Interviewer >there' s a moment in this movie where a guy on a motorcycle tells Carol to smile

interviewer >there' s a moment in this movie where a guy on a motorcycle tells Carol to smile
brie >yeah that was in the movie already (not a reshoot) >its a depiction of the female experience
director >it was always in the script and not an uncommon thing for a woman to hear
brie >for people not in our bodys, wait that happens to you?
>we gotta do better

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Yea Forums still believes the movie won't be feminist pandering

You manbaby incels are fucking pathetic. Do you have nothing better to do you useless worms?

I have the coom you crave roastie

Why are manbaby incels triggered by feminism so much?

Based coom poster

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Pathetic, seething shill. When will you grow up and stop caring what other people think?

I've been told to smile plenty of times. That's what happens when you walk around looking like a dour bitch, not just because you're a woman.

Cry harder incel. It’s 2019, dinosaurs like you should already be extinct.

yeah, and when someone, usually a woman, says that to me, I giggle a little, but I'm still dead inside

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>I was only pretending to be uncharismatic

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well, manbabies usually watch comic book stuff (they were laughed at for a long time because of this) so if you enter manbaby territory expect reaction

>not a reshoot
Jewish lies

Why does preachy cultural Marxism and feminism have to shit all over everything? Isn't anything safe from it?

So Captain Marvel is the Gillette of the MCU

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whores, hags and sour spoiled cunts are unpleasant to everyone, stop pretending normal people like this shit and only frustrated virgins dont like abuse

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You need to be less obvious with it.

>imagine being this privileged in society that people on the street telling you to smile once in a blue moon sticks with them as a traumatic experience

Disney shills working overtime

>You manbaby incels are fucking pathetic. Do you have nothing better to do you useless worms?
Oh God, keep going. I'm gonna cum so hard.

is Incel the new virgin?

has been for a while. Only discord trannies use that term.

Too obvious.


They literally have nothing better to do, user.

you will never be a real woman

This is so courageous.

What do they have against smiles?.
Is it because it shows the character as relatable and human instead of a cunt feminist that hates fun?

incels tend to be old virgins

>director: "strangers come up to us and want us to feel better"
>damn, it's hard to be a woman!

I am an average guy and I once got told on the cellphone on a semi-busy street that the woman I wanted to marry left me out of the blue and is already fucking another guy.
I sat on the sidewalk absolutely broken, trying not to cry and no-one even looked at me except one girl who gave me a brief weird stare and moved on.

I am convinced by now, that, if I lay shot on the street, people would only react because my body is blocking their path.


Feminism is fine. Femi-nazism isn't.
Feminism = equal rights, not hate towards opposite sex.

you said the magical word, now you 'get' women

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Smiles are supposed to make you happy.

Oh no, a social media phone screenshot.


you're still a ugly virgin who needs to suck up to try to differentiate yourself from the incel boogieman

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You should smile more

It makes you feel better

incels = trannies

aka blackpilled virgins trying to game the system

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, Reddit

Yes, I'm the one who's fuming right now, incel.

Plenty of people have told me to smile before. It's annoying but it's not some fucking traumatic event. Jesus Christ

Yep. People have too much hate, and they take it out on things that don't exist. So, smile more.

>S T O P R E P L Y I N G T O S H I L L T H R E A D S


ok guys true story here just happened to me a few weeks ago
>at this big fancy party everyone dressed up real nice people dancing free food and drink great time
>group of women standing all staring at me real serious like
>ok ladies give me a nice big smile now!
>what the FUCK did you just say cis white male privilege scum!?
>before i know it i'm being physically beaten to within an inch of my life by a group of about 5 or 6 women,
>through my cowering fetus position i can see more women swarming in alret and ready to join in.
>thankfully there are a few men around to calm things down with a level head and drag me out of there.
>police arrive responding to a hate crime and i'm cuffed and bundled into a car before the situation gets worse.
>being interviewed at the station
>user, what did you think you were doing being so misogynistic towards woman its absolutely unacceptable
>i try to explain i was hired as the wedding photographer, just trying to get a nice photo.
>i'm sorry user thats not good enough, you will be executed at dawn.

I've been farting really hard the past few days and it smells like fucking death. Thank God I've got tomorrow off, I'm going to eat some Exlax and clean out my fucking guts.

Women have told me to smile all my life. I live in my mom's basement as a result.

They honestly couldn't cast someone from the fucking source material?

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The people from the source material are fictional.

>beaten within an inch of my life by five or sex women.
As much as I would like this to be true, it isn't. I could take on 14 women on a bad day.

well, they got a 2-dimensional person to play a drawing.

I want the whole world to have shill threads shoved in their face so often they begin to hate shills.

Ah, no sweety, I think you have to rethink gender norms.

O, and don't smile, you shitlord.


>Do you have nothing better to do you useless worms?
You already know the answer to this question.

He then received massive backlash because only a rapist or something wouldn't want to flirt with girls. Literally impossible to win.

>be literally today
>leaving class
>passing this cute black girl with real white teeth and a big ole jungle butt
>she must have the class after me because I pass her all the time
>always staring at me but never we never say anything
>today she goes “why do you look so angry all the time”
>tell her it’s just my face, I have resting dick face from mewing and arching my brow all the time, also less people fuck with you in general if you always look like you could fly into a rage at any moment
>she tells me I’d be super cute if I smiled more while smiling at me
It’s literally a compliment you fucking roasties. Just fuck off

So it's going to cause a shitstorm with insecure dudebros that feel "attacked" by being asked to not act like underdeveloped teenagers?

>cute black girl

women ONLY want compliments from Chad. They know it's a compliment, they just don't want to be seen as a sexual being but subhuman non-Chads.

zero acting skills, would be about the same as brie but hotter

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I don't know why you're replying to me.

Please instruct us in the post-neo-victorian courtship. Clearly you, and you alone, have the definitive answers to how men and women should rigidly act and force gender norms--


she was one of those ones with white features and an extremely feminine frame even though she’s like Kenyan dark

>Kenyan dark

>looks like a prepubescent child attempting to be as feminine as possible
ok cuck boi

Did 3rd wave feminists just make up the smiling thing? I've literally never seen it once in real life. I can maybe buy it used to be a thing in the 80's and before, but not now.

you don’t have to like black people but if you’re saying you wouldn’t pork a hot black girl throwing herself into your lap you’re a fucking faggot

They respond to things they see on television and in movies, 3rd wave always has.

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>a hot black girl

It happens but people who make it a thing are idiots

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It's a self fulfilling prophecy now, and basically troll bait. They overreact to an imaginary scenario to entice trolls into acting then use the gullible trolls as "evidence" of sexism.

I'm a man and I've been told to smile/cheer up/etc by both women and men. It's just something people do because they don't like having to look at people that look sad or angry or whatever.

Putting your dick in a subhuman groid? Fuck no, that's as sick as tranny shit

As a depressed woman, this triggers me. If I wanted to look at bitchy looking cunts that make me feel bad, I'd just look in the mirror. I don't want to watch a movie about a superhero who can't even smile.

It has nothing to do with you being a woman Brie, and everything to do wit you being a dour, unapproachable bitch.

I have brothers and I feel like men get this way more often. People are always quick to say men look "scary" like it's nothing, but if you tell a girl she has resting bitch face she has to get all dramatic about it. Fucking Brie.

Yes, it's called empathy.

If people smile, it makes others feel happy.

If people frown, it makes them feel sad.

It's also why people yawn if they see someone else yawn.

Pardon me actual female role model coming through

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Are they gullible trolls if they engage in these threads every day?

Yawning is different, but yes smiling just shows people you are friendly and approachable. Smiling at someone can make them feel good or less anxious. It's basic human interaction.

The fact that she's trying to make it about sexism just shows how fucking dumb and self-absorbed she is. She reminds me of a moody teenager.

To take it a step further, I could argue it's just another step in the conspiracy of Hollywood trying to turn people into sociopaths.

>smiling is bad!

Wonder Woman was a good role model because she was actually human and maternal and goodhearted and wasn't afraid to smile.

Someone tell Brie Larson to grow up.

It's probably a boomer thing
and ethnic minorities

the whole smiling thing is one of those things normies always called me out, it´s not only a female experience, you dumb bitches

I have no problem with some female characters being cunts, but they're pretending a character like that makes for a good role model. Not any role model but "the best"
THAT is bullshit

Lol that sucks but women are innately selfish beyond male comprehension. Males work together to hunt the mammoth and defeat the enemy tribe. Women work alone to get the biggest bite of the meat or the biggest horse of the enemy's plunder for themselves. Everyone around a woman is a disposable tool that exists only to satisfy the woman's desires. The women saw no utility to extract from you in your vulnerable moment so to them you functionally didn't exist. Women are subhumans that by their very nature are incompatible with civilization. They just go along for the ride and in between trying to collapse society or get the most high value men killed in their defense they spit out some children.

That's why I said Wonder Woman was a good role model. You shouldn't look up to cunts, they don't even look up to themselves.

why does she look so bored?

shut the fuck up

>you dumb bitches

Yes, because every woman thinks this way. Brie is every woman in the world. You are so fucking smart user, how did you end up here?

Welp it was a good run boys. Thanks to this movie say goodbye to smiling inviting female covers.

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I also love how every incel ignores that it's 99% men in all of these threads. Like you have even talked to a woman long enough to even know what she thinks.

This isn't /pol/.

shut up tranny discord, fuck normies, fuck captain and fuck redditors like you, normalfag scumbag

did he call you out?

>reee fuck everything i'm so fucking mad

Nice blog.

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>smiling just shows people you are friendly and approachable
That's why Brie doesn't smile. That's why people (even normies) aren't liking or responding to Brie. She is not friendly or approachable, and even though she's an Oscar-winning faker, she still can't manage to PRETEND to be likable.

Smiling at a TSA agent was overly traumatic for her pampered starlet-ness. And while that tweet is shared frequently enough, it's the followup response that gets left out too often: "To live life as a woman is to live in defense". Bitch is MEGA-INSECURE.

you asked for it buddy

>dumb Captain Marvel
bad wording, this does not please the mouse

>Imma say "INCEL" to sound like I know what I'm talking about.

No, but his post was garbage so I thought if I told him to shut the fuck up he just might because if he can so easily spout such retardation maybe he grew up so pampered and coddled he never had anyone tell him to shut the fuck up.

I'm just trying to help him out. He needs to know you shouldn't be able to say shit like that with a straight face.

>I expect only the highest level discourse on Yea Forums

You better be careful around here shill. No matter how much you resist the truth, a little of it always leaks in. Unless of course you're a woman. In which case you can bury any uncomfortable truth under a sea of cocks and delusions fed to you by white knights, but you can only do that for so long before all that cock rots your brain.

No one asked for you.

>Imm project because I'm mad.

Are you going to address my post? Because this conversation is done if not. You can poopoopeepee on your own.

>it's the followup response that gets left out too often: "To live life as a woman is to live in defense". Bitch is MEGA-INSECURE.
the follow up to that is insane. "I'm a strong woman", it's like a selfish autist regurgitating corporate cog feminism

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This is why you're a virgin. It's so funny, this thread is bitching about Brie not smiling and being unapproachable yet you retards are the same way and expect society to cater to you. anyway. You are Brie Larson. But worse because you are neither rich or famous.

>address my ad hom!
kek roastie is toasty

I always get thrown for a loop by this stuff because I can't relate to it. It weirds me out when my girlfriend is always talking about how she's worried I'm just using her and I will leave her and needs reassurance. People think it's so easy being perfect looking and making six figures but it's not. There are people that dislike you just because you make them feel insecure and it's hard to have real relationships and friends.

I like Brie Larson, I think she's a good actress. I don't know much about the Captain Marvel character, but I'm actually thinking of seeing this movie.

>Being a virgin is bad!
Look at this slut trying to shame.

Your gf is gaslighting you and is going to call you an abuser as soon as she senses a weakness.

I honestly can't tell if there really is some big Hollywood conspiracy to turn people into sociopaths or Hollywood is simply filled with rich, pampered, adult children who are so self-absorbed and insecure they never grew up.

The fact that normies look up to these idiots is troubling to say the least.

You got called...the... fuck...out. You're trembling. You either a) need a man to hold you and play with your clit to lower your hysteria meter if you're a chick or b) need more benzodiazepines pumped into you to normalize your unstable tranny hormones if you're a "chick" (lol)

That's what I thought. Keep being like Brie, people will keep steering clear of your toxic presence. No one wants to be around a miserable cunt whos favorite pastime is judging other people.

You don't have a lot of friends do you?

We didn't invite you here. We don't want you here. So please, by all means, steer clear. ROASTIES OUT!!!! OUTTTT!!! REEEEEEE!!!!!

She's not though, I'm really that good looking. I'm dating her because she has a 140+ iq. It just throws her off that I'm not running through staceys like I used to.

We've been through this before. The cleansing that temporarily stopped it was called World War II. Just as before it will continue to grow and grow until it becomes so intolerable that the average person on the street is willing to support genocide.

>you shouldn't be able to say shit like that
like what, "you're barely human to women if you manage to be useful"?

how is that even controversial for your faggy ass to think he "shouldnt be able to say" it



Do you think you are going to get a girlfriend if you tell a woman that in public? Do you think it's healthy to think about an entire gender that way? Do you think a normal man, who has healthy relationships with his mother and sisters and wife and daughters is going to want to be around you when you say stuff like that?

The only people you are going to attract is more miserable losers like yourself. The irony is none of you will ever have a real relationship with a woman so I don't know why you think you are experts. Just admit you are bitter that you coulnd't hack it. The truth will set you free.

Not you. Leave.

>Are you going to address my post?
About talking to women? I talk to women in person every single day, not including family. What's your point, and what do you want to know? One of my female co-workers is a HUGE MCU fan and is skipping Captain Marvel, she hates Brie more than I do.

Your female instinct is making you want to get to know me because I'm dismantling you like the dumb little girl you are. That's cute and I'm flattered, but my gf wouldn't appreciate me having too personal of a conversation with some dumb slut on an anonymous image I give you permission to DJ one out later to your image of me later though.

Jesus fucking Christ, how are they missing the point this hard? The whole “smile controversy” is making fun of the fact that she shows no emotion whatsoever in the trailers. Like, she’s not even attempting to act. Way to completely misrepresent the issue, assholes.

congratulations. You are so attractive, you are living the average female life.

>just because you make them feel insecure and it's hard to have real relationships and friends.
It's the same with great athletic ability or great wealth. Most people don't have a problem with it if you are sincerely humble about it and don't look down on others.

>No one asked for you.

you did baby

who else /falseflag/ here? Did disney fake the smile more controversy? I never saw someone use it as an actual criticism of the trailer. I've only ever see people talk about "the smile more controversy". I'm sure people latched onto it though. Is there any record of first person to say "smile more" about the trailer?

No. I'm staying.

Do you think your coworker and the women you talk to would be cool with you saying what you posted to them?

No, I didn't. Sorry you got confused sweaty. It happens to the best of us.

It's damage control. They know they lost a lot of "white male viewers." So they're getting what profit they know is remaining and this is an easy way to do so.

>man pretending to be a girl online
Sup moot.

>the follow up to that is insane.
True, but that kind of goes without saying. I have spent too much time around Hollywood types, and I can't stand them. The A+ level like Hanks, Ford, etc are able to not project their levels of insecurity, but these other screechers are even more unbearable in person.

Just read the body language alone, look at Brie's during that shill white male Damage Control interview that just occurred, or even worse Jussie Smollett's 60 minutes "interview" (aka softball diatribe with little questioning).

So that’s why Disney blew the smiling edits controversy overboard. They made smiling a part of the movie.

>Do you think you are going to get a girlfriend if you tell a woman that in public?
lol you sniveling virginal doormat

>suck up to some whore, treat her like a flower and maybe she'll be your parasite! we all know sexists never get laid!

Hilariously they only date assholes.

>Hollywood is simply filled with rich, pampered, adult children who are so self-absorbed and insecure they never grew up.

This part. Nobody is trying to turn them into sociopaths, the y are trying to manipulate them, feed into and off of them, and either profit off them directly or benefit from being within their sphere of influence (aka the hangers-on). The powers that be prefer to keep them gullible and exploitable.

whatever helps you sleep

Sex isn't an accomplishment. Don't tell /r9k/ I said that, they'll sperg. I'm talking about an actual girlfriend and a healthy relationship. Something you clearly know nothing about.

>It happens to the best of us.

you´re not the best though, you´re a little bitch

>Do you think your coworker and the women you talk to would be cool with you saying what you posted to them?

Since I work with ACTUAL strong independent women (not all of them, but more than what you find in typical society), they would say it themselves. It's from being around actual empowered women that these Hollywood phonies come off as shitty and fake as they do.

>When the troll stops responding to you but continues (You)ing everyone else.

they were MtF. That user is being forced to call them women because it's part of his probation that he's not allowed to be transphobic on the internet.

>they would say it themselves

That's what I thought. You would never say that to them because you know it's bullshit and that they wouldn't be cool with it.

And no, tearing yourself down is a sign of low self-esteem and insecurity. If any woman said something about how they hate their gender, they clearly have issues. It's not surprising, as I said before miserable bitter insecure people only attract others like them.

It must be a fun and fulfilling life to just bitch about other people all the time and lament your own unfair existence.

It's also funny because in subsequent trailers they made sure to include a few scenes of her smiling and laughing, the trailers were received a little better, with the 90s songs and all.

>tearing yourself down is bad
>tearing down others is healthy!
kek roastie is max toasty

I never said tearing down others is healthy.

>It must be a fun and fulfilling life to just bitch about other people

You missed this part. It's okay, I'm here to help.

>suddenly claims it's not healthy despite doing it all thread long
>continues to tear down others anyway
kek RiT

Why don't you just get a confident girlfriend? Insecure people are always drawn to confident people.

>having a conversation and pointing things out is tearing someone down

You only feel that way because you're overly sensitive and get defensive about the truth. You clearly can't deal with reality, which is why you're here being so bitter all the time. You gave up.

what kind of fucking bubble do they live in? That isn't a common thing that happens solely to women, that happens to everyone. Some stupid bitch at wholefoods told me that I should smile more. Not to mention Larry did it better already and gave the right response


The truth will set you free. Grow up someday and accept it.

>sex isnt an accomplishment
>you virgin incel neckbeard loser

Continuously perpetually eternally...

Do you want me to feel bad for you?

You are the one who called me "faggy ass" and a "virginal doormat". I never called you a "virgin incel neckbeard loser", you might want to stop projecting your insecurities so much.

Like I said, you complain about others like Brie but you don't exactly have a great personality yourself. Have some self-awareness pls.

Continuously perpetually eternally....

done with this conversation.

Good. Leave.

I meant Hollywood trying to turn the masses into sociopaths.

are you a virgin teenager still thinking women are tender & caring and offer a lot of emotional shit for your needs?

lol "god i hope i get into a relationship with a parasite who gets off on being raped, i better suck up to them like a girly bitch if I want a aging angry cunt" lmao goddamn

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not the same user

>That's what I thought. You would never say that to them because you know it's bullshit and that they wouldn't be cool with it.

What the fuck are you blathering about?!? You're not "right" about jack shit, you're twisting my words to fit your faggot agenda.

I'm saying my friends / coworkers would tell you themselves they hate Captain Marvel and this bullshit fake feminist shit.

I think you've lost your ability to tell which user you're talking to. Get off the internet and get some sunlight, retard.

How do you get through life being so stupid?

> thinks
> women

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There is a scene in Before Sunrise(1995) that mentions something like that.

Jesse: Tell me something that really pisses you off, really drives you crazy.

Céline: Pisses me off? My God! Everything pisses me off.

Jesse: Okay, okay, list a couple.

Céline: Uh, okay. I hate being told by a strange man, a strange man in the street, you know, like, to smile, like, to make them feel better about their boring life.

Now, people can say that Céline was a proto-SJW so that may be it.

go home gamer girl

Seems odd to criticise Carol for not smiling when Wanda has smiled only 4 times in three movies.

Probably because Wanda isn't a cunt, she just has issues.

shes a kike and her film is IDF propaganda though

your not wrong but shes still a better actresses than brie

I hope every one of you faggots will come to realize that you are literally playing into Disney's hands by constantly talking about this flick. They WANT you to get mad. They WANT you to review-bomb Rotten Tomatoes. They WANT you to whine on twitter about every little detail. It just fuels the outrage cycle more, which makes more articles, which generates more clicks, which increases the word-of-mouth factor, which is basically at the end of the day simply free promotion.



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No this cant be happening!

>I've been told to smile plenty of times.

MeToo , women used to tell me that and I was a boy. Still am a boy.

>The A+ level like Hanks, Ford
I'm sure they had a normal life previously and have some inkling of how they've become sheltered royalty. People like Bree not only are the average spoiled woman but in a almost royalty context - but besides that she seems genuinely autistic


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Is she headlining her own movie and being paraded around as the greatest superheroine ever and a great role model? Oh yeah, she isn't. She's not even that relevant in the Avengers movies.

>The female experience
They want so badly to have that be a real thing. They try so hard to meme it into reality but it's all so obviously bullshit to anyone with more than half a functional brain that most people can tell they're just floundering around trying to will their feelings into reality. If they want to feel powerful and stronk, well then the female experience is empowering. If they want to bitch and moan, well then the female experience is laden with misogyny and sexism. On and on and on.

If something fucks with them, guys ONLY ever spend time doing shit that keeps them busy and/or directly solves their problem, instead of thinking about how they're feeling and how they should "navigate" their "emotions" and "negotiate" the "systems of oppression" that affect them. The anons in those threads where everyone whines about their feelings and muh horny and lonely faggotry while the occasional 12 year old child of divorce dipshit tries to LARP as chad are blatantly obvious effeminate fags BECAUSE they just vomit out their feelings without any insight or any mind paid to talking about actual actions like this dumb cunt.

If a friend of mine is down for whatever reason, we'll go somewhere and do something to actively change it. And you know what? He won't snap like a bitch about it. Because he realizes that's how you get over shit.

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These threads are unironically the only decent thing on this board right now. I don't even care if they're made by actual shills, the alternative is dogshit depressionblogs and cry-for-help threads full of sexual dementia.

Oh fuck yeah, I love me some humiliation joi. Hurry up and post your feet.

>If something fucks with them, guys ONLY ever spend time doing shit that keeps them busy and/or directly solves their problem, instead of thinking about how they're feeling and how they should "navigate" their "emotions" and "negotiate" the "systems of oppression" that affect them.
>The anons in those threads where everyone whines about their feelings and muh horny and lonely faggotry while the occasional 12 year old child of divorce dipshit tries to LARP as chad are blatantly obvious effeminate fags

this is such absurd mental gymnastics
>men aren't whingey crybabies
>except all of those guys here who constantly whinge and cry
>they aren't real men

it's a no true scotsman fallacy.

See this is how normal anons know you're a fucking retard. Half of these bitching and moaning tweets are about interactions with good-looking guys, you dumb underage faggot. They take it in the moment, feel good about themselves, probably even take it to heart and smile, but then turn around later to use the whole thing as a way to rake in some more attention online. It's the same as slutting out and then calling yourself a rape victim. They're double dipping.

Dumb, unloved, sexless, underage faggot.

White women sure know how to elevate their trivial problems into a feminist cause.

>"hey you should smile more"

Why isn't feminism classified as a mental illness? It's clearly a variant of paranoia.

>I hope every one of you faggots will come to realize that you are literally playing into Disney's hands by constantly talking about this flick
The only reason all these anons are so upset is that they secretly love capeshit, it's the only film they consistently watch and look forward to.
They desperately want it to be successful and they're tsundere as fuck

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Just look at 90% of Disney kids user. It's all pretty self-evident so long as you don't have autism.

I don't know and I don't care what you and that guy are arguing about but you need to post tits or gtfo

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>I hope every one of you faggots will come to realize that you are literally playing into Disney's hands by constantly talking about this flick

Yeah, that worked super well for Ghostbusters 2016. People ripping a movie to shreds online and shit-talking it around the clock is such great advertisement after all.

>being told to smile is harassment
Why are women so weak?

>smile controversy
don't these people have a life?

This board deserves to be nuked

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You think incels are made because stacys and chads are going to be in the theaters and laugh at them for going alone?

dumb child, equal rights for what? Equal output? Women and men are different, they will never have equal output. So you are literally trying to achieve something that isnt supposed to be achieved

>smile controversy

Me too. I've never once heard a woman be told to smile, it must be some shit that blacks and mexicans say to women in the US.

I love how women use incel as an insult as if getting laid as a woman is some sort of accomplishment.


Incel has negative connotations attached.
Although virgin can be used as an insult it wasn't necessarily one.
Incel is used to mark people perceived as worth shaming.

nobody wants to watch a movie about some boring ass, flat assed, pastey bimbo, bitch ass, RED HEBREW EDOMITE

Equal rights should never be given unless they're combined with equal responsibilities.

>Although virgin can be used as an insult it wasn't necessarily one.

Virgin used of men is ALWAYS an insult.
Only kind of virgin that has ever been perceived as good is a female one.

>Why does preachy cultural Marxism and feminism have to shit all over everything?
Because the wrong side won WWII

>people shouldn't be shamed for their sexualities!
>except incels lmao

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>its a depiction of the female experience
Are we going to pretend people didn't bitch about Superman not smiling enough in MoS and BvS?

Even if Brie Larson was a jovial cock hungry fem bot, I still wouldn't see the movie.

She's not attractive, she doesn't smile, and it looks like she can't act. I can live with one of those but not 3/3, and not with her being a super hero who is famous for her tits.

This was all before her anti white, NOT FOR WHITE DUDES, TSA smiles missteps.

I say this as someone who went to ant man one and two in the theaters with my girlfriend.

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>Women quit being sluts.
>Whoa, don't get mad I was only talking about the sluts.
>If you are that angry maybe you are part of the problem.

lol your insults are so pathetically lame

Brie Larson has big boobs you dumb faggot. Watch one of her works to see them and her smiles, of course. She is not going to smile everytime, you all are a bunch of nitpicking retards who hate the movie for personal reasons.

yes but they used 'virgin' one too many times and devalued it so 'incel' was born

same thing as what happened to the words "nazi", "sexist", "racist" etc. in the past few years

think of it like insult inflation

Same. I mean I wouldn’t be surprised it was real since MCU fags are obsessed with smiling and quips but if anything people were just criticizing her being emotionally flat, not lack of smiling specifically.

In a previous thread a guy said he was a virgin and used the insult incel because it didn't meant only virgin

So a lot is nerdy guys trying to differentiate themselves and acting like 'temporarily embarassed studs' who though still virgins they "get" women

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Virgin and incel are interchangeable, seething nazi.

Bad Bait

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well I wouldn't know about that, all I know is what I see with my own eyes

if you've been on Yea Forums for the past few weeks, you could almost track how "incel" lost more and more of its effectiveness as an insult the more it was used, to the point that, in my opinion, a majority of incelposters aren't even lefties anymore but just (You) fishers

it's like 'virgin', it also stops being effective when you know you fucked and the person is just shooting in the dark

Yes. Just like Disney wants everyone to pretend Wonder Woman doesn’t exist.

Disney wants to memoryhole the past to prop up Captain Marvel.

The words 'incel' and 'shill' should both be filtered.

Someone made edits of Captain Marvel smiling and it pissed off Disney and the SJWs on twitter.

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>launch fake smear campaign
>morons fall for it
>hehe we actually predicted it would happen it's in the movie
>morons fall for it again

>damage control


I'd like to make Celine smile. Smile because my penis making best passionately love inside her vertical smile.

>women are told to smile and be happy
oh I get it, that's horrible and unfair, because men are never told things like that

It is the truth

>there's a moment in this movie where a guy on a motorcycle tells Carol to smile
Oh, for fuck's sake! Why did you do this, Kevin Feige?!

>mfw i read ur comment

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>Do you think you are going to get a girlfriend if you tell a woman that in public?
Dating is pretty much dead, marriage rates are collapsing into the floor, and no one is having kids. I'd say that our society has produced a ton of unintended consequences.

>user, you never smile
>put on cheapest fake smile that looks like i'm being held at gun point by mike tyson who begs me to smile or else he'll ravage my boypussy
>you're such a goofball user
>haha yeah

>equal rights
lmao get a load of this guy

There's a reason millennials are having less sex than any other previously recorded generation.

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Didn't this movie premiere like a couple days ago? I don't think I've seen very many reactions to it on SNS, even if there's a review embargo

All I see is extensive coverage of the RT score being taken down because the mean internet trolls want the movie to fail etc.


>Feminism = equal rights, not hate towards opposite sex.

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How dare you question their victimhood

Yeah and being liberal means open mindedness amirite

>In before da joos!
The feminists who spewed this shit did not even know how much men would take it seriously.

Want proof? Just look at the reaction to how men don't want to mentor wamen anymore.

>oh I get it, that's horrible and unfair, because men are never told things like that
People sometimes tell me to do that, so it seems like feminists don't understand anything... at all.

well isn't this movie going to sell gang busters

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>you came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker

I am so proud of this community


smiling is racist or something

kek, all these (yous), nu-tv is cancer and underage

how many threads do we have to have about brie

Has any other actress inspired the amount of asspain on Yea Forums as Larson has? I swear, there are dozens of threads about her each day.

when there's a comfier thread I'll go to it

>manbaby incels

said a grown man who goes on the internet to white knight for a badly made children's fantasy.

>Do you think you are going to get a girlfriend if you tell a woman that in public?
Do you spend your entire life desperately afraid of offending some bitch? Does pussy literally rule your world to this pathetic degree?

that's pretty good

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You see it's not just Yea Forums that has beef with Larson
/pol/ is mad for obvious reasons
Yea Forums is mad because they don't like the character she's playing
/r9k/ is mad because they're always mad
/aus/ is shitposting

I don't think many actresses have said what she's said, she is in a slightly unique situation

Do you judge everything based on whether it might offend some cunt somewhere, instead of on whether it is true?
Follow up question: Are you a cunt?

>Does pussy literally rule your world to this pathetic degree?
Never forget that you're supposed to rule the pussy's world.

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>Do you think it's healthy to think about an entire gender that way?
The lack of self awareness is staggering

she's probably a sociopath

What did she say?

Depends on who you ask

How come this portion of the commercial didn't have the same proportion of black people as the rest of the commercial?


She said she didn't want to hear what white critics / journalists have to say about A Wrinkle in Time, because it wasn't made for them. I interpreted this as her joking around; her broader point being that she'd like to hear from a more diverse range of voices, especially when it comes to films made by or about minority groups (I assume a Wrinkle in Time is something like that, it looked stupid, so I never watched it.)

A lot of people were offended at her statements though, and it's been widely misconstrued as her saying that Captain Marvel isn't for white men.

It's not just that she looks serious all the time. Batman looks serious all the time, and nobody gives him shit for it. It's that she just has such a stupid punchable fetal alcohol syndrome face put on at all times that's so obviously on purpose to make the character appear to be what women seemingly think is strong. She's not even especially unattractive, she's just so painfully generic-looking when she does that face. It's like watching a first-time actress in a student film, it's so amateur.

>I interpreted this as her joking around
Funny how similarly hyperbolic jokey statements from men get pilloried these days

It's shit when that happens too. I think people ought to just learn to take a joke and stop being so sensitive.

>the most sex-obsessed, hedonistic. promiscuous, porn-watching, sex-positive generation in the history of humanity
>also has the least amount of sex
pottery. Just wish that the boomers could reap some consequences since they're ultimately the ones at fault

Manhood is something that is earned, not granted, user. I wouldn't expect you to know anything about that though.

can this boring ass movie come and go already

fucking christ why did superhero movies become cultural landmarks, this is so fucking pathetic

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>I think people ought to just learn to take a joke and stop being so sensitive
Dude come on it's the current year
Being sensitive is what's in

why do you have a problem with women being judged?

It will after this year.
Once everyone has seen Endgame, capeshit will drop off the figurative cliff and movies can go back to being decent again.

MCU will only die when the core crew retires.

It's gonna be like star wars where they keep trying to bring it back but nobody really cares anymore.

People have been saying this since the second Avengers film.

No they haven't.
The arc was nowhere near finished then.

Detective Pikachu will rule all, Pokemon will rule the cinemas alongside the new Mario animation. A new era is coming.

The arcs are irrelevant. People have been saying that audiences will lose interest in capeshit at least since Avengers 2.

the burnout has to come someday

capeshit isnt the endgame for cinema, i hope

genuinely surprised they have any fanbase that trusts them since they can't even be honest with themselves

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I've had girls tell me to smile before, or ask me why I don't smile. Don't hear me going off about how I'm oppressed. I would however like to oppress women again as they clearly don't deserve complete autonomy.

holy SHIT newfag learn how to format a post

Yeah endgame is it for me. And I'm only interested in it to see how it will end. Couldn't give a flying fuck about black panther2, spiderman homecoming, antman 3, etc. etc. etc.

Only one I will watch in the future is Guardians 3 when it comes to jewflix, that's it, the rest can fuck off.

it's a slur used by leftists to disparage single men

Holy kek the other big thread is a shitshow

I'd bet that half the post-Endgame MCU films are set in SPACE.

Star Wars games have a long history of letting you make fat, gross characters. Kotor 1 and 2, both online games (ToR and Galaxies, you could make a fatass with a bad combover...and make him an elite dancer class at that)

This is why Brie isn't liked as a person. She's always making out she's the victim and that all women are under attack every single day. She just comes off a smug person who always gets her own way. Not to mention, she doesn't represent the everyday woman at all. Not everyday women get paid 5 million dollars for their first MCU movie.

I predict they'll recast Brie in the next year or 2. She keeps saying dumb shit, and it's only a matter time she'll say something that nobody can defend her for. She's too vocal.

The fact they hired her to begin with means she's gonna stay

Is she the highest paid MCU actor?

Why are there so many Captain Marvel threads holy shit
I don't like her either but can't it be contained in one or two threads

All the men in the MCU didn't even get paid close to what Brie got paid for her first movie.

Not if she keeps saying dumb shit.

The "dumb shit" she says is what Hollywood runs with these days
Have you been under a rock for the past year or what

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It's traumatic to them relative to their normal life

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And yeah, Hollywood doesn't represent the whole world, does it?

Brie just sounds like a child who clearly didn't get a proper education. The world isn't what she describes as.... well, definitely not anymore. Times have changed.

She even said she was on defense because some guy smiled at her and asked for her phone number.

I'm looking forward to CM - not only is it a sequel to The Cat From Outer Space it also features SLJ riding in a car with his BFF again.

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Yes. After several decades using "Virgin" as an insult was losing its sting, so they created a variant that means exactly the same shit.
It's the same way "Nazi" was becoming a tired non-insult through over-use, so the Left invented "Alt-Right".

What the fuck happened to Benjamin Franklin

>Feminism = equal rights, not hate towards opposite sex.


Its definition is right in the name. "Feminism", as in "Feminine". Feminism exists for the purpose of promoting females.
Sometimes that means a move towards "equality". Many times it does not.

They're not called "Equalitists" for a reason.

Still naive. You will learn in time.

>hi, I work for a publicity firm which is being paid by Disney to post inflammatory comments so we can generate the fake outrage which can be used to further the false narrative that Captain Marvel failed due to "toxic white masculinity". Disney can then use this false narrative to get the "pro-feminism" crowd (i.e. reddit, tumblr, resetera, etc) to see the movie numerous times as a way to "stick it to the man", and by "man" I mean "toxic white masculinity". Please reply to us with a concise sexist and racist message - don't forget to mention Trump when you do! Thanks!

I have no problem with women getting equal rights or more inclusion.

But that's not what Brie is doing. She's making out women are always the victim. She's basically saying women live everyday in fear and on defense.

Aww. What a sweety. I wanna make her pancakes or something.


I was stoked after Infinity War but to be honest knowing Brie Larson has a large part in End Game has kinda killed my buzz hardcore.

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>strong female!
All strong females are just doing sad impressions of what they think strong men act like. It's pathetic. If you ever worked with a stronk women it's fairly obvious it's all an act. They try so hard.


but it's free publicity, if you don't count the cost of the paid shills

Real strong female characters are just written as characters, like Ripley in the original Alien. Strong female character because she's a good character.

it is. it's a catcalling thing that black men use to random women on the street.

this is going to be the most insufferable movie of all time.

Nope, the big ">implication" here is the term -hot-. There are so few attractive black women it's insane, they're so bad that not even black guys want to fuck them. It's why there aren't too many actual BLACK people in the US, so many milk chocolate niggers. Nobody wants to fuck black chicks; Not blacks, not whites, not mexicans, not asians, nobody.


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Fuckin' based and fatpilled