How do you feel about redheaded actors taking a more prominent position in hollywood?

How do you feel about redheaded actors taking a more prominent position in hollywood?

Attached: big red head ass.webm (1270x720, 1.91M)

its just a pile of flesh and bones

I'm for it, but only if they get blacked.

This. Why else have them there?

only if theyre tomboys

how big do you have to be to penetrate those mountainous cheeks? is 5'' enough? lol

Will Browning do my buddy? I'm willing to oblige

I have a primal need to just bury my face in there

Lola Naymark if anyone's interested (and you should be


holy shit look at the brapper on her

You wouldn't even get the tip in there. Only 7" and above can get the job done

i want to take my face OFF and replace my face skin with her ass skin.

Why are you like this?

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OK by me.

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Need more redheaded Jewish Oscar winning actresses desu

Attached: Jaime_Ray_Newman_Wins_Oscar-e1551071731183.png (1205x758, 1.06M)

I just like annoying people and going against the grain. Years ago the target used to be furries.

Out of curiosity, why isn't it furries anymore?

What movie is it from?

Ariane's Thread

As long as shes not forced to get fucked by niggers
im fine

>sides with the same shit that the most wealthy and prominent group of people back
how exactly is that going against the grain?

Cause everyone hates furries, now. I still dislike furries, but it's funnier to me to just piss off thin-skinned /pol/lacks because they're now so numerous. I'm a race realist though and aren't actually a fan of blacked shit, if that makes you feel any better.

She has the body of an elderly woman

she's jewish btw

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too big

They are the most prominent group, but not on Yea Forums, which is why it's amusing. I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this.

>she's jewish

Now? Nigga we were hating on furries back in the first few years of Yea Forums let alone since. Where do you think YIFF IN HELL came from? Hell even Second Life was hating on them in '06-'08+


Attached: lola-naymark-271142l.jpg (1385x1000, 280K)

yes you're right, but a very large (or small but vocal) group of trannies and jews spam this shit in every thread possible. If you want proof just take a look at /gif/

So you used to "pretend" to be a furry?

Are redheads above average, or do only above average redheads get anywhere in the industry?

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Much like the rest of the industry, above average

Redheads have the same attractiveness spread across their population as any other group.

What a cuck

giv jew gf

Attached: giv.png (778x512, 45K)

imagine having sex

God I wish I had a big sister

Very very Jewish.

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>ywn date a jewish girl and make fun of her nose

I have one but she's ugly.

So what you're telling me is that you're a stormfaggot up to your old stormfaggot tricks of dumping your fap folder to try to increase racial tensions? How fucking tedious.

>God I wish I had a big sister

No you don't. You just wish you had someone else's sister to fuck. Sisters aren't hot, they are annoying pains in the ass that never go away or stop bothering you.

>same attractiveness spread across their population as any other group.
Don't come at me with that bollocks user.

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you're just mad you never fucked your sister

same attractiveness spread across their population as any other group besides niggers. Happy now?

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I know, I was there (for the tail-end of it, anyway). Furries are just an example, the point I'm trying to make is that it's funny to get reactions out of a large group of people, particularly if you find them somewhat annoying, yourself.
Politically I don't like them and they can be annoying when I hypocritically wish to use the board normally, but it's just funny to fish for replies when you can I'm actually being pretty non-partisan on a private level.
I've literally got zero blacked shit saved. You're only proving my point, 2bh

i wanna fuck my friends sister
id be a pain in her ass if you know what i mean

i saved this pic even though i have saved it multiple times before



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I'd argue that only 10% of all races are remotely attractive.

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>its just a pile of flesh and bones
that I want to fuck

>tfw big tiddy pale gf

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Imagine being this shit of a troll, now you're the one everyone's getting a reaction you triggered hypocrite.

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Have this.

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pornos with this feel?

>that natural beauty
>those eyes
Fuck. I said it before in a redhead thread, but my new therapist kinda looks like her. Has the same attributes and is also thicc, but has 2 kids, so her pussy is probably btfo.
Would still give both of my legs if i could eat her ass just once.

I'm /pol/ af irl and I love watching the contrast of a black cock destroy a white pale pussy. BLACKED™ is seriously good as i grew up in 80s grainy porn and the HD stuff is really great.

I'd beat the living shit out of my daughter if she ever brings home a nigger though

Don't let your dreams be dreams

Lol I had a bunch of replies and I wanted to reply to them, I'm not trolling at all.

Was that a naked obese man or a naked obese woman?

I mean I'm not that far gone, but it's funny to say that shit all the same if it annoys people.

Different user
I'm a far-right guy but I pretend to be a lefty around here sometimes cause it hurts people's butts
Then when I stop doing it and I see a lefty it hurts *my* butt
That's the circle of life, son

>redhead thread you say?

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You don't even know how gross that sounds because you don't have a sister.

you are literally gay faggot


Breh, she's married and i think it's even against the law for her to fuck her patients. Not actually sure, but i guess it's conflict of interest or some shit. I mean, i could pop some benzos and make a move on her and if it goes wrong blame it on a blackout. Other than that, my chances are astronomically low.

>I'm not trolling at all.
So you really do love cuck porn huh?
I don't care.

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You know you're a genetic dead end when your biology doesn't even stop you from wanting to fuck an immediate family member.

Stop being so aggressive, user.

Reminds me of Averagejoe