Hello hello A-boy

>Hello hello A-boy..
And what exactly is an A-boy?

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A = Alpha

Krista is my wife

Autistic Boy

a virgin


'action boy' it is nog speak for chad

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We need to ask Ridley Scott on twotter to be sure

That mixed girl is prime for a bleaching

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I thought she was so much more attractive than that

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Why did they feel they had a right to physically assault him?

I'm new to 4channel, what is this?

imagine just sucking on that neck for hours

A webm. Before moot let Yea Forums utilize them, we used gifs, a more primitive, low-quality filetype that was also bigger. Imagine, it was lower quality AND took up more space!

Yet still no fucking sound and a shite mb limit.

faggot obviously

I think part of that is strategic. /gif/ and /wsg/ would lose a lot of relevancy if the file size was expanded and sound was allowed.

>an ossuary... a box of bones

Jesus christ Denis, you don't need to break out the dictionary

I seriously doubt finns will make it that far into the future.

Tä jäbä on bleid rane :-D se on vitun vaarallinen

It's not about relevancy, it's about all the trolling and piracy people would do on Yea Forums, plus all the extra uploading that would happen (e.g. people uploading entire movies via 3 MB webms). The staff isn't big enough to handle that and the site not rich enough

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android boy, it is mentioned in the commentary

what a fucking fridge

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How did they know he was an android just by looking at him? Wasn't the premise of the movie that it's virtually impossible to tell an android apart from a human?

In 2049 everyone seems to be able to recognize not just K but any replicant upon sight

This and human resentment towards K are two little details that I actually wish the movie had expanded on a little bit more. Not much, but something.

Do I have to, pa?

The only indirect example I can think of is him being called a ski job in the police station, but I could accept that he’s well known.

They were told he killed another replicant, not really something a human could do.

>The only indirect example I can think of is him being called a ski job in the police station, but I could accept that he’s well known.

When he goes home he's also leered at in the halls and has "skin job" graffiti on his door

>Hello hello a-boy

Asshole boy
Anus boy
Autistic boy

How do I get a hairy pusy gf friends?

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Yes but I mean why did humans resent him? He was doing a job only replicants could do at that point, it's not like he was stealing jobs or anything.

You're also correct but it is partly about relevancy let's be honest with ourselves.

It was short for Arty which is short for Artillery.
People didn’t like him because he always btfo them as artillery in World of Tanks.