Could this show possible not suck?

So apparently they're making a Resident Evil Netflix series
What could they do to make this show not suck? (Assuming that's even possible).

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>that title font
oh fuck it's in the movie continuity..... wrap it up boys it's already dead

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all they have to do is stick to the damn vidya. but you already know they won't

Making it nothing like the movies is a good start

I think that was fan made. It's the official title font for this show

Don't let Netflix be involved

Season 1 can be about RE0 and RE1 with the mansion and Arklay mountains
Season 2 can be about RE2 and RE3 with Racoon city

proper casting will be key

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Too late, buckeroo

Who would you cast for Jill and Claire?

They're going to make Jill black for sure.


voth for Jill obviously

maybe Jordan for Claire, but shes a little too skinny, and idk if shes a good actress

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We Wuz S.T.A.R.S. n shieeet

Lyndsy Fonesca as Claire if they made her a lil older?

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They could just make it like resident evil outbreak where it shows the events of the outbreak through the eyes of normal ass people of raccoon city. Each episode being it's own kind of episode with different horror elements eventually leading up to the bombing. I don't care what it is as long as its not the mansion crew doing exactly what everyone expects like the original Romero script. They can make some really fucked up shit with the monsters and stories just dealing with people in a really fucked up hopeless situation.

Dang, they could have used her for both voice, face model and mocap

So basically what Walking Dead SHOULD HAVE BEEN, instead of the edge-lord nonsense we have

Let. Them. In!

#noborders #nowalls

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Claire, Jill and Ada.

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if they do that then it'll suck

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Not really. If they embrace some of the campiness with that 90s horror feel, it could actually be really good. It's all about the execution.

So we have finally accepted nu-Claire as best-Claire?


Keep it away from the movies, keep it closer to the games. no alice Easy. Thats all you have to do.

How can you do a season of 1 game? 12 episodes in the mansion that sounds retarded.

Let's get Paul W.S Anderson to produce this baby

Season 1 = Spencer Mansion
Season 2 = Raccoon City and Nemesis
Season 3 = Spain and Africa

Follows Leon, Jill, Chris and Wesker with other RE characters as supporting cast. Cut CVX and 6 entirely. Maybe do 7 as a spinoff season with Chris having a bigger role.

They will raceswap marvin and leon.

If they're going to black anyone it should be Chris.

It's being produced by the same company that did the movies, it's going to be complete garbage. This is the same company adapting Monster Hunter and are getting Paul W. S. Anderson & Milla Jovovich involved in THAT as well.

The vidya has a terrible fucking story. It can only work as an 80's straight-to-VHS cheesy B-movie full of bad acting and scenery chewing, but Netflix doesn't have the balls to go all the way with that style.

They'll prolly start off from it but adapt a fuck-ton to be more like The Walking Dead.

meet Claire Redfeild

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>Sex scene 10 minutes in