What's her endgame?
What's her endgame?
To become Mac Demarco
Why are women in their 30's so mean and out of the loop in terms of fashion?
government mandated HRT if you aren't progressive enough
Globalist baby post birth abortion organ harvesting for China.
Her role on the late show a couple weeks ago was amazing, she did a remarkable job depicting the overwhelming stress of an aging woman in a confused culture with disintegrating value systems so well I almost forgot she was playing a character. I can't wait until her next part.
>hit 30
>wasted time on a career instead of family
>eggs start drying up
To adopt many 5head children
Wait is that the nigger from Juno?
I'd love for her to become a lesbian progressive version of Alex Jones that was friendly with Joe Rogan.
All-female Coneheads reboot.
Is this real?
put some slap on for christs sake
Is there anything she can't do?
Reproduce naturally.
why do you think she is wearing the hat in OP?
return to her home planet
What's with dykes and them having to remind everybody that they're dykes?
Suck a dick to completion?
Ascension into manhood.
Well she could because she's a real woman, she just won't because she's selfish
Why does she wear the cap?
Literally Geena Davis on the right.
course not this is the original
Shop more eyes on like that Steve buscemi pic
Scrolling by she looks like fucking Matt Riddle.
Do you think she browses Yea Forums and is hiding her head cuz of that?
Death camps for all heterosexual white men
The mystery of Wiseau's past has been solved. It's time traveling
She looks like she tries to lure young girls into the bathroom at McDonald's
She is becoming into the bad guy from Robocop 2
Homosexuality is a mental illness, bro. Pretty much all gays, both men and women are gay either because of some deficiency they were born with or a traumatic experience. They're practically never mentally balanced and always suffer from a plethora of mental issues.
to ruin the last male fantasy based on the rape scene in super
>set out to humiliate a president
>gets dabbed on by based Brazilian
Was this IRL kino?
No wonder she hasn't gotten many roles lately.
Really makes you think. I wonder how many starlets careers dried up because they wouldn't play the pink flute?
>"I'm being ugly on purpose, get it?! Take THAT society!"
Why are leftists so cringe?
Can someone post that .webm of he forhead growing off the screen into yhe void?
Best part is he has nothing against gays apart from being catholic.
34 year old here. It's not just women. It's men too. We are just better at hiding it. Literally as soon as you get into your 30s focus on not falling into "old man shit." It's probably the last decade of your life you can make any real significant change in not becoming a jaded, bitter fuck.
This bitch is ruining Umbrella Academy for me and I'm only two episodes in
Let go user. No one hates her more than I did historically but she was pretty good in that. You are just harboring extraneous rage.
She was molested, give her a break.
Any actress would be better in the role. I mean, is it really necessary for her to dress like a dyke with her ugly plain button down shirts?
>Any actress would be better in the role
I can't agree with this. There are definitely better fits but I'd take someone with chops that I hate over someone with no chops that is visually appealing. But I'm more of a patron. To each their own.
Mac Debiopic
i thought that was moot
Replacing Ernest in the new reboot
Agreed. Almost all sexual abuse victims develop sexual dysfunction later on in life. Almost all pornstars, strippers and prostitutes have a history of early childhood sexual abuse. These people are actually victims if you think about it.
this was my first thought
Recently turned 31, and all of a sudden I'm overweight now... Really gotta do something about that.
how come i see so many women with shitty hats like that? Its like she found a hat in the street thats been run over and threw it on her big ass head.
How do we know Ellen and Micheal Cera were just trying to become each other the whole time, and their combined form is just Mac DeMarco?
Wasn't he protestant.
Just hit the gym 3 times a week and cut sugar. you don't really get fat until your 50
he's cath, his wife prot
halfway through 31. i've sat around 165 for the past 5-10 years and have fluctuated 15lbs on either side in the past 6 months. aging and quitting drinking is fucked.
goddamnit the cigarettes are next. im gonna get fat. fuck.
If you are 30+ and don't have at least a little anxiety about blood sugar you aren't going to make it. Research that shit immediately.
i missed the jussie week here
what is the 'act' meme?