
>le cheeto man
movie ruined

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I'd say the movie was ruined by the shitty screenplay and editing. Modern political bullshit was just icing on the cake

Not to mention completely underutilizing Bale

oh. Vice like vice president. Holy fucking shit why do I just now get that?

Imagine being this assblasted

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How is that possible, wasn't Dick the main focus of the movie?

based bale

I watched this movie. huge fucking waste of talents like bale, sam, and amy. I mean, what the fuck were mckay thinking? this piece of shit director. fuck him. fucking waste of my time and money, and every fucking others who got hyped by those casts. fuck him, what a piece of shit.

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So the feel of the movie is not how the trailer framed it? Played tongue in cheek for the liberals to feel smug about but glamourized enough that /pol/ would enjoy it an ironic manner?

Lol amy adams sucks.. The movie was fine, great even from a certain perspective, it left me with that awful feeling in my gut like the first time you saw farenheit 9/11, but you're probably too young to remember that film you zoomer faggot

/pol/ hates neocons like Cheney though. Even the_donald trend to hate neocons when they're not being censored by their kike mods.

this movie was actually pretty great and fuck neocons

hey, look, if you ever, I mean, ever, talking shit about amy, not even to mention bale and sam, I'll literally go to your house and kick your fucking sorry ass. and no, I remember 9/11, I watched the live tele on cnn. I knew what happened and I'm just searching why. obviously that can't be found in this shitty movie by a fucking piece of shit director, and you are shit too. fuck off faggot.

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Great movie, tore cheney to pieces
It was kinda tongue in cheek and fun with lots of weird dark humor, but it was mostly super depressing if you have any clue about 9/11 & global politics. It very effectively deconstructs the Bush/Cheney presidency and displays what a disgusting, satanic shitshow it truly was. It's 1/2 documentary 1/2 drama

fuck off, Adam McKay is /our guy/

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Yeah but it just wasn't a role that let him act any, it was just extremely typical and boring imo acting for this type of movie
It's pretty tongue in cheek, but it's also extremely bad, it considers the entire audience are sub-50 IQ morons and overexplains everything
It's the definitive libtard movie desu, but I don't see how anyone can ironically enjoy it, even /pol/tards
I liked literally 1 scene out of the entire thing and it was just an editing gimmick, it was just too stupid and pure compared to the rest of the movie that I just loved it (you'll know the one if you waste your time on this)

is this on digital yet?

No dude amy adams is severely overrated. I was being combative for fun but I am 100% serious about that, she is so goddamn overrated it makes me sick

no, it's shit, because it is. now get the fuck off my board you fucking redditors.
go back to r/the_donald you fucking redditor
you should fucking kys if you have such shitty taste, amy is based and you are not. you are literally a piece of shit.

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seething neoliberal retard.

Bet you love Bush because he "at least he wasn't trump"

imagine seething this hard. vice is kino.

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Calm down, lyz cheney

God, no. It's a shitty biopic made in the exact same style as the big short, except none of McCay's tricks work. Cheney is portrayed as this inhuman Machiavellian monster whose only saving grace (much to the audience's surprise) is that he loves his lesbian daughter. Meth Damon plays Cheney's heart donor, and acts as a stand-in for the audience, constantly telling you what's happening and how to feel about it. At the end, McCay has edited in this incredibly moralizing montage in which he blames pretty much all of America's modern problems on Cheney, including but not limited to: California wildfires, the election of Donald Trump, and ISIS. The ONLY saving grace this movie has are the performances of Bale and Adams, moving it from a 2.5/10 to a 4/10.

But one has to wonder why it was necessary to make this movie, and push the narrative that Bush was an incompetent stooge being played like a marionette by Cheney.

Wow my guy you have emotional issues. And amy is still shit. Better than say jennifer lawrence for example, another overrated a-list actress but still pretty shit

Yes and checked

Are you telling me this movie also has youtuber tier montages, powerpoints and unrelated insertions like the Big Short did?

Fuck i was hoping he had learned how shitty it was, i haven't wathced this yet and it's dissapointing to hear.

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90 or less iq detected, gtfoh u fucking moron

>push the narrative that Bush was an incompetent stooge being played like a marionette by Cheney
that is what happened and bush is a braindead imbecile. he can't formulate a sentence without stumbling and bumbling over himself.

I fucking hate bush, he dragged us into the endless wars w/ mudslimes and im a registered democrat who voted for him. I fucking hate the current state of democrat party, and the absolute fucking state of republican party. fuck this shit. I hope those fucking fags just kys, like you will do.
I'm not. calmer than you are, dude.
sigmund freud once theorized that semi conscious mind manifests repressed desires, which led me to believe that you, sir, are indeed lyz tranny and want to suck cocks. faggot.
I don't. I just hate people like you talking shit about people who didn't deserve em. you are shit.

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>calmer than you are
>literally seething trying to convince everyone itt that bush did nothing wrong and this film is somehow disingenuous for exposing mongoloid bush and soulless cheney in an entertaining and consumable format
mmmmmm grayons

this pretty much sums it all up
yeah, and it even has a screenshot of alex jones inside the montages, pic somehow related.
that's it. I'm gonna kick ur fucking sorry ass, you little faggot

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Film was actually kino but any political flick will always polarize people (see: raging /pol/ tourist in the thread)

Think about it this way: it's exactly what you'd expect if someone told you it was political commentary from the guy who directed Anchorman
t. Vice's core audience

Pretty accurate post.

>wow you should lovvvvvvee neocons

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i want /pol/ to stop self inserting their schizophrenia onto every movie

Why are republicans such sensitive violent snowflakes?

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where is your tard wrangler?

did any of you see the movie?

>political commentary from the guy who directed Anchorman

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this film is kino, what the fuck are you guys talking about? The acting was great and to say that bale wasn't acting is retarded, he literally became dick

>muh /pol/
dude are you this fucking retarded? not everyone shares the same wicked world view as yours, faggot
like I said, im a democrat you fucking faggot
inside your mom's ass, I planed there, go find it urself

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>registered democrat
>hates muslims
>posts pictures of king kike who's going to prison today

You wouldn't happen to be a jew, would you?

>king kike who's going to prison today
he will be fine, bibi is based and redpilled, and to answer ur question, im not white, to say at least.

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why won't you just go back to your containment board? is it because your israeli flag is on full display each time you shitpost there?

Fuck /pol/ and fuck /pol/fags.

I wish Yea Forums has flags, which I echo w/ ur points. then I can truly show u my flag, which would be a surprise to you, meanwhile your posing behavior led me to believe you sir, are indeed the "kike", if so, take a hike, kike.

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The fact that it felt the need to address hypothetical audience reactions feels symptomatic of a larger shift in all media caused by social media and the amplification of fringe opinions that "need to be addressed" in some way. It's self-reflexive autism.

I'm glad "people" like OP and the the kikeposter exist, their shilling ends up being counter intuitive and people realise how good this movie is after watching it.

your english is horrendous. no one wants to read your ESL speak

Social media effectively killed the west, or at least put the final nail in the coffin.

nigga what? you do realize the most kike shekels went to neocon and neoliberal candidates, right?
I admit english is not my first language, I apologize if there's any confusion or misunderstanding. however, I suggest fucking kys you little faggot

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biopics will never be good. the only way to summarize a man's life is to portray cliche after cliche while exchanging plot points to fit the setting.

It's the cinematic equivalent of "This happened AND WHY IT'S GOOD!" we can't have the audience interpreting. It's too risky.

so you are a jew. No wonder you're assblasted about a film against cheney

>Lol amy adams sucks
Like a vacuum

>bibi will be fine


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>oy vey lets naming shaming him! shut it down!
wow imagine my surprise
he will, that's how it works in a real country, you should know, since you paid for it

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imagine being a pathetic lowlife jew like this poster, literally seething about a film against cheney because you are inherently as bad as him. and you do it all for free. and you post cringe /pol/ speak a la "imagine my surprise". imagine being this gutter trash.

and a good day to you too, sir. nice trips btw, congrats. I'd like to refute your statements that I'm a jew, which I'm not in any means, also, I'd like to point out, the way you were saying, leads me to believe you have subversive behavior and very much like the race you mentioned. I don't have anything against dick cheney or W, that were their decisions and policies and looking back certainly there were something not considered well then, however, my point is about the film, I reinstate my view that this film is shit, absolutely shit, despite the amazing casts and beyond, the director made the decisions to make this film this shit. fucking treat audience like child? I mean, what the fuck is with that? I hate him since big short. mckay is literally retarded. fuck him. and have a good day, you fucking little faggot.

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I heard there was a scene in this movie where they ranted about trickle down economics (something that doesn’t exist.) Is this true?

yeah, basically
>republicans BAD
>democrats GOOD

This is what Alex jones was saying 15 years ago. Modern liberals are so fucking retarded.

Imagine getting this butthurt over /pol/ memes.

Satan also probably made Liz run as an anti-gay marriage candidate despite her own sister being gay and married and her dad being a pro-gay marriage advocate.

The editing and writing is just plain bad. There's that infamous scene where it freezes frames on Sam Rockwell's face as he's eating fried chicken and then cuts to a fisherman catching a fish. I think that it also just talks down to the audience and treats them like babies too incompetent to understand politics. Not to mention that scene where they have people sit in a room and talk to each other and then they get into some sort of argument about policies and two teenage girls look to each other and say, "The new 'Fast and Furious' looks lit," and then the film just ends. Honestly, I am disappointed by the underutilization of Bale and Adams. Not to mention that Carrell is annoying in the film and easily one of the worst parts about it aside from McKay's script and direction.

carrell certainly can act judging by his performance from fox catcher, but why the fuck he plays himself in every fucking film other than that one is beyond me.

I enjoyed it.

I liked the movie, but the trailer was way better.

I think McKay genuinely can't understand people with different opinions than him.

The movie has moments when it tries to humanize Cheney, like when he calls home from the white house for the first time, but because every policy position he takes is portrayed as purely out of greed or malice, those scenes seem bizarrely out of place. Without any real motivation then, his character makes no sense, and his address to the audience where he justifies himself seems completely out of left-field, since none of the things he spoke of were touched on or even hinted at earlier in the film, as if two separate movies were stitched together.

I think that this only works as intended if you have a really absurd view of republicans and what they believe. Every time a guy is explaining what they're doing or why (ex Scalia with the unitary executive) they're gleefully evil - there's no room for someone genuinely having different beliefs or interesting motivations, in McKay's mind, the only way someone could possibly hold any right wing positions is by being actively evil or painfully dumb. Terrible waste, since the movie could have been quite good, and the Bush administration deserved a quality take-down.

If Ms. Cheney is anything like Amy Adams' portrayal though, please direct me to where I can find a girl like her. I thought both the character and Adams' acting were great.

Kys kike

Explain how Cheney could actually be anything other than evil

I've never seen a film with more contempt for its audience, and less directorial integrity. I give the actors credit for their effort, but the film as a composition is so bland and yet melodramatic, all twists of narrative and scene feel jarring and forced, and the entire tone feels supremely offputting for millions of reasons that are only difficult to point to because of their sheer number, like the cinema equivalent of brutalist architecture

Maybe one of the worst movies of the past 20 years

You're missing the point of that user's post. The fact that the director see's all Republicans as this evil group from a children's cartoon is just fucking embarrassing. And the fact that this was even nominated for best picture just shows that the country will still be divided even when Trump leaves office. Fuck this clown world.

How is the republican party of the past thirty years anything but greedy corporate power shills?

you probably weren't born yet, but the R's in the late 70s and early 80s were co-opted by Evangelists, and there was a solid period of time where policy and platform was based on theist morality rather than corporatism

Leave the Republican Party aside from a moment, but how can the bush administration especially Cheney be portrayed as anything else when they were essentially pure evil global maniacs who started two major wars and a million deaths?

Every single republican candidate since then has distanced themselves from the bush administration and strongly criticized the decision to go to war, including the current republican president

the bush administration was deliberately misled by a think-tank of neocon jews
not saying they're not guilty, but there was also a coordinated effort to bait the US into unjust, unwinnable wars to fuel the military-industrial complex and beef up Israel protection

I don't disagree, and there's also the revenge complex bush jr had towards Saddam because papa bush couldn't overthrow him in 1991.

But as I said, attacking the bush/Cheney administration and portraying them as evil is not necessarily portraying all republicans including modern and historic ones as evil. Most republicans would probably be the first to denounce bush and Cheney

I can’t leave the Republican Party aside because this garbage film requires me to do so. It doesn’t see any difference between conservatives and neoconservatives, the latter being a legitimate pile of shit movement that needs to be brought down. Even today the neocons are the scum of the Earth when they try to get Trump on “government overreach” when he’s giving money to help the opioid crisis. They can all burn in hell. But it’s just as this user said this hack director wasted an opportunity to actually criticize them and he blew it due to his own retardation.

Scalia isn't inherently depicted as evil, he's gleeful specifically because he literally believed in the conservative slanted legal interpretation he was explaining to Cheney about the limitless executive power of the POTUS.

delete this post immediately, goy

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It made me wish Dick Cheney was my dad

>when he’s giving money to help the opioid crisis

He could do much more than throw pennies at the problem.

The 80s are literally remembered for Reagan's deregulation, corruption, tax cuts and the resulting corporate greed. The Christian right's supposed morality did fuck all to the corruption and greed of the party.

>there will never be a good Vice or Big Short thread
Hiro please delete Yea Forums/4channel

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Oh yeah, he could totally gas all of the dealers and producers of opioid's in camps right? Do you realize that Americans now have a 1 in 96 chance of dying from an opioid overdose than a motor vehicle crash? The probability of dying from a motor vehicle crash is 1 in 103 btw, which is higher than gun deaths in our country. Our drug epidemic is a fucking disaster and no one is talking about it. So once again, fuck this clown world.

It's literally impossible to have a good thread for Vice or Big Short because they are both shit movies.

>doesn’t see any difference between conservatives and neoconservatives,

Adam Mckay stated that he'd choose Trump over Bush. I don't know why you think this movie tarnishes all conservatives, when it essentially bashes figures who went completely against traditional conservativism

>Oh yeah, he could totally gas all of the dealers and producers of opioid's in camps right?

No, because that's a retarded tactic, which is why has repeatedly said how he likes the idea of killing drug dealers. He could actually do something concrete, like go after the pharmaceutical companies like he promised, because they are the ones that created the problem. He could push for drug reforms and getting more resources to treating addiction. Instead he repeats 80s "Just say no" bullshit.

Who is running Congress????
Who is running the House????
I’ll give you a hint: It’s certainly not fucking traditional conservatives.

The President is supposed to set the agenda. He had two years with his party having majority in congress and senate and the GOP as a whole bending the knee to him like loyal sycophants and playing defense to everything else he did. You're making excuses.

They certainly did not. If that were the case we’d be sitting pretty and not be having the problems we are dealing with at the moment. The Neocons are fucking mad that Trump took their voters away from them and btfo Rubio. They want him fucking out of there as soon as possible.

>like the first time you saw farenheit 9/11

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