Just admit it. this was better than 99% of what's on TV and Movies these days.
Alex Jones/Joe Rogan Part 2
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His performance was oscar-worthy
Pretty iconic desu
Yes alex jones is very entertaining. He has a future in screenwriting if he ever stops his radio show
eddies flat earth shit almost ruined it
This shit has nearly 3 million views in 24 hours on YouTube ALONE.
It was a fucking event, podcast episode of the year already
lol he showed up 2 hours late because they didn't tell him
Until Kanye comes on
That flat earth shit MADE it, are you kidding?
I laughed myself to the point people asked if I was okay.
You just know this makes the NPCs assblasted. I bet they are reeeeeeing about it on Reddit right now
alex jones deserves an oscar without a doubt
I don't think that's going to be nearly as entertaining. Maybe the cameras and spotlight rattle him but he always comes off as shallow in every interview.
>Eddie Bravo believe in flat earth
>doesn't believe in late term abortions
Absolutely. You're right OP
Watching that live and shitposting with Yea Forums was the most euphoric thing I've experienced in a long time
Nevermind, he was just playing with him
The third trimester abortion stuff was pretty unnerving. As ridiculous as the concept of inter-dimensional alien overlords is, Alex is on to something with organ harvesting.
I am in awe at the size of this lad.
It got like 1 million views in its first 30 minutes. People are hungry for redpills
How could you ever keep up with it live? He went from human animal hybrid embryos to 5G mind control to organ harvesting to interdimensional alien overlords directing “them” in the span of 2 minutes.
Did Rogan redeem himself after the dumpster fire Jack interview?
He used to wrestle, apparently
Got em
goddamn that was in the first hour too. AJ went in guns blazing, based
If Alex was given his twitter back, would he scale it back or drop even more redpills in real time?
That CJ logo is one of the ugliest, least aesthetic logos I've ever seen in my life. That shit is atrocious.
Alex Jones is pure kino.
This episode made it to articles on MarketWatch and Forbes
I just started it, I'm 20 minutes in
Honestly to me it just seems like to Mossad actors playing a character, like Alex Jone is supposed to be the crazy over the top reformed conspiracy theorist and Joe is just the sensible centrist trying to associate schizophrenia with conspiracy theories, which is true but I think really exaggerated here
We'll see how it plays out, but unsurprisingly my initial impression is both of these guys are not /our guys/ and most likely controlled opposition
I watched 3 hours of it before I was too drunk and fell asleep, will watch the rest in a bit after a few more beers.
I couldn't stop laughing, it was so funny.
I need some of this male vitality shit he is on
Redpill me on Jones' animal/human hybrids?
He would shift his autism into overdrive for sure
the thing went on so long they could've read the thinkpieces about it live on air if they'd gone just a bit longer
Of course Alex is controlled opposition, during Pizzagate he had a real chance to dig deep and he pussied out of it for dubious reasons, and he has family in the CIA. It doesn't make him any less entertaining on this, though.
Holy shit what a chad
Reminder that Joe is a cuck who was sucking up to jack from twitter. This is literally a PR stunt to get the alt right incels back on his side after his videos got disliked
That's been a theory about Alex Jones for a long time. That he's a disinfo agent because he says things that are based on reality but makes them sound ridiculous. But even if that were the case, it's hard to dislike him because he's so entertaining.
What about Eddie? Is he in danger?
>I could do 40 pullups
Genuine Boomer moment
Eddie is pure, no doubt.
everything alex jones says is the truth
Ironically Liberals are the biggest pussies when it comes to ‘tolerating’ opinions they don’t like
who the fuck are these people?
Oy Vey
He's just giving a sinister slant to basic science and tech stories that kick around the internet. His bogeymen don't wear capes so I doubt he could get in the door.
>no fun allowed
>give them medications
>forcibly medicated
Tim Wise is a monster.
Joe Rogan isn't an atheist, nice research there Tim """""Wise"""""
>considered a gateway to the alt-right
According to who?
Reminder that this podcast happened 911 weeks after 9/11/2001
Blue checkmarks on twitter.
He is right 100% right. Thery are creating pigs with human cells aka chimeras for organ transplants. There is a shortage of kidneys, hearts and etc for transplants so they growing these organs in gene edited pigs to bypass this shortage.
910.8 but it might as well be 911
Holy fuck
Joe came across as an even minded skeptic who gave AJ a large platform where nobody else would so he could say his piece. And he was right about self censorship, you shouldn’t not say something just because somebody might feel uncomfortable.
breakaway civilization
Certified kino
fucking IMAGINE still doubting /ourguys/
they're getting smeared in the media by a bunch of pathetic soi slurping faggots
>that creepy evil Governor voice
"we gonna keep the baby comfortable"
He's right on that one.
his spine is shattered open joe... but... he can still save fiiive liiiives..... just keep him coooomfortable joe....
He's right on all of them you retard, the whole point is to have a loud mouthpiece that makes it all sound ridiculous and untrue
fuck that shit made me mad, I just hate that southern drawl, it's so patronizing
Lmao they wanted to say no
I wonder what one of these things would look like. I take it there's no pictures?
It takes a highly intelligent high IQ smart man like myself to really "get" Alex Jones beyond the surface.
and I'm being unironic
Oh boy what's the LAMEstream media saying now
>i need to take a piss
probably doing lines of coke
It takes a highly intelligent high IQ smart man like myself to really put you in a stranglehold and make you see clockwork elves you nerd faggot
is Alex really as short as Joe?
So this has 3.4 million views on YouTube. I'll round up to 4 million to include the audio only downloads of the podcast
4 million people listened to this episode the first day, where did these people come from?
He's a manlet who couldn't man up to jacking off over tranny porn
Yea Forums
>I like black women, I like latin women, I like white women
>do you like swedish women?
>no, I'm super gay
I remember watching that live and choking with laughter
I didn't say he was wrong on anything, retard.
His southern accent impression is dead on.
Couldn’t believe he actually said
>the infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother
So you can deliver a child, resuscitate a child, then consider terminating it. Is that not murder?
Joe has a platform for himself when taking pics with his guests.
He looks the same height as Jordan Peterson too.
the entities are fucking with us BIG TIME
Alex has a very big following and Joe has a very large reach.
I didn't ask, retard.
keep it coooomfortable
meme video editors mostly
dude, he's controlled by the clockwork elves, what do you expect.. It's like the Aztecs all over again.
I never watch any Joe Rogan crap but I watched this whole thing and it was so entertaining the entire time.
so cute
I've literally never heard Alex Jones ramble before this episode.
Surely he's not completely "crazy" right? One of these theories has to stick?
He was a stand up comedian till the CIA faked his death and implanted him as what he is now
"I was watching minions three or four... one of them... and they're running through they're faking the moon landing..."
His interview with charlamagne was pretty good I thought
Well he was right about Smollett.
Honestly, most of the stuff he talks about has some truth to it. He's not just making things up. He just says them in a way that sounds ridiculous and talks about connections between things that don't necessarily exist.
Clockwork Elves are real. I've seen them.
these people hate it when something outside their sphere of influence gets publicity
they're literally all right lol, it's just the "reason" behind it (aka inter dimensional aliens) that's bs
Wasn’t hard to be right on that
>he seriously doesn't believe intergalactic beings made a pact with world leaders a long time ago
you're bs
how do I make reaction webms like you guys of my boy joe and alex from this?
Makes sense. Its easier than fixing the entire planet
>mods deleting Alex Jones JRE threads left, right and centre
Icke on JRE wheN?
the stuff he says is based on true things but he has a totally overactive imagination and gets really carried away with all kinds of shit which is really entertaining
lazy cunts
Icke is actually pretty based. If you can parse his reptilian shit, he has a lot of good info. It was him that opened me up to the Dutroux affairs, and I'll always be indebted to him for that.
Would have been better without the spoonfeeding
It was like an overdose of redpills I couldn't handle it.
This podcast made me wanna do DMT or whatever those fuckers are doing in government bunkers.
>it's just the "reason" behind it (aka inter dimensional aliens) that's bs
user.. pls..
Example of the animal hybrids he mentioned. The "clockwork elves" is a DMT phenomenon that lots of people talk about, and the government did lots of weird research (and maybe still does it) with psychedelics. It's mostly hyperbole and the way he puts things together that gets weird.
>Dutroux affairs
mind dropping a sentence or two on wtf this is
Here is Alex's stolen themes of which he poisons (WELL POISONING):
William Cooper (Babylon Christian larping)
Capt America (Hydra conspiracy)
(((John Birch Society))) (Illuminati)
Ancient Aliens (History channel, Zachariah Hitchens and David Ickie)
Yea Forums
911 Truthers
>Icke is actually pretty based. If you can parse his reptilian shit, he has a lot of good info.
He's a shill you moron. He's poisoning the well
>This podcast made me wanna do DMT
That's what CIA Alex wants you to do >It was like an overdose of redpills I couldn't handle it.
Bluepills you NPC
I flagged all the videos in Joe's channel, and so should you.
you joke but there's forces like this in motion no doubt
Wasted trips desu
>I flagged all the videos in Joe's channel, and so should you.
He has CIA shills on talking about drugs and aliens and nazis ruling America. They will never take him down. Eddie is right
How do we know Alex Jones isn't an actual government agent spreading mis/disinfo?
i don't know about that but my mom's nearly 80 year old friend has a pig artery.
How do we know you're not an actual government agent spreading mis/disinfo?
tranny discord is angry and offended wow what a surprise
Based entirely off of the plot from the last season of Homeland, this is completely true.
>How do we know Alex Jones isn't an actual government agent spreading mis/disinfo?
He 100% is and Eddie called him out on it at the end ALEX WOULD BE DEAD OTHERWISE! ="well poisoning"
>he doesn't want to watch YouTube crash and burn
You are mentally deficient if you think flagging JRE videos is gonna bring down youtube.
>ALEX WOULD BE DEAD OTHERWISE! ="well poisoning"
no dude they just literally can't pull that shit off any more. thats the irony of the post-modern zombie capitalist society. when everyone was a traditionalist and the country was run by a bunch of white men and minorities and women were kept pretty much out of any real power, then you could do stuff like that. THEN you could kill a kennedy, a MLK. so now when tradition is scoffed at, and the deep state vampiric child molesters have put a bunch of women and minorities, and *shudders to think of it* women minorities in charge, then you can't do stuff like that any more because as we all know women and minorities suck
There is simply no way Alex isn't aware of Jewish cabals. 0% chance.
He does have good reasons to fear the repercussions if he dared speak out about it. He is a coward at best.
>At some point he says 'I'll give you the basic gesalt'
He browses Yea Forums
The more they censor the deeper they're digging their own grave and killing their own monopoly.
This guy is an idiot. I'm watching another JRE he was on and he thinks since everyone in the world could fit in Texas that means overpopulation doesn't exist. Why does Joe even have this guy on the show? He doesn't have any critical thinking skills.
He coined that expression, along with "false flag".
Overpopulation is a myth though he is right
Used to dislike Eddie. Thought he was the reason Alex's appearance on Joe the first time around was ruined. Yesterday I did a complete 180 bc of how he and Alex work so well off each other.
good, im sure youtube isn't already aware of one of the biggest chann- wait im getting baited aren't i?
imagine being dumber than Eddie Bravo
fuggg :DDD
He talks about false flags a lot, but he didn't coin it. It's an old term.
not according to thanos *snap*
Wouldn't doubt he helped popularize the term online though.
most people dont understand that alex is doing infotainment of the purest form. if you take him seriously or think he means every word you are literally retarded
Well I don't think it's going to become as big of a problem as we thought because of factors that are decreasing birth rates, but being able to fit everyone in texas does mean anything.
He once admitted to having family members in the CIA. He is probably in the service of Time Warner/CNN.
There is god evidence that he is a communist and an Islamist who pretends to care about white genocide but really wants to use multiculturalism to destroy the West.
He is an enormous Zionist who has only been married to Jews.
Eddy is beyond vapid
We've been over all of this before. Here's a quick rundown.
Im sort of on this train now. But it's def best when Eddie comes in halfway and not the whole show.
Not being able to tell the difference between faces is a sign of autism
Podcastkino of the highest order. Joe will never top it.
So he is an Islamist and also a Zionist?
What the fuck? why did you post a screenshot of some fag reposting a copypasta? this has to be some meta troll
Joe laughing at "not any more" is killing me
Pick one holy fuck. I do think he's a Zionist tho
What was going through his head when Joe told him that Eddie is Mexican?
He looked very confused
the only thing that ruined it was eddie admitting he was pretending to be retarded. it ruined his character
>While Alex is trying to discuss something else Eddie just randomly asks Alex if Mayans used to smoke penis blood
>Alex immediately explains the entire process of it for 5 minutes without skipping a beat
>It's actually a real thing
I don't care if most of his theories are real or what his opinions are, his ability at retaining and recalling large amounts of varied information is genuinely impressive.
What an absolute unit of a man. I wish he was my dad.
he just made it up
Understandable considering the magnitude of Alex's spergout. He was overly apologetic because it almost looked like he was going to flip a chair and walk out on the interview.
>it ruined his character
It's not really any different from his "DUDE I'M CRAZY" shtick in previous eps
Definitely. When Eddie walked in halfway I was groaning in disgust, but when Eddie sent Alex into a rage about the baby thing and then said jk I could never bring myself to doubt Eddie ever again. youtu.be
He didn't dude, it's called bloodletting. I looked it up as soon as it was mentioned.
Shit is real
Nope. Look up bloodletting in Mesoamerica.
it's why joe asked him if he had some head injury and that the injury rewired his brain somehow
>Podcast is great
>Worried about how it's going to turn when Eddie shows up
>He sits down at the mic and the first thing out of his mouth is "Let me tell you a story first, back when I used to work at the strip club."
This is distilled greatness, it will be studied for centuries in academic circles.
Yes, its is well established that the Jews are behind Islamism and that they work closely with Muslims to destroy the West. Jews strongly support open borders and mass Muslim migration. Jewish intellectuals always defend Muslim terrorism and Muslim extremism.
Like the negro civl rights movements Muslims are generally low IQ cogs who need leaders to mobilize and inflame them to a cause. Arabs, Mexicans, and blacks are the bullets Jews use to massacre white society. Without Jews they are not a major threat.
One example of Jewish-Islamic coordination.
The Middle East is basically run by Israel and Saudi Arabia together plus a few other minor Islamic players. They pretend to hate each other in open to appease the masses desire for a fight but collude behind the scenes. Most of them want to destroy Iran(Persian and Shia).
>"I'm kinda retarded."
That's when I knew it had ascended to become pure platinum quality.
>the way he brought up 9/11, and how Alex and Joe immediately agreed that it was BS
This is seriously above Alex Jones levels of conspiracy. He's not an Islamic Zionist. I'm not saying like I know for a fact, but come on.
>when he broke down in tears over his DMT like trip of the death of his children
that was when it became kino beyond
>youtube cant censor alex because he's on Joes video and Joe is strict with the rules
A large number of Middle Eastern nations are or were run by "Arab Socialists". Islamic socialism is a real thing and was all the rage in Yemen, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Tunisia has as strong labor movement run by communists. None of that is inherently incompatible with a Jewish state. Most Arabs no longer cancer themselves with Palestine.
Alex didn't break any rules either
>"I'm getting pissed now"
>"Don't get pissed"
yeah but they can lie about that and not enough mainstream people watch alex to verify
>20 year long vision of your life 500 years ago as a peasant
Goddamn it, Alex chose the wrong profession. It's great at what he does, but goddamn he would make a great comedian or a wrestling manager/personality. He's got Paul Hayman written all over him.
tim wise should be medicated on male vitality
>look into the machine elves phenomenon
> Tell you the truth Joe, I'm kinda retarded
I almost fucking crashed
alex would be more over than whichever wrestler he was trying to promote
This is what you do when you're too good for wrestling.
>the master race
did he miss (or just conveniently leave out) that the master race is interdimensional space elves worshiped by the elite?
These Twitter tards really are are legit scum. The subject of the Nazis came up on the podcast, and this faggot drops in 'master race' to make it seem like Jones is promoting white supremacy?
I wish Alex would do audiobooks reading all of Lovecraft. Feel like the material would touch his heart especially regarding the old gods existing out of time influencing every and any thing and any one with their cosmic puppet strings.
what was he thinking here
how he went to the chinese all you can eat buffet
how did you make that so well
copied this shit from earlier