Literally a fucking scam to make little girls watch her shitty movie

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its worse. its a scam to inflate box office numbers for political reasons

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nah - its just a scam to make money off idiots who like to pretend that handing money over to (((hollywood's))) latest woke capeshit somehow makes the world a better place

I ain't sending niggers and chinks to see any movie

Literally indoctrination

The only place women should be sent to is the kitchen

I hate these people who act like they could have stopped the rise of Nazi Germany if they only spent $13 for a movie ticket.

based and redpilled

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Literally jad a fight over my gf woth this. She begged and pleaded that we see Captain Marvel and even offered to pay for it. Lol fuck no

To a certain degree, I understand the hype around black panther, black people haven't really had that much representation in cinema until fairly ecently

But jesus christ, the hype around captain marvel is retarded

White women have been stars in cinema ever since cinema was invented

Your gf hates men.


Girls want to see Endgame too

Yeah, how dare other people be excited for things! Young girls should be sent to watch All That Heaven Allows or something.

That's right user

>black people haven't really had that much representation in cinema until fairly ecently
You're a fucking retard and your in the wrong subreddit.

>faking boxoffice
>money laundering
>virtual signaling
>free marketing

disney's so ahead in the game, it's not even a contest anymore

I've been watching Gotham lately, and if there's a show with hamfisted strong female characters it's that one. But you don't see it mentioned anywhere. Is DC retarded?

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Why do girls have to copy boys. Why can't a girl just be happy as a house wife anymore.

girls do not watch superhero movies. they dont care about superhero toys and they laugh at guys who read superhero comics

Fake and gay

>the hype around captain marvel is retarded
Is there hype anywhere outside of social media though? Black people around me were excited for BP but I hear nothing from anyone on CM.

Brie is just an unlikeable cunt

They did it with Ghostbusters 2016 and Wonder Woman. For some reason though neither of those count anymore and Marvel are the first ones to make a female superhero movie.

Nah that's based op

you know these thing amount to almost nothing right? we're talking under $1 million in tickets. That's not even a rounding error

Pretty sure Captain Marvel is going to underperform financially but break records at the Academy Awards next year. A period should end a sentence, not a girl's education. It's the movie we need right now.

WTF?? They did the same thing with Black Panther. Do Disney have no shame?!

The constant pandering, kowtowing, and ass kissing of females in the US has gotten to the point where it's obnoxious.
I mean even in old TV and movies there was a fair amount of patting women on the back for nothing and at the expense of a male counterpart but now it's everywhere.
Hell Black History month has been hijacked by this pro-women nonsense to the point they're disregarding the black men who they once touted during the month in favor of literally who black women who have achievements that are highly questionable at best.

Difference with Black Panther blacks who overhyped the movie were telling other blacks they needed to go see it or they were coons.
This is literally Disney trying to force the same response when literally no little girls give a shit about Captain Marvel.

What will this era be called years from now? Femsploitation?



As a star character in a marvel film sure. The character is the creation of white man though so it's still problematic and racist. Just look at how hyperbolic the society of Wakanda is. It's like a checklist of Black Identity/Israelite fantasies put into visual form.

I laughed heartily at the floating buildings, flying cars and 'reprogram your synapses' girl.


>The character is the creation of white man
Stan Lee AND Jack Kirby are Jewish.