LOTR Deep Lore Thread

Which of them got the most kills by the end?

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pippin, i think he became a squire for the rohirim then was made a knight or something like that

of the hobbits? or the fellowship?

legolas at least in the movieverse fellowship

Not Frodo or Sam we can rule them out easily. Boromir certainly killed a lot but he dies early so thats an easy one to drop. Marry and Pippin do start fighting in the second film more but they're family limited until RoTK.

Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli are thus the main combatants. who do the lions ashore of fighting. Each are involved in all the major battles.

Gandalf is however mostly absent from Helm's Deep. Despite his prowess I can honestly say he never quit engages in combat as much as the other there.

One of the running gags is that Legolas and Gimli are relatively equal in terms of kills. Its basically dead even after Helm's Deep and there is no clear way of deterring who killed more at Pelenor Fields.

Aragorn never engages in that completion. Maybe like a lot of genuinely tough guys he doesn't need to brag or keep tabs on things. He's involved in all major battles right at the forefront and does use a bow on occasion. I say he's got the highest kill count. If not, Legolas because his bow gives him a distinct range advantage over Gimli.

did dwarves ever fight anyone recently, or were all their battles from decades prior? also, im sure aragorn had the most

>"When you think of the great Battle of the Pelennor, do not forget the battles in Dale and the valour of Durin's Folk. Think of what might have been. Dragon-fire and savage swords in Eriador! There might be no Queen in Gondor."

>t. Gandalf

Don't Frodo and Sam at least each get half credit for killing all of Mordor? Or did destroying the ring only kill Sauron?

legolas has been killing fools for a thousand years

ah, got it. shame a dwarf battle wasnt in the films

You only need a space between paragraphs.

and also, do the dwarves and men "work together" on the battlefield, or are they essentially two separate fronts against saurons forces? like remember the homosex scene in the third hobbit movie where the elves jump over the polearms for some reaosn?


>Playing BFME2
>My Lothlorien swordsmen keep screaming 'WE MUST SECURE OUR BORDERS'

Are the Elves, dare I say it, Based&Redpilled? What was the immigration policy of Imladris?

the dwarves are a separate front in the northeast fighting other allies of sauron
the game battle for middle earth 2 is based on that

The biggest question of Middle earth: why do dwarf women have beards?

Why did the blue wizards just fuck off from the setting, what the fuck did they even do since they landed on middle earth

Frodo knocked Gollum into the lava, destroying the ring, not only killing Sauron but an entire army of orcs. Can't remember what happened in the books though, I'm not sure whether they all died easily like that or whether it was more sensible.

Basically this is what I'm saying

they were doing gandalf-y shit in the east working against sauron

>Aragorn and Éomer and Imrahil rode back towards the Gate of the City, and they were now weary beyond joy or sorrow. These three were unscathed, for such was their fortune and the skill and might of their arms, and few indeed had dared to abide them or look on their faces in the hour of their wrath.


Frodo killed Gollum and Sauron, causing the Barad-dur to crash and the valley of Udun to collapse killing probably most of Sauron's army


The guy is a fucking choker, wouldn't pick him as a teammate

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Not Legolas' fault, that was a scripted event.

a scripted choke


I prefer Henry V

The fucking elf

High test

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a son. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a boy for at least 18 years solely so he can enter the mating scene as competition. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little boy - reading him stories at bedtime, making him go to sports practice, making sure he had a healthy diet, educating him, playing with him. All of it has one simple result: his body instead of yours is more enjoyable for the women that he will eventually fuck in every hole. Raised the perfect boy? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random woman who had nothing to do with the way he grew up, who marries him. She gets to fuck him every night. She gets the benefits of his kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised him. As a man who has a son, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a boy for him to compete against you. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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Who's older, Gandalf or Legolas?

Sauron sent a large contingent of Easterlings to attack Dale. The combined forces of the Men of Dale under King Brand and the Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain under King Dáin Ironfoot marched out to meet the Easterlings in battle. After three days of heavy close-quarters fighting, they were forced to retreat towards the Lonely Mountain.
The armies fought bravely before the Gate of Erebor, which was not taken. In the end, Dáin was killed as he stood defending the body of his ally Brand. Meanwhile, the defenders of the Mountain were able to withstand the siege.

However, the forces of Gondor and Rohan defeated the main power of Sauron in the Morannon theatre on 25 March, causing the northern army to lose hope. Seeing the morale of their foes being sapped by news of victory in the south, the Army of Dale under the new Kings - Bard II and Thorin III Stonehelm - managed to lift the siege on 27 March and drove the Easterlings out of Dale

After that day user was never heard from again.

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Thranduil did not even sweated

>Deep Lore

Doesn't get any more deep than this.

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Really weird seeing a tall frodo

sean bean is too BASED to live and really bummed i will never play mtg with nerdy viggo

>he dabbed on himself

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Frodo and Sam got the ring into the volcano which killed Sauron and made the ground open up and swallow an entire army of Orcs and Goblins. Therefore, they win and you are a pleb.

really weird how he looks like a lesbian. didnt elijah wood say he got molested in hollywood or something?

Wait, so from March 11th-12th Dol Guldur forces marched 50-100 miles out of Lorien? In one day?

That's some fucking hustle.

Gandalf by like several ages

Gandalf, physically and spiritually

>the dwarf is the tallest

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>elves used to be "as tall as a young tree, and so incredibly durable that it was the reason they wore light armor, completely tireless and the most muscular of all races"
>One movie with Orlando Bloom and now Korea, japan, America and the world all think elves are just diet fast humans who trade strength for speed which makes no sense

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>all white males

its never happening again is it lads?

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No thankfully

Destroying the ring doesnt kill all the orcs. It just no longer unites them in a common cause. They all just disband and go live in caves or whatever. Even in the movie they dont die. when the eye explodes there is just a small cinematic concussive wave that knocks everyone over it doesnt actually kill anyone

A good 2000's British-Irish boyband.


Mordor unleashed its forces on March 10th, we can assume that Dol Guldor did the same.The first to reach their goal were the troops from Dol Guldur who attacked Lórien on the 11th, and it was attacked again on March 15 and 22. I got this info from the Atlas of Middle Earth though its probably in Tolkien's timelines.

What counts as carrying the ring? Is Sam not carrying the ring when he carries Frodo?

Could you put the ring on a very long chain and drag it behind you? What about enclosing it inside a giant bag? How many layers do you need to not carry it?

What about throwing the ring forward, picking it up and throwing it again? Maybe put a string on it so it won't get lost.

never post here again

>Fails to destroy the ring
>Doesn't tell anybody
>Gets hailed as a hero

What a cunt

>Even in the movie they dont die. when the eye explodes there is just a small cinematic concussive wave that knocks everyone over it doesnt actually kill anyone

You're thinking of the prologe when sauron explodes. they eye explosion kills the baddies when the ground collapsees under them

Drumpfweenies aren't welcome here newfriend

but why thankfully?

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It's problematic

>You'll never guess who was evil all along
>It was Dark Vicious and his master Dark Plague, and their apprentice Dark Mauling

Point, and match.

Well it didn't turn people around it invisible when it was just sitting on the ground, so dirt and rocks presumably block the force and don't count as carrying.

So you just find a good, long rock and push the ring with it.

Sorry, meant to reply to .

You would definitely not be able to travel 50 miles a day by pushing the ring with a rock.

what does that even mean? can you explain it logically?

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Imagine a glove that had uranium inside leaking radiation.
For the sake of this comparison just assume this is comic book radiation that gives you super powers or whatever

So you have to carry this glove up a mountain and wearing it feels really nice but really fucks up your body. Even when it's off it's still leaking and radiating your body. Your body who has never worn the glove still feels the radiation but not as much as you since you were wearing the glove

Essentially, the ring tempted samwise but he could withstand it because Frodo held onto it. It's like crack, even being near it fucks with your head on a primal Level.

What was the ebonic word for friend?

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Nice guy

It's problematic. That's enough. Let's unpack this drumpfweenie, no one wants you here.

>Frodo and Sam got the ring into the volcano
No they didn't. That was Smeagol.

In the books (the ACTUAL lore) the death of Sauron does as that user says, just disbands them and caused them to either flee or yield.

Not canon

>lions ashore
Holy shit, kill yourself.

He put two in the motherfucker's neck, what else do you want?

This is the worst english I have ever seen. Stop trying to use "big words" when you clearly don't know what they mean or how they are spelled.

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you will not unpack my weenie you monster!

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Not what you mom said.

Jesus this looks like a terrible photoshop job

>Bloom looks badly green screened in
>Dominic has a bad filter on the left arm
>Vigo and Sean look edited to all hell

I know it's real but holy shit.

this is the first time I've realized Gimli is also Sallah from Raiders of the Lost Ark

Tolkien is a fraud for not enclosing the details of ring corruption. If carrying someone who has the counts as not carrying it, why not put it on a dead, severed finger and carry it that way?

this is unironically one of the best parts. Woods delivers the line so well and is quite menacing for a shortshit.

No he didn't that was Gollum

>gets to go to Valinor even though he failed his quest and went full-Isildur in the end
Fuck Frodo and fuck the Valar.

Do we even ever see Smeagol and Gollum on screen at the same time?

>What about throwing the ring forward, picking it up and throwing it again? Maybe put a string on it so it won't get lost.

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>most kino character is in the appendix
Tolkien was a madman

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>caused them to either flee or yield.
Not (some of) the based Haradrim/Easterlings who gathered together in clumps for last stands. Really kino moment in the books ruined by Hackson's "lol the ground disappears lmao" deus ex bullshit.

I believe.


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Is that Aragorn and Eowyn?

I say a Balrog counts as 20 trolls/ents, and each troll/ent counts as 20 orcs or 5 uruk hai.
Orks are 1:3 goblins.

>lets put the most powerful evil object in the world on a dead body


Aragorn should've carried Frodo around in a baby cradle thus getting around faster but still not carrying the ring.

Yeah lmao.

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Ar-Pharazon and Sauron

Orcs did literally nothing wrong

>it's about fellowship

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They are the Syrian immigrants of Middle Earth.

>muh entwives ;_;
Is there any creature in Middle Earth more pathetic than entcels?

Early 2000's fashion was a mistake

>Troll/Ent only 5 uruk-hai
More like 30. The Fellowship struggled against a cave troll even with Gandalf, but were easily able to kill dozens of uruk-hai each even when they were all split off individually.

That would be the Easterlings/Wainriders. Keep migrating and fucking Gondor up.

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>family limited
>lions ashore
>quit engages
>other there

I think you're an orc

Legolas because elves are mary sue's

was Sauron a gypsy?

Frodo kills at least 20,000 at the end of the rotk when he throws the ring in the fire and Mordor collapses

you need to get your eyes checked

He also unintentionally got Gandalf killed. Or maybe it was all intentional since Gandalf always gave him shit


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>ywn be in a hollywood trilogy this based and become bros for life with your fellow actors

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Wasn't Sam's actor an asshole

>he throws the ring in the fire
watch it or read it again

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Why didn't they just freeze a path to Mordor and curl the ring there?

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why didnt they just melt the ring

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who the fuck is Shulcmokh

Simpler times

Who /warwolf/ here?

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How the fuck do they aim these things, what if the balls doesn't go forward and just drops into the ground right in front of them

Longshanks literally did nothing wrong.

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To be honest I still don't understand how Isildur managed to cut the ring off of Sauron's dick. Did Sauron go to battle unrobed? Was he sporting an erection from the excitement?

I guess sieges lasted for months so you had plenty of time to calibrate.

delet this.

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>Not Frodo or Sam we can rule them out easily.
Wrong. They easily led to the most deaths, first with the argument over the mithril chainmail and then by completing their mission which caused great chasms to appear and swallow tens of thousands of sauron's army. No one has ever been more wrong than you are right now.

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Is this some masterbait?

>hey Gwaihir do us a favour
>put on this ring, you’ll turn invisible
>fly to Mt Doom and drop it in the lava ok?

Foolproof, even if worst case scenario Gwaihir gets corrupted, so what?

SeeIn the movie Frodo losses and takes the ring. It only goes in because of the struggle over it with Gollum.

In the book Eru makes gollum trip into the volcano.


Legolas is probably into the tens of thousands depending on which age you think he is as he must have fought through all the wars of the first age

Wrong. Merry and Pippin easily caused the most deaths by introducing weed to Rohan and Gondor and the subsequent overdoses.

He was born at the start of the third age, he’s not even 3000 years old.

That's a big dragon.

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Gandalf was like unlimited years old. Definitely him.

nah i just typed it out really fast as the thoughts were coming to me and let spell check do whatever it wanted

How about two in the motherfucker's knees?

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Based and cuckpilled

I dare not utter the black speech, but I will transcribe it for you.

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Gondor really went to shit when the crack epidemic hit.


its not a sci fi novel. dont over-think it. if the essence of what a character is doing is "Carrying the ring", then that character willbe corrupted, end of story. now it's a process, so im sure there are quite a few who could carry it for a day, a week, a month or so before being corrupted, but nonetheless.

you cant win on semantics with the one ring

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Threadly reminder Feanor did nothing wrong