Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader...

>Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the Rebel's hidden fortress.
He's right the Force kind of sucks.

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I mean I get why Vader offed him. It's one thing to confront a magic-wielding deputy dictator about poor choices or tactical decisions, it's another to mock his religion when he can kill you with a gesture.

Dude would have done some other stupid thing and cost a whole Star Destroyer in battle with his attitude.

and he was a good friend

Vader didn't kill him, he just choked him a bit to show him not to talk shit about the Sith

>Lord Vader
Why does he wear the mask?

The old Empire was just, Luke is a war criminal

So what's the response to him calling the force an ancient religion despite it being a ruling power almost 20 years ago?


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He was forced to stop by grand moff tarkin

>yfw when this has been questionable since 1977, not 1999.

>"What is it now, Darth?"
>"My master... it's just that... the admirals keep calling me Lord Gayder. I keep telling them to knock it off, but they keep doing it."
>"I've never heard any of the admirals call you that."
>"They never do it when you're in the room! They always call me Lord Vader when you're around, but then as soon as you leave they start calling me Lord Gayder again."
>"Well, I can't punish anyone if I don't see it. You understand how that wouldn't be fair to the admirals, right?"
>"I guess so..."
>"Look, just try not to let it bother you. Is there anything else?"

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Why did he have to be such a dick about it though? And the force probably could have given him clairvoyance to find the Rebel's hidden fortress

>ancient religion
>literally would have been alive when the jedi were parading around the galaxy as republic army officers and had a massive fucking temple on Coruscant

Lucas was a visionary genius, the sequels are bad therefore the prequels are great.

This line has always stuck out like a sore thumb, but who woulda thought it looks good compared to the FIRST ORDAHHHH ginger speech

That's something that's always bugged me. The OT portrayed the jedi like some secret society very few in numbers that most people thought was just a myth like the illuminati. But then the prequels come out and there are fucktons of jedis and they're basically an entire branch of the galactic government and walk around coruscant like decorated military officers.

It was still an ancient religion then. The Empire was created in a military coup against a corrupt religious theocracy. I assume the Empire was then ruled as a marshal aristocracy with a higher ranking officer class in the Empire ruling over it's territories.

They were in exile in the OT

>Atheist says Christianity and Islam are dumb and ancient despite them being religions many follow today
Simple, the Force as a religion started millenia ago in the SW Universe

When someone says "ancient religion" in that context, the implication is that it's extinct. When you say ancient religion, people are going to think of things like the ancient greek or egyptian gods or something, not modern religions, even though pretty much all modern religions would be classified as ancient to some degree or another.

The OT portrayed the Jedi as the guardians of peace in the old republic who Darth Vader hunted down before the Empire was established.
They were said to be generals and great star pilots in the Clone Wars.
They used a sidearm called a lightsaber.
They got their power from the Force.

What exactly is contradictory?

>What the fuck is an Aluminium Falcon?!

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I took it as an intentional slight against the Jedi, as I imagine most of those men are vindictive against the old republic and the Jedi, belittling them whenever they can. They were at a very significant meeting discussing the extinction of the last remnants of the republic and the formal domination of the Empire as the single ruling power in the galaxy. I'm sure those officers were feeling arrogant and powerful in that moment.

>Fuck tons of Jedi
10 thousand Jedi in a galaxy of 100 quadrillion people
There are about 500 more of you per person on earth than there are Jedi in the Star Wars galaxy during the Prequels.

and fuck niggers

This. The OT is basically al-Quaida propaganda

*500 times

>that other officer who points out their vulnerability
>everyone ignores him and gets sidetracked by petty personal bullshit
it's a failure of leadership by all involved

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I mean, a big part of the movie is the conflict between mystical powers championed by Vader and Luke and the power of hyper advanced industrial technology championed by the Empire military

>He's right the Force kind of sucks.

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>1.7 million military personnel and 400,000 droids
And the rebels are the good guys?
Imagine being a fucking janitor there and being fucking vapourized despite doing nothing.

Doesn't matter, they were in the highest echelons of power, and publicly so, acting as a branch of the galactic government as well as the main military commanders of the galactic army

The force didn't make the X-wing or the proton torpedoes that destroyed the death star

Check-mate jediboos

>Not using the origianl footage

An hero

oh yeah it was that other guy vader killed over skype

>'But Master!'
>'And stop calling me Butt Master! '

why didn't they just start the trench run at the end

>Yfw you realise the Jedi temple was basically the Vatican

George is basically saying fuck the pope.

why didn't Veers just hyperspace ram his ATAT into hoth

>1.7 million military personnel
And yet they were only able to send like 10 fighters to fight the rebels that destroyed it.

The Deathstarcaust is a hoax spread by the Empire which is controlled by the ((Sith)), only like 40 imperial officers and 500 Stormtroopers died there.

there was also a section built for civilians.

why didn't the Wampa just eat Luke right away?

It wanted to rape him first

A guy makes a valid point on this in Clerks: even if you’re an independent contractor, you know the risks and who you’re working for when you take the contract. It’s just part of the job. At best, they were just empire stooges outright, and at worst, they were knowingly agreeing to work for a despotic and tyrannical government on their own free will. No sympathy for them.

Something about drawing fire from the laser turrets and engaging scrambled fighters to protect the people doing the run. They were sitting ducks during the trench run, but also protected from the static defenses. Why would they fly across all that enemy fire when they had a trench to hide in?

Don't forget about that AU in which Yoda crashed the death star onto coruscant.

What did the empire do wrong actually? Did they oppress the general population besides their hunt for the rebels? Bad tax policy? Pro-slavery?

>futuristic technology
>still using tapes

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>you know what? Fuck you vader. And that fucking dildo of a hat you wear. Cocksucker.

>working for your government who rules almost everything makes you bad

Nothing in the OT contradicts that. Han just doesn't believe that there's a unifying energy that connects all living beings.
There's a Pope in Vatican, and there still are people that don't buy into some jew turning water into wine.

Exactly. No one ever says 'The Jedi didn't exist'. They say 'The Jedi were charlatans that used magic tricks to convince people they had power'

>fucking millenials
but you still get your (you) kek