So is ozark any good friends?

So is ozark any good friends?

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It's like a shitty and boring breaking bad.

it's good.

Considering it's Netflix, it's not terrible but it's not incredible.


So should I watch the sinner or mindhunter instead?

Jason Bateman is desperately trying to establish himself as a dramatic actor, it screams TAKE ME SERIOUSLY PLEASE but it's too late like it was for Steve Carrell, Ben Stiller and Adam Sandler

It has that QT crypto blonde in it. That's about it

3.5 out of 5, but it only gets that extra .5 because of Ruth

You are missing the most important one john krasinski

Mindhunter and Ozark are great. Narcos is even better.

jason bateman seems like a real douchebag just like in arrested development. and he wrote this show right? I think he just likes playing know-it-all douchebags

i liked it ... good end to the 2nd series

Ozark isn't a good friend.

It's a much faster paced, and at times much darker, breaking bad. Imagine BB without all the bullshit filler subplots that went nowhere.

>writing your own role to be the main character who is really smart and good and fucks and everything

was BB THAT slow? I started Saul and I got the feeling it's even slower.

You should watch all 3


Ozark > BB, deal with it nerds

punch drunk love doe

Saul is deliberately slower than BrBa, though. It's a character drama that takes its time.

BrBa was a fun crime show that got bogged down a bit in the early seasons with side stories that didn't really go anywhere (Marie's kleptomania for one got completely abandoned)

Fuck, I don't think I have enough time.
Last off topic one, is lost worth watching too?

Boring family drama that does the exact same thing the other 5 million shows did except this time it's in a 'new' setting!

Gave it the three-episode trial, left me with the feeling that I would be better off using my time to chase chickens on the prairie than giving more attention to this tripe ever again.

No. Watch Narcos or FariƱa

Fuck off

Yea Forums, the post

there's no way on hell i would consider watching a show this excessively tinted

For starters Ozarks has had 20 episodes so far and his family was already past the whole lies&deception part and actively working with marty by episode 7 or 8. Then they, and their partners, have struck a deal with local gangsters, which have then taken each other out which opened the way to strike a new deal with the old cartel by building a casino to launder much more money much more quickly. In between they had a couple murder plots, a couple run ins with the law and a good bit of family and marital drama and probably a bunch of shit i totally forgot. Does that sound like one season of breaking bad?


I enjoyed it.


I like it

It's a good show, and the metaphor is that they are underwater. The characters spend the whole show heavily pressured and in debt.

It's a show that does suspense and pacing very well. You'll be hooked on every plot beat, but then you look back and realize there's not much substance. It's designed for binging but not for reflection.

>that filter

>his family was already past the whole lies&deception part and actively working with marty by episode 7 or 8

bro try like episode 2 or 3

I was amazed at how quickly they dropped the "keep it from your wife and kids" bullshit. It was perfect. He kept it from them for literally as long as it made sense to and then when he realized that they were in more danger the less they knew he re-evaluated the situation and came to the conclusion it was better to tell them.

That's what I really like about this show: Marty DOES do the sensible thing nine times out of ten and is very good at recognizing when to cut his losses. He's treading water with a cinderblock tied around his ankles.

I also like how they're setting up the young son to be some kind of psychopath. I really hope they don't pussy out with it. I wanna see that kid do some fucked up shit.

This show gives me heavy anxiety. I really like it but I can't watch until I'm out of poverty.

I owe my landlord 3 months rent.

He does the stuff that early Walt did, before he went of the deep end. Logically and systematically works his way out of impossible situations.

every victory in the show feels "earned" and more often than not it incurs a heavy cost later. he's always buying himself and his family just a few more days. It's really good and underscores the whole theme of debt and payment. And I love Bateman and Linney in this.

Logically they all should have died within a few months, but I'm fine with looking past that.

Cartel would have brought them into Mexico and disappeared them. LE would have been none the wiser.

I still want to fuck Laura Linney even now. Probably not in a year though.

They're really only alive because of Del's greed. He should have just capped Marty right there in the warehouse but he heard about the laundering opportunity and let something happen that he shouldn't have.

I just want her to sit in my lap and fart up a storm

It's good but it relies on shock value a lot. It's good shock value, but it's a crutch.

I want her to teach Ruth lesbian techniques in front of me.

Haha what if she and Ruth had a farting contest haha

No colour grading is shit and it's all just so entirely implausible that every twist and turn in the story brings you right out of any immersion you can manage to conjour.

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