it's up
It's up
Fucking finally, this fatass has been cutting into my monthly mcnugget budget
Favorite skits?
free link where?
the real question is when does Hot Guys come out
Daddy Sam gives and he takes
real question is wtf is this shit
clearly something written in hexadecimal
lolol I solved it
Not paying for it but can't wait to watch it as soon as someone uploads it to youtube.
new hydewars is up as well
>alt-kike, hangs out with Dicky Spencer and (((Weev)))
>admitted he doesn't hate the Jews and acts like one to his fans and employees
>thinks white people should just wise up to Jews' trickery and throw their hats into the identity politics ring
>implies that Jews/Blacks/Shitskins/Gays are to be tolerated in our society rather than be dealt with
>stated that he thinks comedy can relieve racial tensions and gladly makes fun of white people
What does /pol/ see in this faggot?
not that kinda link silly
Not worth the money.
Stay mad and worthless and you dingleberry incubator.
I see Sam or one of his employees is hard at work shilling his shit here.
you should samefag slower, salty jilted bitter obsessed stalker retard with your misplaced life-anger u widdle cutie
lol no. Sam is part of the fake right.
slow down samefag sally I said! salty jilted bitter obsessed stalker retard with your misplaced life-anger
>t. incel
>took a picture with in the past = "hangs out with"
as solid as your other dossiers.
just do it man. order that helium and just call it a day.
chaponiggers btfo
Last girl who masturbated with/to me.
then you go and take a pic of yourself with these guys to show how easy it is to hob nob with the fake-right elite
not even memeing here boys why the fuck is every single Sam Hyde thread filled with anti-Sam shilling? It's the same images being posted every time too
He doesn't hang out with Spencer.
Spencer is a dumb piece of shit that doesn't even believe in IQ.
they're obsessed with him, practically internet stalkers
where is it then m8
sam's shills want you to pay 5 bucks for it. I thought this board didn't allow such advertising/spam?
Man, this is awful