>here it is guys our next new hot meme that's got all the old memers so mad and ubset that our meme dabs on haters epic style
>it's another pepe
hey user c’mere
>Breaking news: ZimoNitrome releases Dat Boi 2
the right can't meme
t. discord tranny
>some redditors who literally made dozens of videos on unfunny normie memes that aren't even slightly popular on Yea Forums starts pandering to us
I guess the same way leftists no longer hide their hatred to white working class, redditors don't hide the fact that they come over here to shit the place up.
>Earth is just the nose of a clown constellation in space
based normies
formerly normalfags
Those comments are rough
Another retarded Pepe meme
why do I still come to Yea Forums and Yea Forums when I feel no connection to the phoneposting retards going about their normal lives that populate it?
I miss when this place was filled with genuine bathsit aspies instead of this weird mix of normal people trying on different styles of tame "weird" humor
I feel empty watching this shit.
Post-election Yea Forums is a fucking cesspit of epic memes
Yea Forums is like how Yea Forums was before bane cancer ruined it
i don't know how long it'll last though since the meme cancer is starting to figure it out too now
literally me
>3/4 of thread enjoying a memespouter youtube channel
I'm going to kill myself. there is nowhere normalfag free anymore. aside from cunny threads
Yea Forums up'd their shitposting game last year. How can we even compete with Massa threads
The r9k threads we have here are full of Yea Forums anons who apparently barely shower or leave their house and have never had a gf, so you're still in good company
Maybe you're growing old. That's what applies to most of the users of this site, I feel my time to leave has already come as I can't stand the retarded humor anymore after many years.
They say you're here forever, but truth is that the only ones that don't leave are either some sort of wizard or a depressive people.
I'm a 25 year old neet wizard apprentice but even when I was younger this place was radically different. phones changed everything. coming to Yea Forums and actually fitting in with the very niche culture of every board actually required sustained effort. for that reason this place attracted the shut in aspie types who reviled normal people and the outside world in general and had very abstract/ creative senses of humour. now you can fit in here by parroting some bottom of the barrel meme of the month
if it bothers you that much, just make your own memes
pic related, it's you
My favorite part
You're no better posting wojakshit
Pure reddit
I know you are but what am I?
a person made this and posted it
Yeah, I just made it now and posted it - problem faggot?
no, i'm in awe
bet this redditor didn't know people called it feels guy
everyone in the comments represent nuchan
also twitter/instagram/facebook group meme hustlers
Anyone that still posts wojak and pepe are redditors. Only a newfag would think it's okay to post something that has long since been turned into cancer by reddit.
What is his channel name?
You'll see the type of mongrel thats considered a local here now
I don't know. I saw unfunny memes in the thumbnail so I didn't watch it.