>Yea Forums suddenly hates Seagal now
What the fuck happened?
>Yea Forums suddenly hates Seagal now
What the fuck happened?
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He's a faggot hack and he legitimately thinks he "trained" Anderson Silva, who makes fun of him and imitates him behind his back.
Also thinks he invented the front kick. ALSO, he's a sexual predator but I know Yea Forums doesn't care about that.
how could anyone who's not ramzan kadyrov or putin not hate that fucking idiot
He likes Trump and Putin so the s o y i m don't like him.
Seagal has been a living joke for some time now
I remember when Seagal running was a meme
he steal every motherfucker birthday
There is nothing wrong with the way he runs.
It's a little odd. Fuck everyone though, I enjoy his movies. Great entertainment.
he's a pathetic liar and a rapist. even his best movie, under siege you can see how they had to edit around him to make his scenes watchable
That interview where he says he's on his prime is golden
>benny hill theme
closed vid
nu seagal sucks. Anything before and including under siege are fun though
No, I adore the likes of Under Siege and its sequel, Under Siege 2: Dark Territory. But he hasn't made a legit good film in years and has gone so far up his own arse it's just not funny anymore.
>delusional narcisist
>one of the original weaboos
>master of one of the most useless martial arts in the world
>paid monks so he could be recognized as a buddha
>sexual harassment record that puts Harvey Weinstein to shame
>uses a shitty toupee and pretends he has hair despite there being an entire movie where he was almost entirely balding
>thinks he is a master writter and musician despite being shit at everything he does
>runs like a little girl
>made that shitty "reality" show where he pretends he was a cop for 25 years despite there not being any evidence of him ever working with them at all
>tries to force himself into the politics of foreign countries and pretends he is besties with Putin
>literally has a harem of russian whores who have to be ready to pleasure him whenever he wants
>shit talks other action movie stars who have acomplished much more he than he could dream of
>allegedly shat his pants after being choked by Gene Lebell
Seagal is a hack fraud who likes the smell of his own farts, but I can't really say I hate the guy. He's a lovable idiot.
Reminder Steven Seagal taught Anderson Silva and Lyoto everything they know about fighting.
Anderson Silva makes fun of Seagal right to his face and Seagal doesn't even realize.
>All that shit
Did I fucking ask you for a rundown?
fuck you zoomers
fat seagal is the best
I knew I was forgetting something in my shitty greentext.
>UFC hires Seagal for marketing purposes
>our beloved narcisist has to pretend that HE was the reason the athletes won their fights
>pretends he invented the fucking front kick
>becomes a joke in the MMA community
have you seen his latest kino
Get with the times, grandad. Fat isn't in in the fighting movie genre.
him want the punani
Seagal's cinématography is beyond a mere Yea Forumspleb's comprehension
>I taught an already accomplished UFC champion how do to do a simple front kick, which I invented btw
literally who?
i turned off the alita OST for this?
he looks so tired
>He's a faggot hack
yes but in an entertaining way
He thinks he's a fighting film fan and doesn't know about Scott Adkins. The absolute STATE.
>kino god
>famous musician
>martial artist
>trillionaire actor
they're mad over not being him, that all.
Wtf hes starting to look like the Deus Ex guy
He's a Jew who is not on the libtard plantation, that's why they hate him.
This is fucking kino
Songs From The Crystal Cave was fine dad rock
well i'm sorry to hear that
My dad always hated him. He smiles everytime Executive Decision is on and you get to see him sucked out of the plane.
How many mutha fucking birthdays I gotta snatch up to find out why Richie did Bobby lupo
he converted to Judaism, and received rabbinic ordination.
His older movies were enjoyable ironically, and it seems he's not really a good person and that's known. Anons were just taking the piss when they acted like they liked him.
Isn't he a massive weeb?
Didn't he had a reality tv series where he's s cop?
Apparently he was a shitty cop and he got a dog killed.
dey tooker
He's just bored because everyone else is so slow compared to him.
>Do you remember these kinos?
No but I appreciate eating a carrot a day and Under Siege kino at least.
>What the fuck happened?
they took er
THIS movie should have won the Oscar for the most editing, not the Bohemian Rhapsody film
anyone got that gif of him dancing with those turkish women or something?
found it
>tfw there's no gif of you dancing with turkish women