On February 28th, 1969, "The Cloud Minders" first aired on television. Watch and discuss!
Star Trek TOS Season Three 50 Year Anniversary Celebration
Stratos. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
the alleged effects of zenite gas are a myth perpetuated by liberal scientists.
Why did Spock talk so casually to Droxine about things like the Vulcan mating ritual in this episode? I thought Vulcans were pretty uptight about that stuff
cuz he thought she was a babe
If I pull that thing off, will you die?
>It is somewhat interesting that Jeff Corey was cast as Plasus, the leader of the privileged people on Stratos. For a number of years he had been blacklisted from working for being a Communist
Season 3 of TOS was the lowest budgeted season, just like season 4 of ENT.
They had to rely on writing and acting, not SFX.
Why don't people like The Empath? That was one of the better episodes of TOS season 3. Good interactions between Kirk, Spock and McCoy.
holy fuck fucking kill yourself pathetic namefag this isnt reddit
literally the lowest scum on this website, even the most pathetic r9k losers have enough self respect to control themselves and not sink as low as you. what the fuck is wrong with you?
it would be extremely painful
Why do you redditspace, and call me reddit? I have never posted there, you fool. I don't even have an account.
Gem was cute and all, and the writing and acting was good, but there was no budget for sets at that point.
This is a hottie...
Good post, and thread related.
Because solid writing doesn't change the fact that all the scenes were in a black room.
This guy gets it...
Empath was a good episode. This was a good thread
There are only three more episodes left going by the season 3 airdates
The Savage Curtain on March 7th
All Our Yesterdays on March 14th
Turnabout Intruder on June 3rd
Turnabout Intruder was supposed to air on March 28th but kept getting delayed since President Eisenhower just passed away and Turnabout Intruder kept getting delayed in favor of covering President Eisenhower's death.
Should we have the final TOS Season Three 50 year anniversary thread on March 28th, or wait all the way until June 3rd? Now that is the question I have been mulling over since I started these threads last year.
I will reply to you, even though you redditspace.
We should celebrate the 50th on the final air date. I'll be here.
Bumpin to keep us from going to page 10.
Thanks for keeping with these reminder threads, OP. Invaluable contribution.
Ok then there will be three more threads
March 7th
March 14th
And then the last one will be June 3rd to discuss Turnabout Intruder and reflect on all of season 3/TOS as a whole and what the future looked like for Star Trek after the end of season 3.
I'll make webms of "Turnabout Intruder", and post them on June 3rd.
That gives me a lot of time to fuck with them.