Reminder that human beauty peaked with Brad Pitt on Meet Joe Black

Reminder that human beauty peaked with Brad Pitt on Meet Joe Black

Attached: meet-joe-black.jpg (380x612, 67K)

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Reminder that long haired pitt is kino pitt

A far second is buzz cutt pitt

Everything else is trash

>Reminder that human beauty peaked with Brad Pitt on Meet Joe Black

Yeah if you're gay lmao, Otherwise human beauty peaked at Jennifer Connelly in Once Upon a Time in America.

Attached: jennifer connelly.webm (1000x562, 2.45M)

she looked better in requiem for an ass2ass

Midhair Brad had the body though...

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 34K)

>mfw I used to look like a poor man's Pitt when I was younger but now I'm fat and my hairline is receding

Don't get old, lads. It's rubbish

Attached: time keeps on slippin.jpg (545x362, 32K)

You like dags?

Attached: brad pitt dags.jpg (425x431, 78K)

Pitt peaked in Snatch.

Attached: 1421750862562.webm (1160x544, 882K)


Englishman Paul Bettany married this.

Attached: 1434055164699.webm (600x338, 2.7M)


his lower lip is too thick and he has negative canthal tilt.

In English, doc


Twelve Monkeys and Fight Club bodies beat this pikey tatted skelly

Makeup has been around since ancient Egypt m8

his eye brows peak in the middle, the opposite of a frowny look.

So what is ideal, a positive canthal tilt? Neutral?

>brad pitt
>negative canthal tilt
Are you fucking blind?

Sir Henry Cavill in terms of males
Jennifer Connelly in terms of Females

Attached: henry cavill and henry cavill.jpg (1080x1337, 337K)

Attached: lul.png (1472x1072, 1.67M)

>tfw literally me except it was people saying I looked like based Pattinson

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>tfw used to look like Orlando Bloom but the I went bald

>balding faggot

Heh nice try. Human beauty has a hairline

>Sir Henry Cavill in terms of males
>Jennifer Connelly in terms of Females
True but also not god-tier. More demi-god

Attached: michelle-pfeiffer.jpg (512x584, 67K)

Good jawline >>>> hairline

Attached: jude law2.jpg (1568x876, 189K)


>negative canthal tilt
If you're going to use incel terms at least use them correctly. His canthus is clearly pointed downwards which means positive canthal tilt.

Attached: canthal-tilt.png (918x227, 315K)

>mogged by your own statue

>michelle pfeiffer.

You're alright.

Attached: batman returns catwoman-24.webm (640x360, 2.76M)

Brad Pitt has an insane jawline, much better than Cavill's

hnnnnghhhh those arms

God it feels good being White. I personally have never had sex but knowing that my fellow White man Brad Pitt has slayed prime pussy makes me know that I'm the fucking shit.

>Be Jude Law
>not in great shape
>dick's on the smaller side
>give zero fucks
>live like a chad anyways

He's a role model to us all

Attached: 420praiseit.gif (720x404, 3.83M)

No one cares, cunt.

>peak beauty
he looks like a monkey.

Could be worse. I look like a poor man's Val Kilmer.

>peak beauty
>white person
The delusions itt

Sorry lad, you live in a white world

Attached: 1546918833541.png (323x241, 134K)

And who's your idea of peak beauty - some KPOP chink?

>dick's on the smaller side
He's been swimming in that photo, though.

so you're confirming that Jews are in fact White?

Blocks your path

Attached: 3-84.jpg (1440x1920, 467K)

>>not in great shape


Attached: jude law-23.webm (387x400, 2.16M)

if my complaint was that he looks like a monkey why would my ideal be an asian? a prerequisite for peak beauty would be that they're white. just looks at him in op's pic. he looks like a character from planet of the apes.

Brad Pitt is white though you retard

he's clearly not full white.

Let's see Pitt's dna report proving he is white.

Yeah dahgs.

Attached: jason-statham-workout.png (1180x938, 1.21M)

he was more bishie in Cool World tho.

>sir brad pitt
>Ethnicity: English, some Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, German, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish, remote Swedish, Dutch, and French

He's pretty white tbqh.

Irish aren't white and French definitely aren't white

I hate this guy

>always has hot costar love interest
>she never shows tits
>mean while statham has 12 topless oiled up karate man fight scenes

his movies have to be for homos I swear

Attached: 67195de75c6996059b866ad8d99d6e46.jpg (2336x3504, 1.05M)

He's mainly English which trumps all and is white/anglo galore.

Attached: English gentleman Sir Brad Pitt.jpg (1024x806, 356K)

Fucking homos

one drop rule faggot

>I hate this guy

I think it'll be for the best if you leave.

Attached: jason statham cunt.webm (1920x1080, 803K)

post the goddamn double bonk followed by the burn after closet

that's all we're here for

Attached: tenor.gif (320x176, 1.32M)

Looks like are tys there

>mega fox
>Ethnicity: English, as well as small amounts of Scottish, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, distant French and Welsh

What the fuck are Anglos complete problem?

Attached: tibetan fox.jpg (499x500, 39K)

irish are white french also white

Let me guess, only Nerdics are considered white to you? I'm half-French and half-Austrian. The French side of my family are all blonde and blue-eyed while the Austrian side are all short and swarthy.

he looks like dr zaius. typical 56% amerigoblin.

who saves this?

Poor man's Felicity Jones.

Attached: felicity jones bum-33.jpg (1826x2737, 512K)

Very based people


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dirty fujoshits

Poor man's Jennifer Metcalfe.

Attached: jennifer-metcalfe-in-a-bikini-uae-april-2014 (2).jpg (1280x1935, 343K)

imagine if she made you her asshole slave....

If she wasn't J*wish she'd be 10/10
For now she's 9/10

For me it's Achilles

peak beauty right here

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