Brazilian singer Claudia Leitte is dressed as Captain Marvel during a Carnaval show. Take a look at the other people next to her, all dressed like CM as well. What did they mean by this? The movie is not even out yet and I doubt half of these people know who CM is. How much do you think they paid her?
Brazilian singer Claudia Leitte is dressed as Captain Marvel during a Carnaval show...
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Marvel is popular everywhere. It's not a conspiracy, bro.
why are brazilian women the hottest on earth?
She is getting paid
Wait until you see their trannies
oh thats why this thread was made
(((Oh G-d!!!)))
>shitty ass pop singers try to adhere to what is currently popular
why are you surprised at this
Captain Marvel has one of the biggest marketing campaigns in ages
I wouldn't be surprised if it's costing around 200 million
Marvel is a worldwide phenomenom my dude.
But Claudinha was prolly paid/suggest to wear that by someone in power.
Captain Marvel releases 1 day earlier in Brazil and honestly Marvel has always been shit with their marketing here, this is a good way to do it I guess
Also Ivete is better don't (you) me
Nope, it's Marvel trying to adhere to her popularity (and she's not THAT popular)
agreed. it's just some woman seeing a female led movie and going 'girl power!'. it happens, not that big a deal.
>that Jew tattoo
>that tattoo
what's going on here?
>Also Ivete is better don't (you) me
It's like poetry
Anyone else find it funny / disgusting when goblins dye their hair blond?
>já podia fazer o papel da mulher marvel
500 or so years of race-mixing unironically
Brazilian cucks may be even more of Israel cocksuckers than Americans
wtf is up with her face?
Jews are hotter.
Movies like this?
no one really cares about her and she's always trying to pull shit like that to try and become more relevant but no one's buying. She had a very glorious time during the 2000s, but unlinke the Rolling Stones, her more popular rival came back to her career after her kid was a bit older.
she's not trying to get more relevant by using Captain Marvel, it's Marvel that is paying her to make Captain Marvel more popular
this is the absolute state of Captain Marvel
Bitch ain’t no shakira
Pretty sure Captain Marvel doesn't wear miniskirts, that's sexist, like the Supergirl costume
hues don't care about US identity politics
senta na minha cara claudinha
hue here, we do man it's so fucking shit.
I don't know how it happened but a couple of years ago we started to have the same discussions that the US has been having since 2016 but it's only worse because they're straight-up copy-pasted and not adapted to our situation.
There are genuine people who want to start a Black Lives Matter-like movement here while our police doesn't have a problem of killing black people, they just kill a lot of people in general.
Last week we were talking about some transvestite character or whatever and I said "Oh so he's not trans, he hasn't a surgery or anything he just dresses as a woman" and a friend of mine legitimely stopped the conversation to explain to me that transgender isn't defined by their genitals or clothes but by what they define themselves.
I try to take solace on the fact that after he said that he quipped "I'm sorry, I'm being an annoying SJW" but even then, man. This shit is so tiring already fuck
anyway /blog
I just want to vent, I'm sorry
>nobody can name any songs
>will forever be in Ivete's shadow
>needs autotune
>paid to promote Captain Copyright because nobody knows the character in Brazil
>The brazilian Madonna
>several iconic songs like Poeira, Festa, Arerê
>One of the best selling artists of all time in Brazil
>Popular even with people who don't like the genre
>Wore the Wonder Woman costume to a party just because she wanted, several months after the movie came out
It's perfect
It is the same in the whole world, but they earn so much money during Carnaval that they can't just be SJWs during it. Of course, there are some manifests against the rape and abuse and that is it. If they cover the body, people will just be mad.
>How much do you think they payed her?
>Being this retarded
Her production company probably forced her to; these people have to do what their "owners" say out of pure contractual obligation. I haven't seen a shittier Yea Forums take than "This random fucking brazilian singer, who i don't give a fuck about and neither do you, is a Marvel shill"
Her managers are getting payed directly to advertise Marvel in the exact same way that Nascar gets payed to put cute stickers on their fake lightning mcqueen cosplays.
>>several iconic songs like Poeira, Festa, Arerê
I don't know any of these monkey songs
holy shit BASED
but you'll like it
oy bunda
>they're saying that Brie Larson is a flat-butted fridgebodied mess!
>Let's have a Brazilian celebrity wear the same costume!
>I don't know how it happened
2012. Solid proof of globalization and nwo, they are even unifying problems for the whole world. Bolsonaro=Trump, same narrative, same everything. It is all a big spetacle. The fake jews just want to grab as many people as possible to that place down here, it is a countdown, they are changing values and truths for years just to lead to that moment. Stop directing the hatred to real jews, who worship God, but open your eyes to the traitors who worship the evil one and control this world. There are the freemasons too, so keep an eye on them as well.
It is paid you fucking retard.
Holy crap Claudia BTFO.
>the virgin Claudia vs the Stacy Ivete
Why didn't they just make her play Captain Marvel in the movie?
Do mouse shills think everybody is fucking dumb or something?.
Disney spends hundreds of millions in marketing for a reason.
Also not surprise that she has a kike tattoo.
>The chad wonder woman vs the virgin captain fungus.
No Marvel movie has been this marketed however
>t. only started paying attention to marvel movies
Did they do this because a Brazilian movie critic said Captain marvel was mediocre?
caralho, this is pathetic
>star of david
yeah Clauda Leite is 'mixed' and not just a ugly eurobitch lmao you faggot
>regurgitated Yea Forums criticisms
>in monkey speak
Cursed tweet.
>>regurgitated Yea Forums criticisms
maybe we're not so different you and I
a snapchat thot saying the movie is just regular means it's insanely mediocre. It's probably worse than thor dark world
i expected at least some factory-perfect "well made" pixar-like female empowerement formula, not shitty trash
For the burgerinos:
>Yes, I saw Captain Marvel today. But I didn't think it was that great, it's a good movie. Just that.
>I'm scared of making a video and have people attacking me kkkkkkk
I just noticed english doesn't have a proper word for "xingar", curse maybe? But it doesn't work here
As a hue, I wish this was true.
t. retard
Are you going to commit mass suicide once Captain Marvel hits the $1,000,000,000 box office mark?
t. seething incel /pol/tard with no bunda
Get new friends.
Also always call them trannies or heshes or shims. Don't give them the respect of calling then whatever lame they pick.
"calling names"
Brazil is such a pussy whipped nation geez.
Plus 85% of braxilians have brain parasites that makes them impulsive, violent animals.
Funny how they pander Captain Marvel to Brazil when the bitch ain't got no ass.
Disney spends 2-3x more on marketing than what they spend on production. You'll see CM everywhere you can imagine next week.
I'm brazilian and I don't think so. Also, they're insufferable.
She's married to a jew.
>with no bunda
Why did I laugh so hard?
I wonder how much these "little girls looking up to a picture of captain marvel" cost Disney.
Imagine the smell
how much does marvel pay you for making these threads?
Based retard
She's also being paid to say Captain Marvel is "the greatest superheroine of all"
Marvel wants this thing to be as big as Black Panther, but people here are not buying it. Black Panther was much bigger.
And people are already aware of Brie Larson's shenanigans in addition of people not forgetting Wonder Woman and knowing Captain Marvel is a nobody (and a lot of support for Shazam as "the original Captain Marvel")
And nobody thinks the trailers look any good.
Popstars don't have artistic integrity. It's all a cash grab to them. Who gives a shit. This is like whining about Britney Spears doing a Pepsi commercial.
*in addition to
Black Panther was seen simply as a "celebration of African culture" (and there's a lot of African heritage in Brazil too).
Captain Marvel is being seen as feminist shit and most people reject it.
Honestly why are people blaming incels and alt-right for ruining Captain Marvel when none of those trailers look even good. Maybe people aren't actually interested and it doesnt help that Brie Larson is a cunt.
for me it's mulher melao
>oh thats why this thread was made
standfard practice for a succesful thread, make an OP then save the (You) farming image for the 2nd/3rd post
Just for curiosity sake, how many macacos are there on Yea Forums? Seems like there is always some commentary on brazillian stuff here, more than I see on other boards anyway.
>eu nem sabia que era carnaval pq eu sou um virjao que não sai de casa faz 4 meses, lol
>childhood during carnaval: "ok next ad break there's probably globeleza, gotta start jerking now so i can cum on the 15 seconds she's on!"
man that shit was weird
A skirt? Oy vey, she is objectifying herself you stupid fucking schmendrick.
Based pic
I remember that song on the PSP FIFA.
Try insulting
I think it’s about time we nuked Brazil lads, it’s gone on for long enough
incels are the scapegoat
when the movie sinks it wont be because its total shit it'll be because those stinking incels made it all political and it turned audiences off
thus disney and the feminist brigades will gain a hollow moral victory at the cost of a financial loss and Yea Forums will go back to shitposting about sneed's feed and seed
Not going to happen
Black genes
Looks better than Brie desu
Captain Marvel poster at my train station got replaced with Dumbo today. Looks like they aren't going all out on blanket marketing.
Captain Marvel
I am not the same person
Hmmm that nose. That tattoo. Something isn't right here.
Imagine if they'd hired someone pretty to play captain marvel instead of Manjaw Larsen