X-Men: Dark Phoenix

soul vs soulless

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i'm going to throw up

Why spend money when you can make money?

>implying souls exist

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>using mike stoklasa of all people for that implying

Time travel is crazy

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honestly even though mystique on the right looks cheap af it's still the most accurate it'll ever be to the comics.

im fucking crying dude why and how did they make sophie turner look like a chola

she has too much face. she needs hair to frame it.

she is fat she just needs to stop eating

>2,431 vind-ik leuks

>heyoo mi amorsito Scott i only cheated with Logan aka Guepardo once papi dont get mad

200 M I L L I O N D O L L A R B U D G E T

Good god Jlaw, get the fuck over yourself and sit in the make up chair for an hour.

>out of capeshit after this movie
>just in time for her hard years falling into irrelevancy
this year mark the start of Jlaw and Emilia's clark's JUST Voyage into oblivion

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Did she not try to lose weight before production started?

The movie is literally based around her.

is she even wearing makeup? Look like a bad photoshop.

both look terrible

>actress giving a shit

it all adds up

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Face it lads, you're not gonna get good capeshit while hollywood execs can still launder their criminal fortunes through this fad. So much money for what looks like a college project film.

thats sexist

The double chin is really off-putting.

Damn thats bad

>Be JLaw
>Be worth like 500 trillion dollars

Would you wake up every morning at 4am to sit through 3 hours of makeup just for some terrible capeshit reboot that will be forgotten after a week?

She legit looks like Star Trek makeup from the 60s.

Classic come and alcohol bloat

>Stamos fucked Romjin in her prime

I still don't know why they decided that Mystique should be a nudist lizard woman.

He looks like he's about to start rapping

>it's a complain about mystiques makeup AGAIN
nigga it's been shit since JLaw became mystique
even when she did the 10 hours of makeup
why do you always fucking bring it up?

Because it somehow gets even worse every movie.

Is her hair CGI?

KEK. I'm going to movies opening day and burst out laughing when she gets impaled on broken fence and watch the reaction of the audience.

brap vs brapless

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Right looks like a Star Trek TOS character

I've seen first time cosplayers with better wigs

new avatar looks kino

Famke is such an underrated smokeshow

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jfc source??

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>those slightly saggy tits

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sauce me up f.a.m

>Dark Phoenix
It's going to bomb hard isn't it?

>implying they don't

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>type mystique cosplay in google images
>most of them look better than this shit

Also was she so fucking lazy that she didn't even want to put lenses in her eyes, it looks like they just slightly edited the white of her eye

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Also, anglo genetics. The more pure the englishman, the more disgusting it looks.

>Fake tits

It's a not from me

Holy shit bro

Not according to Wikipedia you groid loving spic

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Fuckin jesus yes

>Still putting Mystique in the X-men
>Hollywood hacks still hacking

Don't you have some weeds to pull or toilets to clean amigos?

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>vind-ik leuks
Is that cling on or some shit?

This, MILF factor is off the scale

her best role is lord of illusions. a literal 11/10


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how the fuck is that fat

We!l that one certainly doesn't. Care to share one that does look better than "that shit".

its on the webm
I mean I have the whole vid if you want I can upload it somewhere

Damn she was so pretty in the first X-men

>American detected

Why would you help them? They can't even read the watermark.

based and redpilled

I knew she was going to spend all of 5 mins alive on screen when I saw the half ass make up

Is this Jlaw or they change actresses?

The movie is anything but based

all live action mystique are fucking shit and are an insult to the source character so how cares

Look at this dude

Make way for Homo-superior!

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Mystique always looked like shit.
Just rubber stuff glued on.

This actually looks alright The iridescence looks cool.

More like Misthicc

I went through the site and couldn't find it

Captain Planet lookin' ass


The dumb bitch probably complained about having to sit in a chair while they did the makeup.


Sometimes people just wanna be nice

This might be a surprise to you, but not everyone is a bigger joyless asshole like you.
Not everyone is out to fuck with everyone

Sometimes peoole like to help others
... crazy, i know

High five

>the faggot says, while reddit spacing

>Sometimes peoole like to help others
Help them by teaching them to read. They pretty plainly can't.

>joyless asshole
I've got plenty of joy, and I acquired it by reading the watermark and going to the website.

How long before someone defends it by saying that wanting jlaw to wear more make up is sexist?

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There are plenty of problems with this without having to imagine new ones.

> reddit invented the concept of spacing

>No other forum on earth uses spacing ever in the history of the internet

> tfw Yea Forums is literally full of legitimate autists

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also fag

right you are Ken

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>i got plenty of joy....
> i get mad enough at someone being helpful i had to post and let him know i disaprove
> Im definitely not an angry dick...


I kind of like it

It's like she's found a middle ground between her mutant and human forms

If asking people to read is being a dick then it loses all momentum as an insult. Being a dick should be the bare minimum by your reasoning.

that dog has seen some shit

>redditor who's phoneposting
Even worse, faggot.

It’s almost as if the franchise is dead as shit.

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I hate this "lets act as if TV shows actors were REAL actors"

Yeah yeah im a faggot. Yeah. The guy asking for the name is a lazy faggot.
The guy posting the webm is a stupid faggot for offering help.We are all faggots yeah...
At the end of the day, you guys come off as dicks. You guys are probably dicks in real life too... i feel sad for your acquaintances.
never been on reddit my whole life.....

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>Yeah yeah im a faggot
We know.

How is Famke considerably older than Turner yet still looks about 100x better?

>Yeah yeah im a faggot
I get the whole Pride shit and whatnot, but we get it already.

Genes, diet, effort. That's a stupid question, user.

>getting in shape for a role
Pick one

The fuck are you talking about? She was in movies before you were born

Oh no, the british genes are kicking in.

oh no nonono no look at their fucking everything LMAO

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Me 2000: man i cant wait to see how good the movies will look lin in 2020

>Romjin fucked Stamos in his prime

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Truly a Greek God

You know whats even more hilarious.
Thew new makeup isn't makeup, its CG'ed in afterwords because "I don't want to wear that stupid makeup anymore!"

It looks worse, and lighter then the previous films, and the hair is silly bright red and different too.

But its fine, she dies, shes the one Jean blows up this time around because she wanted out of these movies, and ho boy, shes the reason the past 2 became major fuckups, this one in particular.

Xmen is dead, thank god.

Asking women to lose weight for a role is sexist, shitlord.

what's that condition called where it's fascinating to look at stuff like this? Use to be threads about it all the time.

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what is it with blue women and my penis?

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retard mouse fag

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jesus christ her FACE MASS lol

you mean hollywood goes with the cheaper option rather than the multi-million dollar + option?woah

its almost like... why spend an extra 25 million dollars when sheep drones will see the movie regardless of whether you spend that money or not?

lawrence's as bad as usual, but trailer looks pretty interesting overall. i'd say exceptionally nice for the capeshit genre
why did Yea Forums pretend this was going to be shit?

She's just built like that.

Sophie is a brit. They age like shit.


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>Logan aka Guepardo
Basado y rojopildorado.

I would allow her to have sex with me, not gonna lie bros.

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Turner was cast as a child actress versus Famke an adult.

One got cast based on how well they looked like a child while there was still time for them to grow up and have those childish features start to look strange, while the other got cast as an adult based on how they look as an adult.

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wow, what a step backward

Right looks like some cheap cosplay you see in a convention.

Is forcing women to get fit for a role not a thing anymore?

Fuck off incel

For the thread

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>RLM reaction image
>The kind of atheist that can't let a "god bless you" go unchallenged when someone sneezes
You should be in a zoo

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t. landwhale

Lose weight, you cow.

Jesus, only a bbc could do an ass like that justice. And i'm saying this as a white dude with a 7 incher.


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Hello zoomer. She's been a smokeshow since Goldeneye.

>women shouldn't be put to the same standards as men
wow very misogynist of you

>that pic

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I'd pop your ass cherry with my bulbous cockhead shitskin

>the genetics of the UK

Goddamn. That's impressive.
And really hot.


Sophie--what the fuck is wrong with you? Ya fat tart.

holy shit


Doesnt throw LITERALLY EVERYTHING in there at her.

Wait. I though he's Juggernaut

To be fair, if Magneto used his powers properly he'd be nearly unbeatable.

Only spics get this joke

Yeah, he's definitely JuggerNOT.

Who even fucking knows what's going on in these X-Men movies? The timeline is so fucked and each movie comes out 5 years apart with different actors playing the same heroes

This is an 18+ website

How to deafen people to death

sophie looks actually hot in the trailer. gonna watch this shit just for her

I audibly laughed at this one