/ABAG/ Alita: Battle Angel General #68

This is thread is for discussion of Alita: Battle Angel.


Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 60% Audience 94%
IMDB - 7.6/10

Production Cost and Box Office Sales Numbers

Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/ 1550534997188/

Reminder to the lurkers. Yea Forums DOES NOT like this pleb trash
the cycle is never wrong
>plebs come to Yea Forums to talk about it and spew their optimistic and positive opinions about it
>the patrician regular posters either wait for for the rip or are in the minority
>the plebs leave because they have other boards to shitpost on
>all that's left are the regular Yea Forums posters
>they usually hate it since movies like this tend to be shit

no seriously haven't you all noticed the dubs through the whole movie?


You cannot stop us, Mouse. We do not stand by in the presence of evil.

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good afternoon fellow alita bros

boards.fireden.net/_/search/filename/ 1550534997188/

I want her to force me to be her boyfriend!

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Guys, we have a problem.

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can someone native english speaker reply to every line so we have a good pasta reply to a pasta post?

>16 posts
>1 ip address

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>602 million
I'm sorry, what? Did I just enter another worldline?

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>be me
>lurk Yea Forums
>see mostly star wars and capeshit
>get "reminded" that Yea Forums doesn't like the highest quality live action anime adaptation ever created

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No, Alita dropped to number 3 this Friday, it's second weekend in China. 600 million yuan translates to 90 million US dollars. I'm getting the feeling this film will only make about 25 million this weekend.

Welp. There goes any hope for a sequel.

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Alita bros, would you accept her heart?

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I do not stand by in the presence of weebs.

a-a-alita ;(

whats the point of this post?

No, her heart is who she is, I couldn't take it away from her

I think the second jacking victim (third if you count the hispanic guy at the beginning) was Dimitrius Pulido ('Cyborg Jacking Victim' on IMDb). He doesn't look like Casper at all and Ido killed the Casper cyborg ('Amok' on IMDb) when he becomes a Hunter-Warrior for killing his daughter. You need to watch it at least 6 more times to be sure.

>general for a flop

It opened in China and Japan on the 22nd.

hunter warrior = blade runner

How many times have you seen Alita?

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Well, based on projections, the film will make around 26 million in it's second weekend, which is actually the same as Bumblebee. And that would be fine, if not for competition. Bumblebee didn't have much to compete against, but with both HTTYD3 and Captain Marvel coming, Alita will more than likely end it's entire China run with 140 to 150 million max.


What dubs ?

Two, I'll probably close it at three

Just ordered the artbook. It was actually gone for a couple of days at the site I buy books from, but it's back now, so I thought I'd take the opportunity while it's still here. When I bought the Blade Runner 2049 artbook I wasn't sure when or even IF it'd be back so I had to buy it on Amazon, so the Alita artbook was WAY cheaper, only about 27 bucks.
Looking forward to it!

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Reminder to the lurkers. /ABAG/ DOES NOT like pleb trash
the cycle is never wrong
>plebs come to /ABAG/ to shitpost and spew their vitriol and negative opinions about Alita: Battle Angel
>the patrician regular /ABAG/ posters either do not take the bait or tell the plebs to fuck off
>the plebs get bored and leave because they have other threads to shitpost in
>all that's left are the regular /ABAG/ posters
>plebs hate Alita: Battle Angel since it is a near flawless movie that will be discussed on Yea Forums for decades to come

Twice, but I'll hopefully catch a third view for 3D.

7 times. I'll go again this weekend

Just as predicted

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Honestly, when you add up all the numbers, China this week, this weekend, other foreign markets, and the US, I think we'll be adding about another 80 million to it's total box office, bringing it to around 370 million worldwide, give or take, it could be higher, it could be lower. I say the film will end it's entire run with about 430 million.

her mind is who she is

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>in color

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>Alita: Battle Angel is eyeing $25M this weekend after raking in 90M the last 7 days

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Gotta head to bed, goodnight bros!

>both a bar of chocolate and oranges

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>we make angels
>the greatest angel of all, aren't you, Luv?

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Okay, I just added up all the numbers. If Alita performs with 25 million in China over 3 days, plus the numbers not counted over the week, plus other markets adding 35 million, all on top of current box office, the film will be sitting at 382 million on Monday.

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>Ido killed the Casper cyborg ('Amok' on IMDb) when he becomes a Hunter-Warrior for killing his daughter
Wait, so he got his revenge? I completely missed this part, I thought he was killing some rando

At least people will finally stop saying "oh but ready player one opened the same and made over $200 million, surely alita can as well"

good night!

This is the artist's site. He has some other cool illustrations too.

It's funny, I was the one saying that stuff. The film is still performing very well, but the important thing to take in to consideration was the competition.

Yeah he did. Ido said after he killed him he felt no peace, and he realized there were other demons like him out there so he registered as a Hunter Warrior

What dubs ?

More reason then to watch her again because this may be the only time Alita will be on the big screen

Nah, I don't have any use for it

Just one, but I'll probably go again with my gf.
I want her to see the film so later she can dress up as Alita, and I can cuddle with the closest thing to Alita since I'm obssesed with Alita but she doesn't know

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4, I will watch it 2 more times, tomorrow and one in the next week, the final week


look at this Alita cosplay, I have no idea who it is tho

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I don't understand, didn't Alita made more?

Lads, will we get a sequel?

That's pretty damn good.

If we want to go extra reasonable and say other foreign markets will only give Alita 20 million over the weekend and maybe some more over this whole previous week, the film will still most definitely, I guarantee it, sitting above 350 million by Sunday minimum. I know I sound autistic going off about it, but it's very curious seeing how this film performs.
Alita will perform like Mad Max Fury Road, only add another 20 million.

I thought he registered before killing him. Can a regular citizen even claim a bounty?

Do I look like James Cameron to you?

thanks user.
have a cute deckman on a beach

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I've gotten 4 friends to go see it and I've seen it twice myself. Best I can do bros

>I know I sound autistic going off about it, but it's very curious seeing how this film performs
So how did it perform?
No numbers, just an assessment
Broke even?

its full of double numbers through the movie
00 a lot during motorball
33 where ido bring the heads
55 is on yugo's shirt
88 still at motorball
99 well you know it

eyes to small

The problem is, it's hard to say anything until Monday, because we don't know how it did overseas this week and will this weekend, but comparing a bunch of other films side by side and traditional box office runs, you can get an accurate guess. At this point, the movie will absolutely break even, the question is when it turns to profit and what's the sweet spot to greenlight the sequel.

It's cool I guess but I never got what is this obsession with cosplay
A girl dresses like a fictional character, so what??

today was number 8 for myself. Second time for my buddy. I was healed, he was healed. Hopefully by tomorrow my brother will have also felt the healing touch.

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you did good.
did your friends liked it?

>At this point, the movie will absolutely break even
If it breaks even it's getting a sequel for sure, in the cost of the first film they will film two films and release them back to back
But on the other hand, why spoil such a good movie and obsess about the sequel

It signals fandom, creativity, and theatricality. Those traits are appealing to some.

Yeah. 1 of them isn't into anime or manga but still thought it was a cool movie. The others are, but never heard of Alita and would have missed it in theaters.

Yes but with her attached to it. ;_;

I think I care so much because the story isn't done. Sure, this arc is, but I really, really want that sequel, so I've been monitoring the box office like crazy. I still enjoy the film we have now.

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Absolutely based

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>spam is ok if it's stale copypasta

Damn good.

Yeah, I get what you mean, I want a sequel too, a trilogy really, but I don't want to end up like the bitter star wars fans
With the news of disney buys fox and Alita possibly falling in the hands of disney I don't want to set myself up for disappointment so I try to focus in the awesome and completely unexpected film we got

Keep fighting for it. Remember, ultimately it's Cameron who will make the call (he owns the IP) and he's clearly more driven by passion than money. He's the guy who surrendered his paycheck when making Titanic not to affect the movie (a 200 million budget movie in 1997 by the way, just insane). He's not afraid of taking risks, went to the deepest place on earth solo with an experimental sub, makes movies that aren't surefire with ridiculous budgets. If there's anyone who would make the call for a sequel even if the first one didn't turn much of a profit, that's the guy. Oh and he's got connections and fuck you money. I bet he would make the sequel just to show everyone.
I think it can happen, but it's going to be close.

My dream scenario is Cameron and Rodriguez getting to finish the live action trilogy and then getting a really well done anime adaptation of Last Order. If Rosa voiced Alita in it, that'd be even better.

Yeah, I think we'll be fine. 350 million is actually the bare minimum it will be on Monday, it could easily have another 30 million and be at 380 million, it will happen.

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>Cameron and Rodriguez went through a long casting process until lightning struck with Salazar. "She came in, gave an incredible performance, and I was like, 'Who was that masked man?'"
>What sold him on Salazar's performance was the sheer, excited energy and joy she brought to the character, meshed with a moral steel. "You could cast someone stoic and it would work because she's this warrior, but the CG would be stilted. What I loved about her was that she was so expressive, so effusive, so full of life and character and emotion, that I thought, 'God, if we can get just 50 percent of this [in the] CG model, then it will be the most alive performance we've ever seen' – but they got it closer to 99.9 percent. Every nuance of what she did came through to where I can't even tell the difference between her and the character anymore." Plus, with the art of motion capture now so refined and only getting better, he said, "[S]he can play the part until she's 80 if she wants. That character never has to age."

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my heart

Did this movie get a dub in Japanese?

i hpe so.
can't wait to watch it on bluray with japanese dubs

The trailer was dubbed so I assume it did

what the hell

Link to the article


>Watching an American film in Japanese
I hope you're Japanese cause otherwise you're the biggest weeb of the threads.

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Where can I buy those items bros ? (Tshirt + shorties). I want my gf to wear that at night.

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It never occurred to me before, but now it makes me think of the undead pirates walking underwater in the first POTC.

Nah that's me I've got tons of JAP dubs of American sci-fi. They're very good apparently because the Japanese voiceover industry is larger with a lot more talent in proportion to its market.

I hope you are not serious because this always ends bad

Um... I guess you could try the kids aisle...

Absolutely disgusting.

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>They're very good apparently because the Japanese voiceover industry is larger with a lot more talent in proportion to its market
That's it, we have officially gone too far

I'm not sure about the pants, but the shirt should be extremely easy to acquire. It's a baseball practice shirt. They are often made as long sleeves that reach to your elbow, so you could just cut them down to whatever length you'd like.

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So, how long can she actually stay underwater?

>plebs come to Yea Forums to talk about it and spew their optimistic and positive opinions about it

I don't know.

Have you guys thanked these two today?

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i'm italian and italian dubs usually sucks ass.
i prefer manga related stuff in japanese

n-no, I'm not like that

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i'd imagine for a lot longer than a normal human since she only needs oxygen for her brain and not her entire body

It's also called a raglan shirt

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>i'm italian and italian dubs usually sucks ass.
Italians usually put some effort in the dubs
Russians though, now these are some bad dubs
>i prefer manga related stuff in japanese
Everything is better when you can hear it in the language it was created in with subs

What? I like Nihongo and I like my sci-fi. >_<

And if you don't study every single day you are going to forget everything you know.

t-Thanks leaf and spic.

Good to know, I used to have a few of these since I played little league.

>I'm walking on sunshine, wow oh oh

Plus her antimatter reactor heart can probably recycle carbon dioxide for decades.

guys is it just me or is alita kinda cute

james camerons a leaf?
he'll be spared on the day of the rake

I would yhank them if I could. How would you let them know that hey did a great job?

>Everything is better when you can hear it in the language it was created in with subs
not if your american apparently

Now that you mention, she really is kinda cute
Nice observation user

What makes you think so?

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everything is better in english. i get pissed when people play games like nier automata in jap speak

I noticed that too.

do you watch some news or tv show in Japanese?

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Go to them directly on their social media pages.

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they're both active on twitter

>everything is better in japanese. i get pissed when people play games like nier automata in anglo speak

Bruh, she's goddamn adorable.

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yeah, im thinkin shes cute

Do you think they would read all that random crap people post there? Surely they don't have time for that.

I only have time for the Asahi News stream on YT. I can understand it on a second-grade level and it took me a long time to get that far. Trying to pass a third grade test by the end of March.

>"People keep asking if I think she's cute"
>"Yeah, I'm thinking she's cute

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>when she wraps her arms around Hugo's neck during their second kiss together

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Everything is worse when dubbed over the source language

Just found out at those Iron City pop-ups they got Alita's chocolate bar

>everything is better in english
Everything is better in French actually, but the proper way to watch a movie is in the original language, period.

Japanese is only better if you actually speak it. Hayao Miyazaki thinks everyone who watches subs of his movies are plebs because their focus is on the lower third and they can't fully take in the mis en scene. He's right. Subs are for pseudo intellectuals and dubs are for patricians. If the dub is a bad quality, you're out of luck, but if you want a "pure" experience you have to learn japanese. Subs are just the worst of both worlds.

>hearing runkachunk for 80 hours
No thanks

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had to google wtf this is, but she did a good job as 2B

so if your deaf you're screw?

>so if your deaf you're screw?
Yeah, because this is the greatest problem deaf people have, they can't hear anime dubs

based and cutepilled

Yes. You're screwed no matter what language you know and what language the movie is in. That's why being deaf is a disability.

keep training your ears and mostly you need to read with hight voice to erase stammering

Subs are mandatory in theatres when the movie is aired in original language version. Imagine a Swedish movie without subs...

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i'm obviously watching it in english without subtitles once i have the bluray, but still i want to hear what VA they used for the characters, and yes i'm kind of a weeb.

for all the MTG fags here i made an absurd flip walker for our best girl

“Alita, Wonderous Cyborg” 2RW
“Legendary Creature – Cyborg”
2/4, Double Strike, Vigilance

“If Alita would be destroyed by combat damage, instead exile her and return her transformed during your next main phase.”
“Alita, Battle Angel”
“Legendary Planeswalker – Alita”
5 loyalty.

“[+2] Up to one creature an opponent controls must attack Alita, Battle Angel next turn if able. Prevent all damage to a minimum of one caused by this creature next turn.

“[+0] Until end of turn Alita, Battle Angel becomes a 3/5 Cyborg creature with Double Strike, Indestructible and Trample. Prevent all damage that would be dealt to her this turn."

“[-3] Alita, Battle Angel deals damage to any target equal to her current loyalty."

“[-10] Place a 20/20 cyborg token creature called ‘Alita, Revenge Angel’ on the battlefield with Haste, Trample, Indestructible, Hexproof and Flying.”

pls gib feedback

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Watching alita for the last time probanly. Alone in the room. Gives me br2049 feels since this is exactly how it was the last time I watch that.

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can deaf people easily read on the lips if so i am curious when they watch a movie and they dont know the original language the dialogue will never make sense to them

Fuck maybe the +0 should be +1. I took heavily from the Gideon walkers for this and since they have their transforms as +0s I kept it but i think in hindsight it should be a +1

wtf i just saw alita for the first time yesterday and i can't stop thinking abut it. whats wrong with me? its just a movie

Where are you guys getting these quality webms from? Is it a cam?

This isn't just a movie. It's a god damn cinematic masterpiece, no memeing

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It's so much more than "just a movie"

Print it in your memory user.

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Did you write this when you were 12 years old?

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>This isn't just a movie. It's a god damn cinematic masterpiece, no memeing

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There's really nothing else to talk about? The movie isn't that deep

>its just a movie
>/ABAG/ Alita: Battle Angel General #68
user I...

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So I suppose all you guys will be hot gluing the Alita dolls when they come out

I'd sell it in a heartbeat, that soulless bitch deserves to suffer for being so manipulative

Lowest tier bait I've ever seen.
I've already written essays about the film, user.

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>I've already written essays about the film, user.
Oh I have to see this.

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>I've already written essays about the film, user.
What essays? Link?
Unless you are this guy in which case good job

It's unironically fantastic.

Not me, Alita is pure. I haven't even masturbated in three weeks cause of Alita.

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Anybody have a decent screengrab of the "Fuck your mercy" scene? I swear the only reason that line (and others) didn't seem cheesy was because of Rosa's delivery and the sheer spite and determination that you can feel just from her expression. I can't believe how well they translated all of the subtle nuances she makes during some of these scenes

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From the trailers. Rip looks like utter shit.

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On paper so many of the lines sound really cliche but when you watch them in the film they're delivered so well it feels just satisfying to watch

She is cute. Where is the porn? Where is the realistic sexdoll?

I think it's more than a movie, too. They created a character that embodies more than any other character I've seen or heard of the value of personal integrity.

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Alita is not for sexual!

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>55 is on yugo's shirt
It's Kinuba's shirt number.


Get some taste, Yea Forums teen

i'll offer them the finest bottle of wine i have if they end up eating at my restaurant

Hugo is a great character and the people being mean to him just don't understand him and his flaws.

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Super cute. Also when she asks Hugo and Ido if a cyborg can love a human and in later scenes you see her using eyeliner, trying to look more human. ALITA IS SUPER CUTE!

Agreed, if I had only been reading the script my eyes would have rolled out of my head. Still feel like Hugo's delivery on a lot of his stuff could have been better though. It was kind of an odd contrast where everything Alita said felt genuine while some of Hugo's lines didn't quite have the same push behind them.

Rule 34, bitches

Also, Rule 15

I don't exactly hate him but I do think death is a fitting end for his character arc

Too pure, can't do that!

Yea Forums here, there's a fucking a general for this?

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How do I read chink?

Checked, also see Rule 15 again

>Rotten Tomatoes - Critics 60% Audience 94%
Hey, the critical algorithm got it right.
It's a solid 6/10, not worth rewatching, but a sequel could have a lot of potential.

Watching Hugo go "Outstanding" on my second viewing made me wonder if Boatman is going to include that word in all his movies. As soon as he said it, my mind immediately went back to that scene from Avatar.

Oh it absolutely is, there's no other way for his character to go out. The whole crux of him is he has the tragic character journey. He's caught up in this impossible dream of getting in to this place, corrupting his morality and turning to jack people's arms and legs to pay for it. But when Alita comes along and they fall in love, the only real way for him to end is to realize he fucked up and accept his death, but physically and mentally.

Something I wrote in another thread:
>Hugo's character is interesting, and of course, all the good writing in the movie could just be hatted off to the original manga. He was so dead set on this dream of getting in to Zalem, a place that we really don't even see, 'cause it doesn't matter if we see it or not. It's propped up like heaven to these guys, the almighty dream. Nova just using these puppets and selling a false hope. Hugo will stop at nothing to get there and when he learns it's all false, he does what he told Alita at the beginning, he'd climb his way up if he had to. He was so consumed by this dream, he didn't realize the life he could have with Alita, and that was his downfall. He falls through the clouds, halfway to heaven and back to hell. He slightly redeemed himself when he thanked Alita for saving him, not his literal life, but his heart. She gave him his heart, but not in the way she originally offered him.

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>15. All pony/brony threads, images, Flashes, and avatars belong on /mlp/
I don't get it



>The movie isn't that deep
It is, but not on the first watch for everyone. It took for my low IQ brain 2 sessions to understand that it was actually very well written, and at the 3rd it was just pure pleasure. I will never watch an MCU again, it destroyed my synapses.

Yeah cuz your neet jannies never go out and buy any hot pockets so we're getting all your refugees.

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Reminder that Alita: Battle Angel is a HANDS movie. Friendship with Tarantino ended. Cameron is Rodriguez's kinofriend now.

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>"I don't even know my own name..."


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She deserved so much better than that piece of shit.

It's like BABY DOLL he was the very first guy you fucking saw that wasn't your father, there are so many more guys out there... like me. I'm out there, Alita. IM OUT THERE.

don't pollute alita threads with that moonface

So fucking beautiful. Reminder to sit close to the screen to see the level of detail!

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Okay, ignoring your desperation, that's the whole point. She falls for the first guy who really spent time with her, playing in to her naive tendencies. Really, I felt bad for him, as Ido says, "This city even corrupts good people." Vector took advantage of Hugo's desire to leave that town, as he did with Chirren.
This is not just a waifu thread, but a movie thread. I'll discuss him.

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>imagine having shitty taste like Yea Forums

I actually liked the MCU in general, but Alita just destroyed 90% of it to me, with the exceptions of Winter Soldier and Infinity War.

I have a feeling I'll move on from the MCU after Endgame.

Internet was a mistake.

Patrician. Movie sounds better with japanese dub and a lot of the lines work so much better.

>liking the MCU in the first place
Well, quit now while you're ahead. That franchise is a cancer and this movie is just the best comparison to show how awful those films are.


do you think they'll make a version of the 3D movie for VR headsets? that would be dope

Bitch, please
- Genesis and Book of Enoch motif with Chiren and Ido as fallen angels and the cyborgs as Nephilim.
- Alita is also an angel figure - she's a pure being uncorrupted by the Fall of Man.
- Christ motif with Alita as the Christ figure, even with a "death" and rebirth
- Nova as Lucifer - the enticer who never keeps his end of the bargain
- Iron City as Babylon and Zalem as the unreachable heaven
- The space elevator as the tower of Babel
- Pinocchio, subverted
- Rescuing your mother from the underworld
- Pet a dog when you encounter it on the street
- Don't bother kids when they're motorballing
- Roughly speaking.

Do you think they will make a VR porn of Alita?

Notice how they are both above the clouds in the domain of angels . She follows him up from the earthly realm to persuade him to come back down from the imposible dream. Heaven strikes him down and he falls . Alita risks falling herself to reach down from heaven to rescue him but fails to his death back on the earthly plane .

Because it's fucking cool to see it in real life you mong

Really the only enjoyable post-Iron Man MCU movies are the ones borrowing inspiration from outside of capeshit. The Captain America movies are all updated cold war thrillers, Thor Ragnarok is like a Mad Max movie, Avengers Age of Ultron is a Terminator movie, etc.

I wonder if she kept his hand or if they recovered his body and had a little funeral for him or anything. I think the manga jumps straight into motorball too and doesn't deal with the immediate aftermath and how it affected Alita.

>he didn't realize the life he could have with Alita
I think he did, at the very end.. But what would have been his life with a monster like Alita anyway ?

That's a fucking fantastic insight about her heart user, I didn't think of it like that before

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She grieves by becoming even more kino

vr without position tracking is garbage and there is currently not a technology to film movies for proper vr.
there is only real time rendering of 3d models, like videogames

>forgetting to mention how Alita is the embodiment of the Hero archetype.

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Fapping to Alita would be like fapping to Yotsuba, it just wouldn't be right


He could have been casted better.

This video touches on some (but not all) those archetypes and references:

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What? I'm watching Attack on Titan in the original German.

>she will never smile again
Why even get a sequel desu

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Is Cameron's original script and/or the shooting script available online anywhere? It'd be interesting to read both and see what was changed.

This. We fell in love with the naive innocent alita not the emotionally scarred and untrusting psychopath that's about to show up.

>Thor Ragnarok is like a Mad Max movie
I just (re)watched it by accident today, I really fail to make a link with mad Max ?

fixed it for (you)

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Why do shitskins love alita and dc so much?

That doesn't mean we won't see her happy again. She smiled more in the manga, and with Ido being more of an emotional support in the film than he was in the manga, we'll see the two of them more.

Fuck off facebook capeshitter

She fell from the sky into a scrapyard and was torn apart twice and she still found a way to smile after all that.

She will smile again.

I think movie Alita will have a different arc than her manga counterpart. She has a much closer and healthier relationship with Ido, plus Koyomi is older and seemed to like her from the start. Maybe they can have cute girly adventures together.

higher rez

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Who the fuck is Amok?

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The guy who killed Ido's daughter.

I doubt Cameron will go full grimdark.

Becomes a gladiator in a junk world and has to save a whole tribe of people from the villain

This other site says
>Casper Van Dien as Amok - Amok is a cyborg who has an unfortunate run-in with Hugo's gang in Iron City.

Saw this today.
Came into work late to do so.
That was a mistake. Could have waited for small screen release.
+ Adaptation of anime art was great
+Alita's doll body
+Graphics, especially the doll body
+Irontown looked cool
+No SJW faggotry despite multicultural world
+Chocolate looked yummy
+Alita's acting
+Moon scene
+Jennifer Connelly - holy shit she was beautiful still
-she got blacked
-story after character intro
-corny boyfriend stuff
+Mech design

Alita is too pure for this

He already tuned down the violence and gore in Alita to make it PG-13. Also Scrapyard doesn't even looks like a dystopian cyberpunk shithole, everything is pretty tame compared to the source material.

I supouse i could watch it at some point... i mean i watched that terrible GITS movie with Scarjo and i actually love the anime GITS. I knew it was impossible for Americans to get it right but i watched it anyways. It killed me on the inside.
Comparatively Alita never meant much to me and Cameron and Rodriguez are directors i actually respect and trust so i think that, at the very least, there is no way i am going to hate it more than that shitty GITS adaptation.

Amok is Rico after the bug wars. He had most of his body replaced and turned into a motorball superhero


the sincerity of the "I would." was god damn adorable.

>Does it bother you, user. That I'm not completely kino?

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Rewatching this just for the scene where Alita meets Hugo for the first time and he proceeds to take her hand's virginity.

>You're the most kino thing ive ever seen

Why do these threads never discuss anything about the plot, theories, or anything except salesfaggotry?

Does the movie suck and is this general being kept on life support by waifufags?

>this is what franchises make to your brain
Max is just a cop revenging his family. And even if you refer to MM2 or 3, the link is very thin.

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I just scrolled halfway back through this thread and no one is talking about the box office, nice try

You gave it a shot in the theater and I commend you for it. Seems you had more positives than negatives, at least.

You'll like it even if it's just for the SFX.

I LOVE how shy and reserved she was when Hugo first spoke to her. Cute as fuck when she was self conscious about her hands

I talk about the box office every couple of threads, but I just discussed the film here and

I'm 100% sure Cameron will cast Sam Worthington as this guy

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There's a chance for the unstable teenage violent sociopath Alita to find innocent tenderness again if they focus on the the Kaos character. He's one person who alita could have more in common with rather than figure 4, Hugo, or Lou.

>son of Nova, experimented on.
>possesses psychometry, a paranormal ability
>complicated dual personalities
>master swordsman, more apparent in the last order
>emotionally sensitive

Kaos was a one sided love interest in the manga but I think he is the most interesting enough to be rewritten as the main one. It would be a great arc as a tragic dysfunctional teenage relationship.

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t. didn't read the thread

I'm LITERALLY in the theatre right now and that first meeting with Hugo is the best scene so far.

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>When you realised that she dropped like that under water and can walk that way is because is much more dense than a normal human bean.
Cameroon soft touches are everywhere.

Shut down your fucking phone and watch that damn movie moron.

It's also great character building for Hugo. You know he's looking at her hands because in his subconscious, he's almost thinking how much she's worth.

Id really like to know who the autists/shills/samefags making these generals are.

so do you just drill a hole in her or what? How can I fuck it?

>They created



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I'm guessing you didn't watch the movie. She's made of nano tech. She could morph her own hole...


>wanted to watch a movie alone in an empty theater
>there is always that one guy sitting nearby

I tried midnight, first screen, last day, everything and there's ALWAYS someone else in the room. Its a conspiracy I tell you

So it'd just be a hallow hole then? I'm pretty much fucking a plastic doll?

Amok is the blood god user

I think you're right

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I mean, she's a fucking robot, what do you expect? She's more for cuddles than sex, bro.

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>Looks around
>Takes his phone out
>Snaps a picture
>Forgets the sound is on
>Loud shutter noise
>Slips back into coat
>Inner monologue: "Can't wait to post this on Yea Forums later"

Luckily no one was in the theater when that camera went off

Dude, this film will be over 360 million by Monday. This film far from flopped. Nice bait though.

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After giving it some thought, I think Hugo works much better in the manga because they meet on much more equal footing. Alita is already a certified badass by that point; she's in the Berserker body, she's killed Makaku/Grewishka, and is a successful Hunter Warrior. She might not have years of experience, but she's decently street smart by that point. I don't hate him as much after seeing the film again, but in there he still comes off as an older sleazeball trying to pick up a naive teenage girl and I never really could shake that first impression.

why would I want to cuddle that? It'd literally be a walking metal jizz rag

We need at least 2 more movies.
(also, how would you distribute the story?)


- Zapan Revenge
- Secret of Tiphares/Zalem
- Figure 4
- Death of Ido
- Alita's death.


- Alita's resurrection
- Katheres
- Ending. Flesh Alita and Alita on Mars.

I think you're looking at Hugo wrong. He became infatuated with her at first because of one, his job hijacking robots and he was impressed by her arms. Then he got more interested because she had been to Zalem, the place he had been dying to get to, his holy dream. He just happened to fall in love with her, because she fell in love with him, and as a result, he wasn't sure what to do. He had to make a decision to either stay with Alita or go to Zalem, and unfortunately, his obsession was his downfall.

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>son of Nova
where the fuck they say that

Both her naive attitude about the world was essential to her development and Hugo's. They both made mistakes and that makes their relationship in the film different, but work just the same if not better than the manga.

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If you hate the Mouse so much, why didn't see the Lego Movie Part 2?

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>trusting in a nigger that looks like wesley snipes on blade
Hugo is a fucking retard.

Only thing I didn't like about the movie was that the part where she got the berserker armor felt a little contrived and lazy
>presses a button
>suddenly a single suit is just sorta chilling there waiting for her
At least pull it off one of the other dead robots or something

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If you think that was contrived, in the manga, Ido has the berzerker in his closet.

where the fuck is the ZOTT?

I did but unfortunately that movie doesn't work too well with repeated viewing. Seems like movies with comedy elements are always like that, the jokes just become stale.

>she is the Hunger Games/Divergents archetype and is going to start a revolution in the next 3 movies
Fuck. You know that's exactly what they are going to do

6 times up until now, will probably go a last time before the viewings are over.

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>that Alitabro who accidentally created the next general on /pol/ instead of Yea Forums
Fess up, which one of you was it.

>where the fuck they say that
Chapter 40 page 198 of og Gunnm

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Always think it would be nice to add a few more lines in the locker room scene before her first game
"You made these for me?"
"Actually I made these for the guy who killed my daughter. But I said there is no good or bad in body parts it depends on the user "

I think you can cut that thing somehow

Flashback. ZOTT takes too much visual effects for just a side story.

>better not hug him too tight or he might pass out

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Did they fuck? Rosa Salazar is pretty cute even though she is 30+

Capshit and slapstick comedy movies: cheap soda pops for a quick sugar high
Arita Fighting Angel: fine wine with smooth after taste

Nah, she had her own boyfriend troubles to deal with. Keean Johnson who played Hugo is dating our girl mummy.

>Seems you had more positives than negatives, at least.

The big neg for me though was bad plot.

Aw, what stuck out to you as bad?

has anyone bought the entire Alita manga collection? is it worth it?

Also considering purchasing this, although the current price on Amazon seems a bit excessive.