?

yeah and its shit

>One of the best written comic movie villains
jesus zoomers really are imbeciles aren't they

Anyone else think brie looks cute in this picture?

>hype up the controversy with Brie
>make all the fans really pissed off
>make it look like Brie is gonna one shot Thanos
>Endgame rolls around
>everything is proceeding as planned
>Brie rolls up on Thanos
>only to get rekt momentarily and Thanos wins again
>the heroes can't actually stop him and it's only when Thanos himself decides he was wrong does he undo the snap of doom

the only possible way to even remotely salvage the direction in which MCU is going

too bad Marvel/Disney has no balls

>he's the bad guy but he thinks he's actually the good guy
Wow what a unique and original idea that has never been done before ever

I see Brie Larson as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who, in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - her exterior AND her personality - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her repeatedly.

That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection.

I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... thing... and that's what Brie Larson is, let's not delude ourselves, a "thing"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, malformed cunt with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her bodily reactions even if she wanted to.

I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess.

Yeah. I reckon Brie Larson does it for me.

>being this threatened by a female hero lead in a franchise that's been exclusively male hero leads
wew alt-cels

Cool maybe now capeshit will fuck off forever and we can get back to real kino being discussed.

>he thinks capeshit will ever die
oh sweety if you think this story has a happy ending for you, you haven't been paying attention

As someone who doesn't give a fuck about the MCU I hope the finale is seeping with pro-feminism for maximum manchild angst and butthurt

I read the leaks that user is talking about and they mentioned Cap dies after undoing the snap and bringing everyone back, so it's not a jobbing like you thought.

That leak that mentioned John c Reilly playing a big role for some fucking reason and Captain America repeating his line about cutting the cord to Tony before sacrificing himself to use the gauntlet mentioned something like this. It said that she gets depowered by thanos in the beginning when he realizes her powers come from the space stone and only meets up with the avengers at the end. Leak also said a lot of crazy shit about the Russo's hating the character and shooting alternate takes with other actors in the same set pieces as her.

>Leak also said a lot of crazy shit about the Russo's hating the character and shooting alternate takes with other actors in the same set pieces as her.
Please be true.

Snapping my fingers to you rn senpai

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What are you talking about?

The MCU is over. Thanos won, and gave it the best ending ever, after snapping away those embarrassing joke characters and winning the day.

Why even bother to watch any further films? Do you NEED further reference jokes where Spider-Twink says "remember that OLD movie where X does Y"?

Its done. Its over. Thanos won, best ending ever.

Just hire a good looking down to earth brunette, make her Rogue, have her take Captain Marvels powers and then she can defeat Thanos.

Dead. Done.

Man, just simplify it and say you want power over her and sexually Channeling it is the best way you can.

Marvel isn’t this stupid. They’ll write it so that Cap Marvel almost does it by herself but needs the help of, probably, Iron Man to really save the day.

Fury and Hill didn't know what was going on until the snap.

im ok with 10% metalocalypse

You pathetic, women hating incels do know that it's Captain Marvel, i.e., the comic character that's going to be doing the stuff in the movies and not the actress Brie Larson? You do know that, right?

MCU is going to wind down after Avengers 4 anyway, might as well give it a shove off the cliff

>Captain Marvel, i.e., the comic character
Yes and she's terrible. Unpopular character that gets rebooted over and over (like six times?)
I honestly don't know why Feige didn't make a Black Widow movie sooner while ScarJo was still fresh, it could have been a spy movie like Cap 2

>incels having trouble differentiating between reality and fantasy
I know it was a rhetorical question, but come on my dude.

Would you prefer Black Panther instead?

Cap and Iron Man will sacrifice themselves to get the Gauntlet from Thanos/Bring everyone back from being dusted.

Captain Feminism then delivers the final blow to Thanos and kills him. Cementing herself as the new "leader" of the Avengers.

I think thats why she is so smug and arrogant atm, because she knows she is becoming the next biggest thing in the MCU. She will become the new Cap and Black Panther will become the next Tony Stark.

Fucking tragic, but it is what it is. Evans and Downey dont want to do MCU movies anymore.

BP is a cool character. His movie was bad but BP himself is alright

Almost FPBP, but not quite.

>I think thats why she is so smug and arrogant atm, because she knows she is becoming the next biggest thing in the MCU. She will become the new Cap and Black Panther will become the next Tony Stark.
So, she's going to crash the MCU with no survivors?

She has started the fire

Yeah except for the whole faggy cat aspect

i like her

she'll kill capeshit rejoice

Imagine being this wrong

>the anti-males!
>the feminists!
>the leftists!
>the SJWs!
>the discord trannies!
>the Jews!
>the globalists!
>the minorities!
>the forced diversity!
>the propagandeee!
Does it ever get tiresome? You people have so many boogeymen. Fucking relax, take a nap, grab a drink. It's capeshit.

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Well what else can he be. An elephant?

#notallmales. i reckon Brie could beat up a good portion of this board

Me on the right

>Does it ever get tiresome?
Sure does
>Fucking relax, grab a drink
I will

>it does
Well a real remedy to that is to stop crying?

I'm not the one that cries
I'm the one that embraces the fall

That seems like shitty writing if they actually do that. If people died getting the gauntlet wouldn't it make sense to bring everyone back? Where would the logic be In "lets bring everyone back except those that died even though we are fully capable of bringing them back"

>a fucking anti-male female is going to destroy the final boss, the MCU


based. Capeshitters are not going to learn to avoid these lazy corporations' films until they are truly broken. In hindsight, the MCU films have been meh since Avengers 2, and even then, they weren't that great in phase 1.

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You better embrace pretty hard when Yea Forums gets BTFO

Imagine if they'd hired a Captain Marvel who was pretty.

The Future is Female


You should have stopped financially supporting Marvel/Disney when shit started going downhill (ex the last 5-10 films). What reason do they have to listen to you when you are going to purchase their product anyway?

It's true though
Yea Forums is at best 50/50 moderates/far right wing

I always do
sums up these threads pretty well and all of us posting in them every time


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>Yea Forums is 50 percent right wing
Lol one board of literal autists isn't "50".

It's not "cap shit" it's the shake spear of our time,says a lot about our time lol

she looks like a ball-busting, talks over you in public kinda gal.

That's Kathleen Kennedy's schitck
Keep her shit out of here you pig fucking kike

>all matriarchal societies are dogshit compared to the West
>West has only stagnated because of the introduction of socialist policies (hurting a logic built society, since a socialist system ignores the basic tenets of economics ex price incetives because of "muh feelings"), and mass immigration
I'm not saying it's all women, because it isn't. But by ~25, you should start to recognize that the vast majority of women change appearance, but remain catty bitches who never adopt logic over emotions, indifferent to their respective career paths (albeit if they took top tier majors, ex all engineering except civil, physics, chemistry, etc, they are very likely to be logic heavy).

Not him but that autism board is the biggest on this site and the autists spread everyfuckingwhere, acting like the migrants they claim to despise
It's awful

On other boards, theres' just no reason to flaunt your political alignment. Which has nothing to do with the statement that the site as a whole is 50/50
at best

It is tiresome relying on the facts instead of emotions, yes.

It's not 50 percent right wing you fucking zoomer faggot.

A decade long story, ruined by a deus ex machina conclusion.

I get the complaint, but then go elsewhere - no-one is keeping you here.


>the vast majority of women change appearance, but remain catty bitches who never adopt logic over emotions

>T. Brainlet who actually thinks any human is capable of thinking without emotional input

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lmao, you fags are so addicted to outrage. What you're describing hasn't even happened, and you're still angry about it.

>thinking anything nu-/pol/ cries about are facts based

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I bet it is.
If i'm wrong about that, I bet it's at least 33% thereabouts

Based reasonable poster

What is supposed to be the argument here? You people are just as emotional and feefee driven as webzines are.

I'm not invested enough to be outraged. I'm just pointing out something ironic. Which, I predict will be true. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. But that appears to be where the wind is blowing.

Because Black Widow is not a Mary Sue and there has been a significant amount of time in the MCU dedicated to showing her flaws: she has a questionable past, was a hired gun who killed back when she was a spy, and is desperately trying to make up for her past sins. She is also not a comically overpowered character and is actually one of the weaker Avengers.

I'm going to assume you're just shitposting and aren't actually retarded.

You're right: I guess affirmative action, crime statistics, illegal immigration's cost on the system, degeneracy in films and music, etc are complete bullshit. Pic-very-related.

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It's like you can't even help yourselves. Half of the shit you mentioned, is taken to wild and liberal extremes.
>muh degeneracy
Point proven, faggot.

Come on guys you're overreacting. This isn't going to be a SJW movie and its going to reach a billion at the box office.

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>one category is not quantifiable
>thus all categories must not be quantifiable
Being a barista must be soooo fascinating!

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'Discover what makes her a hero'

Literally what is wrong with that?

"what makes her a hero" *with visual way of saying can't spell hero without "her"*
damn user. you sure convinced me

Presumably he's referring to some of the letters being darkened so HER stands out

For a brief moment yes, because 'her' was a part of the sentence.

"Fact" touting /pol/tard:
>"Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crimes. Here are the the FBI statistics to prove it."

Counter argument:
>"Actually, the FBI statistics are just a compiling of police statistics. The FBI doesn't personally investigate every case. They can only know what the police records, and the police only knows what they're capable of recording. Meaning that many unreported crimes go unnoticed, or unresolved if investigation falls short. We also have video footage of the police intimidating people, if they attempt to file a report against an officer. Police departments are incredibly insular, and the so called good ones will protect the bad ones."

"Fact" touting /pol/tard:
>"........................typical leftist, doesn't want to acknowledge facts."

Tell me again about the gorbillions of illegals running across the Mexican border, PizzaGate, Sandy Hook, da Jooish conspiracee, phrenology, the ebul discord trannies, President Romney, FEMA death camps, the inside job of 9/11, how the Holocaust was a hoax (but should have happened)....

>he falls for one stupid as fuck meme argument
>I'm sure he is reasonable and doesn't fall for other equally autistic ones!

Here's another one.

"Fact" touting /pol/tard:
>"Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crimes. Here are the the FBI statistics to prove it."

Counter argument:
>"This is in no way a means to justify the disproportionate amount of discrimination blacks receive inside the justice system. Here are some accounts of the same crimes being committed, where the black person is given a harsher sentence. The justice system should be fair when it doles out sentences."

"Fact" touting /pol/tard:
>"mmmmmnah. According to these facts, we should hang all niggers, and create an ethnostate".

>the evidence you present does not completely represent reality, and it would not be accurate to extrapolate
>but the evidence I present does and I will extrapolate it to invalidate your evidence

so just coincidentally the police forces in all of america, in other countries like Canada and the UK, the entire continent of Africa, the caribbean, they all just accidentally record more black crime

this is seriously your position

You don't even know what extrapolate is or means...

millennial and zoomer males are overwhelmingly right wing/libertarian, fuck head.

Attached: simple-facts.jpg (960x534, 59K)

>This is in no way a means to justify
This isn't so much a counterargument as an argument against a justification that isn't made in the original claim

>just coincidentally
false premise


>Here are some accounts of the same crimes being committed, where the black person is given a harsher sentence
So you trust this evidence, but not the massive amounts of evidence showing black crime? I wonder why you would have such a different approach to these two pieces of evidence

Notice how this disingenuous user is now opening the net to other countries, even predominately black ones (all with various economic, social and political circumstances) because if the goalpost doesn't shift, he then has to address FBI stats by themselves?

I think you would find the word is used correctly here

It absolutely fucking is.
Look at the replies to any fucking slightly political thread
you fucking retarded leftist

Do you read these two online magazines you gullible zoomertard?

Your argumetn against the FBI stats is 'they might not be true'

This is so fucking pathetic it barely merits a response, I was just pointing out that even if the police forces across all America are somehow wrong, the exact same pattern shows up...oh right literally everywhere on earth there are black people

>blacks aren't disproportionately violent, it's the system that is racist

imagine being this brainwashed

Kek no they aren't. You're a faggot.

No, that's not my claim. My claim is that the FBI statistics are infallibly correct, like you guys claim. You can't apply FBI statistics to every situation. Like, I someone says that blacks are being treated poorly in such-and-such area, you can't just go "well FBI statistics". You have to actually investigate the culture of that specific area, and determine whether or not their records can be trusted. Or even if they're recording the statistics in good faith, are they doing it accurately.

Trying to paint over every case with such a broad brush of "well FBI statistics say", is a misapplication of facts. However, the misapplication is convenient for you, because it reinforces your emotional investment in the argument.

Well you see the entire planet is racist

Blacks "across da world" are not a single monolith, neither are whites. The premise from the beginning has always been disingenuous and working backwards from a theory. You people have never been bright, it's why you get btfo nearly every time you leave containment to preach bullshit nobody wants to hear. It's also funny how you rarely go to /his/ or /sci/.

Why do you still watch capeshit?

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Imagine being so fucking new here, that you think we haven't been mocking /pol/niggers for over a decade.

She's such a hostile and angry person. I bet if you're male, one look her way will set her off seething.

you have not a single counter example. You can't even point to a back city with low crime let alone a black country

The evidence is enormous and overwhelming, yet you accuse our position of being emotinally biased.

Prediction: if this movie does poorly, the SJW's will rage by badmouthing "Shazam"


1. It's a fucking white male
2. It's gonna be actually good and popular with most people
3. Probably no SJW bullshit
4. It's from a rival franchise to Captain Flat-Ass
5. They know it will probably do great as fuck considering how well Aquaman was

All the evidence that exists shows that sub-saharans have low IQ which leads to poor outcomes in many areas in life.

You have zero, literally zero evidence, showing that the races are the same. Zero. We have mountains showing that they are different.

>misinterpreting statistics
The feminists did it with the 70 cents on the dollar nonsense, and now the alt-cels do it with their muh niggers bullshit
It's like poetry, it rhymes.

>muh disproportion
Whites commit disproportionately more rape, hate crime and burglary over blacks. Which is also in the same FBI stats you all love.
>well you see, that's different...not all whites!

I could see that being true, but I also think Yea Forums is gonna massively overrate Shazam just like they do for every DC movie.

See how the goals shift again:
>well, IQ is the monolith now and lower IQ means they HAVE to be more violent!

Depends how poorly, and what the criticisms are
But since there are so many people behind these franchises, it's really easy for a small number of bad actors to muddy the waters, so meh who cares about what the sjws and the incels say. They're both going to focus on the wrong issues anyway

>Whites commit disproportionately more rape, hate crime and burglary over blacks.
Literal fucking lies lol. The only one this is true for is hate crimes, can you imagine why that may be?
Because black on white crimes are massively downplayed

if you are a man and identify as left wing, you are likely to be very feminine

The evidence against a single case is easier to grasp, compared to the broad net of accumulated cases.
You can look at the particulars of a single case, and say with fair certainty that you're getting the information you need to make a judgement. It would be stupid to judge the alleged criminal in the singular case, based on the group of unrelated cases.

You have NO ARGUMENT, no evidence for your position. At all.

Never, anywhere on earth, have blacks committed the same amount of crime as whites, or had similar outcomes in other areas.

Have fun, retard.

God damn this is a good post

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Your individual cases however would have no bearing on mass statistics

Says right there there are barely twice as many white rapes as black, while there are many more than twice as many whites than blacks in the country

You fucking inumerate retard

Why do I have the feeling every single poster ITT is white

They never acknowledge "per capita."

Your position is almost batshit insane that treats race like a monolithic statistic that exists in a vacuum with no external circumstance, you buttmad autist. You can make the same retard argument about white rape and string along the same spurious web of conclusions but that would be assuming whites are a monolith, in every country, forever, indefinitely. Which isn't how statistics work, it isn't how research works.

You aren't smart. You regurgitate shit you hear on infographs, misrepresent data and form extraordinary conclusions because at the end of the day, you have an agenda to push.

There is literally a category that adjusts for population size..

Damn, can't recover from that strawman!

No you cannot make the same argument about whites beause the numbers can't be tortured to show them as committing more crime per capita than blacks. You simply cannot do this.

Blacks not being a monolith genetically does not help their case in the least. DO you want to go look at Bushman or Pygmy IQ? That' what youre referring to right, SSA genetic diversity?

Again, you have ZERO counter argument. Zero evidence ever of a black country or even a city functioning at white levels

I hope so, I don't think disney is quite so stupid tho

No there isn't you complete fucking imbecile. That link just has a section for what percentage of the total is being committed by each crime

>Whites commit disproportionately more rape, >and burglary over blacks.
No they don't.
What the fuck?
You're just lying now, go look at the statistics. Blacks commit a massively disproportionate amount of these crime.

>hate crime
Literally not even an actual thing, and black people are more racist against whites than whites are against blacks.
Kill yourself.

The two ideas are not mutually exclusive. Even if you agree with the FBI statistics, that doesn't mean the system isn't biased. Hell, the disproportionate amount of crimes that blacks commit might even be a contributing factor to the bias against them in courts.

Your argument constantly changes, shill. Now it's "demographic distribution of IQ levels between "whites" and blacks". You can't stick to a single field because you'll eventually get blown the fuck out of it, a good example will be how you react to the reality of modern genetics and how no genetic scientist or researcher agrees with your repacked race realism in regards to homogenous groups.

You'll dodge it, probably resort to calling academia a wide ranging conspiracy that's hiding "racist facts"..and move on with your fucking script we've all heard a million times.

Mass statistics have no bearing on an individual cases.
>We believe the defendant is guilty of rape, because these FBI statistics say that blacks are more likely to commit rape.
How retarded is that?

imagine being "male" and being a bernie bro or being "with her"

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>Your position is almost batshit insane that treats race like a monolithic statistic that exists in a vacuum with no external circumstance
This isn't true at all.
All of these studies and data we are talking about control for enviromental variables.
You're a fucking idiot for thinking "duhhh they never thought of that".
Again, kill yourself science denialist.

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>hate crime isn't a real crime
Based /pol/tard being retarded!

>Your position is almost batshit insane that treats race like a monolithic statistic that exists in a vacuum with no external circumstance, you buttmad autis

Well Jesus dude when you look at all the countries in the world and look at the black vs. white crime rate, eventually you run out of excuses of "external circumstances" to explain the differences. I mean the BEST evidence that we currently have, not conjecture, not "external circumstances", is that theres a strong genetic explanation. Is it a perfect explanation? No. Is it the best one we currently have that has the most scientifically done studies? Yeah. So it should kind of be the default explanation until a better one comes along.

Not one single piece of evidence supports you. Not one.

Again, point me towards a single shred of evdience showing that the races are the same. You cant do it.

None of the links in this infographic make the conclusions you are.

>no genetic scientist or researcher agrees
Why do you continue to lie?
Only 17% of researchers agree with you.
Also in Asian countries they're even more race realist.

Attached: 76543.png (683x424, 43K)


I dont care about individual cases, we're discussing populations.

>You'll dodge it, probably resort to calling academia a wide ranging conspiracy that's hiding "racist facts"
They ban research that they find racist, regardless if it's true or not.
You people belong to a cult.

Hate crime is a made up SJW term.
I remember when even south park mocked this shit back in the 90s lol

You're missing the point entirely. The point is that you can't judge individual cases, based on the behavior of others. That's an emotional response. You're saying that because others act in such a way, that you're free to apply the same judgement on someone who is potentially innocent. That's prejudice. Not objectivity. Yet, you want to tout facts.

I only injected doubt into the FBI crime statistics, in order to illustrate that even statistics are not without fault. They're not infallable.

>Again, point me towards a single shred of evdience showing that the races are the same. You cant do it.
See how you're shifting again? Nobody is saying "races are the same", but you know that no modern geneticist conforms with your beliefs, so the argument twists again to "well, whites are different than blacks". It's a long laundry list to just retrofit your premise.

>None of the links in this infographic make the conclusions you are.

Why did you just read them? lol

No we're not. We're talking about how people argue with emotions. And one of the ways people do this, is by misapplying facts, to fit their emotional states.

>won't link anything

My beliefs are that SSA ethnicities have low IQ for genetic reasons and this explains how much crime they commit and how poorly they do in modern society.

Which part do you disagree with, and what evidence do you have for doing so?

Why is Marvel shilling so hard on pathetic characters outside x-men when they will never create a character as cool as batman or as powerful as superman ?

>You're saying that because others act in such a way, that you're free to apply the same judgement on someone who is potentially innocent.
Nobody is saying this.
We're saying black people are more likely to carry genetic variants that lead to low IQ and violent behavior.
This doesn't mean all of them are violent you fucking idiot.

>academia is a conspiracy to ban racist data
Lol there you go. It's bullshit, but you know that. When in doubt, fill the gaps in with "conspiracy".

We're talking about the FBI crime stats and their relevance to race differences. I don't care about whether people are prejudiced in judging individual crimes

The source is in the image.
Holy shit you're pathetic.

That IQ has never been a monolithic and all encompassing science and that there is no direct correlation between low IQ and crime?

>>academia is a conspiracy to ban racist data
LOL It's not a conspiracy, they openly say and do this.
I mean what the fuck?
Why do you people keep lying and making shit up?

>>SJW destroying degenerate mainstream media
>>golden opportunity for alternative media

but who was creating?

fuck. your. anti. whatever.

get your stories out

There is also no direct correlation between violent behavior and low IQ. So that is disingenuous.

IQ predicts for outcomes reliably in populations, IQ is highly inheritable. You have not read the relevant studies clearly

>>academia is a conspiracy to ban racist data
LOL It's not a conspiracy, they openly say and do this.
I mean what the fuck?
Why do you people keep lying and making shit up?
>That IQ has never been a monolithic and all encompassing science
IQ has one of the highest replicability rates in all of science. It's more reliable than biology for fuck sakes.
Why are you going against one of the most solid metrics in all of science?

They are literally open crusaders against racism, you think theyre going to fund or even publish stuff that goes against their beliefs. The few of them that do get in a lot of shit, eg. Rushton

>you misread the stats
>you misapplied the stats
>the stats are not infallible
I'm gonna have to remember these

IQ being inheritable, doesn't mean it correlates to disproportionate amounts of crime. There is no correlation between IQ levels and predisposition to criminal activity, that's fucking magic.

I can't wait til asians outbreed whites and then the shoe will be on the other foot kek

>There is also no direct correlation between violent behavior and low IQ.
Oh you sad sad man...


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>almost as they had anticipated it

That's why i said 'predicts for outcomes', one of which is criminality.

You didn't read their conclusions at all.

>We're saying black people are more likely to carry genetic variants that lead to low IQ and violent behavior.
And I'm saying, that it's funny how these facts seem to creep up in regards to matters where an individual is on the stage for judgement.

In most cases, these facts are never relevant. And almost no one would argue them if they were stated in a social vacuum. The reality is, they're always brought up to try and justify what would otherwise be an injustice.

>doesn't mean it correlates to disproportionate amounts of crime.
But it fucking does. This is commonly accepted even by non-race realists.
LOL what the fuck user see:

Goddess please bless my own labia beef
And speed to my gash sturdy flaps as its wreath
Do spirit our cunts from all sexual grief
And to you we promise our every climax and queef

Your powers make the glisten inside of our sheath
And in your name we sing these pleasures beneath
Though soggy and soiled our snatches and flaps
There's none so holy as our va-jay-jay gaps
We seek only those phalli that draw such applause
Without foreskin or blemish or circulatory flaws
Into our vaginal maws we stuff them to gorge
And deliver the Fempire by this our yonic forge

Goddesses of the Yonic, help my words I do pray
So that to herstory comes news of such sexual fray
Where coital mileage dwarfed the greatest whores of yore
And grizzled each my sisters' chaste peaches to gore

These sisters won such great acclaim by their story
Their spread legs and agape cheeks beckoning Glory
Barely battened crowds were thusly mad with lust
Setting upon any woman like the wind's fickle gust
To our sisters bodies the men drew their best pucker
To kiss, lick and win the best body-part sucker
But woe to those tongues that knew any taste of our snizz
And suffered no allergies when sprayed with female fizz
Because darkly hides a monster in each our cunt floccules
A certain face-melting alights from but one globule

Now you're not even arguing about whether they're true, but only if theyre misused

Wtf, we better become racists now and kill blacks because maybe, sometimes, sorta, lower IQ variants may, maybe, could lead a black skinned person to be less intelligent and therefore the nigger I despise! It's all just science after all!

They're so pathetic, it's a fucking religion with these people.
They just HAVE to be right.
They've never questioned their own beliefs before, it's hilarious.

>And I'm saying, that it's funny how these facts seem to creep up in regards to matters where an individual is on the stage for judgement.
So you concede my point and are now a racial realist I see.
Good job user.

Then why don't you treat every race with this amount of scrutiny?

fuck women, fuck niggers, fuck spics, fuck kikes, fuck leftists

>we better become racists now and kill blacks
Nobody said this, but I find it amusing you immediately jump to genocidal fantasies.

>the irony coming from /pol/niggers

...I do. There are statistics of this nature for every race. The race stuff isn't even the focus of this kind of research

>You didn't read their conclusions at all.
No, YOU didn't read their conclusions at all.
LOL You people are just going >NO U whenever actual data is posted,
you're falling apart and it shows

what the fuck is this post even trying to say?
Try having an actual argument next time.

>we better become racists now and kill blacks
LOL why do you assume all "racists" want to kill non-whites, holy shit user seek help with your violent thoughts

What do you even personally DO with the information that some African homogenous groups are less intelligent or possibly prone to crime? What do you want?

>no argument, just seething rage

Attached: 1516618409048.jpg (2544x4000, 799K)

>They've never questioned their own beliefs before,
Because it's quasi-illegal to do so and ruins your life maybe. They will smugly say 'look how few academics agree with you' while glossing over the fact that the academics that speak about this stuff have their lives ruined.

Theyre indoctrinated into a massive cult and theyre so terrified of being excommunicated that they cant even begin to think racist thoughts to see if they have any merit.

>conclusion literally doesn't line up with his own personal statement he made

>What do you want?
Not him but I personally want the USA to break up along ethnic and ideological lines.
I'm fine with a multicultural USA but I also want the right for whites to have their own country.
Also we don't have to do this violently, we can do it with tax incentives and fines etc.

Not what we're talking about

I was never arguing their validity. I only demonstrated that they weren't without fault. Which you aren't able to argue against. So why are you mad? It doesn't sound like you disagree with me. Could it be, that you're... dare I say... emotional?

All you did was overextend IQ and build an autistic tapestry of "they are low IQ because black, which means black = dumb which means dumb black = criminal"

I'm ready for this movie to come out so we can discuss facts about the contents of the movie

>>conclusion literally doesn't line up with his own personal statement he made
Show me or you're lying.
These studies just show raw data.
This raw data proves your original point about hardly any scientists accept race realism.

>/pol/ isn't a cult of autists who screech about blacks and their own personal identity politics

>I was never arguing their validity.
Ok then have a good day

manbabies on Yea Forums literally want this though. They love the idea of being stepped on by women.

Notice that blacks love being criminals and this is the case on every environment where blacks exist. Pure coincidence.

Attached: image.png (277x218, 109K)

>I only demonstrated that they weren't without fault.
you can say this vague statement about anybody.

>So why are you mad?
Great comeback bro.

>your life is ruined if you go against pol publicly
See how this doesn't work dumbass

>I want segregation and an ethnostate

Maybe, because /pol/ isn't really an accurate source of information or reasonable discussion?

>pol is virtuous and would never dox anybody!

>All you did was overextend IQ
No, we measured it.
These scientists measured the IQ.

>"they are low IQ because black
This is what the data shows though.
They literally carry genes that result in low IQ in random individuals(ie. when race is not a factor)

>which means dumb black = criminal"
Yes, it's a scientific fact that low IQ individuals are on average more violent.

What are you even arguing now?


>the reason that academia disagrees with me is due to an elaborate conspiracy this is how stupid you sound. You have cases of fraudulent scientists getting called out and their work thrown out after scrutiny. That's a good thing, retard.

/pol/ is left wing

or maybe because pol isn't a massively powerful cult that's infiltrated every branch of our society and would rather kill people than admit that their insane dogma of 'everybdoy is equal' has no basis in reality whatsoever

This thread took a turn

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>you can say this vague statement about anybody.
No you can't. If I murder someone, and you see me do it. Then you can call me a murderer, without any doubt in your mind. It is a FACT. But if you never saw me murder anyone. And no evidence is conclusive, you can't call me a murderer. You can say you have a hunch. But that's not enough to go on. You can say that most murders are done by people like me, but that's still not enough.

This is why FBI crime statistics are hardly applicable. Yet, "fact" touting /pol/tards will try to use them whenever they can.

Race realists win again.

All hail TheAlternativeHypothesis and Jared Taylor.

Attached: ryan faulk TheAlternativeHypothesis.png (1015x761, 1.14M)

>we should judge entire races as a monolith because of single genes they may or may not carry
Just argue for straight up eugenics already, Christ.

It's not a conspiracy, it's done right out in the open. Many of them call for simply banning research on race differences

>muh underdog
>muh sekret knowledge
>defending /pol/
Imagine this fucking life.

I think you may be genuinely stupid.

The FBI crime stats show that one race commits more crime per capita. Nobody is saying whatever the fuck you think theyre saying apart from that one simple fact

No they don't, this doesn't happen you low information conspiratard.

Imagine always having zero counterarguments to people who are supposedly dumb. What does that make you

>But if you never saw me murder anyone. And no evidence is conclusive, you can't call me a murderer.
What if the evidence shows you killed someone and a court finds you guilty?
This is what happened to all of those black people.

They're much more violent than whites.
Why is this so confusing for you?

>This is why FBI crime statistics are hardly applicable.
You didn't prove them wrong at all.

>Yet, "fact" touting /pol/tards will try to use them whenever they can.
Man you people are going to get so btfo in a few years when the science keeps piling up and up and is just commonly accepted.

Based autistic faggot

so what do you WANT? You want us to treat low IQ people like garbage? Put them in camps?

Why is this conversation here? You faggots aren't even talking about the actress or the movie anymore


>>we should judge entire races as a monolith because of single genes they may or may not carry
Because they carry genes that result in lower IQs and more violent behavior.

What's wrong with judging them on this?

>Just argue for straight up eugenics already
I support voluntary eugenics.

James Watson just got publicly butt fucked because he suggested IQ differences will make it hard for Africa to develop.

I want you to not lie about everyone being equal

he cute

You think nobody has a counter because you literally ignore them all and screech all fucking night until the thread archives then you go back and say how "epic" you pwned someone when it was really just the same /pol/nigger points ad naseum until we just stop engaging with you or you leave.

>Nobody is saying whatever the fuck you think theyre saying apart from that one simple fact
The reason FBI crime statistics are ever brought up, is to try to justify prejudice against blacks.
For example, when Jontron tried to drop FBI statistics to justify the maintenance of an ethnostate.

>You want us to treat low IQ people like garbage? Put them in camps?
No dude we don't want this.
This is all hollywood brainwashing in your mind.
The USA was built on white nationalist principals before it took a turn for the worst in the 1960s. There's nothing wrong with loving your own race but respecting others.
In the same way there's nothing wrong with loving your own family but having friends and acquaintances who are not your family.

These threads are just a front for leftists and /pol/acks to fight each other, I bet one or both of those groups are making these for the express purpose of arguing

In a perfect world mods would ban these threads until the movie drops and people actually have stuff to discuss

Im bringing them up to justify the idea that the races are not the same. If that's prejudice then sure

>Some retard at the Heritage Foundation got btfo by real scientists and laughed at
Color me surprised.

Everybody go home, this user just won Yea Forums

James Watson is a fucking retard.

>is to try to justify prejudice against blacks.
Except it's not prejudice, it's POSTjudice.
Notice how whoever lives around blacks and notices their behavior tends to not like them?

>Jontron tried to drop FBI statistics to justify the maintenance of an ethnostate.
Yes and he was fucking right.
If blacks weren't in the country the murder and crime rate would be much much lower.

Why don't you want this?

No I respond to them. And you guys screech and insult just as much, you're hardly winning any debate contest

sick argument bruv

Nobody literally said that?



>he's stupid because his actual research is MEAN AND RACIST
You people sound like flat earthers or the catholic church in the middle ages.

So youre now admitting that some of them do call for it be banned. Which you just said was a conspiracy?

>What if the evidence shows you killed someone and a court finds you guilty?
If the evidence is clear, then sure, it's beyond reasonable doubt. However, a guilty conviction is not necessarily beyond reasonable doubt. Because like I said before, some portion of the justice system my exercise bias. If a judge is racist, or if an officer is racist. Or if investigations into black crimes are laxed, due to their frequency. Police might not take something seriously, because it happens so often. Which in turn could allow potentially innocent people to slip through the cracks.

FBI statistics don't take these things into consideration. You just look at the FBI statistics and say "well, blacks are more violent, end of story." But what about the fact that if you try to report an officer, they'll us intimidation and threats to deter you? What does the FBI statistics say about that?

>The USA was built on white nationalist principals before it took a turn for the worst in the 1960s
Yikes. But please tell me why the 1960s was a "turn for the worst". I'm sure that's reasonable.

Nobody banned him, they disregarded his research as fraudulent. Which it was...

But we are the real scientists.
The vast majority disagree with you.

Attached: 1551422084586.png (687x422, 68K)

Francis Crick also held the same view that there are real differences in IQ between the races. They were made privately, however. How is it not obvious to you that politic correctness is preventing anyone from studying this stuff.

Scientists are not immune to political pressure.

Do you have any evidence that this is occurring on a large scale?

Because your argument appears to be 'it could be happening'

I mean, he literally is a racist though.

So what if races aren't the same though? What does that mean? Why is this an idea that you feel the need to bring up? Stop acting like you're "just" saying that. When there must be some reason or thought or feeling, that you associate with that fact. Because if you have no reason, then these facts are less than useless to you.

lol wow look at this denial
You're getting mad at actual facts and history now.
>But please tell me why the 1960s was a "turn for the worst"

Where 'fraudulent' means 'wrongthink' of course. Youre still avoiding the point though, which is that people do call for research to be banned, which is what that article is saying

Nobody cares about your manchild movies, /pol/cuck.

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question for you: do you believe in evolution? yes or no?

You keep posting this graph...

Im bringing it up because our entire society constantly screams that it's not true. You dont find that insane and orwellian?

Is civil war worth watching? I generally like the mainline avenger movies (outside of ultron) but skip a lot of the side stuff unless it looks interesting/seems like it'll have really good effects and fight scenes. I wasn't interested at the time because internal avengers drama didn't seem interesting or fun to watch, especially if you didnt read comics, and there wasn't a real end goal yet, but now it sorta feels like I should go back to fill in the gaps but only if its actually a decent watch

>If the evidence is clear, then sure, it's beyond reasonable doubt. However, a guilty conviction is not necessarily beyond reasonable doubt. Because like I said before, some portion of the justice system my exercise bias. If a judge is racist, or if an officer is racist. Or if investigations into black crimes are laxed, due to their frequency. Police might not take something seriously, because it happens so often. Which in turn could allow potentially innocent people to slip through the cracks.
>FBI statistics don't take these things into consideration. You just look at the FBI statistics and say "well, blacks are more violent, end of story." But what about the fact that if you try to report an officer, they'll us intimidation and threats to deter you? What does the FBI statistics say about that?
You're pathetic.
Even if the justice system was 20% racist and 20% of blacks were locked up innocently(big fucking leap of logic there) blacks would STILL commit the vast majority of crimes relative to their population

>can't discuss movies on Yea Forums
um wut?

So you just don't want peer review and criticism to happen at all with data you like? Is that it? Because again, he wasn't banned, his work was dismissed.

>You keep posting this graph...
yes because it seems to anger you
actual facts and statistics on government websites anger you
Why can't you just admit you're wrong?

>the stats don't take these factors into consideration
>are those factors widespread beyond anecdotes? Are they anything more than isolated cases?
>no, they're real
>where are the stats for those?
>there are no stats because the cops are dishonest, the only stats we have don't take those factors into consideration
The neverending loop

Finally the thread is at bump limit, you bunch of pig fucking kikes

where was the fault in his research?

>Why don't you want this?
Because it's not for me to decide who is more or less human. And regardless of who commits more violence, everyone should be judged fairly for their crimes.

>Except it's not prejudice, it's POSTjudice.
All prejudice is based on some experience. You're not being clever here. No one just magically wakes up and thinks they hate a group. But prejudice us projecting your experience with some members of a group, onto others, and deciding they are a way, before allowing them to demonstrate themselves.

What about this bothers you?

I would rather they reproduce the studies. SInce that's how science is supposed to work

Let's have one of these detractors do a study showing the absence of race differences. Curious that this has never fucking happened

>muh "all races are magically equal because muh feelings" shitters getting absolutely raped in this thread

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Link the graph.

Because you faggots use any breadcrumbs related to IQ and race as a justification for other stupid shit you believe as if it validates these underlying and literally racist beliefs you hold.

>So what if races aren't the same though? What does that mean?

It means the egalitarian dream where all groups can have similar social status can't happen. We live in a world where equality is strongly valued and the absence of equality is always believed to be bad or wrong between groups. Gays and straights, black and whites, men and women. Suggesting group differences is simply off the table these days as an explanation. So we beat our heads against alls trying to find some alternative hypothesis.

Civil War is one of the better MCU movies in my opinion. Not among the best (which for me are Iron Man and Cap 2) but definitely above average

If you liked Cap 2 you'll like Civil War. Spiderman was unnecessary but other than him it was pretty solid

>Do you have any evidence that this is occurring on a large scale?
>Because your argument appears to be 'it could be happening'
All the men being released thanks to advancement in DNA matching.

Nobody has ever made that argument.

Does DNA exoneration free disproportionately more minorities than whites?

You do realize that developing countries with poor IQ, see a significant spike in IQ with access to education, technology and proper food access...right? Why do you people think IQ is a death sentence?

That does happen, all the fucking time. You ignore it because of your narrative.

No, I believe that a 100-200K year old species that has spread to every continent but Antarctica, and in some instances split off from other populations for tens of thousands of years, has been subjected to a number of environmental pressures, population bottlenecks, diseases, famines, and plagues by sheer coincidence has experienced no divergence in any way.

Also Christian fundamentalists are stupid for not belisnv in science and evolution.

>please reproduce studies that are proven to be wrong so you can settle my sperg
Next you'll debate the earth being round.

>Because it's not for me to decide who is more or less human.
Of course, it's up to science and what the science shows is what we should go by.

>And regardless of who commits more violence, everyone should be judged fairly for their crimes.
So it's an established fact that having blacks part of your country will result in a drastic increase in murders and other crime and you refuse to change this in any way?

Why are you such a psychopath?
Why would you want to do this to people?

>And regardless of who commits more violence, everyone should be judged fairly for their crimes.
I am being clever.

>All prejudice is based on some experience.
Wrong, it's the fucking word prejudice: pre judge.

>and deciding they are a way
Nobody is deciding they are a way. You don't know if a black person is a violent person, but you know they they are statistically more likely to be violent. You can use these facts to make judgement calls on who you want to be around.
It's like you're saying, "don't judge all tigers on the actions of a few tigers that kill humans".

Yes, thats why Japan now has an average national IQ higher than any in Europe.

Show a study that has whites and blacks with the same IQ. If you dont like IQ then show a study with literally any other measure of intellgience, or education achievement, or crime, or whatever you like. Anything at all, controlled for class, controlled for anythign you can think of. That shows equality between the races

It does not exist. If it existed every single kid in the country would have it hammered into their heads in highschool. It would be the most famous study in all of the social sciences

>What about this bothers you?
Your idiocy and lack of arguments.
The founding fathers were white nationalist.
The country was white nationalist.
Polls during WW2 had 90% of americans saying they would rather lose the war than give blacks equal rights.
You're an idiot.

I'm sorry, I don't keep statistics on hand. because I'm not obsessively attempting to prove such-and-such group is guilty or innocent. That's /pol/tard behavior.

But you must at least understand the idea I'm presenting, is to exercise objectivity. And you don't do that, when you apply these massive generalities to specific cases.
It's like when women deal with a few assholes in their lives, and then they call all men pigs and dogs. Can you imagine?
>Men are statistically less loyal in relationships. Therefore, we would all be better off becoming lesbians, and cloning ourselves via bone marrow, rather than dealing with disgusting perverted men.

>science says we should discriminate against all blacks in the slight statistical chance they could be more violent
You're a literal schizo.

many people itt are making this argument

Don't you mean overwhelming evidence?
What about the genetic variants? Are you going to deny those exist as well?

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>the slight statistical chance
it's an order of magnitude

Are you under the impression that there is no overlap in similar IQ distributions between whites and blacks at all? Is that your honest to shit statement?


Let me ask you this: If you don't know the answer to that, then clearly, more information is required to make a judgement. Which is my ultimate point. That in order to be truly objective, you need to look into these things. Not just go "well, FBI statistics".

The Bell curve has a graph of studies on the black-white IQ gap. There are some where the gap is 0, but the majority show a difference. When you average them all out there is a bout a standard deviation.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at 11.22.20 PM.png (530x455, 108K)

>this absolute brainlet doesn't realize scientists simply control for environmental and poverty variables when doing their research

blacks are still dumber than impoverished southeast asians etc

>A handful of genes
>no concrete correlation
Again, please read the actual links in that picture.

>slight statistical chance
It's a MASSIVE statistical chance though.

>>science says we should discriminate
Nobody is advocating for discrimination.
We just want to separate from them.

Even if blacks commit more crimes, it would still never justify 0.1% of racism in the justice system.

It'S on you to show that. Youre the one saying that DNA exoneration is relevant to the FBI stats being inaccurate.

Also you cannot be 'truly objective', least of all in social sciences. You can look at the evidence you have and what it suggests

>all science is a sham to hide actual data about blacks
African communities with access to the internet and proper diets are literally vastly more intelligent than those without.

black africans were on equal footing with the rest of the world circa 10,000BC. what was their excuse for not advancing like the asian and european civilizations?

also somebody show me actual racism in the justice system

>>A handful of genes
It only takes one single genetic switch to give you alzheimer's or albinism.
Humans share 96% of their DNA with chimps.
Small genetic changes can have massive effects.

>Again, please read the actual links in that picture.
Why don't you?
We're laughing at you because you keep saying read the data yet post ZERO studies and provide ZERO evidence why the data we're showing is wrong.

You didnt even understand his post ffs. He was saying they control for environment

JP Rushton went to S. Africa around 2000 and did a big IQ study on black and white college students. Black college students there got about 15 points less than the whites,.

>Im bringing it up because our entire society constantly screams that it's not true.
Who denies it? Aside from hardcore black activists, no the entire society doesn't deny it. The entire society just doesn't see how it's ever relevant to the discussion they're having. In MOST cases, it's not relevant information.

You can say the races are different, and most people would agree with you. But they're only careful not to walk down the /pol/ road. Which inevitably leads to the suggestion of an ethnostate.

jews were impoverished by the results of the holocaust but they got back on their feet, what excuse do blacks have? also what about the japanese after ww2? also why don't poor white people in places like kentucky have as much crime as not as poor black communities?

Race realists and even actual fucking racists don't "advocate" for racism or bias in the criminal justice system.
In fact we try to explain how this racism and bias is a myth.

>African communities with access to the internet and proper diets are literally vastly more intelligent than those without.
That's nice, they still have a much lower IQ than developed whites or asians.
Also black americans raised in a good household are still dumber.

>Which inevitably leads to the suggestion of an ethnostate.
Why do you disagree with the idea of an ethnostate?
Japan is basically an ethnostate? Do you hate them for this?

Attached: 1501492231988.jpg (1536x2048, 262K)

>Also black americans raised in a good household are still dumber.
That's mostly a meme and you're ignoring how external influences can dramatically improve IQ. Sure do wonder why you'd do that, you agenda-driven faggot.

100% true. The issue is how do they come with other races in the same environment. When you control for background factors the races still never equalize.

What matters is how do similar environments impact white and blacks? Lots of welfare or no welfare, computers or no computers, col or hot climates, there is always a gap.

Take the race pill white man. We are not your enemies or here to insult or harm you. We are here to awaken you to the truth and save you.

>racism in the criminal justice system is a myth
Lol imagine believing this.

IQ really cannot be improved.

i noticed this ENTIRE thread you have not posted to even one scientific study to back any of your claims

You people are fucking cringe-inducing. Arguing race realism bullshit for hours.

Except when it literally does improve...but that's just ignored I guess!

you wish faggot
they just whine the loudest and samefag as hard as they can so it seems like there's a lot of them

>mostly a meme
pic related

>you're ignoring how external influences can dramatically improve IQ
Again, you're ignoring that when external influences are CONTROLLED FOR(do you even know the definition of this word) there are still massive racial differences in IQ.

>you agenda-driven faggot.
You are also an agenda-driven faggot.

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>So it's an established fact that having blacks part of your country will result in a drastic increase in murders and other crime and you refuse to change this in any way?
An efficient justice system with weed out the bad from the good.
An overzealous/corrupt justice system, will help perpetuate the degradation of a people. Blacks are not uncontrollable forces of evil. The majority of them aren't criminals. But if you break up their families, toss them in jail for petty reasons, and make it difficult for them to advance, then they'll never be more than a blight.

Ironically, prejudice is making the situation a whole lot worse. If you want to talk science. Science has also show that you can easily domesticate animals, without a few generations, by removing the violent ones, and breeding the social ones. You can look up this experiment. It worked to domesticate foxes. A functional justice system would see to it that violent offenders are locked away, while the tame social people are left to breed and prosper. The problem with our current system, is that everyone is getting locked up indiscriminately, and this creates further turmoil within the black community. How can they ever hope to self govern, if even the good ones are getting locked up for petty drug charges.

So why exactly do you ignore that IQ can be improved? Explain for me how that doesn't apply to anything you said.

>Lol imagine believing this.
I know right. Imagine denying what the media force feeds us every single day. Why would the media ever lie to us?

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>It'S on you to show that
No, it's on you to look into matters, before judging. Just because someone happens to be black, that doesn't mean only black people should care about the specifics of their case. Everyone should care about the specifics of their case. Because fact DO matter, and you don't have them all. What you have, are compiled police records.

>still massive differences
The gap starts to close when you look at factors that improve IQ performance that are not controlled. But I guess you've got a narrative to spew so LULZ who cares, amirite? Puts a nice hole in your monolithic bullshit.

It can only be improved up to a certain level and that level is lower in blacks.

>So why exactly do you ignore that IQ can be improved?
I didn't.
You just have extremely poor reading comprehension skills.
It can only improved through education up to a point.
For blacks that point is typically lower.
Why is this so complicated for you?

>the media is straight lying to you that law enforcement has a history of mistreating minority groups
This is why you people get mocked.

In general it can't


From what I gather the best you can do is temporarily boost it by a few points, but only temporarily.

Japan isn't an ethnostate. If you're born in Japan, they will reluctantly grant you citizenship and rights.

What a fucking reach.

>The media all lie, but OUR PROUD BOYS IN BLUE would never.

>An efficient justice system with weed out the bad from the good.
No it won't.
You're saying blacks need to kill a bunch of people THEN we'll throw them in jail?
Why not take precautions and not have them in our country?

>Blacks are not uncontrollable forces of evil.

>The majority of them aren't criminals.
SO what? That's not the point. Holy fuck you're stupid as a rock.

>But if you break up their families, toss them in jail for petty reasons, and make it difficult for them to advance, then they'll never be more than a blight.
Blacks have been given the fucking WORLD since the 60s and they're still dumb and violent.
What the fuck, it's like I'm talking to a cult member.

>Science has also show that you can easily domesticate animals, without a few generations, by removing the violent ones, and breeding the social ones.
This only proves my point that IQ is racially heritable.

>A functional justice system would see to it that violent offenders are locked away, while the tame social people are left to breed and prosper.
problem is low iq people breed more anyway, they would have already bred

>race is made up

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show us one case where a man was falsely put behind bars for ONLY being black and no other reason

god you nigger worshipers are pathetic

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god you white worshippers are so pathetic

>95%+ Japanese
>not an ethnostate

Do you really think there is no case at all of this happening? Do we have a time period limit?

At least I can read graphs and the conclusions of my sources.

except no one worships whites and the mainstream is openly anti white, niggerloving retard

>The gap starts to close when you look at factors that improve IQ performance that are not controlled.
What else hasn't been controlled?
We already control for poverty, nutrition, childhood education level.
and blacks still have low IQ
Do you unironically think race has ZERO effect on the gap?
We literally have genetic evidence it does, not only that but black people have smaller brains than whites pic related.

>But I guess you've got a narrative to spew so LULZ who cares, amirite?
Wow you actually thought you had me.

>monolithic bullshit.
Like your science denial?

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Why can't you just directly source data?

says the white worshipping retard lmao

>god you white worshippers are so pathetic
because we want to maintain civilization? lol

>This is why you people get mocked.
Oh no, data and science denialist leftists are angry at us. Whatever will we do.
Please kill yourself.

Provide evidence that the justice system is racist.
You have NOTHING.

Pic related was made by a literal stormfag from thealternativehypothesis.com you baiting tard.

go ahead, show me one

OK, so you agree that majority of blacks aren't criminals, and you agree that selective breeding can improve a species. But you don't want to actually do anything to facilitate change. You just want to cry about the slight percentage of more people that will die. Which, when all counted, is less than a percentage of the total population. And on top of that, the majority of black murders are inflicted upon other blacks.

But I'm the crazy one...

so where are your sources?

>/pol/ thinks everyone else around them are science deniers
>race is literal magic and a IQ is a monolith

>If you're born in Japan, they will reluctantly grant you citizenship and rights.
this is just a meme, the vast majority of japanese wouldn't consider you japanese.
the country is almost entirely japanese
it's an "EVIL RACIST" ethnostate that you should hate

It literally is.
When blacks and whites have the same education level, income level, nutrition level there is still a massive gap in the IQ of blacks/whites.
Does this anger you?
I feel like I'm talking to a child.

You want to maintain disgusting white worship. Its sicker than nigger worship you pig fucking kike

how does that mean the graph is incorrect?

Again, if you native to Japan, you're a citizen, just the same as everyone else.

I don't think you understand what either of these studies are saying. You have a maximum potential IQ, if you're starved in your youth and suffer a dramatic injury you won't reach it. Same goes for height and build, you have a set potential, but you can't actually exceed it.

Once you're an adult you can't actually get taller. Same goes for IQ. You have a genotypic IQ that if you miss, you're out of luck.

this is how you argue? no wonder you lose elections. niggerloving subhuman

Any of the hundreds of blacks who were arrested for drinking at the wrong water fountain kn the 60s. Or is discrimination during the Civil Rights Movement liberal propaganda?

>Pic related was made by a literal stormfag from thealternativehypothesis.com you baiting tard.
Yes, he took all of the available data and put it into a graph. How many times do we have to measure the same fucking thing before you are happy?
Why do facts anger you?
Even the new york times accepts that blacks have smaller brains.
This shouldn't even be controversial.

Because the data is mostly made up?

Fucking stop. You're too based and redpillled.

listen retard that was a stated law that the public knew. I am asking again: show me an incident where a black man was falsely charged yet it was actually for no reason other than he was black.

I don't care about aruging about kikes with incels nor incels with kikes fucking pig fucking kike

no, see

>this is just a meme, the vast majority of japanese wouldn't consider you japanese.
It doesn't matter if people treat you poorly. In the eyes of the government, you're entitled to the same as everyone else. An ethnostate would be government sanctioned discrimination against ethnicities.

>being arrested for "being black at the wrong water fountain" isn't being arrested for being black

>Yes, he took all of the available data and put it into a graph
No, he didn't. Jesus Christ, you're resorting to defending literal stormniggers and their blogs now? How can you not see that you're being manipulated?

>so you agree that majority of blacks aren't criminals

>But you don't want to actually do anything to facilitate change.
I do. I want blacks to have their own country and do the same eugenics you're talking about but in their own country.

Whites want their own space.

>You just want to cry about the slight percentage of more people that will die.
It's not a slight percentage, look at chicago and detroit. Look at africa.

>But I'm the crazy one...
You unironically are.

>>race is literal magic and a IQ is a monolith
Yes, keep repeating the same thing you got debunked on over and over while we actually post facts and data.
Wow you're a sad person.

>race is literal magic
It's hard science and the evidence is overwhelming.

>IQ is a monolith
It has a higher replication rate than all of biology.

your pointing out a public law but your original argument was corruption behind the scenes, now answer my question

>No, he didn't.
show us where he was incorrect

>It has a higher replication rate than all of biology
That's an actual lie and all you did this whole thread was contort statistics to overextend and mean whatever you want them too.

Yeah, IQ gaps actually get bigger with age. By 24-25 black white IQ gap is bigger than at something like 10 or 12.

There are literally made up entries in that Excel sheet.

>That's an actual lie
why is it your entire argument in this whole thread was "you are all lying" but you don't provide shit to prove it?

>You want to maintain disgusting white worship.
Why do you hate white people so much?

>It doesn't matter if people treat you poorly.
it's the only thing that matters, the vast majority of the population wouldn't consider you japanese
it doesn't matter what dumb laws a few people in government made

japanese is an ethnicity

>No, he didn't.
Please show us where was incorrect.
I'm waiting. This is going to be great.

>literal stormniggers
He's not even a white nationalist and he's gay, and he's a qt

>the globalists!
I am tired of these, specifically. The earth is 100% flat god dammit

can you point to a specific one?

You said nobody has ever been arrested, in the history of this country, for being black. You fucking mongoloid. What other dumb opinions must you have?

yeah nobody has ever been FALSELY arrested for a crime while the actual reason was being black

>He's not even a white nationalist
I sometimes wonder if all of you on /pol/ just repeat the same lines without thinking, or bait everyone around you. The faggot literally calls himself a white nationalist, it's in the blog's bio and he considers himself an ethnonationalist too.


The first three on the bottom.

>That's an actual lie

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You're an actual autist, holy shit.

answer my question

What is this even from?

Being arrested for drinking the wrong water fountain while black.


page 145

so we agree then that all the black men hanged were all guilty? good

Because I'm not here to disprove /pol/ opinions and false extrapolations, you have to prove them. Mr. "Hurr durr I'm into facts and science (when it suits my agenda)".

The sources are in the image you fucking idiot, do you not even know how to find research papers?

>look at chicago and detroit. Look at africa.
Blacks killing blacks, killing blacks.

people like you are the reason why there can never be a peaceful settlement of this issue. you don't listen to reason, you don't accept facts, and you reflexively reject anything that contradicts your personal ideology. it's like talking to a brick wall. the only option is to suppress you and make you a powerless nonthreat, or to just physically remove you from the environment entirely; whatever the case, i look forward to that day

Do you think a black man being hung for kissing a white woman is NOT a false charge based on skin color you semantic cunt?

>The faggot literally calls himself a white nationalist
Man, like what the fuck.
He used to be a white nationalist for a while up until a few months ago where he made a video shitting on white nationalism and richard spencer.

>it doesn't matter what dumb laws a few people in government made
Actually, that's what matters most. if the population truly cared so much, then they would work to make their country, by law, Japanese exclusive. But they don't care that much. They can't make that change, and thus it's not an ethnostate, no matter how bad you want it to be. Cope.

You linked a blog from an actual and well-known race realist who peddles bullshit and considers himself a white nationalist. You're positions based on his beliefs are not rooted in actual facts but when this is explained to you, you have literal tism' fits.

It's literally on his blog. Why do you defend this obvious charlatan? He's not a scientist.

I want you to at least entertained that you're being brainwashed by race realists and that there may be a reason they aren't taken seriously in academia...





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show me one case where a black man was hanged by the justice system for simply kissing a white girl

so you cannot backup your claims? got it

killing whites, that's why all of the whites left

>brainwashed by race realists
How are we "brainwashed" when we literally have all of the scientific evidence on our side and you people have nothing but cultspeak.

I mean come on user, question yourself for once in your life.
We're right, face it.

>You linked a blog from an actual and well-known race realist who peddles bullshit and considers himself a white nationalist
ad hominem; not an argument
>You're positions based on his beliefs
data from science and research is not "his beliefs"
>are not rooted in actual facts
then disprove them. shouldn't be too difficult
>but when this is explained to you, you have literal tism' fits.
pointing out your mistakes is not "autism." not an argument

again, you are irrational. you live in a fantasy that no fact can penetrate. you are simply an unchanging obstacle. which means you need to be removed

>there were literal laws that made it illegal for whites to marry blacks in the South
>literally dozens of stories in the 20s and 30s of blacks being hung for "rape" and "looking at a white woman funny"
Do you live in a cave?

>Actually, that's what matters most.
Actually it doesn't.

>if the population truly cared so much, then they would work to make their country, by law, Japanese exclusive.
Holy shit you're actually under the delusion that government works for the people and that laws that the majority of people disagree with don't slip through the cracks and get passed.

>and thus it's not an ethnostate
It's 95% ethnically japanese.
I mean come on man, you can't actually be this dumb.

To all the poor souls trying to educate the /pol/ shitposters:

I know this is super weird to say here, but I really, truly appreciate what you're trying to do. Yea Forums gets a bad rap for being an infested shithole so I know how hard it is to have honest debates here. But as a poc who still lurks for the rare quality threads where we actually discuss movies/tv, don't feel bad about ignoring these monsters. They are the literal dregs of society and that's why they come here to bitch and moan instead of the real adult world. You just cannot have a reasonable conversation with them. They will always be so intellectually dishonest it is literally impossible to win. It's like you'd be better off teaching a dog to perform complex differential equations.

I really feel you, I do. But unfortunately I've experienced so many instances of this toxic behavior that I've learned to simply not engage. Some people are just too far gone.

This is a stupidly long post, but my heart goes out to all of you good ones left. Keep fighting the good fight, but know which enemies to pick.

Sending love.

Because the data isn't on your side and you extrapolate shit that your studies don't even conclude. It's a disingenuous tactic.

white men were also hanged for rape

Now show me a case where the justice system executed a man for looking at a white girl

You think it's not an argument to criticize how you get funneled and second-hand interpretation of data, from a fucking blog site run by a literal stormfaggot?


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>It's literally on his blog.
he hasn't updated it.
Man, you're really fucking stupid.
Just kill yourself already.

>Why do you defend
Because he does a lot of actual basic research into topics that brainlets like you would have just believed the stories you were force fed in schools and media your entire life.
Facts and history fucking matter.
Just because you don't like the actual scientific studies he's linking to on his site doesn't make them not true.

>are not rooted in actual facts
Can you disprove these scientific studies he links to and explains?

attacking the person who makes an argument instead of the argument itself is the literal definition of ad hominem. you are clueless

>how you get funneled and second-hand interpretation of data
You've yet to disprove anything.
This is hilarious, you've posted zero evidence this entire fucking thread.

>from a fucking blog site run by a literal stormfaggot?
Again, he's gay and not a white nationalist.
Man, seek help.