Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Attached: Trudeau_headshot_2008.jpg (719x990, 137K)

Timothee Chalamet


Nose is too small on both of them

A piece of stinky turd

Emily Rudd. Look at them side by side, they look very similar.

Attached: Emily Rudd.jpg (300x300, 72K)


Attached: justin-trudeau.jpg (652x400, 25K)

how is he so based

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Why was he pressured to resign recently?

malay genes
he told the attorney general that she shouldn't prosecute an engineering company that bribed libyans

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Sneed or Chuck probaly.

This guy is a living meme.

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he is such a chad, too bad i will vote against him this years election

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what are the chances of him losing the next election?

He will play himself.

Slim to none. One scandal isn’t enough to dethrone a sitting PM. Especially after how hard the Conservative party crumbled. It’s looking pretty bad right now but I’m sure some scandal will be uncovered that will damage Sheer closer to Election Day.

Does Canada have limits on how long someone can be PM?

No but an election must be held every 4 years. The last Prime minister was in office for about 10 years I think.

If he does not resign (80% likely) :

April: he loses
October: He loses unless Scheer is caught fucking a 12 year old girl in Thailand while waving a swastika flag around.

it's too hard to call
40% of votes can win a majority
35% of votes can get nothing

You just know

He's the modern JFK, tries to pander to as many people as possible and is in so many people's pockets that it'll be his own perdition. At least he'll take a big chunk of bribes home after he gets kicked out.

he is so based
he is so strong
and he is so handsome

is he the strongest world leader in the world? he'd probably kick every world leaders asses

>tfw Trudea is 6'1 and Putin is 5'4

>sells off gold reserves
>corrupt out the ass
>gets blown the fuck out yesterday, basically ensuring a minority government at BEST without him in it
>today announces he's launching $2B nothing-dollars into space
What a political unit. Canada is assured 100 years of prosperity.

Probably close to %100

I didn't think someone could be as corrupt as Chaney and Hillary until I started reading Justin's rap sheet.

Why would he resign?

looks like lee pace

doesn't matter, one scandal is enough for the NDP to split the vote and conservatives will win