Will this film be the final nail in Jacko's coffin?

Will this film be the final nail in Jacko's coffin?

Attached: trailer-leaving-neverland.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

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>Jews trying going after a dead man's legacy
Is there anything more disgusting and underhanded?

The way they went after him while he was still alive was pretty disgusting and underhanded.

He sung and dance and turned himself white and it still wasn't enough for these crackaz

hes been dead for ten years ffs, i think the final nail went into his coffin ages ago

No, each upcoming generation needs to be reminded of his crimes.

No. He was already exonerated.

This just lowers my opinion of HBO.

So no matter when they accuse him its the wrong time? Face it, your fave is problematic af

To be fair, it likely isn't HBO's fault. At least not the one we grew up with.


>shit we can't go after him raping little boys' buttholes and marrying them is secret ceremonies because a whole lotta people like his music and he's still alive

You don’t think people had a right to be suspicious, given his bizarre behavior?

Truth always wins, no matter how much the jews try they will never defeat based and redpilled Jacko

weak b8 m8

What has this new documentary actually elucidated on that hasn't been gone over? It keeps being posted like brand new info has been uncovered, and it very well might have been.

Why did MJ want to be white anyway?

One of these men is a dirty kiddie diddler. The other one is Michael Jackson.

Attached: GTY_trump_jackson_1990_jef_160219_16x9_992.jpg (992x558, 98K)

Grass is greener etc.

The surgery did help his career until it made him look like a freak in the mid 90s.

The dune coon in the back is a diddler? Whoa.

>he's a literal nonce
jacksonfag seething

He wanted to be Liz Taylor, but discord trannys weren’t a thing in the 90’s

He had a lot of self hatred because of his father, many such cases

Is there anything more disgusting than defending a pedophile?


First ever clever trump poster. And you are awarded my very first "Based"

a lot of people on tv are pedos themselves

I think a lot of the people obsessed with Pizzagate are closet pedos. If all you can think about is made-up stories child abuse than you're fucked up yourself

Prove it.

Cute, he's read his Saul Alinsky.

Sounds like a lot of new accusers have speung up, and it’s more believable now that he’s dead and can’t be milked for a settlement check.

>Hate paedophilia, child trafficking, and child sacrifice? You must be a paedophile lol
[Talmudic tricks intensify]

more like people who believe in outlandish conspiracies actually have big secrets about themselves they don't want getting out

The best evidence was that one kid who testified in court and was able to accurately describe MJ's genitals. That's all the proof I need to be convinced he fucked around with kids.

There's a difference from being concerned about it and obsessively hating and crusading against it, even when it doesn't exist. I don't know the psychology behind it but there are many, many examples. Look at all the rabidly anti-LGBT GOP politicians who end up getting caught with male prostitutes.

Oh you mean the kid from the same group that got caught being coached and had their testimonies thrown out?

Send me your source on that and I'll read it and see what I think.


You really don't think its a coincidence at all that Yea Forums, which is basically the most mainstream website on the internet where you're likely to encounter CP and pro-pedophilia propaganda, is also the most mainstream stomping ground for the alt-right?

Hell, just think of all the people who post about how its natural and God's law for them to want to fuck a fourteen year old and then defend it by saying that because they're pubescent that they aren't pedophiles.

So you're saying you're a pedo neo-nazi?

i don't think he molested the kids. But MJ was fucking asking for it, he was bound to get blackmailed with all those sleepovers in his bed, etc.

Me in the back