It's up

it's up

Attached: 2019-02-28 20_49_17-HWD_e03_DS2GM_r4 - 1080.mp4.png (1366x768, 1.46M)


Fucking finally, this fatass has been cutting into my monthly mcnugget budget

Attached: 2019-02-28 20_52_10-HWD_e03_DS2GM_r4 - 1080.mp4.png (1366x768, 2.4M)

Favorite skits?

free link where?

the real question is when does Hot Guys come out

Daddy Sam gives and he takes

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real question is wtf is this shit

Attached: 2019-02-28 21_02_00-dykewars is creating Peace _ Patreon.png (1226x658, 837K)

clearly something written in hexadecimal

lolol I solved it

Not paying for it but can't wait to watch it as soon as someone uploads it to youtube.

new hydewars is up as well

>alt-kike, hangs out with Dicky Spencer and (((Weev)))
>admitted he doesn't hate the Jews and acts like one to his fans and employees
>thinks white people should just wise up to Jews' trickery and throw their hats into the identity politics ring
>implies that Jews/Blacks/Shitskins/Gays are to be tolerated in our society rather than be dealt with
>stated that he thinks comedy can relieve racial tensions and gladly makes fun of white people
What does /pol/ see in this faggot?

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not that kinda link silly

Not worth the money.

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Stay mad and worthless and you dingleberry incubator.

I see Sam or one of his employees is hard at work shilling his shit here.

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you should samefag slower, salty jilted bitter obsessed stalker retard with your misplaced life-anger u widdle cutie

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lol no. Sam is part of the fake right.

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slow down samefag sally I said! salty jilted bitter obsessed stalker retard with your misplaced life-anger

>t. incel

Attached: you.png (489x771, 115K)

>took a picture with in the past = "hangs out with"

as solid as your other dossiers.
just do it man. order that helium and just call it a day.

chaponiggers btfo

Last girl who masturbated with/to me.

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then you go and take a pic of yourself with these guys to show how easy it is to hob nob with the fake-right elite

Attached: twojews.jpg (638x960, 57K)

not even memeing here boys why the fuck is every single Sam Hyde thread filled with anti-Sam shilling? It's the same images being posted every time too

He doesn't hang out with Spencer.
Spencer is a dumb piece of shit that doesn't even believe in IQ.

they're obsessed with him, practically internet stalkers


where is it then m8

sam's shills want you to pay 5 bucks for it. I thought this board didn't allow such advertising/spam?

Man, this is awful